I HATE AMERICAN POLICE!!! and American prostitution laws



Oct 4, 2019
I'm so jealous of Europeans posting on here talking about getting actual sex from reasonably attractive skinny girls for as little as 70 euros, or 100 dollars. They are so lucky they live in Europe, seriously. They can go get laid at age 16 and get it over with if they just save up 70 euros. I think the earlier a guy gets introduced to ACTUAL sex (not porn) then the more normal and better a man becomes in dating and having a sex life in the future, and the less of an incel problem that country will have. I love european laws, european prisons, and how polite and reasonable european police are. These fucking fat obnoxious robotic American police are basically a bunch of worthless military rejects who get out of the military for whatever reason, and then go straight to police to go to war with their community with all their annoying military mentality. And they make sure to enforce EVERYTHING. They don't ignore even the most obscure laws, they're like these terminator robots. I've seen multiple videos where these bastard US cops chased down and tackled a 20 year old and arrested him because he was having a beer while under age 21. This is what we are up against! They won't let anything go!! And when it comes to the law that forbids prostitution in all 50 states except las vegas, they literally come at you with an entire swat team with loaded guns aimed at your head screaming at you to surrender peacefully. All because you were an incel who dared to break the rules and cheat their cruel sadistic "game" by trying to pay for sex directly because no girl was willing to give you a chance. All the escort accounts online are 20% police bait accounts and 80% scam accounts. The "legal" escorts that are at least average looking cost 2000 dollars per hour because of all the licensing and regulations they are subject to, and demand for them is sky high because the entire country has only them to go to, so if you can afford 2000 per hour, then you'll have to wait months for an appointment. Oh and if you get caught trying to mess with an escort it goes on your criminal record FOR LIFE and no job will hire you because of it since you've been labelled a pervert and sex offender. And on top of that you get thrown in a dingy, dirty, degenerate, American NIGGER-JAIL where you have to hear their dumb voices going "muh fuggah, watchoo doing muh nigguh, bitchazz nugguh, i aint finna do nuttin muhfugga". There is no difference between an American jail and a jail in Africa! Demographics look the same. You'll be locked in a cell with rapists, muderers, gang members, everything. IT'S DISGUSTING! i hate this shit! I hate being stuck here!
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shut up coomer
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  • JFL
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be thankful your dick is still working you pathetic virgin
  • JFL
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be thankful your dick is still working you pathetic virgin
Why should i be thankful for my dick still working? That's a bad thing. Because being an incel and having a sex drive means you need to shut it down
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Why should i be thankful for my dick still working? That's a bad thing. Because being an incel and having a sex drive means you need to shut it down
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Police just follow orders. The whole system is not meant for men in general. Beta providers and chads
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This is the easiest time to get laid in all of human history and you're rotting on an incel forum, just lol
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  • JFL
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Reactions: Preoximerianas, thereallegend, Deleted member 15778 and 2 others
Police just follow orders. The whole system is not meant for men in general. Beta providers and chads
But they follow orders like robots. In most other countries police just let things slide. They aren't robotic in the way they enforce obscure retarded laws
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You do realize cops didn’t create prostitute laws in america right?

also american escorts costs average $800 for verified girl. Eros? Slixa? Tryst? You’re just lazy and retarded. No cops care about fucking escorts and it’s easy to tell cop bait online (rare) from real girls
Yeah i know they didn't create it, but they should just let it slide though. It should not be enforced uncless someone is in danger. They should turn a blind eye to it and LEAVE TWO CONSENTING ADULTS ALONE
  • +1
Reactions: Hades
You do realize cops didn’t create prostitute laws in america right?

also american escorts costs average $800 for verified girl. Eros? Slixa? Tryst? You’re just lazy and retarded. No cops care about fucking escorts and it’s easy to tell cop bait online (rare) from real girls
800 is still high as fuck. Way more than 100 like in Europe
  • +1
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Police just follow orders. The whole system is not meant for men in general. Beta providers and chads

