I finished squid game S2 - final verdict {SPOILER WARNING} - MEGA THREAD!

Honestly, second season's story would've probably been better if MC(Gi Hun) didn't join the game again. Btw, it's kinda strange how Gi Hun doesn't have PTSD about the game despite he was traumatised in first season and barely made it alive.
Idk tbh it’s just shit story writing. Yh he has some ptsd but he still decided to rejoin the games for some reason, shit makes no sense.

And yeh would’ve 10000% been better if he didn’t join it again and instead it’s a completely new cast to retain the shock value

I genuinely have no clue why he would 1. Not only rejoin but 2. Spoil what’s gonna happen for us and the characters in the show lol (RLGL). I thought it would’ve made sense for them not to do that. Genuinely just absolute dogshit writing.
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I liked it kinda. Ending was bad and I started to lose interest in watching it while watching. Season 1 was better for sure.
Nah it was horrendous. Only ep 1 was very good

And yeh boring as hell especially through the middle
that thanos dude was hilarious the actor and writing team deserve an award having a purple hair dude speak random english after speaking in korean.:lul::lul::lul:
Nah that shit started to piss me off after a while. Eventually it was just like ok nigga we get it u can speak English now go piss off and actually create some storyline for me to be invested in
Ok I’m gonna start out by saying that it’s pretty useless to even review this, because it was almost inevitable that the seasons coming after the first one were not gonna be anything close to what the first one was, but I’ll do it anyway.

Overall thoughts:
This season is utter dogshit, for the most part, which I’ll get into right now. If anyone is planning to watch this don’t, you will thank me for not having wasted ur time on this.

Don’t get me wrong there are some good moments, but it’s completely ruined by a TERRIBLE plot, absolutely insane plot holes and shit that doesn’t make sense, repetitive boringness of nothing at times where I just wanted to fall asleep, and incel tier acting where sometimes it literally felt like I was watching a parody of the actual show.

It actually fucking amazes me how normies will genuinely watch the worst shit and still call it good, like that retarded cum skin penguinz or whatever the fuck. He reviewed it and actually called it good :forcedsmile:

Let’s start:

Episode 1:

a very strong start. Great episode. Ticks off nicely with the continuation plot from end of last season where the mf is tryna figure all this shit out and whatever.

He hires some mf to track down the recruiter guy and they end up finding him, only for him to nuke 1 of their dudes in a BRUTAL Russian roulette game which was honestly sick, the best part of the entire show by far.

The ending was incredible also when bro just murked himself for no reason just to prove he wasn’t a wuss :forcedsmile:

High T Richard Ramirez type shi yfm

Unfortunately it all went down hill after this.

Episode 2:

fucking dogshit episode.

Literally nothing happens in this episode I was bored throughout the entire thing. I get they are trying to build up storyline but what’s even the point of having 1 whole ep dedicated to storyline when the entire season is 7 episodes, and they clearly couldn’t fit it in a whole bunch of shit which is obvious from the ending, so why waste precious time on a filler episode?

Makes no fucking sense. This is pretty much what solidified it as a lazy cash grab for me, not that I was surprised but a part of me hoped it would actually live it to some expectations. Boy was I wrong :forcedsmile:

The part that made no sense to me was obviously the girls storyline about her dying mother or some shit idek. It literally felt like her entire character was literally there as filler because they needed some extra characters, also not to mention how she’s the dryest character in the entire show JFL even more than 067.

The thing I don’t get is I’m assuming she joined the squid game team because she wanted to help that the dads daughter through her treatment or some shit (could be wrong I literally didn’t get the point of her character at all).

That whole storyline makes no sense because the dude eventually get killed off the final episode and her character is nowhere to be seen (obviously they setting up for s3 but idgaf) is assuming she was trying to help him survive hence why she murked other players when she didn’t need to, or some shit Idek.

Also JFL I thought that little kid in the 2nd episode literally offed himself cuz her rabbit didn’t give her attention or whatever:forcedsmile:. That was some weird pedo shit right there Ngl.

Finally why the fuck is this nigga gi hun even going into the games if he’s trying to stop it, the best way would be go to with the ship team to scout the islands out, not just get caught in 2 seconds and then decide to go back. I think bro just has a death wish Ngl. He does nothing to help anyone at all during the season anyway. Anyways overall shit ep.

Episode 3:

Can’t even remember that much from this it was so uneventful. I think they played red light green light again which made no sense.


It literally makes 0 sense to have this again since gi hun already knows that they get killed so his entire purpose (for us as a audience watching) is literally to ruin the plot for the other characters who don’t know they are gonna die.

Even if they think he’s crazy for telling them doesn’t mean shit because we are the ones watching who are literally watching this old hag incel ruin the plot for us.

He literally just goes in to watch them die and doesn’t do shit about it, because they would die anyway regardless of whether he’s there or not. LITERALLY the only difference is that he’s there to witness it happen, I mean fine JFL if you have a blood kink of some shit nigga cah I think u do at this point.

