I HATE AMERICAN POLICE!!! and American prostitution laws

I thought that the'll just give you a handjob for a happy ending and that's it. Sex is off the table

Some might only go as far as a handy but from what i’ve read on r/HappyEndingsMassage they will let you fuck. Course it’s going to be more expensive tho.
I'm so jealous of Europeans posting on here talking about getting actual sex from reasonably attractive skinny girls for as little as 70 euros, or 100 dollars. They are so lucky they live in Europe, seriously. They can go get laid at age 16 and get it over with if they just save up 70 euros. I think the earlier a guy gets introduced to ACTUAL sex (not porn) then the more normal and better a man becomes in dating and having a sex life in the future, and the less of an incel problem that country will have. I love european laws, european prisons, and how polite and reasonable european police are. These fucking fat obnoxious robotic American police are basically a bunch of worthless military rejects who get out of the military for whatever reason, and then go straight to police to go to war with their community with all their annoying military mentality. And they make sure to enforce EVERYTHING. They don't ignore even the most obscure laws, they're like these terminator robots. I've seen multiple videos where these bastard US cops chased down and tackled a 20 year old and arrested him because he was having a beer while under age 21. This is what we are up against! They won't let anything go!! And when it comes to the law that forbids prostitution in all 50 states except las vegas, they literally come at you with an entire swat team with loaded guns aimed at your head screaming at you to surrender peacefully. All because you were an incel who dared to break the rules and cheat their cruel sadistic "game" by trying to pay for sex directly because no girl was willing to give you a chance. All the escort accounts online are 20% police bait accounts and 80% scam accounts. The "legal" escorts that are at least average looking cost 2000 dollars per hour because of all the licensing and regulations they are subject to, and demand for them is sky high because the entire country has only them to go to, so if you can afford 2000 per hour, then you'll have to wait months for an appointment. Oh and if you get caught trying to mess with an escort it goes on your criminal record FOR LIFE and no job will hire you because of it since you've been labelled a pervert and sex offender. And on top of that you get thrown in a dingy, dirty, degenerate, American NIGGER-JAIL where you have to hear their dumb voices going "muh fuggah, watchoo doing muh nigguh, bitchazz nugguh, i aint finna do nuttin muhfugga". There is no difference between an American jail and a jail in Africa! Demographics look the same. You'll be locked in a cell with rapists, muderers, gang members, everything. IT'S DISGUSTING! i hate this shit! I hate being stuck here!
You're just not street smart. You don't know how to find and sniff out escorts without getting caught. If you're in a big city you can find them blatently advertised in the papers.

Know the laws. You have to agree on a sex act for a sum of money in order to get busted. Hookers will let you dip your finger in their twats or suck on their tits before any discussion about ecxhanging money for sex. It protects them as well as you. If they won't let you do that then don't disguss anything else and leave. You call them first and disguss a sum of money for "fun" or "entertainment", but not sex.
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Legally if you ask if the hooker is a cop she can’t say no or lie
Dn read. Just move bro
Yes the laws here are insane

My friend said he want to Peru near Macchu Picchu (sp?) and he got checked into this godlike private brothel where you could fuck the hottest chicks in the world for like $100 for multiple hours.

I think in German brothels too you can just fuck whoever you want

American society needs that because it would make all the weirdos a lot less angry and there would just be less hate in the world
Based thread. Only those who are young and have/are living in Cuckmerica can truly understand how shit it is for most men.