The entire System I would say is catered to women,Chads are just accesories to modern women,like a fancy handbag or watch that they advertise with on Social Media to flex their SMV.The Capitalists have already realized by now that all you have to do is cater to women and the men will naturally fall in line with whatever trends the women set (Think of the Queen Bee in a Hive) except every woman today is the queen of her own respective Colony.
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why is prostitution banned?
Better to use hand than whore
  • Ugh..
Reactions: oldcelloser and thereallegend
The entire System I would say is catered to women,Chads are just accesories to modern women,like a fancy handbag or watch that they advertise with on Social Media to flex their SMV.The Capitalists have already realized by now that all you have to do is cater to women and the men will naturally fall in line with whatever trends the women set (Think of the Queen Bee in a Hive) except every woman today is the queen of her own respective Colony.
Just get some acid and disfigure these women.
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  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: thereallegend and Magical Apple
America is cucked
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Reactions: Preoximerianas, thereallegend and Magical Apple
this post reminded me of that nigga that created threads every day about how he hates the government and police who torture and oppress him :feelskek: @germanlooks
  • JFL
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this post reminded me of that nigga that created threads every day about how he hates the government and police who torture and oppress him :feelskek: @germanlooks
I miss his high effort threads tbh
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  • JFL
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No, men are the problem