The characters introduced are also fucking weird as hell.


Also JFL at there being some crypto pump and dumper in the cast also. Why is this nigga even in the squid games from trying to pump and dump niggas. That’s like logan paul joining this shit after making people lose their money :forcedsmile::forcedsmile: squid games literally tryna recruit anyone these days.

Hell I wouldn’t be surprised at this point if we see @Clavicular in season 3 because he needs money to fund his useless surgeries or whatever :forcedsmile:.

JFL @ the iq on this nigga also (crypto guy). He literally let himself get beat up every time by the people he owed money 2, when he literally could have just told them they should let him win so he can give them the money, then dip as soon as they made him win. But nah nigga had an iq of a toad literally so it never crossed his mind. Brain dead shit from the script writing team that’s it.

Also that thanos dude was so try hard. If you didn’t know he’s a KPOOP singer from the band Big Bang pretty huge band back in the day. His English phrases really made me cringe towards the middle and end like dude just STFU AND ADVANCE THE PLOT STOP SPAMMING RANDOM BS IDC ABOUT.

As far as the other cast goes they were fine just boring as hell mostly. Nothing on S1 cast. Literally they had no connection whatsoever and I didn’t feel bad at all when any of them died, like I did for niggas in the first S.

Episode 4:

Also dogshit. The second game was LITERALLY DOGSHIT.


I DONT WANNA SEE NIGGAS HOPPING AROUND LIKE DISABLED BUNNIES SCREAMING HAWK TUAH FOR A WHOLE EPISODE. Jesus. Also they just die by guns the whole time so there’s literally no shock value whatsoever like there was for s1.

Episode 5:

I honestly don’t even remember shit from this episode. Literally nothing happens. I guess the plot hole was that when they were all asking each other’s names the front man didn’t say his actual name but made a fake name up.

I get he’s tryna take precautions and shite but it makes no sense for him to use a fake name when gi hun doesn’t even know who he is. I thought he was gonna say his real name and then gi bun would recognise the name because his brother told him in ep 2. (Or I’m pretty sure he did if not then he should have for this reason). But no they couldn’t even do that right.

As far as the game goes this game was also dogshit.

I DONT WANNA SEE NIGGAS SPIN ON SOME PODIUM AND THEN RUN INTO ROOMS LIKE FAGS. I’d rather just die Ngl then embarrass myself like that.

Also what was even the point of them standing on the podium if it wasn’t Even spinning faster every time? I thought the podium would spin faster each round or some shit so that they are dizzy and it’s harder to get into groups then cuz ur dizzy but no that didn’t happen?

They didn’t even need to stand on the podium then and spin they could have literally just stood there like retards and waited for the number to be called out instead of spinning like mongoloids and listening to some retarded nursery rhyme. Holy plothole.

Episode 6:

Again not really sure what happened. Literally just time wasting on voting when that played no purpose at all for anything that happened after. Lazy stuff. What did I even expect from Netflix though.

I honestly side with the front man tho for creating this shit. Gi hun is a low T incel who deserves to be murked for thinking that slaves who want money at the cost of their lives deserve to not be killed JFL @Godtis some shit Goatis would say :lul:

Only thing I can think of here is that we wasted 6 episodes of these niggas on the boat looking for the island only to get blown up out of nowhere and that’s it. Nothing else after. Jesus. Also who couldn’t tell that ship owner nigga was a traitor from a mile away. Most obvious thing ever literally.

Episode 7:

Not a bad episode. But ended terribly and somehow these guys are literally call of duty masters and immune to bullets. Yeah fucking right JFL. If this isn’t LITERAL plot armour then nothing is.

They may as well have just run in wearing armour which says plot armour on it as a meme and it would’ve made sense and wouldn’t even be called out by me.

Also that fucking nigga man sun or whatever the fuck his name is is actually such a pussy it pissed me off. Imagine just throwing a bottle @ the dude in the night killing and just watching ur girl get stabbed to death :forcedsmile:

Absolute low t loser who deserved to die and somehow didn’t.

Also why these niggas just carrying forks around with them like it’s master chef. If the games don’t want them to kill each other then why even give them forks they can use a weapons in their food?

Genuinely retarded plot hole nonsense.

Also JFL I literally thought the front man joined the games just to have fun not even for some ulterior motives before the very end. They really dragged that out for no reason when it was obvious that he was gonna betray them, like why?

Anyway this is all I cba to spend anymore time writing this shit driving me crazy how I’m pissed off. Waste of a perfectly good show they couldn’t just keep this 1 season and cash out nah ofc these greedy capitalist cunts had to ruin this very good show like they do for everything

Midas touch

Sort of created an org account to rant about this as I saw this thread.

