I Got Chinked (Texts Inside)



Aug 11, 2018
@11gaijin @Tony @Nibba

It would seem God is trying to teach me a different lesson.

IMG 7052

IMG 7053

What the hell do I do senpais?

She put the number herself in my phone, I then tried to call her/text her after but I remember something like it not going through.

Is she just a dumb chink and made a mistake?

Or is she pretending/gave a phony number?

Do I confront her at class tonight (by saying I tried to text the number she gave me but the person said it was the wrong one) and asking her in person to correct the number so I can schedule a study date with her (and risk getting cockblocked by her fat chink friend she always hangs out with in the class (I got her number from her in a different class but that class is Monday and the midterm is Wednesday so I think that would be too soon to ask her if I waited until then since she claims to be very busy and that would give her an easy excuse to get out of it)

Or do I stop this bull crap and realize its over for me in the west and this is a waste of time and just try to set stuff up when I get to Tokyo in January?

Looks like she gave u a wrong number. ask her again
  • +1
Reactions: CopeMaxxer and Zesto
Damn dude. This is ragefuel. I don’t know what to say. It’s unlikely she put the wrong number by mistake. Why do foids do this :feelsree: But you can ask again to confirm
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto and Tricky

Maybe she put in wrong number by accident, unlikely though
  • +1
Reactions: Never_Began, iamgoingtomakeit and Zesto
Do you really need to make 3-4 threads on the same topic?
Just fucking update the old one.
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Reactions: Never_Began and Nibba
@11gaijin @Tony @Nibba

It would seem God is trying to teach me a different lesson.

View attachment 2353

View attachment 2354

What the hell do I do senpais?

She put the number herself in my phone, I then tried to call her/text her after but I remember something like it not going through.

Is she just a dumb chink and made a mistake?

Or is she pretending/gave a phony number?

Do I confront her at class tonight (by saying I tried to text the number she gave me but the person said it was the wrong one) and asking her in person to correct the number so I can schedule a study date with her (and risk getting cockblocked by her fat chink friend she always hangs out with in the class (I got her number from her in a different class but that class is Monday and the midterm is Wednesday so I think that would be too soon to ask her if I waited until then since she claims to be very busy and that would give her an easy excuse to get out of it)

Or do I stop this bull crap and realize its over for me in the west and this is a waste of time and just try to set stuff up when I get to Tokyo in January?


You are easily one of the best things to ever happen to this forum.
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto
Step back, look at the bigger picture, realize you got rejected meanly, move on and block her.

After those asshole replies u should not have said excuse me, you should have left her on read and blocked her
  • +1
Reactions: Peruvian, Zesto and 11gaijin
Guys, this dude's taking past blackopstruecel position, this shit is hilarious

You got pissed upon, just burn her fucking backpack or locker or some shit, fucker for doing this to you honestly
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto and ZyzzReincarnate
@11gaijin @Tony @Nibba

It would seem God is trying to teach me a different lesson.

View attachment 2353

View attachment 2354

What the hell do I do senpais?

She put the number herself in my phone, I then tried to call her/text her after but I remember something like it not going through.

Is she just a dumb chink and made a mistake?

Or is she pretending/gave a phony number?

Do I confront her at class tonight (by saying I tried to text the number she gave me but the person said it was the wrong one) and asking her in person to correct the number so I can schedule a study date with her (and risk getting cockblocked by her fat chink friend she always hangs out with in the class (I got her number from her in a different class but that class is Monday and the midterm is Wednesday so I think that would be too soon to ask her if I waited until then since she claims to be very busy and that would give her an easy excuse to get out of it)

Or do I stop this bull crap and realize its over for me in the west and this is a waste of time and just try to set stuff up when I get to Tokyo in January?