Kill all the men and women. Hope the next virus wipes out humanity for good. I want to stab to death all these men. If i catch one these faggots simping on onlyfans i will slit his neck!
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  • JFL
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Yeah I've gone looked extensively. Can't find any "real" escorts that are average looking and not scam accounts.
There's always Seeking Arrangements, but you can't be a weirdo there.
There's always Seeking Arrangements, but you can't be a weirdo there.
Oh and another thing. 90% of the escorts in my shithole southern trash state are NIGGER SHEBOONS. no thanks. I'm not touching one of them. I can't find a single cute Asian, Latina, white, girl as an escort. Nope. They're all just "aindoo nuttinz" black queenz hahaha! Fucking ghetto filth. I wish i could genocide the ghetto people in the US. just dispose of them. They're worthless. Half of them have aids.
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  • +1
Reactions: Anyanglover
I'm so jealous of Europeans posting on here talking about getting actual sex from reasonably attractive skinny girls for as little as 70 euros, or 100 dollars. They are so lucky they live in Europe, seriously. They can go get laid at age 16 and get it over with if they just save up 70 euros. I think the earlier a guy gets introduced to ACTUAL sex (not porn) then the more normal and better a man becomes in dating and having a sex life in the future, and the less of an incel problem that country will have. I love european laws, european prisons, and how polite and reasonable european police are. These fucking fat obnoxious robotic American police are basically a bunch of worthless military rejects who get out of the military for whatever reason, and then go straight to police to go to war with their community with all their annoying military mentality. And they make sure to enforce EVERYTHING. They don't ignore even the most obscure laws, they're like these terminator robots. I've seen multiple videos where these bastard US cops chased down and tackled a 20 year old and arrested him because he was having a beer while under age 21. This is what we are up against! They won't let anything go!! And when it comes to the law that forbids prostitution in all 50 states except las vegas, they literally come at you with an entire swat team with loaded guns aimed at your head screaming at you to surrender peacefully. All because you were an incel who dared to break the rules and cheat their cruel sadistic "game" by trying to pay for sex directly because no girl was willing to give you a chance. All the escort accounts online are 20% police bait accounts and 80% scam accounts. The "legal" escorts that are at least average looking cost 2000 dollars per hour because of all the licensing and regulations they are subject to, and demand for them is sky high because the entire country has only them to go to, so if you can afford 2000 per hour, then you'll have to wait months for an appointment. Oh and if you get caught trying to mess with an escort it goes on your criminal record FOR LIFE and no job will hire you because of it since you've been labelled a pervert and sex offender. And on top of that you get thrown in a dingy, dirty, degenerate, American NIGGER-JAIL where you have to hear their dumb voices going "muh fuggah, watchoo doing muh nigguh, bitchazz nugguh, i aint finna do nuttin muhfugga". There is no difference between an American jail and a jail in Africa! Demographics look the same. You'll be locked in a cell with rapists, muderers, gang members, everything. IT'S DISGUSTING! i hate this shit! I hate being stuck here!
I absolutely fucking hate living in america.
I'm so jealous of Europeans posting on here talking about getting actual sex from reasonably attractive skinny girls for as little as 70 euros, or 100 dollars. They are so lucky they live in Europe, seriously. They can go get laid at age 16 and get it over with if they just save up 70 euros. I think the earlier a guy gets introduced to ACTUAL sex (not porn) then the more normal and better a man becomes in dating and having a sex life in the future, and the less of an incel problem that country will have. I love european laws, european prisons, and how polite and reasonable european police are. These fucking fat obnoxious robotic American police are basically a bunch of worthless military rejects who get out of the military for whatever reason, and then go straight to police to go to war with their community with all their annoying military mentality. And they make sure to enforce EVERYTHING. They don't ignore even the most obscure laws, they're like these terminator robots. I've seen multiple videos where these bastard US cops chased down and tackled a 20 year old and arrested him because he was having a beer while under age 21. This is what we are up against! They won't let anything go!! And when it comes to the law that forbids prostitution in all 50 states except las vegas, they literally come at you with an entire swat team with loaded guns aimed at your head screaming at you to surrender peacefully. All because you were an incel who dared to break the rules and cheat their cruel sadistic "game" by trying to pay for sex directly because no girl was willing to give you a chance. All the escort accounts online are 20% police bait accounts and 80% scam accounts. The "legal" escorts that are at least average looking cost 2000 dollars per hour because of all the licensing and regulations they are subject to, and demand for them is sky high because the entire country has only them to go to, so if you can afford 2000 per hour, then you'll have to wait months for an appointment. Oh and if you get caught trying to mess with an escort it goes on your criminal record FOR LIFE and no job will hire you because of it since you've been labelled a pervert and sex offender. And on top of that you get thrown in a dingy, dirty, degenerate, American NIGGER-JAIL where you have to hear their dumb voices going "muh fuggah, watchoo doing muh nigguh, bitchazz nugguh, i aint finna do nuttin muhfugga". There is no difference between an American jail and a jail in Africa! Demographics look the same. You'll be locked in a cell with rapists, muderers, gang members, everything. IT'S DISGUSTING! i hate this shit! I hate being stuck here!
PM me I can help you
Yeah I've gone looked extensively. Can't find any "real" escorts that are average looking and not scam accounts.
Dude there’s a whole subreddit called escort clients dedicated to helping cuckmericans navigate the escort scene you should check it out.
I'm so jealous of Europeans posting on here talking about getting actual sex from reasonably attractive skinny girls for as little as 70 euros, or 100 dollars. They are so lucky they live in Europe, seriously. They can go get laid at age 16 and get it over with if they just save up 70 euros. I think the earlier a guy gets introduced to ACTUAL sex (not porn) then the more normal and better a man becomes in dating and having a sex life in the future, and the less of an incel problem that country will have. I love european laws, european prisons, and how polite and reasonable european police are. These fucking fat obnoxious robotic American police are basically a bunch of worthless military rejects who get out of the military for whatever reason, and then go straight to police to go to war with their community with all their annoying military mentality. And they make sure to enforce EVERYTHING. They don't ignore even the most obscure laws, they're like these terminator robots. I've seen multiple videos where these bastard US cops chased down and tackled a 20 year old and arrested him because he was having a beer while under age 21. This is what we are up against! They won't let anything go!! And when it comes to the law that forbids prostitution in all 50 states except las vegas, they literally come at you with an entire swat team with loaded guns aimed at your head screaming at you to surrender peacefully. All because you were an incel who dared to break the rules and cheat their cruel sadistic "game" by trying to pay for sex directly because no girl was willing to give you a chance. All the escort accounts online are 20% police bait accounts and 80% scam accounts. The "legal" escorts that are at least average looking cost 2000 dollars per hour because of all the licensing and regulations they are subject to, and demand for them is sky high because the entire country has only them to go to, so if you can afford 2000 per hour, then you'll have to wait months for an appointment. Oh and if you get caught trying to mess with an escort it goes on your criminal record FOR LIFE and no job will hire you because of it since you've been labelled a pervert and sex offender. And on top of that you get thrown in a dingy, dirty, degenerate, American NIGGER-JAIL where you have to hear their dumb voices going "muh fuggah, watchoo doing muh nigguh, bitchazz nugguh, i aint finna do nuttin muhfugga". There is no difference between an American jail and a jail in Africa! Demographics look the same. You'll be locked in a cell with rapists, muderers, gang members, everything. IT'S DISGUSTING! i hate this shit! I hate being stuck here!