It's indisputable that Season 2 is never going to live up to the hype - in popularity - that Season 1 receives, especially since it was released during the pandemic when everyone was inside their houses, and a show that illustrates the horrors of Korean dystopian capitalist society - but, globally as well - exemplifies it, and it resonated with due to the realistic depiction of economic struggle. Right place, right time. While the gaming element was the main premise, I firmly believe even the most media illiterate or surface-level watchers took the critique from the show on that the money is the root, but that's just a naive view of mine. It is further supported by the fact that season 1 took a decade of script revision, and not until 2020 did production of the show start happening; in contrast, season 2 took less than 3 years in total, which could explain why Dong-hyuk decided to split it into 2 seasons instead—and I do agree it should be named season 2, part 1. However, I disagree that due to the season 2 cliffhanger, it's inevitable that it will deter audiences in the near future (2025) from watching the later season, and in fact, most will be much more eager to tune in because of it. Do elaborate if you insist on this point.

Anyway, most of your points on the terrible execution of the games are valid, and I have no qualms about it; however, season 2 clearly rejects the previous emphasis of the games and only keeps one of the originals from the previous season. It's more of a story that seeks to crack down on the inner workings behind the games and exemplifies Gi-hun's seek of revenge against the Front Man. It felt like a natural progression, especially given Gi-hun's character. Despite that, I don't think he's "seeking justice" and is altruistic for the sake of saving the players from the hellhole. That is the outcome goal, but it's not his own goal. He seeks to feed his own ego, with one exemplary example being the bet with Oh II-nam at the end of season 1. Gi-Hun won the bet, but II-Nam won the thought proposal by getting Gi-Hun to bet on a man's life. He could've headed downstairs and assisted the mane, but he'd rather watch from the top (like the VIPs). S2 ep1, for the sake of brevity, he shouldn't have risked his life in a 50/50 chance to save his honor in a game of Russian roulette. In my view, Gi-hun, much like Thanos in the MCUs (possible allusion to the character Thanos willing to do anything, even killing and betraying fellow teammates for the prize money), was willing to sacrifice his own daughter for his penultimate goal of wiping half the universe (a bit reductionist here), and similarly, Gi-Hun is conscious of his decision to sacrifice a "small amount of innocent people" for the sake of saving the rest of the world from falling into more death games. His goal is to get revenge against the organizers and have a sense of accomplishment, but not for the greater good.

All in all, this season is not the best holistically given compared to season 1, but it's setting a momentum and plot direction for the development season 3 to see the results, and I believe that's when it will truly shine.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: TiktokUser, Numb The Pain and Funnyunenjoyer1
@Bl0odKn1ght @h111

It’s not good in my opinion thought u should know before watching it

You will thank me if u don’t waste ur time watching it
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Bl0odKn1ght and h111
Season 2 was better imo. I liked the scenes outside of the games alot. And the frontman was a good character.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ZachS, Numb The Pain, Seba and 1 other person
Season 2 was better imo. I liked the scenes outside of the games alot. And the frontman was a good character.
You didn’t even read my thread did you. But you still decide to comment
You didn’t even read my thread did you. But you still decide to comment
I read everything execpt for the individual episode ratings, So what? Am i not allowed to disagree?
  • +1
Reactions: Seba
@Bl0odKn1ght @h111

It’s not good in my opinion thought u should know before watching it

You will thank me if u don’t waste ur time watching it
Ok, will probably start to watch, but quit if boring. Could you give some other recommendations for short series to watch, still have a few days of Christmasbreak
  • +1
Reactions: Thebuffdon
I read everything execpt for the individual episode ratings, So what? Am i not allowed to disagree?
Why even comment if you don’t know my opinions of the show so you can’t even dictate to me whether it was good or not because you don’t know why I thought it was shit in the first place? Because then u would probably agree with what I have to say anyway
Ok, will probably start to watch, but quit if boring. Could you give some other recommendations for short series to watch, still have a few days of Christmasbreak
Episode 1 is very good

Goes extremely downhill from there
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: ZachS and Bl0odKn1ght
Ok, will probably start to watch, but quit if boring. Could you give some other recommendations for short series to watch, still have a few days of Christmasbreak
The only good ones are longer ones mainly
  • +1
Reactions: Bl0odKn1ght
Sort of created an org account to rant about this as I saw this thread.

It's indisputable that Season 2 is never going to live up to the hype - in popularity - that Season 1 receives, especially since it was released during the pandemic when everyone was inside their houses, and a show that illustrates the horrors of Korean dystopian capitalist society - but, globally as well - exemplifies it, and it resonated with due to the realistic depiction of economic struggle. Right place, right time. While the gaming element was the main premise, I firmly believe even the most media illiterate or surface-level watchers took the critique from the show on that the money is the root, but that's just a naive view of mine. It is further supported by the fact that season 1 took a decade of script revision, and not until 2020 did production of the show start happening; in contrast, season 2 took less than 3 years in total, which could explain why Dong-hyuk decided to split it into 2 seasons instead—and I do agree it should be named season 2, part 1. However, I disagree that due to the season 2 cliffhanger, it's inevitable that it will deter audiences in the near future (2025) from watching the later season, and in fact, most will be much more eager to tune in because of it. Do elaborate if you insist on this point.

