i find it funny how you guys are bashing and making fun of normies, but not realizing you are personifiying the fucking normies you laugh at

subhuman incel

subhuman incel

Dec 21, 2019
legit everyone on this forum thinks he is better than normies. i see it all the time and everywhere. its an inferiority complex. you guys are compensating, you guys are lacking in something, be it in looks, personality, money, status, nt-ness, friends, family, confidence, you guys feel shit about yourself and project this onto other normies. but guess what, normies do exactly that, they feel shit cause they got mogged by chads, rich or high status guys and then proceed to bully inels and low status males to feel better about themselves. and that exactly 99% of this forum. you guys speak, act, think, laugh, joke, breathe, walk, talk exactly every fucking normie i meet irl, you are no different. stop acting like you are above them intellectuall, iq-wise, personalitywise or lookswise. you are not. you are on the same level on them. get over it. they also know about looksmaxxing, nt-maxxing, social mediamaxxing, fraudmaxxing, moneymaxxing, statusmaxxing. you are competing against normies with same mentality.

"im the only non-normie on this site and will find ways that no normie has ever thought of and mog all of these loser normies" literally every normie every on and off this site. stop the fucking cope.
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@vanilla @Thompsonz @Amnesia @ArvidGustavsson @DoctorLooksmax @germanlooks @LooksOverAll @LooksOrDeath @Bitch @forevergymcelling @StreegeReturn @Toth's thot @Nameless_Sunflower @Gargantuan @volcelfatcel @oldvirgin @GandyIsNormie @Preston
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Yep, everyone here is a typical normie sheep. Nobody is "above" them in any way mentally except for me and a few others who believe in God, Jesus Christ, and free will.
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Yeah very legit

So many people here have some main character syndrome like ‘Muh- I’m so special and different’
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difficult to read cuz of the uppercase letters bro just give tldr
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hard to read since sentences start with lowercase letters
i skipped middle school and high school never learned about this shit @Thomp
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True 98% of you bitches are normies. As a 40 yo virgin, however, I guess I can legitimately claim that I am NOT a normie at all. Because everyone else is having their first sex at like 14. Being a virgin at 40 means I am holding the high and noble title of a wizard 🧙‍♂️. I have gained powers that all you normies can only dream about.
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put it perfectly :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: before niggers found this site they were "normies".

Then same niggas here spend 5 years looksmaxxing, only to go from Low tier normie to High tier normie :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

fucking brutal. if your starting point is not HTN or chadlite at minimum, just escortmaxx. would be less expensive than surgery :feelshaha:
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put it perfectly :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: before niggers found this site they were "normies".

Then same niggas here spend 5 years looksmaxxing, only to go from Low tier normie to High tier normie :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

fucking brutal. if your starting point is not HTN or chadlite at minimum, just escortmaxx. would be less expensive than surgery :feelshaha:

Most go from sub human tier normie to low tier normie.
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My grandiosity is only logical
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OP is low IQ and doesn't understand what 'normies' are.

A 'normie' is simply any non-chad that isn't blackpilled. Sexually speaking, there isn't actually such a thing as a 'normie'. There are just chads and non-chads. Maybe chadlites are their own sub-category but that's it.

Truth be told, even the term 'incel' is bullshit. Most normies are also incels in the sense that they can't get sex with women that want to fuck them. They're just barely superior enough to true incels that women are willing to tolerate them for betabucks. But even then they don't actually want to be with them. They just use them.

Normies are hated on blackpill forums because they're a bunch of faggots who think they are vastly superior to incels when in reality they're just barely a step up. It's sort of like comparing the difference between an ape and a human with 60 IQ. Is it a step up? Yes. By much? No.

Chad > 60 IQ human ('normie') > Ape ('incel')

In other words...

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high IQ post
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True 98% of you bitches are normies. As a 40 yo virgin, however, I guess I can legitimately claim that I am NOT a normie at all. Because everyone else is having their first sex at like 14. Being a virgin at 40 means I am holding the high and noble title of a wizard 🧙‍♂️. I have gained powers that all you normies can only dream about.
31 year old incel checking in :feelsgood:

(well semi-incel, not technically a virgin but I've only 'scored' 2 whales)
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Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires, Deleted member 3828 and subhuman incel
OP is low IQ and doesn't understand what 'normies' are.

