I don't see why not to take testosterone



Aug 17, 2022
Reasons why I am considering injecting 250mg of Test from a medically supervised TRT clinic - in no particular order (early 30's naturally athletic male)

From what I've read, test is highly safe and has no sides if done responsibly

If test came with a 20% chance of random sides no matter how responsible you were, I would understand the stigma behind it and wouldn't take them

From a physical standpoint - if i could mog 99..9 percent of my peers and will ultimately increase my chance of finding a wife - why wouldnt I?

On top of that, all reports say it has profound mental effects and cures male depression - something I have struggled with in the past

Even post steroids, if PCT is correct you'll retain 50 percent of gains and WILL be permanently much bigger and overall look better for the rest of your life

Thoughts? Anyone here juice? Should I juice?

Anything at all? Thanks bois
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Testosterone is very rarely a faked product. Even when you buy online from steroid shops it's still real and the same Testosterone as if it were from a TRT clinic.

So the fact it's from a TRT clinic doesn't really make a difference bro

You only need to worry about fake products if it's HGH. HGH is a product that often is faked

The reason is HGH is very expensive to produce while Testosterone is very cheap to produce
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Yeah there's literally no downside if you're a healthy individual.

Every man on earth is going to benefit from TRT at some point in their life, so if you want to have the best quality of life as possible, it becomes a question of *when* and not a question of *if*. Makes the decision a lot easier.

But yeah, 250mg is not "TRT" lol.
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I inject Testosterone

300 mg a week
Yeah there's literally no downside if you're a healthy individual.

Every man on earth is going to benefit from TRT at some point in their life, so if you want to have the best quality of life as possible, it becomes a question of *when* and not a question of *if*. Makes the decision a lot easier.

But yeah, 250mg is not "TRT" lol.

You mean 250 mg is not a TRT dose? I think it's a common dose in TRT. I recently read some study article where they used 200 mg as a TRT dose and it tripled the patients testosterone levels
TRT levels of testosterone is fine.
You mean 250 mg is not a TRT dose? I think it's a common dose in TRT. I recently read some study article where they used 200 mg as a TRT dose and it tripled the patients testosterone levels
Yeah, 250mg is not a TRT dose :LOL:.
TRT literally means within the physiological range, so obviously you'd aim for the upper normal.
If someone doesn't blast past the physiological range on 250MG they would be a shit responder lol.
  • Hmm...
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How long? Do you recommend I try a cycle?

I been doing it for 1 month

I recommend you start Injecting Testosterone forever for the rest of your life bro not just one cycle

The natural average levels in 2022 are ridiculously low. Our grandfathers had 3 times higher Testosterone than us. What's considered "normal T levels" nowadays would be considered very low levels in our grandfathers generation
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Yeah, 250mg is not a TRT dose :LOL:.
TRT literally means within the physiological range, so obviously you'd aim for the upper normal.
If someone doesn't blast past the physiological range on 250MG they would be a shit responder lol.

Wait are you saying 250 mg is a low dose or a high dose?
I been doing it for 1 month

I recommend you start Injecting Testosterone forever for the rest of your life bro not just one cycle

The natural average levels in 2022 are ridiculously low. Our grandfathers had 3 times higher Testosterone than us. What's considered "normal T levels" nowadays would be considered very low levels in our grandfathers generation
How are the mental effects? That is another reason I want to try it
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How are the mental effects? That is another reason I want to try it

Mental well being on Testosterone is 10/10

You also get a lot more attention/attraction from women on Testosterone. This is because of the increased pheromone secretion
  • JFL
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Wait are you saying 250 mg is a low dose or a high dose?
It's a very high dose.
150-200mg would be more appropriate.
Obviously you want to stick to a dose and get bloods and see where it puts you.
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  • JFL
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With above being said, reference levels on what's considered physiological have been dropped over the past years simply due to the fact that the average normal testosterone production among men world wide has been dropping.
They also vary a bit between different labs/clinics/countries.
Here's an example:
I would if it didn’t bloat your face like a balloon.
How are the mental effects? That is another reason I want to try it
You feel "normal", that's literally what it does.
If you're going from significant low levels, obviously your sense of improvement would increase dramatically to someone who was pretty "average" but decided to TRT anyways.
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Yeah there's literally no downside if you're a healthy individual.
Infertility is one issue for me tbh.

Look into taking hcg with it if you have any plans of kids in the future.
Infertility is one issue for me tbh.