Anyway, most of your points on the terrible execution of the games are valid, and I have no qualms about it; however, season 2 clearly rejects the previous emphasis of the games and only keeps one of the originals from the previous season. It's more of a story that seeks to crack down on the inner workings behind the games and exemplifies Gi-hun's seek of revenge against the Front Man. It felt like a natural progression, especially given Gi-hun's character. Despite that, I don't think he's "seeking justice" and is altruistic for the sake of saving the players from the hellhole. That is the outcome goal, but it's not his own goal. He seeks to feed his own ego, with one exemplary example being the bet with Oh II-nam at the end of season 1. Gi-Hun won the bet, but II-Nam won the thought proposal by getting Gi-Hun to bet on a man's life. He could've headed downstairs and assisted the mane, but he'd rather watch from the top (like the VIPs). S2 ep1, for the sake of brevity, he shouldn't have risked his life in a 50/50 chance to save his honor in a game of Russian roulette. In my view, Gi-hun, much like Thanos in the MCUs (possible allusion to the character Thanos willing to do anything, even killing and betraying fellow teammates for the prize money), was willing to sacrifice his own daughter for his penultimate goal of wiping half the universe (a bit reductionist here), and similarly, Gi-Hun is conscious of his decision to sacrifice a "small amount of innocent people" for the sake of saving the rest of the world from falling into more death games. His goal is to get revenge against the organizers and have a sense of accomplishment, but not for the greater good.

All in all, this season is not the best holistically given compared to season 1, but it's setting a momentum and plot direction for the development season 3 to see the results, and I believe that's when it will truly shine.
chatgpt ahh response
  • JFL
Reactions: ZachS and Thebuffdon
chatgpt ahh response
Chatgpt seriously? Do you really think the bot had already registered season 2 information? And, could futher delve into GI-Hun psychology? Come on, now. You cnat equate any semi-long paragraph analysis to "Chatgpt". It just false equivalence. I swear why is no one in this forum serious? All I have engaged so far is simply being dismissive or willfully ignorant
Last edited:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: ZachS, TiktokUser, Numb The Pain and 2 others
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain and Thebuffdon

Also, I was replying to you. If you don't mind, what are your thoughts?
I read your response don’t worry, just been busy

Will respond at some point today

Chatgpt seriously? Do you really think the bot had already registered season 2 information? And, could futher delve into GI-Hun psychology? Come on, now. You cnat equate any semi-long paragraph analysis to "Chatgpt". It just false equivalence. I swear why is no one in this forum serious? All I have engaged so far is simply being dismissive or willfully ignorant
I know if you text using language like this unless you’re trolling you probably look like this
IMG 3312
  • JFL
Reactions: TiktokUser and Thebuffdon
Ok I’m gonna start out by saying that it’s pretty useless to even review this, because it was almost inevitable that the seasons coming after the first one were not gonna be anything close to what the first one was, but I’ll do it anyway.

Overall thoughts:
This season is utter dogshit, for the most part, which I’ll get into right now. If anyone is planning to watch this don’t, you will thank me for not having wasted ur time on this.

Don’t get me wrong there are some good moments, but it’s completely ruined by a TERRIBLE plot, absolutely insane plot holes and shit that doesn’t make sense, repetitive boringness of nothing at times where I just wanted to fall asleep, and incel tier acting where sometimes it literally felt like I was watching a parody of the actual show.

It actually fucking amazes me how normies will genuinely watch the worst shit and still call it good, like that retarded cum skin penguinz or whatever the fuck. He reviewed it and actually called it good :forcedsmile:

Let’s start:

Episode 1:

a very strong start. Great episode. Ticks off nicely with the continuation plot from end of last season where the mf is tryna figure all this shit out and whatever.

He hires some mf to track down the recruiter guy and they end up finding him, only for him to nuke 1 of their dudes in a BRUTAL Russian roulette game which was honestly sick, the best part of the entire show by far.

The ending was incredible also when bro just murked himself for no reason just to prove he wasn’t a wuss :forcedsmile:

High T Richard Ramirez type shi yfm

Unfortunately it all went down hill after this.

Episode 2:

fucking dogshit episode.

Literally nothing happens in this episode I was bored throughout the entire thing. I get they are trying to build up storyline but what’s even the point of having 1 whole ep dedicated to storyline when the entire season is 7 episodes, and they clearly couldn’t fit it in a whole bunch of shit which is obvious from the ending, so why waste precious time on a filler episode?

Makes no fucking sense. This is pretty much what solidified it as a lazy cash grab for me, not that I was surprised but a part of me hoped it would actually live it to some expectations. Boy was I wrong :forcedsmile:

The part that made no sense to me was obviously the girls storyline about her dying mother or some shit idek. It literally felt like her entire character was literally there as filler because they needed some extra characters, also not to mention how she’s the dryest character in the entire show JFL even more than 067.

