I got ghosted by a noodlewhore from Bumble after going to second base because I didn't want to drop her off at her friend's house for a party. FEELS



Jul 12, 2019


I super liked this Filipina on Bumble back in late June. She must not have logged in until recently because she matched with me last Saturday (the 6th) and messaged me "Hii" at 10pm+. Since on Bumble women have to make the first move.

I have been striking out for probably a couple months now on dating apps. Though I haven't taken the dating apps seriously until July. But something just told me as soon as I saw "Hii" that I was gonna get lucky this time. Maybe there was just something in her eyes and expression in her pics that made me feel like she'd break my cold streak. We chatted back and forth a bit but she stopped. I guess she was busy. I was hanging out with my friend. I went to the gym at midnight motivated. Then I got a message from her at like 1:40 AM. I told her that I had just been back from the gym and my muscles were sore. She said that I need a massage. I knew where this was going. She said too bad I'm far. I said that according to the GPS, she's only 4 km away.

She asks for a body pic of me. I send her one. She replies in the morning saying I'm so handsome. I call her beautiful. She asks me what my plans are for the day. I said I just came back from a run and gonna shower and I ask about her plans. She says that she doesn't have anything planned but she'd like to go to this festival. They make it so easy for me when they are actually into me. Most women it's like pulling teeth. I ask her if she'd like to go with me. She responds eagerly. She seemed so into me in the texts leading up to our date.

When we met, she asked me why I was quiet. I said I have social anxiety. She takes my hand and puts it to her bare leg and asks if I still have anxiety within like 10 minutes of meeting her.. ROFL She started holding hands with me. I really liked her vibe. I liked where this was going. I like affection and romance. I took her on a proper date and its a festival where the vendors are cash only. She was like "I didn't bring cash" (first red flag). I said "I got cash." I paid for her iced coffee ($7 CAD). I also put in 74km on my car that day driving to her place (5 km), driving to our date (30 km+), driving her home (30 km+) and driving back to mine (5km) which costs $$$ in Justin Trudeau's Canada. So I beta provided for her a little bit. lol. She seemed into me legit so I wasn't too bothered by that. She found $5 so she paid for her own churro.

Long story, we kissed, held hands, cuddled and we went to second base in my car. She was "massaging" me while I was driving her home and put her hands underneath my pants and stroked my bare cock. She initiated all this! The experience left me feeling weird because she was already talking about the future. Like how she wants to move in together eventually. But the truth is, I don't see myself having a future for her. I don't want to commit to her the way that I wanted to commit to my PSL ex Yogapants. I want affection and romance but I don't want forever with this particular girl. And she was talking about how men use her for sex. She was also saying that she thinks that I'm just horny and using her for sex. And I'm just at the point where I don't know how far I want this to go. She had told me on the date that the way I looked at her, it was like I was falling in love with her. lol. She said that she really liked me. And down the road she was looking towards cohabitation as a long-term goal. And living together short-term a few days at a time before doing so.

I enjoyed cuddling with her and shared affection with her. It's more than just sex for me. But commitment goes further than affection and even love.

As soon as my hard cock was inside my PSL ex Yogapants, I knew she was the one.I knew I loved her no later than the second night we had sex. I've never been able to recreate that feeling again with anyone. I loved my Punjabi ex too. But she was a distant second. And I was afraid to commit to her. With Yogapants, I knew I wanted to cash in my chips the moment I stuck it in raw (and we had always went raw). Sex with her was amazing. When we cuddled and I got hard, I couldn't believe how unbelievably hard and horny I was. I had psychogenic erectile dysfunction for years before I met her. And I was black pilled when I met her off sluthate. She made me rethink my black pilled views to a degree because she made me fall in love. I think pussy is over-rated. If I don't care about the woman attached to the pussy, fucking a pussy is no better than masturbation. My right hand can get me to cum far faster than a pussy ever can. But pussy attached to a woman you're in love with is amazing. Sex for me is very mental.

I had chatted with the Filipina daily since the date Sunday Aug 7th. Fast forward to Wednesday and she asks me when I'm coming over to her apartment after I had wished her good morning. I said I'd come over after she's done work. Then in the afternoon she says that somethings come up, she was invited to a friend's birthday party and needs to be there by 6. She asks me to drop her off. Her friend's house is 20 minutes highway driving from her place and 18 minutes from my place. her apartment is 11 minutes from my place. So it would take 49 minutes of driving for me to pick her up, take her to her friend's house and then go back home.

I hesitated to respond for 20 minutes. I told her, "but then we wouldn't have much time to spend together." And she said "we have an hour if you come up to my apartment before taking me to my friend's house." I hesitated for another 20 minutes and said, "that's okay, we can meet another time. Have fun at the party!" And she's like "ohh okay sure". Then later in the afternoon she's like "are you sure? even if you just drop me off?" I was so disgusted with her. I said, "we'll meet another day. It's okay." And she's like "okay sure." This was Wednesday afternoon.

