• Ugh..
Reactions: Skywalker
You are very misinformed.

Taking it slow never works. If the attraction is there, the faster you act on it, the better.

I’ll be taking things slowly with her. She’s a keeper !
  • +1
Reactions: Kaizen, FML0908, Deleted member 25995 and 4 others
Bruh no. Height is a big thing.

Tails on YouTube has high IQ takes. This is one of them.
No height for my face brother, trust me.
I don’t even know how she found me attractive tbh :feelskek: :feelskek:
If she’s a MTB, I’m a protocel then.
if she's a stacylite, then i'm a 7'2, A10 eyes, 10x8.5 dick, 9 psl upper-god
  • JFL
Reactions: oxymoron, Skywalker and Deleted member 29167
Well lets just see how everything goes. This will be your best pull youll ever have in your current looks state if you manage it
I absolutely agree. I wonder what i’ll pull once i ascended. I hope after my ascension i will be able to pull my oneitis.
It absolutely does. But i’m way out of her league, like way fucking out.
This is me:
View attachment 2213521
you are MTN IRL and shes prob actually htb-mtb IRL from what experienced, hawk-eyed users ITT tell me cause pics dont work for me so i cant see shit
6’2 height is cope.
oh and this , on top of the stupid OP post confirms to me that

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  • JFL
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This is my oneitis. I’m still in love with her and i’ll make a thread about her after exams.

Does she mog ? This is her @positivecoper my oneitis that ruined my life. Literally ruined it.

She ruined my life for 2 years straight.
BRO how, you have been talking about ur oneitis ruining ur life for so long, im extremely curious what happened
your first non bitter comment💀
francisco lachowski laughing GIF
  • Love it
  • Hmm...
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BRO how, you have been talking about ur oneitis ruining ur life for so long, im extremely curious what happened
I know i’ll sound like pussy when i say this, but everytime i think of her and what happened and how i was treated i literally cry. That being said, i’ll make a big thread about her (DNRDcels be ready) after i get unbanned. I’m not quite ready yet and i have to focus on other shit right now.
  • Ugh..
  • So Sad
Reactions: Skywalker and Deleted member 24427
will leave u in 1-2 months

@Blackgymmax jfl this subhuman actually thinks he landed a gf and isn't being gaslighted
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker
“I’m a subhuman!”

Is actually a 6’1 MTN

Stfu dumb nigga you’ve never been subhuman
  • +1
Reactions: oxymoron, Dr. Bludy, Skywalker and 2 others
will leave u in 1-2 months

@Blackgymmax jfl this subhuman actually thinks he landed a gf and isn't being gaslighted
Cope harder.
Even in my current looks state i’ve pulled bitches before and had slays. I’m well aware of my looks and i’ve never bragged about being muh good looking so i don’t get why you’re being bitter.
I guess jealousy is the worst of vices, isn’t it ?
I’ll leave you on that note as i got other things to do in my life and i’m not going to bother with a khhv coon.
  • JFL
Reactions: ripcordgod1
Cope harder.
Even in my current looks state i’ve pulled bitches before and had slays. I’m well aware of my looks and i’ve never bragged about being muh good looking so i don’t get why you’re being bitter.
I guess jealousy is the worst of vices, isn’t it ?
I’ll leave you on that note as i got other things to do in my life and i’m not going to bother with a khhv coon.
keep living in delusions OP
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker
So you're barely talking her, you're not even official, you haven't even kiss or fucked her and you think that it's done ?

Boy you're in for a rude awakening..
  • +1
Reactions: zeshama, oxymoron, Skywalker and 2 others
keep living in delusions OP
Delusional about what ? You can’t even articulate why i’m being deluded.
I’m just proving a point here, the blackpill is real to some extent. But personality actually fucking matters.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: oxymoron and Skywalker
After u fuck her, then u can say u pulled her.
Now she s maybe using u for something or idk.
But if she actually wants to fuck with u, then yeah nigga u pulled her and she was interested.
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker, CuriousGuy and FML0908
So you're barely talking her, you're not even official, you haven't even kiss or fucked her and you think that it's done ?

Boy you're in for a rude awakening..
On s’est rencontré sur Tinder.
Ça fait une semaine qu’on se parle et elle même m’a dit qu’elle s’est beaucoup attaché a moi et qu’elle voulait voit ce que ça aller donner en vrai vie. La par exemple ça fait 4h qu’elle est en remis et elle est entrain de me spammer pourquoi est ce que je lui réponds plus. Enfin bref on a prévu un date ce week-end et je compte pas faire quelque chose avec elle dès le premier date.
  • +1
Reactions: VenatorLuparius
After u fuck her, then u can say u pulled her.
Now she s maybe using u for something or idk.
But if she actually wants to fuck with u, then yeah nigga u pulled her and she was interested.
She wants to fuck me. She already told me that but she said she dosen’t want me to play her like other guys did.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: oxymoron, Skywalker, Deleted member 28414 and 2 others
On s’est rencontré sur Tinder.
Ça fait une semaine qu’on se parle et elle même m’a dit qu’elle s’est beaucoup attaché a moi et qu’elle voulait voit ce que ça aller donner en vrai vie. La par exemple ça fait 4h qu’elle est en remis et elle est entrain de me spammer pourquoi est ce que je lui réponds plus. Enfin bref on a prévu un date ce week-end et je compte pas faire quelque chose avec elle dès le premier date.
Ok je vois mais tant que t'as rien fait considère que tu es dans une poule de plusieurs mecs avec qui elle parle, à fortiori si tu l'as rencontré via Tinder.