A 'normie' is simply any non-chad that isn't blackpilled. Sexually speaking, there isn't actually such a thing as a 'normie'. There are just chads and non-chads. Maybe chadlites are their own sub-category but that's it.

Truth be told, even the term 'incel' is bullshit. Most normies are also incels in the sense that they can't get sex with women that want to fuck them. They're just barely superior enough to true incels that women are willing to tolerate them for betabucks. But even then they don't actually want to be with them. They just use them.

Normies are hated on blackpill forums because they're a bunch of faggots who think they are vastly superior to incels when in reality they're just barely a step up. It's sort of like comparing the difference between an ape and a human with 60 IQ. Is it a step up? Yes. By much? No.

Chad > 60 IQ human ('normie') > Ape ('incel')

In other words...

when i was writing this thread, i was thinking about you and how well this essay describes you. you 31y old male with hardly any female experience teaching other incels/normies how the dating world works and what attracts females. its like someone who failed to get physcics degree teaching physics to others, nigga u dont even understand the subject and failed at it, how are u supposed to teach the subject to others? fix your own life first, maybe then your opinion is worth something. you think the average normie outside irl is dumb af. you always belittle and dismiss and despise them, like theyre some sort of 60iq sheep monkey that cant think by themselves and only follows orders/guides from other people without questioning anything. when in reality a normie is quite smart and has an identity and can able to think rationally and analyze siutations and have their own opinion. u underestimate normies and put them wodn to feel better about yourself. YOU ARE THE DEFINITION OF A NORMiE WITHOUT REALIZING IT, YOU ARE THE PERFECT EXAMPLE OF A NORMIE WHO PROJCETS HIS INSECURITIES ONTO OTHERS. the average normie has a decent love life cause they understand the dating market and how they stand in it. you are not that smart like you think, spewing some obscure theories and made up hypothesis and spexulations doesnt make u smart or stand out. YOU ARE A NORMIE, DEAL WITH IT

@Thompsonz @vanilla @Nameless_Sunflower
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Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.
It matters that you don't just give up.
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Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires, Deleted member 3828 and subhuman incel
Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.
It matters that you don't just give up.
I like anime
I wonder what it's like in isekai as main character:feelsthink:
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when i was writing this thread, i was thinking about you and how well this essay describes you. you 31y old male with hardly any female experience teaching other incels/normies how the dating world works and what attracts females. its like someone who failed to get physcics degree teaching physics to others
Utterly failed comparison.

90+% of married normies have literally zero idea how female nature works. 'Experience' means nothing in this case. They get screwed over by blatantly exploitative women and think it's all normal. They literally can't wrap their head around the idea that women only treat THEM like garbage but not chad. They think most of the things the women do to them is just 'normal'. It isn't.

I'm sorry but the average normie has a fucking shit existence. It's only marginally better compared to incels and in some ways it's actually even worse since incels don't have to worry about being divorce raped, paying child support for chad's kids, etc. The fact that a growing number of normies are also now starting to use incel as an insult suggests they're insecure and desperate to make them stand out from the 'losers'.

Sorry but you're an absolutely epic coper. Normies are every bit as fucking sub-human as blackpillers make them out to be.
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Dnr babowski mogs
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Utterly failed comparison.

90+% of married normies have literally zero idea how female nature works. 'Experience' means nothing in this case. They get screwed over by blatantly exploitative women and think it's all normal. They literally can't wrap their head around the idea that women only treat THEM like garbage but not chad. They think most of the things the women do to them is just 'normal'. It isn't.

I'm sorry but the average normie has a fucking shit existence. It's only marginally better compared to incels and in some ways it's actually even worse since incels don't have to worry about being divorce raped, paying child support for chad's kids, etc. The fact that a growing number of normies are also now starting to use incel as an insult suggests they're insecure and desperate to make them stand out from the 'losers'.