And then I never heard from her again. I'm not her personal chauffeur. She is a user/taker. In a way I understand why she's a leech. She showed me her dating apps. She gets messages from all these men, including dick pics. Including some big dicked Chads wanting to fuck. Men are so thirsty in 2022. If I won't give her a free ride some more desperate simp out there probably offered her a ride on short notice. Men will fuck anything. I figured that out with my Grindr experiment. So don't be jealous of women getting Chad and Tyrone dick. Chad and Tyrone both love me too because I'm a handsome guy (though a 5'6" autistic manlet). It's not special to get attention from men. Dick is cheap. Pussy is expensive.

After not hearing from her for 4+ days, I text her Sunday 9pm. My phone fell into the toilet, I bought a new phone so I don't have the text screen. But I have a copy in notepad. It's now Tuesday evening and she hasn't replied. I've been ghosted. Jesus. I thought she was into me on our date based on her behaviour. I really liked this girl. I didn't like her to the point where I wanted to commit to her. But I liked her beyond just casual sex. I was feeling smitten with her and kinda had butterflies in my stomach with her. I felt affectionate and romantic towards her.

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  • JFL
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Vasco-v2, Deleted member 5455, Lmao and 5 others
what an entitled bitch in them screenshots. my ex tried making me her taxi driver at the start, i think theyre trying to test boundaries. u have to nip it in the bud ASAP and tell her ur not gonna be her taxi driver, then it should be normal. but sounds like u fucked it now anyways, sorry OP
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6128, Deleted member 18244 and ReadBooksEveryday
what an entitled bitch in them screenshots. my ex tried making me her taxi driver at the start, i think theyre trying to test boundaries. u have to nip it in the bud ASAP and tell her ur not gonna be her taxi driver, then it should be normal. but sounds like u fucked it now anyways, sorry OP
How did I fuck it? I made it pretty clear that I'm not gonna be her taxi driver no?
Fuck this bitch. She just wanted to use you as a free taxi driver, she probably regularly takes advantage of men like this. She is a massive entitled hoe, you probably weren’t gonna smash anyway, at least you left with your dignity intact
  • +1
Reactions: Lmao, Baldingman1998 and alien
Mate you’re good. Just looksmax and money maxx. ❤️❤️
  • +1
Reactions: to be human and alien
fuck deez hoes boy so what if she got u feelin sum typa way for her. fuuck dat bitch
go out wit some more shorties and break they back and fall in luv with multiple of em like 5-6 atleast. so when u fall out with any of em u wont give a fuck cuz u still got the others 😈
  • +1
Reactions: alien
pics of her?
how old are you and how old was she?
what would you rate her
Jbw is so brutal

You can be an autistic 35 year old neet and still some noodlewhore wants the goods

Meanwhile prime 18 year old curries like @Curry Suicide and @forevergymcelling are getting brutally bullied and have to make Maherfish accounts
what an entitled bitch in them screenshots. my ex tried making me her taxi driver at the start, i think theyre trying to test boundaries. u have to nip it in the bud ASAP and tell her ur not gonna be her taxi driver, then it should be normal. but sounds like u fucked it now anyways, sorry OP
Also he didn't fuck it up

If anything he stood for himself instead of being a chaffeur boy. Girl was lookin for a betabux.. + she's Filipino = Not really in a position to bargain ..
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998, Deleted member 18244 and Deleted member 17829
read it all holy fucking shit at the entitlement
What’s that? You met your ex on sluthate?
  • +1
Reactions: ReadBooksEveryday
Sorry that I haven’t been a no lifer rotter since 2011
You're right. You been a nolifer since 2005 (your birth date)
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 18244
there’s a misconception in the west that asian foids are hqnp or loyal/submissive


western asian women are whores just like everyone else. most are jbw but they will always try to find the the next bigger chad and in the west that can be very abundant

never let your guard down
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies
So what’s the story?
I wasn't there either but basically the oldschool pre ER going ER (2014) - he met this hot Indian chick on PSL forums - and they lived closeby and became a couple

Its a never ever in history kinda PSL tale. Incel autist finds a gf through incel forums
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 18244
I wasn't there either but basically the oldschool pre ER going ER (2014) - he met this hot Indian chick on PSL forums - and they lived closeby and became a couple

Its a never ever in history kinda PSL tale. Incel autist finds a gf through incel forums
But wasnt er a virgin?
there’s a misconception in the west that asian foids are hqnp or loyal/submissive

View attachment 1831293

western asian women are whores just like everyone else. most are jbw but they will always try to find the the next bigger chad and in the west that can be very abundant

never let your guard down

Cope. Wmaf couples are much more stable than wmwf.
Monoracial white couples are an absolute disaster. The drugs, the alcohol, the violence, the depravity... a match made in hell.
I wasn't there either but basically the oldschool pre ER going ER (2014) - he met this hot Indian chick on PSL forums - and they lived closeby and became a couple

Its a never ever in history kinda PSL tale. Incel autist finds a gf through incel forums
I met her mid-May 2015 on sluthate. So this was post-ER post-PUAhate. The rest is accurate.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 18244 and ReadBooksEveryday
there’s a misconception in the west that asian foids are hqnp or loyal/submissive

View attachment 1831293

western asian women are whores just like everyone else. most are jbw but they will always try to find the the next bigger chad and in the west that can be very abundant

never let your guard down
Brutal, guess that means NO ONE should go near noodles then ffs
she's no longer filopina, the moment she moves to the west she's just plain b...

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