if you were chad she would've asked to go study at your place or hers and you would've ended up fucking lul
  • +1
Reactions: Nibba
if you were chad she would've asked to go study at your place or hers and you would've ended up fucking lul
@Zesto he's not wrong. You need to start badboy maxing
@Zesto he's not wrong. You need to start badboy maxing
yeah tbh. that noswear shit is gonna look so beta to a female lmao. what kind of girl wants to get fucked by a guy whos too frail to even say a swear word
  • +1
Reactions: 11gaijin
Bro you need to grow a pair as they say, if some bitch did this to me I wouldn’t say “excuse me” what type of a cuck are you? Males are supposed to be dominant, not saying “excuse me” after being basically being humiliated via text.. and not swearing lol are you srs? You need to look like you don’t give a fuck or atleast act like it, not trying to be this pretty boy/ innocent type of shit it won’t work now.
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto and Nibba
JFL you asked for a time, date, gave her all the instructions, told her that you were gonna pick her up and everything
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto
Jfl at getting rejected by asian girls who have the lowest smv possible. The only requirement to slay them is being White or not deformed
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto and iamgoingtomakeit
either she gave the wrong number or she saw your too long beta message then got disgusted and rejected u in this way
Dude, this should be the sign that AWALT. Asian chicks are no special. You need to LOOKSMAX with the aim that you can get any girl. Only then you would succeed.
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto
yeah tbh. that noswear shit is gonna look so beta to a female lmao. what kind of girl wants to get fucked by a guy whos too frail to even say a swear word
Yeah he's just being taken advantage of jfl
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto
Yeah he's just being taken advantage of jfl
real like what the fuck, your early twenties this is like some teenage shit, this prettyboy type of shit doesnt really work especially if you dont have a social circle, also that i mentioned social circles are underrated AF. I know less attractive people who are lets say have a huge social cirlce pull the all the time. I think the OP should learn from this mistake, Dont act like a fucking beta.. It shows Weakness apologizing to foids especially, You shouldn't give one fuck esp in text. dont be asking like do you wanna go bla bla, say it dominantly not asking like a beta would.
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto and Nibba
real like what the fuck, your early twenties this is like some teenage shit, this prettyboy type of shit doesnt really work especially if you dont have a social circle, also that i mentioned social circles are underrated AF. I know less attractive people who are lets say have a huge social cirlce pull the all the time. I think the OP should learn from this mistake, Dont act like a fucking beta.. It shows Weakness apologizing to foids especially, You shouldn't give one fuck esp in text. dont be asking like do you wanna go bla bla, say it dominantly not asking like a beta would.
Yeah exactly he should have not responded after that first no text, and not sent that giant paragraph at the beginning. Clearly wasn't interested in "boymaxed" autist betamale. It's one thing to be pretty boy and gymcelled like David laid, and it's another to be a submissive numale fag
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto, dogtown and Unknownjpg
Yeah exactly he should have not responded after that first no text, and not sent that giant paragraph at the beginning. Clearly wasn't interested in "boymaxed" autist betamale. It's one thing to be pretty boy and gymcelled like David laid, and it's another to be a submissive numale fag
Correct correct, These girls have so many options nowadays, If you show any weakness its a turnoff especially if arent good looking. This is one of the reasons I aint bothering till I gymmaxx myself. Its all a learning curve OP. You need to take what we are saying and put it into action, prettyboy maxxing or whatever wont work, its more than likely too late in your 23s or so, Gymmaxx get ripped, then atleast you can actually be very cocky, but for the meantime atleast have more pride in your self, your a male you are supposed to be dominate op.
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto and Nibba
Correct correct, These girls have so many options nowadays, If you show any weakness its a turnoff especially if arent good looking. This is one of the reasons I aint bothering till I gymmaxx myself. Its all a learning curve OP. You need to take what we are saying and put it into action, prettyboy maxxing or whatever wont work, its more than likely too late in your 23s or so, Gymmaxx get ripped, then atleast you can actually be very cocky, but for the meantime atleast have more pride in your self, your a male you are supposed to be dominate op.
Exactly quit letting women fuck you over and dominate you OP
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto
Step back, look at the bigger picture, realize you got rejected meanly, move on and block her.

After those asshole replies u should not have said excuse me, you should have left her on read and blocked her
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto
Bro Is unlikely that she Made a mistake but if you still want to confirm, call her or something while you can look at her (like during class) if she tales out her phone There you got your answer
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto
I wanted to thank everyone who gave useful advice.

@Tony @11gaijin @jefferson @VST @Tricky @Ryo_Hazuki @averageblokecel @ZyzzReincarnate @Unknownjpg @fatcelnolonger @Soontm @iamgoingtomakeit @Afrikancel @Peruvian @Sodoku

I'm pinging everyone to let you know my decision. I was stuck in a class that didn't allow laptops before so couldn't reply but I saw everyone my phone and it was all really helpful.

I pinged @Nibba because I wanted to get his feedback and for good reason because I chose to do what he recommended.

Thanks Nibba you are very wise for your age.

I have decided that I want nothing to do with this chinkroach. I deleted her number and I'm in the class with her right now writing this. I will never speak to her or think about her again.

There are two options here.

1) She gave me the wrong number unintentionally (very unlikely, and this would mean she is retarded since she's the one who put the number in the phone herself not me, and if she is that retarded studying with her would be useless, I don't just want to go out with a girl but the purpose of this study date is also to get some quality studying done which I did with the other girl at least).

2) She gave me the wrong number on purpose / pretended it was the wrong number (Most likely, I have a feeling she was just pretending it was the wrong number. I know when I get a wrong text I ignore it, I don't instantly respond wrong person. This just means she's a cruel/evil person to play with someone like that but I don't care. She's a soulless chink insectoid and I say this with on bitterness or anger but simply stating objective fact.