Look into taking hcg with it if you have any plans of kids in the future.
Sure if you want kids.
But as you said, you can just hop on some HCG if/when you want to have children.
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Sure if you want kids.
But as you said, you can just hop on some HCG if/when you want to have children.
long term testosterone use causes Leydig cell damage. that means once you go on TRT, if you ever decide to come off then your natural production will not ever be quite as high. And its not as simple as just taking HCG, if you are a guy on TRT for 5+ years and then take HCG there is a good chance you will have a low sperm count due to leydig cell damage
long term testosterone use causes Leydig cell damage. that means once you go on TRT, if you ever decide to come off then your natural production will not ever be quite as high. And its not as simple as just taking HCG, if you are a guy on TRT for 5+ years and then take HCG there is a good chance you will have a low sperm count due to leydig cell damage
Bruh, literally the entire point of TRT is to never come off.
Bruh, literally the entire point of TRT is to never come off.
my point is that leydig cell damage through TRT can affect fertility and sperm count even with HCG
Taking test for 5 years now at 250mg per month without blast and cruise. The best decision of my life
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my point is that leydig cell damage through TRT can affect fertility and sperm count even with HCG
Yeah that's fair.
from my PoV, that's just a blessing and something I never even thought about, as I never want kids lol.
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Taking test for 5 years now at 250mg per month without blast and cruise. The best decision of my life
Could you say something about what exactly changed?

btw, do you see a big difference in the esters? In terms of bloat, does it make a big difference if you take enanthate, propionate or whatever? There are different opinions about it
- Facial aging
- Hairloss
- Bloating
- You can destroy your own production and need trt for life.
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  • JFL
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It's a very high dose.
150-200mg would be more appropriate.
Obviously you want to stick to a dose and get bloods and see where it puts you.

The issue I'm scared of is that if I get blood test while on Testosterone that the test would look suspicious because my Testosterone levels would be above 2000 ng/dl and my LH (lutenizing hormone) would be very low same as that of a steroid user. I'm worried to take blood test cause im scared that the doctor will report me to police if they see that I have the levels of a steroid user. Considering since it's illegal to inject Testosterone/steroids
  • JFL
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The issue I'm scared of is that if I get blood test while on Testosterone that the test would look suspicious because my Testosterone levels would be above 2000 ng/dl and my LH (lutenizing hormone) would be very low same as that of a steroid user. I'm worried to take blood test cause im scared that the doctor will report me to police if they see that I have the levels of a steroid user. Considering since it's illegal to inject Testosterone/steroids
Just get bloods done at a private lab lol.
Infertility is one issue for me tbh.

Look into taking hcg with it if you have any plans of kids in the future.

Hcg resets your ball function immediately after taking it
The issue I'm scared of is that if I get blood test while on Testosterone that the test would look suspicious because my Testosterone levels would be above 2000 ng/dl and my LH (lutenizing hormone) would be very low same as that of a steroid user. I'm worried to take blood test cause im scared that the doctor will report me to police if they see that I have the levels of a steroid user. Considering since it's illegal to inject Testosterone/steroids
Jfl @ this shit, body builders do blood test every fucking week without any issues, just tell them you're preparing for mr.olympia :forcedsmile:
Look into taking hcg with it if you have any plans of kids in the future.
Even if you don't, you should still take it to preserve your natural production in case you go to jail or something.
You will not mog 99% of people just by injecting some test lmao. Go on steroid forums and you will see many bloated sub 5s. Injecting will give you an advantage but it will also come with sides.

As long as you are LEAN with some muscle then anything more is going to be useless for women attracting
You will not mog 99% of people just by injecting some test lmao. Go on steroid forums and you will see many bloated sub 5s. Injecting will give you an advantage but it will also come with sides.

As long as you are LEAN with some muscle then anything more is going to be useless for women attracting
Im aleady in way better shape than my peers Lol, if I hop on the juice I will def mog 99.9
Im aleady in way better shape than my peers Lol, if I hop on the juice I will def mog 99.9

If youre already in shape then testosterone wont have much more affect unless by "in shape" you mean you are just puny
If youre already in shape then testosterone wont have much more affect unless by "in shape" you mean you are just puny
youre literally clueless
> gets on test and improves mental health and libido
> starts balding
> gets on fin to stop balding and nukes dht
> has shit mental health and libido
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I'm 16 and I've been injecting 300 mg of Test E that was brewed in some romanian guy's bathtub for the last 2 months and you're too scared to start pharma grade trt at 30? JFL.
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> gets on test and improves mental health and libido
> starts balding
> gets on fin to stop balding and nukes dht
> has shit mental health and libido
test + fin wont be that bad compared to natty + fin

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