The thing I don’t get is I’m assuming she joined the squid game team because she wanted to help that the dads daughter through her treatment or some shit (could be wrong I literally didn’t get the point of her character at all).

That whole storyline makes no sense because the dude eventually get killed off the final episode and her character is nowhere to be seen (obviously they setting up for s3 but idgaf) is assuming she was trying to help him survive hence why she murked other players when she didn’t need to, or some shit Idek.

Also JFL I thought that little kid in the 2nd episode literally offed himself cuz her rabbit didn’t give her attention or whatever:forcedsmile:. That was some weird pedo shit right there Ngl.

Finally why the fuck is this nigga gi hun even going into the games if he’s trying to stop it, the best way would be go to with the ship team to scout the islands out, not just get caught in 2 seconds and then decide to go back. I think bro just has a death wish Ngl. He does nothing to help anyone at all during the season anyway. Anyways overall shit ep.

Episode 3:

Can’t even remember that much from this it was so uneventful. I think they played red light green light again which made no sense.


It literally makes 0 sense to have this again since gi hun already knows that they get killed so his entire purpose (for us as a audience watching) is literally to ruin the plot for the other characters who don’t know they are gonna die.

Even if they think he’s crazy for telling them doesn’t mean shit because we are the ones watching who are literally watching this old hag incel ruin the plot for us.

He literally just goes in to watch them die and doesn’t do shit about it, because they would die anyway regardless of whether he’s there or not. LITERALLY the only difference is that he’s there to witness it happen, I mean fine JFL if you have a blood kink of some shit nigga cah I think u do at this point.

The characters introduced are also fucking weird as hell.


Also JFL at there being some crypto pump and dumper in the cast also. Why is this nigga even in the squid games from trying to pump and dump niggas. That’s like logan paul joining this shit after making people lose their money :forcedsmile::forcedsmile: squid games literally tryna recruit anyone these days.

Hell I wouldn’t be surprised at this point if we see @Clavicular in season 3 because he needs money to fund his useless surgeries or whatever :forcedsmile:.

JFL @ the iq on this nigga also (crypto guy). He literally let himself get beat up every time by the people he owed money 2, when he literally could have just told them they should let him win so he can give them the money, then dip as soon as they made him win. But nah nigga had an iq of a toad literally so it never crossed his mind. Brain dead shit from the script writing team that’s it.

Also that thanos dude was so try hard. If you didn’t know he’s a KPOOP singer from the band Big Bang pretty huge band back in the day. His English phrases really made me cringe towards the middle and end like dude just STFU AND ADVANCE THE PLOT STOP SPAMMING RANDOM BS IDC ABOUT.

As far as the other cast goes they were fine just boring as hell mostly. Nothing on S1 cast. Literally they had no connection whatsoever and I didn’t feel bad at all when any of them died, like I did for niggas in the first S.

Episode 4:

Also dogshit. The second game was LITERALLY DOGSHIT.


I DONT WANNA SEE NIGGAS HOPPING AROUND LIKE DISABLED BUNNIES SCREAMING HAWK TUAH FOR A WHOLE EPISODE. Jesus. Also they just die by guns the whole time so there’s literally no shock value whatsoever like there was for s1.

Episode 5:

I honestly don’t even remember shit from this episode. Literally nothing happens. I guess the plot hole was that when they were all asking each other’s names the front man didn’t say his actual name but made a fake name up.

I get he’s tryna take precautions and shite but it makes no sense for him to use a fake name when gi hun doesn’t even know who he is. I thought he was gonna say his real name and then gi bun would recognise the name because his brother told him in ep 2. (Or I’m pretty sure he did if not then he should have for this reason). But no they couldn’t even do that right.

As far as the game goes this game was also dogshit.

I DONT WANNA SEE NIGGAS SPIN ON SOME PODIUM AND THEN RUN INTO ROOMS LIKE FAGS. I’d rather just die Ngl then embarrass myself like that.

Also what was even the point of them standing on the podium if it wasn’t Even spinning faster every time? I thought the podium would spin faster each round or some shit so that they are dizzy and it’s harder to get into groups then cuz ur dizzy but no that didn’t happen?

They didn’t even need to stand on the podium then and spin they could have literally just stood there like retards and waited for the number to be called out instead of spinning like mongoloids and listening to some retarded nursery rhyme. Holy plothole.

Episode 6:

Again not really sure what happened. Literally just time wasting on voting when that played no purpose at all for anything that happened after. Lazy stuff. What did I even expect from Netflix though.

I honestly side with the front man tho for creating this shit. Gi hun is a low T incel who deserves to be murked for thinking that slaves who want money at the cost of their lives deserve to not be killed JFL @Godtis some shit Goatis would say :lul:

Only thing I can think of here is that we wasted 6 episodes of these niggas on the boat looking for the island only to get blown up out of nowhere and that’s it. Nothing else after. Jesus. Also who couldn’t tell that ship owner nigga was a traitor from a mile away. Most obvious thing ever literally.