Been with over 100 at an average price of £60 each in the UK (white and Latina) :owo: considering how much people pay to buy and maintain a new car just for a slight hope for one girl , escort maxxing is legit good value.
this post reminded me of that nigga that created threads every day about how he hates the government and police who torture and oppress him :feelskek: @germanlooks
Been with over 100 at an average price of £60 each in the UK (white and Latina) :owo: considering how much people pay to buy and maintain a new car just for a slight hope for one girl , escort maxxing is legit good value.
They're that cheap over there? What did they look like? Were they skinny and at least average looking? How long did it take to get an appointment? Was their pussy really loose or halfway decent?
Police just follow orders. The whole system is not meant for men in general. Beta providers and chads
Yeah the US has this anti male policy for some shit odd reason.
Based thread. Only those who are young and have/are living in Cuckmerica can truly understand how shit it is for most men.

Meanwhile many delusional Americancels actually have pride living there jfl.
America is cucked
How is that cucked you fucking retard? Cucked is letting women make a living of sucking dicks, meanwhile we have to work hard to earn money all they have to do is spread their legs :feelswah:
this post reminded me of that nigga that created threads every day about how he hates the government and police who torture and oppress him :feelskek: @germanlooks
I miss him
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: Toth's thot and .👽.
I'm so jealous of Europeans posting on here talking about getting actual sex from reasonably attractive skinny girls for as little as 70 euros, or 100 dollars. They are so lucky they live in Europe, seriously. They can go get laid at age 16 and get it over with if they just save up 70 euros. I think the earlier a guy gets introduced to ACTUAL sex (not porn) then the more normal and better a man becomes in dating and having a sex life in the future, and the less of an incel problem that country will have. I love european laws, european prisons, and how polite and reasonable european police are. These fucking fat obnoxious robotic American police are basically a bunch of worthless military rejects who get out of the military for whatever reason, and then go straight to police to go to war with their community with all their annoying military mentality. And they make sure to enforce EVERYTHING. They don't ignore even the most obscure laws, they're like these terminator robots. I've seen multiple videos where these bastard US cops chased down and tackled a 20 year old and arrested him because he was having a beer while under age 21. This is what we are up against! They won't let anything go!! And when it comes to the law that forbids prostitution in all 50 states except las vegas, they literally come at you with an entire swat team with loaded guns aimed at your head screaming at you to surrender peacefully. All because you were an incel who dared to break the rules and cheat their cruel sadistic "game" by trying to pay for sex directly because no girl was willing to give you a chance. All the escort accounts online are 20% police bait accounts and 80% scam accounts. The "legal" escorts that are at least average looking cost 2000 dollars per hour because of all the licensing and regulations they are subject to, and demand for them is sky high because the entire country has only them to go to, so if you can afford 2000 per hour, then you'll have to wait months for an appointment. Oh and if you get caught trying to mess with an escort it goes on your criminal record FOR LIFE and no job will hire you because of it since you've been labelled a pervert and sex offender. And on top of that you get thrown in a dingy, dirty, degenerate, American NIGGER-JAIL where you have to hear their dumb voices going "muh fuggah, watchoo doing muh nigguh, bitchazz nugguh, i aint finna do nuttin muhfugga". There is no difference between an American jail and a jail in Africa! Demographics look the same. You'll be locked in a cell with rapists, muderers, gang members, everything. IT'S DISGUSTING! i hate this shit! I hate being stuck here!
I hate 'frozen in the middle' hot pockets. Fucking Made in China microwaves = the true culprit. Fuck Walmart junk! Ngl.

