I finished creating my maxillary face puller! Thanks @copeandrope

Deleted member 2012

Deleted member 2012

Jun 10, 2019
Following this guide https://looksmax.org/threads/how-to-pull-your-maxilla-forward-definitive-guide.45691/
By @CopeAndRope I just finished creating my very own maxilla puller:

13CA40BE D32B 44BE BBED 76BD85A57BB5
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: MentalistKebab, Deleted member 1100, ChoSeungHui and 10 others
Deserved bump because he's not LDARing like 90% of this site, but actually working to improve his looks.
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  • Love it
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 30283, Chadlitecel, Deleted member 2621 and 7 others
inb4 it fucks up his teeth and face
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Reactions: Ruby
looks like a trebuchet bro but hope it works dawg

  • JFL
Reactions: UsernameRequired and CopeAndRope
Great. Now check into the nearest insane asylum
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  • JFL
Reactions: DidntRead, Dude420, toolateforme and 3 others
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Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer and Deleted member 2486
Problems @cocainecowboy ?
  • JFL
Reactions: DidntRead and Deleted member 2486
looks like a fucking torture device. I hope you can document your transformation fully bro
  • +1
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Don’t rip your mouth out now
just imagine ur mom walking in to you doing this
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Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
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Reactions: Dogs and 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Hello Mr Edison II
  • +1
Reactions: CopeAndRope
just imagine ur mom walking in to you doing this
I walked in front of my entire family wearing this. They were fucking confused. I don't give a fuck. The price of ascension is nothing compared to the price of rotting into sub-humanity forever.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Incoming, Deleted member 3635, Catawampus and 2 others
I dont really know if this shit is gonna work. Is this better than getting double jaw?
do you have braces for both jaws ? or only upper palate ?

Both would be interesting tbh ngl
Document and update your results please. How old are you also?
Document and update your results please. How old are you also?
Will do. 18
do you have braces for both jaws ? or only upper palate ?

Both would be interesting tbh ngl
Only upper palate. Just like mewing, the force is applied on just the maxilla and the lower jaw follows.
Is this better than getting double jaw?
I mean... the final result is supposedly the same. Realistically though I don't actually expect it to give me as much forward growth as a lefort II would. But anything is better than nothing, I will be grateful with any improvement.

Also, I had my dentist agree to giving me a lefort II but she said that since my bite is perfect first they'd have to extract 2 teeth and then I'd have to wear braces for a full year to create an overbite and then do the surgery. And likely I'd have to wear braces after the surgery too. Taking into consideration all of this time that I will look immensely subhuman in my prime time, not to mention the recovery from the surgery. I decided that I would give a chance to this unorthodox method, because after carefully analysing it, it really makes sense and should work.
Will do. 18

Only upper palate. Just like mewing, the force is applied on just the maxilla and the lower jaw follows.

I mean... the final result is supposedly the same. Realistically though I don't actually expect it to give me as much forward growth as a lefort II would. But anything is better than nothing, I will be grateful with any improvement.

Also, I had my dentist agree to giving me a lefort II but she said that since my bite is perfect first they'd have to extract 2 teeth and then I'd have to wear braces for a full year to create an overbite and then do the surgery. And likely I'd have to wear braces after the surgery too. Taking into consideration all of this time that I will look immensely subhuman in my prime time, not to mention the recovery from the surgery. I decided that I would give a chance to this unorthodox method, because after carefully analysing it, it really makes sense and should work.
yeah prime age is the most important. whats the point good looking in 30s
yeah prime age is the most important. whats the point good looking in 30s
I mean, I still want to look good in my 30s, hell, 40s even but past that time I think I will actually just say fuck it and accept the wall
  • +1
Reactions: toolateforme
Are you currently getting the infra-oral appliance made ? This is my current biggest issue to completing the device. I think I am just going to get the acrylic, silicone, and facebow myself to piece it together if I cannot find an ortho laboratory willing to make this for me in the next week
ortho laboratory willing to make this for me
just call all of them in your city, I had to call 3 before I found one that was willing to do it
  • +1
Reactions: TylerDurden
Are you still using it?
what happened with these experiments???
i thought the home made facepuller is legit :feelsgood: :feelsgood: :feelsgood:
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7173
what happened with these experiments???
i thought the home made facepuller is legit :feelsgood: :feelsgood: :feelsgood:
It's not. Jfl if you think you can slowly move bone
  • JFL
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