Episode 7:

Not a bad episode. But ended terribly and somehow these guys are literally call of duty masters and immune to bullets. Yeah fucking right JFL. If this isn’t LITERAL plot armour then nothing is.

They may as well have just run in wearing armour which says plot armour on it as a meme and it would’ve made sense and wouldn’t even be called out by me.

Also that fucking nigga man sun or whatever the fuck his name is is actually such a pussy it pissed me off. Imagine just throwing a bottle @ the dude in the night killing and just watching ur girl get stabbed to death :forcedsmile:

Absolute low t loser who deserved to die and somehow didn’t.

Also why these niggas just carrying forks around with them like it’s master chef. If the games don’t want them to kill each other then why even give them forks they can use a weapons in their food?

Genuinely retarded plot hole nonsense.

Also JFL I literally thought the front man joined the games just to have fun not even for some ulterior motives before the very end. They really dragged that out for no reason when it was obvious that he was gonna betray them, like why?

Anyway this is all I cba to spend anymore time writing this shit driving me crazy how I’m pissed off. Waste of a perfectly good show they couldn’t just keep this 1 season and cash out nah ofc these greedy capitalist cunts had to ruin this very good show like they do for everything

Midas touch

low iq whole aside from ep 1 and 2 peak cinema
Sort of created an org account to rant about this as I saw this thread.

It's indisputable that Season 2 is never going to live up to the hype - in popularity - that Season 1 receives, especially since it was released during the pandemic when everyone was inside their houses, and a show that illustrates the horrors of Korean dystopian capitalist society - but, globally as well - exemplifies it, and it resonated with due to the realistic depiction of economic struggle. Right place, right time. While the gaming element was the main premise, I firmly believe even the most media illiterate or surface-level watchers took the critique from the show on that the money is the root, but that's just a naive view of mine. It is further supported by the fact that season 1 took a decade of script revision, and not until 2020 did production of the show start happening; in contrast, season 2 took less than 3 years in total, which could explain why Dong-hyuk decided to split it into 2 seasons instead—and I do agree it should be named season 2, part 1. However, I disagree that due to the season 2 cliffhanger, it's inevitable that it will deter audiences in the near future (2025) from watching the later season, and in fact, most will be much more eager to tune in because of it. Do elaborate if you insist on this point.

Anyway, most of your points on the terrible execution of the games are valid, and I have no qualms about it; however, season 2 clearly rejects the previous emphasis of the games and only keeps one of the originals from the previous season. It's more of a story that seeks to crack down on the inner workings behind the games and exemplifies Gi-hun's seek of revenge against the Front Man. It felt like a natural progression, especially given Gi-hun's character. Despite that, I don't think he's "seeking justice" and is altruistic for the sake of saving the players from the hellhole. That is the outcome goal, but it's not his own goal. He seeks to feed his own ego, with one exemplary example being the bet with Oh II-nam at the end of season 1. Gi-Hun won the bet, but II-Nam won the thought proposal by getting Gi-Hun to bet on a man's life. He could've headed downstairs and assisted the mane, but he'd rather watch from the top (like the VIPs). S2 ep1, for the sake of brevity, he shouldn't have risked his life in a 50/50 chance to save his honor in a game of Russian roulette. In my view, Gi-hun, much like Thanos in the MCUs (possible allusion to the character Thanos willing to do anything, even killing and betraying fellow teammates for the prize money), was willing to sacrifice his own daughter for his penultimate goal of wiping half the universe (a bit reductionist here), and similarly, Gi-Hun is conscious of his decision to sacrifice a "small amount of innocent people" for the sake of saving the rest of the world from falling into more death games. His goal is to get revenge against the organizers and have a sense of accomplishment, but not for the greater good.

All in all, this season is not the best holistically given compared to season 1, but it's setting a momentum and plot direction for the development season 3 to see the results, and I believe that's when it will truly shine.
The original SG wasn’t great either, it was overhyped by normies who tried to believe that there is a deeper meaning of the show due to the capitalist adherence to certain ideas within the show. Realistically this is not what the show aimed or did try to portray beyond twitter junkies who try to allude meaning to every ounce of media they consume. The show if anything portrays human nature in these circumstances much like other shows that have come before it which portray a similar set of ideals, and people try to smart up to decipher some hidden meaning which doesn’t exist behind the curtains.