  • +1
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How is that cucked you fucking retard? Cucked is letting women make a living of sucking dicks, meanwhile we have to work hard to earn money all they have to do is spread their legs :feelswah:
Lol bitches in USA are already making money spreading their legs in onlyfans without being touched by real human being , porn is legal , all these things are allowed but an incel pay for sex get arrested instantly if that’s not cucked idk what’s being cucked is you cuck
Lol bitches in USA are already making money spreading their legs in onlyfans without being touched by real human being
JFL not even comparable, plenty of girls fail at Onlyfans, I have literally seen girls crying about how they barely get customers despite being constantly promoting their OF, it unironically takes more effort to produce content for Onlyfans than to be an escort and you need a good network for it to be profitable, plus it is most likely to ruin your reputation forever.
  • +1
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but an incel pay for sex get arrested instantly if that’s not cucked idk what’s being cucked is you cuck
I see no issue here as long as the whore gets arrested too.
i have nothing to say really i just want to see what the tag under my user will say once i reach 400 posts

"enthusiast" cool :feelspepo:
They're that cheap over there? What did they look like? Were they skinny and at least average looking? How long did it take to get an appointment? Was their pussy really loose or halfway decent?

Yes its legal in the UK, plus we get alot of EE women that do it. They are good looking.

The quality has recently gone down woth the corona pandemic..
Yes its legal in the UK, plus we get alot of EE women that do it. They are good looking.

The quality has recently gone down woth the corona pandemic..
I want to move to UK or Australia. They both have legal prostitution and the UK seems to consider ethnic men like this rishi sunak as being enough of an equal to apparently become the first non white prime minister of the UK.
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  • JFL
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I want to move to UK or Australia. They both have legal prostitution and the UK seems to consider ethnic men like this rishi sunak as being enough of an equal to apparently become the first non white prime minister of the UK.

That's just virtue signalling, UK and Australia are racist asf. Only come for money not to socialise.

If you just want sex then consider Eastern Europe and South America.
That's just virtue signalling, UK and Australia are racist asf. Only come for money not to socialise.

If you just want sex then consider Eastern Europe and South America.
You think its racist over there, try coming to the US lol. It's over for you here.
  • +1
Reactions: Anyanglover and Gaia262
Oh and another thing. 90% of the escorts in my shithole southern trash state are NIGGER SHEBOONS. no thanks. I'm not touching one of them. I can't find a single cute Asian, Latina, white, girl as an escort. Nope. They're all just "aindoo nuttinz" black queenz hahaha! Fucking ghetto filth. I wish i could genocide the ghetto people in the US. just dispose of them. They're worthless. Half of them have aids.
Time to SEAmaxx cracker
From what i’ve read a lot of Asian massage parlours are basically underground brothels. You have to be discrete and know the lingo, signs, moves etc. but you can fuck for $100. So the massage + fuck comes out to less than $200 or so. Never tried it but it’s on the radar.

But yeah, a lot of American laws are generally either fucked, cucked, or downright retarded. Always jealous of how Europeans have strict food nutrient laws so they don’t have their citizens stuff themselves to what amounts of poison mostly.
From what i’ve read a lot of Asian massage parlours are basically underground brothels. You have to be discrete and know the lingo, signs, moves etc. but you can fuck for $100. So the massage + fuck comes out to less than $200 or so. Never tried it but it’s on the radar.

But yeah, a lot of American laws are generally either fucked, cucked, or downright retarded. Always jealous of how Europeans have strict food nutrient laws so they don’t have their citizens stuff themselves to what amounts of poison mostly.
I thought that the'll just give you a handjob for a happy ending and that's it. Sex is off the table

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