Soon in January I will find a Nipponese girl to make all this pain go away, I'm sure. You all will see on Looksmax as I will make threads with live updates when I go in January. This sunday I start my Japanese language class in preparation.

Step back, look at the bigger picture, realize you got rejected meanly, move on and block her.

After those asshole replies u should not have said excuse me, you should have left her on read and blocked her


I am genuinely a sweet, kind boy so I talk that way with everyone. I knew all along though it was B.S. really as soon as I got the first wrong person I should've immediately deleted it's number but it's gone now.

yeah tbh. that noswear shit is gonna look so beta to a female lmao. what kind of girl wants to get fucked by a guy whos too frail to even say a swear word

@ZyzzReincarnate I actually have it in me from this thread but I choose to suppress it as part of my BoyMaxxing. I do not want to behave like the type of animal that you have to be for western pigwomen and westernized rotten bananas.


Bro you need to grow a pair as they say, if some bitch did this to me I wouldn’t say “excuse me” what type of a cuck are you? Males are supposed to be dominant, not saying “excuse me” after being basically being humiliated via text.. and not swearing lol are you srs? You need to look like you don’t give a fuck or atleast act like it, not trying to be this pretty boy/ innocent type of shit it won’t work now.
Dude, this should be the sign that AWALT. Asian chicks are no special. You need to LOOKSMAX with the aim that you can get any girl. Only then you would succeed.
real like what the fuck, your early twenties this is like some teenage shit, this prettyboy type of shit doesnt really work especially if you dont have a social circle, also that i mentioned social circles are underrated AF. I know less attractive people who are lets say have a huge social cirlce pull the all the time. I think the OP should learn from this mistake, Dont act like a fucking beta.. It shows Weakness apologizing to foids especially, You shouldn't give one fuck esp in text. dont be asking like do you wanna go bla bla, say it dominantly not asking like a beta would.
Correct correct, These girls have so many options nowadays, If you show any weakness its a turnoff especially if arent good looking. This is one of the reasons I aint bothering till I gymmaxx myself. Its all a learning curve OP. You need to take what we are saying and put it into action, prettyboy maxxing or whatever wont work, its more than likely too late in your 23s or so, Gymmaxx get ripped, then atleast you can actually be very cocky, but for the meantime atleast have more pride in your self, your a male you are supposed to be dominate op.
Exactly quit letting women fuck you over and dominate you OP

@Unknownjpg @11gaijin @Nibba

This is all good advice but keep in mind I only have 2 months before I leave for Japan. I'll go to the gym again every weekday for November and December but I can't become a ripped alpha male barbarian in such a short amount of time. Maybe that's a strategy to run a year from now but it's just not possible for this trip.

Keep in mind I plan on targeting Nihonese ricegirls that are

I also want you to understand what I'm trying to accomplish.

This is the look I am going for as part of my J-PopIdolBoyMaxxing and I've made a lot of progress to this. At this point the gym is for making me leaner to optimize this look.

Miura nr1

I can assure you this guy is not slapping/grabbing girl's asses and telling them how much he wants to pound them to the f-ing moon.

The Japanese girls (millions of them, I'd say most of them are) into guys like this want someone gentle/soft (both looks and personality) and those are the type of girls I'm going for. HQNP

For an anime example and Yu Yu Hakusho fans this is the type of person I am.


I'm just a gentle/soft person (insie and out) and I have a high trust face and features that Asian girls like but makes me eternally truecel in the west.

I don't let people take advantage of me/not a pushover even though people try to because of how I look and act.

I am assertive enough to make approaches and try to set up dates, and I even know how to escalate/kino but I do so in a gentle way.

either she gave the wrong number or she saw your too long beta message then got disgusted and rejected u in this way


It has nothing to do with my message because I acted the same exact way when I asked for her number. She had this planned out from the beginning, she was already putting excuses in the pipeline telling me how busy she is. If she thought I was Chad she would never mention such a thing.

I knew that but I wanted to pursue it anyway just because I had it's number.

Bro Is unlikely that she Made a mistake but if you still want to confirm, call her or something while you can look at her (like during class) if she tales out her phone There you got your answer


She's in front of me right now in this class and I could do this but it's just not worth the effort the reasons I explained above.

I will find a Japanese women that won't flake/play games, maybe even multiple when I go on my trip to Tokyo in January.
  • +1
Reactions: iamgoingtomakeit, Peruvian, Afrikancel and 1 other person
I wish you all the best Zesto of the Yellowpill.

You are on a noble quest.

The west is forsaken and degenerate.

Yellowpill or death
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto
I pinged @Nibba because I wanted to get his feedback and for good reason because I chose to do what he recommended.