Sorry but you're an absolutely epic coper. Normies are every bit as fucking sub-human as blackpillers make them out to be.
bro is so stuffy when you here, open the window

you are so fucking dumb better off yourself, dont try to argue with young and ambitious lads. they have so much in front of them, life will make em wise enough
you cant know shit behind your computer
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Utterly failed comparison.

90+% of married normies have literally zero idea how female nature works. 'Experience' means nothing in this case. They get screwed over by blatantly exploitative women and think it's all normal. They literally can't wrap their head around the idea that women only treat THEM like garbage but not chad. They think most of the things the women do to them is just 'normal'. It isn't.

I'm sorry but the average normie has a fucking shit existence. It's only marginally better compared to incels and in some ways it's actually even worse since incels don't have to worry about being divorce raped, paying child support for chad's kids, etc. The fact that a growing number of normies are also now starting to use incel as an insult suggests they're insecure and desperate to make them stand out from the 'losers'.

Sorry but you're an absolutely epic coper. Normies are every bit as fucking sub-human as blackpillers make them out to be.
@TheBlunderYears tell him
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Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.
It matters that you don't just give up.
I think I'm getting blue balls. I had sex the other night but my balls have been hurting this late evening deep down here in Antarctica. Because that's where I live. That's where I'm typing this comment from. Anyway, yeah, balls are hurting. And I don't jerk off. So. Of course, I'll find out later, which would be morning for some of you, because I'm in the Antarctica and time is different down here. But yeah, will have sex later. Ngl. Fr.
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Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.
It matters that you don't just give up.
Srs. What do you suggest for blue balls? Man to man.

Select your choice from the options below:

a) rub it out.
b) jerk it off
c) penetrate a wet vagina, which will get wetter after the penis is inserted into the vagina, then release the sperm into the flooded vagina.
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no you dont understand, which surprises me
normies= :bluepill: losers that gaslighted us all our lives, just like foids, with muh "personality" and other bs that makes me :sick: in 2022 tbh
normies, also= NT, and NOT autistic, aspie, agora phobia or whatever else mental ilnesses we here have (and we DO, like 90%+ of the forum....im not joking)
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Yep, everyone here is a typical normie sheep. Nobody is "above" them in any way mentally except for me and a few others who believe in God, Jesus Christ, and free will.
i cant deal with this bitch

first it was height, then average .org user is htn, then moneymaxxing, then he tried to act like a low iq ape to be nt, now hes a christcuck

most autistic user ever, autists have a single thing they hyperfocus on for a period of time
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i cant deal with this bitch

first it was height, then average .org user is htn, then moneymaxxing, then he tried to act like a low iq ape to be nt, now hes a christcuck

most autistic user ever, autists have a single thing they hyperfocus on for a period of time
i think he is just bored and got nothing else to do tbh, he seems pretty nt to me, he is just ugly or not goodlooking enough to get laid at parties/clubs, he is just letting his anger out in his form and way,
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i think he is just bored and got nothing else to do tbh, he seems pretty nt to me, he is just ugly or not goodlooking enough to get laid at parties/clubs, he is just letting his anger out in his form and way,
if hes bored he should just buy a ps5 and gaslight kids on fortnite instead of having us suffer his shitty posts

nah hes not NT, he has a whole ensemble of larping personas made for this forum, legit identitycrisiscel
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another shit thread from a subhuman incel
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i cant deal with this bitch

first it was height, then average .org user is htn, then moneymaxxing, then he tried to act like a low iq ape to be nt, now hes a christcuck

most autistic user ever, autists have a single thing they hyperfocus on for a period of time
correct breaking bad GIF

How Dare You Reaction GIF by Bounce

Most autistic user here
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correct breaking bad GIF

How Dare You Reaction GIF by Bounce

Most autistic user here
I'm one of the only NT person here. Muh autism when I'm in the studio all night with millionaires and winners.
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Maybe chadlites are their own sub-category but that's it.
Normies and below = incels
Chadlites = LTR copers
Chads = main characters of this world
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butthurt retarded normie thread #567303
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butthurt retarded normie thread #567303
no its the exact opposite , i am defending normies u meet irl and bashing the losers on this forum making fun of them

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