This is an important point, which you need to keep in mind, and I don’t like to psycho analyse (in this context) certain pieces of media, but it merits a response in your case because you actually created an account to respond to this, so you deserve a proper response: It couldn’t possibly be delving into the deeper meanings of dystopian capitalist society which is clear from Dong-Hyuk’s statement regarding his main need to conduct a second season because of the lack of monetary gain he received for s1. It is very obvious that this season and the following one is a cash grab for that reason, because from watching s1 it is clear that the main focus on the show was to create a compelling storyline which analyses the human mind to a certain degree, not at the cost of other elements with the show, which s2 fails to deliver in any aspect. It also seems strange for the first season to have any deeper meaning regarding the socio economic fabric of capitalist society when this is completely contradicted by Hyuk’s statement about his motives for continuing the show. This proves it was never about this. Normies fail to see the deeper agendas because they do not understand the main motives which even I predicted before I heard his statement.

I understand your point about the character progression feeling like a natural continuation of the 1st season. However this is fundamentally flawed because his character is taken in a completely insane and different (to say the least) direction than anticipated from the first season. Of course one can argue the director can take the show in which ever way he wants, but this cannot be overlooked as a spectator of this show, especially given his motives as mentioned before. There are just too many plot holes which are proven by the lack of sincere motives in continuing the storyline in a proper direction (which I can get into once you respond if you want me to go into specific ones, otherwise I’ll be here for hours).

I hope this clears some stuff up about my thoughts.
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Ignore this as it seems I can't delete a comment (?)
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  • Hmm...
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The original SG wasn’t great either, it was overhyped by normies who tried to believe that there is a deeper meaning of the show due to the capitalist adherence to certain ideas within the show. Realistically this is not what the show aimed or did try to portray beyond twitter junkies who try to allude meaning to every ounce of media they consume. The show if anything portrays human nature in these circumstances much like other shows that have come before it which portray a similar set of ideals, and people try to smart up to decipher some hidden meaning which doesn’t exist behind the curtains.

This is an important point, which you need to keep in mind, and I don’t like to psycho analyse (in this context) certain pieces of media, but it merits a response in your case because you actually created an account to respond to this, so you deserve a proper response: It couldn’t possibly be delving into the deeper meanings of dystopian capitalist society which is clear from Dong-Hyuk’s statement regarding his main need to conduct a second season because of the lack of monetary gain he received for s1. It is very obvious that this season and the following one is a cash grab for that reason, because from watching s1 it is clear that the main focus on the show was to create a compelling storyline which analyses the human mind to a certain degree, not at the cost of other elements with the show, which s2 fails to deliver in any aspect. It also seems strange for the first season to have any deeper meaning regarding the socio economic fabric of capitalist society when this is completely contradicted by Hyuk’s statement about his motives for continuing the show. This proves it was never about this. Normies fail to see the deeper agendas because they do not understand the main motives which even I predicted before I heard his statement.

I understand your point about the character progression feeling like a natural continuation of the 1st season. However this is fundamentally flawed because his character is taken in a completely insane and different (to say the least) direction than anticipated from the first season. Of course one can argue the director can take the show in which ever way he wants, but this cannot be overlooked as a spectator of this show, especially given his motives as mentioned before. There are just too many plot holes which are proven by the lack of sincere motives in continuing the storyline in a proper direction (which I can get into once you respond if you want me to go into specific ones, otherwise I’ll be here for hours).

I hope this clears some stuff up about my thoughts.
Appreciate the reply.

There is an objective intention, the author's own words (undeniably the most authoritative intepretation), and the subjective experience by the audiences; and in this context, Dong-Hyuk in this article by the Guardian, further supports a lot of the anti-capitalist interpretation evaluated - regardless of the syntaxes formulated. Subtext should be key here, and if it is overextended, it could be preachy, and most casual viewers would avoid the show. Even so, a show - or more broadly, any narrative work - can be interpreted in numerous ways, depending on the standards set by the person consuming it. Art does not exist in a vacuum, and to claim that a show's sole purpose is to portray 'human nature' is, no offense, quite naive. Two things can coexist or occur more than once; when the curtains falls, both are valid. I do agree that SG is not groundbreaking or never-done-before in both its commentary and concept, and I recalled on an Anime that have the same concept of the games, but I never watched them, so inadequate to comment on it. I share the same assessment of Twitter junkies who are overanalytical, and could be easily perceived as prentetnious. There's some creative work that is plain and direct in delivering its message, and there are others that are more demanding - and in this case, SG is much more than just entertainment slop.

The article I linked answered most of the points made, yet you're still right in retrospective aspects. Its clear that Hyuk is a hypocrite - though, quite frankly every human is to some extent. It's boils down to whether one is consciously aware of their actions or genuinely ignorant, even if willfully so. That said, he accepted the money offered (and honestly, who wouldn’t?), a byproduct of capitalism, to create an arguably unnecessary sequel. Yet, what choice did he have? There was simply too much at stake especially under the pressure of an entertainment conglomerate. He was not a well-known director prior (not internationally), andhe originally wrote the script to criticise and expose the greed inherent in capitalism. But there’s only so much virtue one can maintain before being forced to compromise their ideals to meet practical needs. We live in a capitalist world, and there’s no escape from it - so we might as well make the most of its unwarranted perks. I think a lot of anti-capitalist thought processes are based on this. Though I do disagree with it being a simple view of being a cash grab, and my previous comment clarifies my stance. I guess the final verdict will be ultimately season 3. I do want to know the direction you envisioned, as I fear that the path taken was the only logical progression I could imagine.
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I know if you text using language like this unless you’re trolling you probably look like this
View attachment 3399155
You would not believe me. But I am actually a far cry from your stereotypical nerd look, though admittedly also far from a Chad, so I guess a normie? I am still new to this subculture of terminology.
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  • JFL
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  • WTF
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Agree 100%

