I guarantee half this forum has never been 10% bodyfat

I have lost discipline my brother, it is my fault I have let food over take my PSL score

Only when I get back into long term fasting ( 2 days ) will I be blessed with my jawline again

damn u fast for 2 days in a row? The most I did was 1 day but honestly I noticed after you successfully skip breakfast your body just adapts and you're not hungry for the rest of the day. It's pretty scary how well it works I just dont want to lose lean muscle.
damn u fast for 2 days in a row? The most I did was 1 day but honestly I noticed after you successfully skip breakfast your body just adapts and you're not hungry for the rest of the day. It's pretty scary how well it works I just dont want to lose lean muscle.

Muscles are overrated

Lean face > Muscles


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Low IQ, my cheeks are genetically chubby, low bodyfat along with buccal fat removal gives me hollow cheeks and jawline I could never obtain naturally

This works better for tall men with large frames.

I am small frame at 5'11 I cant put on massive amounts of muscle without huge amounts of steroids
Ye I have the same issue with my face, but removing ALL my buccal fat would age me to oblivion.
Muscles are overrated

Lean face > Muscles
Alot of Muscles help alot. But you dont need a ton of muscle to look good to women. You just need some muscle and be lean. You do not need to be a gymcelll.
Being skinny when you're above 20 is a massive failo so I have to bulk up first then cut.
TBH TBH getting to 10% bodyfat is FUCKING HARD but if you never made that far it should be ILLEGAL to complain online till you get there

BONES > Eye area, hair, nose ( Ask Chico and Justin Bieber )

When you have chiseled features in face you will activate RAW sexual desire in women that nothing else can compete with

Chubby guys with beards and hunter eyes can do good with women if they are tall, but chiseled jaw will always out slay no bone beard frauders

Just wanted to say alot of you would rather contemplate surgery before getting to low bodyfat because IT IS EASIER stop coping LOW BODYFAT or death


hahahj this just reminded me that i am a big dude witgh hunter eyes plus height
I have no fucking bones whats the point
Legit I had a cheat meal lady Friday , I had three pies, 2 Debby brownies and ice cream. Weighted myself the next day and I was a point lighter JFL
be strong, persist. When you achieve this you can even do some cheat meals without it affecting you (not overdoing it of course). Believe me its worth it
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I maintain sub 12% all year and I have antipsychotics and I love food.

I'm extremely active physically and I do OMAD, I fast everyday

I have one cheat meal a week in general

my family sees me at christmas and was amazed at how lean I was. One of my cousins said " polio has changed his face" "back in the day you had a round face now your face is defined" "leanness suits you well" and he asked me how I had lost all the weight

I look ten times better when I'm lean

Because of that feedback I keep being disciplined because it's worth it

I love food and keep leanness with my lifestyle, I even love my vegetables when they are well cooked, but my cheatmeal is god-like for me, that's what I look for all the week
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