I feel sick

cope, u not seen how easy women have it? there’s definitely women like this and they’re all telling the truth.

Cuck, how can you even say this?

Some are larps for sure. There are so many fucked up self hating men it's insane. But yeah women do think that way.
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Some are larps for sure. There are so many fucked up self hating men it's insane. But yeah women do think that way.
what u mean by so many fucjed up self hating men? u mean they r larping as women on that sub or they are self hating for being cucks paying for dates etc
That's your arguments? Pretty weak tbh.

How I can say this? Because I had to live with all kinds of men and realized that most humans in general are assholes and not the holy saints they pretend to be. Doing everything for a woman just to fuck her isn't any better than having men pay for dinner if the very same men are doing it for the former reason - to fuck these women. So they deserve it.

We're all manipulative. Many men have just lowered their standards so much (not only lookswise) that they need less in return to feel as good as a women after a threesome with 8 psl Chads while having a husband who pays for everything, including the hotel room fee where that gangbang took place, without even knowing it.

Humans take what they can get and the more that is the more they reveal their true nature - greedy, selfish, manipulative and dishonest. Both men and women. These are evolutionary traits, so I'm not judging here. It's just our nature.

Inb4 "cuck", " kys, faggot", "beta" etc., I don't care about anything but the pure truth, no matter how bitter it might be. Btw, I don't exclude myself from anything that I said here. Deep inside, I'm just as greedy, selfish, manipulative and dishonest as all of you are. And I'm cool with that. Now hate on me, guys.
Exactly. These retards don't realize that if they were Chad they'd be fucking a girl (hence increasing their n count) every Friday night.
Wtf is manipulative about rejecting girls? It is literally the idea of one giving someone a taste of their own medicine.

Plus when we reject girls we dont want to date it isnt on us. We are just not interested in them and most guys make that clear early on.

But what these women do is using guys they are not interested in who are clearly interested in them for money and free dinners to just ghost them afterwards, which is disgusting.

Noone is actually angry about women rejecting ugly guys based on looks, its nature. Guys do the same thing to girls but atleast we dont try to scam the shit out of their resources and use them.
Looksmaxxing to make women interested in the first place is (manipulative) - not rejection afterwards. That's what I meant. But still a great response.

The second highlighted section is another good point. But as I previously said - if men had the same options and received the same amount of validation as women, they would behave at least just as bad. Also, it's still somehow ingrained in many men's and females' heads that it was socially acceptible that men would pay for women. Why? Because it's been like that for centuries, for much longer than feminism has been existing. So this kind of "abuse" is more likely to be played by women than by men. It's easier for them to get away with.
We’ve spoke about this on a previous thread retard, I seen u on lookism, post some bug eyed arab and how you would beat him up if he passed u in the street. I then said this to you in another thread and you started acting toxic, don’t play manipulation with me
I’m pointing out what happened in this thread. I’ve said zero racist things then you’ve made racist comments as a rebuttal and called me a racist. You’re a hypocrite with no sentience.

I don’t even remember and it doesn’t matter what was said in the past. You’re still wrong in this thread. I said I’d beat up some bug eyed Arab in the street? Jfl I wouldn’t say that for no reason. You’re delusional and just read what you wanna read it seems like.
I’m pointing out what happened in this thread. I’ve said zero racist things then you’ve made racist comments as a rebuttal and called me a racist. You’re a hypocrite with no sentience.

I don’t even remember and it doesn’t matter what was said in the past. You’re still wrong in this thread. I said I’d beat up some bug eyed Arab in the street? Jfl I wouldn’t say that for no reason. You’re delusional and just read what you wanna read it seems like.
doesn’t matter? jfl it’s not like distant past retard, i brought it up in another thread last week and you were making fun of he situation
doesn’t matter? jfl it’s not like distant past retard, i brought it up in another thread last week and you were making fun of he situation
Not a racist bone in my body

Racism is a crime, and crime is a thing of the nlggers
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