Shift storyline with so much filler. Games were absolute horse and they obviously just put the front man in for shits and giggles when he did nothing the entire season lol until the very end 😂

And Yh I agree it just felt all over the place mainly boring tho that’s my main critique it was just very very boring

Nothing like the first one, it was just shit
dont watch that shit:chad:
Also why these niggas just carrying forks around with them like it’s master chef. If the games don’t want them to kill each other then why even give them forks they can use a weapons in their food?
they want them to kill each other, that's why all the staff are ready for the "special game" they rigged it so the vote became even and gave them weapons, since the best way to ensure a win is to reduce the other sides numbers.

Its like in the first season where they gave them less food on purpose to spark violence
they want them to kill each other, that's why all the staff are ready for the "special game" they rigged it so the vote became even and gave them weapons, since the best way to ensure a win is to reduce the other sides numbers.

Its like in the first season where they gave them less food on purpose to spark violence
Yeh I know. But then it doesn’t make sense for them to stop it at some point when they can just continue it more. That’s why I thought it was a plothole cuz it was dragged out and eventually stopped by them (or they tried) ties into another plot hole about them getting set up because of their own fucking “special game” some cringe shit as well Ngl
I finished this a couple of nights ago, I enjoyed it a lot. My favorite side character was probably T.O.P, or Thanos as he was called in this show. He's actually a k-pop idol and I was very surprised to find out he was 37 years old! Looking at this guy, I thought he was in his mid to late 20s. Korean genes are good.

  • JFL
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He hires some mf to track down the recruiter guy and they end up finding him, only for him to nuke 1 of their dudes in a BRUTAL Russian roulette game which was honestly sick, the best part of the entire show by far.

The ending was incredible also when bro just murked himself for no reason just to prove he wasn’t a wuss :forcedsmile:
Honestly this was the best part of season 2, that scene was just so damn good. Fuck.
Honestly this was the best part of season 2, that scene was just so damn good. Fuck.
Very very very good scene

Saved the entire show
  • +1
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I finished this a couple of nights ago, I enjoyed it a lot. My favorite side character was probably T.O.P, or Thanos as he was called in this show. He's actually a k-pop idol and I was very surprised to find out he was 37 years old! Looking at this guy, I thought he was in his mid to late 20s. Korean genes are good.

Still a dogshit season. And Yh I knew he was a K-pop star nigga I literally mentioned it in my thread

If you even read it
  • +1
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Finally why the fuck is this nigga gi hun even going into the games if he’s trying to stop it, the best way would be go to with the ship team to scout the islands out, not just get caught in 2 seconds and then decide to go back.
Eh your criticism is absolutely invalid here. He went into the games because he believed to have a tracker, and his team would then be able to find out where the island is. He wouldn't have been able to find it otherwise, but those motherfuckers were smart enough to remove the tracking device from his tooth. Jeez. These guys ain't no one to mess with, that's for sure.
  • +1
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Very very very good scene

Saved the entire show
Yeah I'm honestly glad you at least pointed it out because I thought you disliked everything about it. The scene was just too good man, the music, the setting, the dialogue, the build up. 10/10.
  • +1
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Still a dogshit season. And Yh I knew he was a K-pop star nigga I literally mentioned it in my thread

If you even read it
Mirin, how did you know? Yes I am reading your thread along as I am answering, and also I have not slept at all at night so I am up for like almost 24 hours now.
  • +1
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Eh your criticism is absolutely invalid here. He went into the games because he believed to have a tracker, and his team would then be able to find out where the island is. He wouldn't have been able to find it otherwise, but those motherfuckers were smart enough to remove the tracking device from his tooth. Jeez. These guys ain't no one to mess with, that's for sure.
Yh but it would’ve been obvious that he came in with a tracker they aren’t retards, and gi hun knows that, yet he still decides to go in
  • +1
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Mirin, how did you know? Yes I am reading your thread along as I am answering, and also I have not slept at all at night so I am up for like almost 24 hours now.
Well I mean they had a few viral songs back in the day

Listened to it in school and stuff
  • Woah
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The tranny was low-key cute. :ogre:

The director just likes to use marginalized characters in his show. First it was Ali, the Pakistani immigrant worker and now it's a transgender. Immigrants are viewed very negatively so it makes sense he would go for a LGBT character instead of a non-white this time.
  • JFL
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