Thanks Nibba you are very wise for your age.
Hey thanks man. You're welcome. I'm always here to help just @ me and if I don't respond send me a pm. I've dealt with a lot of heartbreak and whores in my life, and the best option is to get validation from online women while looksmaxing like I used to and @ZyzzReincarnate does now. Once you're pretty well looksmaxed like I am rn where you're getting approached often, then you can worry about chicks. Hell even then, don't worry about em but u are permitted to fuck with em
  • +1
Reactions: Zesto and ZyzzReincarnate
I wanted to thank everyone who gave useful advice.

@Tony @11gaijin @jefferson @VST @Tricky @Ryo_Hazuki @averageblokecel @ZyzzReincarnate @Unknownjpg @fatcelnolonger @Soontm @iamgoingtomakeit @Afrikancel @Peruvian @Sodoku

I'm pinging everyone to let you know my decision. I was stuck in a class that didn't allow laptops before so couldn't reply but I saw everyone my phone and it was all really helpful.

I pinged @Nibba because I wanted to get his feedback and for good reason because I chose to do what he recommended.

Thanks Nibba you are very wise for your age.

I have decided that I want nothing to do with this chinkroach. I deleted her number and I'm in the class with her right now writing this. I will never speak to her or think about her again.

There are two options here.

1) She gave me the wrong number unintentionally (very unlikely, and this would mean she is retarded since she's the one who put the number in the phone herself not me, and if she is that retarded studying with her would be useless, I don't just want to go out with a girl but the purpose of this study date is also to get some quality studying done which I did with the other girl at least).

2) She gave me the wrong number on purpose / pretended it was the wrong number (Most likely, I have a feeling she was just pretending it was the wrong number. I know when I get a wrong text I ignore it, I don't instantly respond wrong person. This just means she's a cruel/evil person to play with someone like that but I don't care. She's a soulless chink insectoid and I say this with on bitterness or anger but simply stating objective fact.

Soon in January I will find a Nipponese girl to make all this pain go away, I'm sure. You all will see on Looksmax as I will make threads with live updates when I go in January. This sunday I start my Japanese language class in preparation.

View attachment 2359

I am genuinely a sweet, kind boy so I talk that way with everyone. I knew all along though it was B.S. really as soon as I got the first wrong person I should've immediately deleted it's number but it's gone now.

@ZyzzReincarnate I actually have it in me from this thread but I choose to suppress it as part of my BoyMaxxing. I do not want to behave like the type of animal that you have to be for western pigwomen and westernized rotten bananas.


@Unknownjpg @11gaijin @Nibba

This is all good advice but keep in mind I only have 2 months before I leave for Japan. I'll go to the gym again every weekday for November and December but I can't become a ripped alpha male barbarian in such a short amount of time. Maybe that's a strategy to run a year from now but it's just not possible for this trip.

Keep in mind I plan on targeting Nihonese ricegirls that are

I also want you to understand what I'm trying to accomplish.

This is the look I am going for as part of my J-PopIdolBoyMaxxing and I've made a lot of progress to this. At this point the gym is for making me leaner to optimize this look.

View attachment 2360View attachment 2361

I can assure you this guy is not slapping/grabbing girl's asses and telling them how much he wants to pound them to the f-ing moon.

The Japanese girls (millions of them, I'd say most of them are) into guys like this want someone gentle/soft (both looks and personality) and those are the type of girls I'm going for. HQNP

For an anime example and Yu Yu Hakusho fans this is the type of person I am.


I'm just a gentle/soft person (insie and out) and I have a high trust face and features that Asian girls like but makes me eternally truecel in the west.

I don't let people take advantage of me/not a pushover even though people try to because of how I look and act.

I am assertive enough to make approaches and try to set up dates, and I even know how to escalate/kino but I do so in a gentle way.


It has nothing to do with my message because I acted the same exact way when I asked for her number. She had this planned out from the beginning, she was already putting excuses in the pipeline telling me how busy she is. If she thought I was Chad she would never mention such a thing.

I knew that but I wanted to pursue it anyway just because I had it's number.


She's in front of me right now in this class and I could do this but it's just not worth the effort the reasons I explained above.

I will find a Japanese women that won't flake/play games, maybe even multiple when I go on my trip to Tokyo in January.
Good on ignoring the bitch but you should stop idealising Japanese women. It’s just going to hurt more if you’re not successful in January. Asian women are generally politer on the face as this is part of their culture. Those people don’t abuse you in your face unlike Western people. But that doesn’t mean that they’re flawless. AWALT.

I just hope you keep this in mind. Even if you don’t ascend in Japan, it’s not the end.
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Reactions: Deleted member 281, Zesto, jefferson and 1 other person

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