I figured out why curries are so ugly

Brutal tbhngl
The reason is because most curries are vegetarian.

They don't eat meat or chew on hard foods in their growth stages or even in adulthood. Their bones don't really develop well, that's why they have bad harmony and ratios mostly.
This is why their lower thirds aren't wide, compared to most westerners.

The exception to this is the dark skinned poor dalits, who actually have good bones and ratios, but they are poor, manlets, malnourished and twinks with no education.
Chads can be full of poverty and still have bones because of dna. Environment at puberty theory is debunked bro
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What do you mean they are not fully curry? Their biggest ethnic group is punjabi which is also in northern India. Most Bollywood actors are punjabi even
The Indians in modern day Pakistan during the Middle Ages were conquered by non ethnically Indian Sultans of Muslim origins that mixed into the gene pool causing them to have lighter features
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1546 and Deleted member 1751
It's because of their bigonial - bizygomatic ratio.


As you can with this curry his lower third is too wide and his orbital rims are very small in proportion to it. This makes him a typical unattractive curry. Yes.^^^


^^^ Curries would say this man is white, but you can tell he is Indian because his lower part of the face is so wide and while his orbital rims are very small and non protruding. It looks like a european face on a head that's too big for it. ^^^


^^ Here's Zayn Malik, a half curry, you can see his lower third is smaller in proportion to his upper third (zygos / orbital rims). This makes him attractive. He is one of the few attractive curries that exist on this planet. ^^


^^ As you can see, this homosexual lightskin almost looks like a curry on paper but he doesn't because his lower third is normal sized and his cheekbones/orbital rims are huge. ^^

I have finally cracked the code to curries. Even rices have bigger orbital rims/zygos. It's over for them, there is no surgery for this.



View attachment 238251

How to fix it?
Pakis were conquered by non ethnically Indian people of Muslim origins that mixed into the gene pool causing them to have lighter features
Lol i like when Pakis and Northies associate themselves from other Indians by saying that they are different from others because of muh Aryan invasion or muh Turkish invasion. But in west, they don't see any difference. You might get asked if you are a Arab but that's it
JFL at posting someone that’s at the top 1% of arabs. And you’re talking about south curries
He's not an Arab Chad. Alexander Uloom is an Arab Chad
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off subject, but it's funny when two Pakis get into an argument

Chads can be full of poverty and still have bones because of dna. Environment at puberty theory is debunked bro
From what I have seen, it isn't the case.

It's always the curries that are dark skinned construction workers who chew kharra/tobacco and eat mutton very often, who are facially developed. Or else, the white skinned rich vegetarian Brahmans who have downward growth and are mostly fat.
  • +1
Reactions: GuyFromSingapore and Deleted member 1751
From what I have seen, it isn't the case.

It's always the curries that are dark skinned construction workers who chew kharra/tobacco and eat mutton very often, who are facially developed. Or else, the white skinned rich vegetarian Brahmans who have downward growth and are mostly fat.
Construction worker chad theory
  • JFL
Reactions: john2
they are also the most attractive
Strong cope, cumskins are vomit inducing subhumans.
How to fix it?

Lol i like when Pakis and Northies associate themselves from other Indians by saying that they are different from others because of muh Aryan invasion or muh Turkish invasion. But in west, they don't see any difference. You might get asked if you are a Arab but that's it

He's not an Arab Chad. Alexander Uloom is an Arab Chad
Doesn't matter if cucks cannot tell the difference, there is a strong genetic difference between non-Punjabis of Pakistan and Punjabis of Pakistan and India.
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Yeah and curries are mostly skinnyfat and they have high bloat faces unlike white people

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