Ca peut foirer à tout moment et annule le cinéma : en 1er date c'est totalement foireux. Rencontre là dans un café pour boire un verre.
  • +1
Reactions: CuriousGuy and FML0908
She wants to fuck me. She already told me that but she said she dosen’t want me to play her like other guys did.
goodjob then, fuck her and LTR her if she agrees, if not fuck and dump.
  • +1
Reactions: FML0908
there's your explanation

can't be subhuman at 6'2
im incel with this face at 6"2
3408917 20230513 123801
@FML0908 i will steal ur girl fucker!
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker
  • +1
Reactions: FML0908
Well done bro

Keep up the good work and don't post pics of the girls on here for your own sake. delete pics from Imgur now before some autist saves the pics
  • +1
Reactions: oxymoron and FML0908
  • +1
Reactions: FML0908
Ok je vois mais tant que t'as rien fait considère que tu es dans une poule de plusieurs mecs avec qui elle parle, à fortiori si tu l'as rencontré via Tinder.

Ca peut foirer à tout moment et annule le cinéma : en 1er date c'est totalement foireux. Rencontre là dans un café pour boire un verre.
Je suis d’accord avec toi sur le premier point, ce qui me laisse penser l’avoir dans la poche c’est le fait qu’elle m’a forcé à désinstaller Tinder. Mais bon à ce stage je m’accord a dire que rien n’est encore aquis.

Pourquoi tu penses qu’un date au ciné peut foirer ? Je comptais aller regarder le nouveau fast and furious avec elle parceque on est tout les deux passionné d’automobile.
  • +1
Reactions: VenatorLuparius
Ok je vois mais tant que t'as rien fait considère que tu es dans une poule de plusieurs mecs avec qui elle parle, à fortiori si tu l'as rencontré via Tinder.

Ca peut foirer à tout moment et annule le cinéma : en 1er date c'est totalement foireux. Rencontre là dans un café pour boire un verre.
C'est ce que je lui ai dit, il faut qu'il prenne du recul et quil ne s'attache pas illico avant que quelque chose se confirme entre eux de manière concrète. Mais si elle lui parle c'est qu'il est à son goût c'est obligé, en + tinder
  • +1
Reactions: FML0908 and VenatorLuparius
This is my last thread, i’m getting banned for a month as i need to focus on my exams.
I’m still a depressed piece of trash, waste of cum and oxygen, subhuman and got myself a literal stacylite.
Boyos this is to give you hope and lifefuel, PERSONALITY MATTERS.
Don’t give up on yourself because some dravidian user said you’re subhuman, cause even a subhuman like myself pulled a stacylite. @EasyMan875 can confirm it.
Take care brothers, we’re all going to ascend inshAllah.
Just commit zina and say god willing theory
  • So Sad
Reactions: FML0908
  • So Sad
Reactions: RAMU KAKA
Yeah agreed bro that’s fucked up from my part.
I feel like committing zina too bhai, get close to Allah and marry, may Allah bless you with a giga stacy wife In Sha Allah
  • +1
Reactions: oxymoron and VenatorLuparius
Well done bro

Keep up the good work and don't post pics of the girls on here for your own sake. delete pics from Imgur now before some autist saves the pics
Thank you brother i deleted them ! And thanks for being well incentivized !
  • +1
Reactions: oxymoron and Deleted member 15539
what do u have
-High iq
-Know how to please a women
-I mog you to gandy’s heaven
-I don’t look autistic
Keep wanking and dreaming in your cum runned basement.
  • +1
Reactions: VenatorLuparius
Je suis d’accord avec toi sur le premier point, ce qui me laisse penser l’avoir dans la poche c’est le fait qu’elle m’a forcé à désinstaller Tinder. Mais bon à ce stage je m’accord a dire que rien n’est encore aquis.

Pourquoi tu penses qu’un date au ciné peut foirer ? Je comptais aller regarder le nouveau fast and furious avec elle parceque on est tout les deux passionné d’automobile.
Bah déjà le film dure 2h30 haha et surtout 2h30 ou vous ne pourrez pas parler donc autant de temps de perdu à ne pas apprendre à se connaître.

Laisse le cinéma pour plus tard quand vous aurez appris à vous connaître correctement, conseil d'oldcel.
  • +1
Reactions: FML0908
-High iq
-Know how to please a women
-I mog you to gandy’s heaven
-I don’t look autistic
Keep wanking and dreaming in your cum runned basement.
stfu i mog ur shitskin ass
  • JFL
Reactions: FML0908
Bah déjà le film dure 2h30 haha et surtout 2h30 ou vous ne pourrez pas parler donc autant de temps de perdu à ne pas apprendre à se connaître.

Laisse le cinéma pour plus tard quand vous aurez appris à vous connaître correctement, conseil d'oldcel.
C’est vrai que je n y ai jamais pensé de cette façon, t’as pas tort en soit si on apprend pas à se connaître en vrai vie au préalable le ciné peut se transformer en plan foireux.

Je changerai les plan pour le coup, je la prendrai boire un verre et si le feeling persiste on ira faire un bowling où une activité un peu plus original (pourquoi pas la foire en vrai ?).
Merci pour ses conseils frérot !
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: malicieusss and VenatorLuparius
stfu i mog ur shitskin ass
How many women have been attracted to you irl ? Hahaha 0.
Such a big statement brother but yeah keep dreaming, you have absolutely 0 appeal and your face looks like it has been compressed with a hydraulic press.
Even white skin won’t save you my brother!
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: oxymoron and Skywalker
How many women have been attracted to you irl ? Hahaha 0.
Such a big statement brother but yeah keep dreaming, you have absolutely 0 appeal and your face looks like it has been compressed with a hydraulic press.
Even white skin won’t save you my brother!
a blue eyed mtb had a crush on me , ik it was true cos after she started dating a guy that looks like me

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