Meanwhile many delusional Americancels actually have pride living there jfl.
Muh guns
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Reactions: oldcelloser and Kekee
Want sex without paying prostitutes? Dm me and I’ll make you a deepfake tinder profile
Locationmaxx to europe
  • +1
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I'm so jealous of Europeans posting on here talking about getting actual sex from reasonably attractive skinny girls for as little as 70 euros, or 100 dollars. They are so lucky they live in Europe, seriously. They can go get laid at age 16 and get it over with if they just save up 70 euros. I think the earlier a guy gets introduced to ACTUAL sex (not porn) then the more normal and better a man becomes in dating and having a sex life in the future, and the less of an incel problem that country will have. I love european laws, european prisons, and how polite and reasonable european police are. These fucking fat obnoxious robotic American police are basically a bunch of worthless military rejects who get out of the military for whatever reason, and then go straight to police to go to war with their community with all their annoying military mentality. And they make sure to enforce EVERYTHING. They don't ignore even the most obscure laws, they're like these terminator robots. I've seen multiple videos where these bastard US cops chased down and tackled a 20 year old and arrested him because he was having a beer while under age 21. This is what we are up against! They won't let anything go!! And when it comes to the law that forbids prostitution in all 50 states except las vegas, they literally come at you with an entire swat team with loaded guns aimed at your head screaming at you to surrender peacefully. All because you were an incel who dared to break the rules and cheat their cruel sadistic "game" by trying to pay for sex directly because no girl was willing to give you a chance. All the escort accounts online are 20% police bait accounts and 80% scam accounts. The "legal" escorts that are at least average looking cost 2000 dollars per hour because of all the licensing and regulations they are subject to, and demand for them is sky high because the entire country has only them to go to, so if you can afford 2000 per hour, then you'll have to wait months for an appointment. Oh and if you get caught trying to mess with an escort it goes on your criminal record FOR LIFE and no job will hire you because of it since you've been labelled a pervert and sex offender. And on top of that you get thrown in a dingy, dirty, degenerate, American NIGGER-JAIL where you have to hear their dumb voices going "muh fuggah, watchoo doing muh nigguh, bitchazz nugguh, i aint finna do nuttin muhfugga". There is no difference between an American jail and a jail in Africa! Demographics look the same. You'll be locked in a cell with rapists, muderers, gang members, everything. IT'S DISGUSTING! i hate this shit! I hate being stuck here!
Could u believe ive got $12 for a chink stacy in southeast asia
  • Woah
Reactions: oldcelloser
Try the UAE
And abolish the police
I'm so jealous of Europeans posting on here talking about getting actual sex from reasonably attractive skinny girls for as little as 70 euros, or 100 dollars. They are so lucky they live in Europe, seriously. They can go get laid at age 16 and get it over with if they just save up 70 euros. I think the earlier a guy gets introduced to ACTUAL sex (not porn) then the more normal and better a man becomes in dating and having a sex life in the future, and the less of an incel problem that country will have. I love european laws, european prisons, and how polite and reasonable european police are. These fucking fat obnoxious robotic American police are basically a bunch of worthless military rejects who get out of the military for whatever reason, and then go straight to police to go to war with their community with all their annoying military mentality. And they make sure to enforce EVERYTHING. They don't ignore even the most obscure laws, they're like these terminator robots. I've seen multiple videos where these bastard US cops chased down and tackled a 20 year old and arrested him because he was having a beer while under age 21. This is what we are up against! They won't let anything go!! And when it comes to the law that forbids prostitution in all 50 states except las vegas, they literally come at you with an entire swat team with loaded guns aimed at your head screaming at you to surrender peacefully. All because you were an incel who dared to break the rules and cheat their cruel sadistic "game" by trying to pay for sex directly because no girl was willing to give you a chance. All the escort accounts online are 20% police bait accounts and 80% scam accounts. The "legal" escorts that are at least average looking cost 2000 dollars per hour because of all the licensing and regulations they are subject to, and demand for them is sky high because the entire country has only them to go to, so if you can afford 2000 per hour, then you'll have to wait months for an appointment. Oh and if you get caught trying to mess with an escort it goes on your criminal record FOR LIFE and no job will hire you because of it since you've been labelled a pervert and sex offender. And on top of that you get thrown in a dingy, dirty, degenerate, American NIGGER-JAIL where you have to hear their dumb voices going "muh fuggah, watchoo doing muh nigguh, bitchazz nugguh, i aint finna do nuttin muhfugga". There is no difference between an American jail and a jail in Africa! Demographics look the same. You'll be locked in a cell with rapists, muderers, gang members, everything. IT'S DISGUSTING! i hate this shit! I hate being stuck here!
Go to some HTB in a club or bar and offer her 100 or 200 bucks for sex.
This is the easiest time to get laid in all of human history and you're rotting on an incel forum, just lol
Easiest time for gl men to get laid a lot does not mean for men in general. In past almost every regular man had a wife.
This is the easiest time to get laid in all of human history and you're rotting on an incel forum, just lol
you are 16, therefore we can safely ignore this batshit crazy statement :forcedsmile:
The entire System I would say is catered to women,Chads are just accesories to modern women,like a fancy handbag or watch that they advertise with on Social Media to flex their SMV.The Capitalists have already realized by now that all you have to do is cater to women and the men will naturally fall in line with whatever trends the women set (Think of the Queen Bee in a Hive) except every woman today is the queen of her own respective Colony.
i hate this gynocentric cuck country so much; i hope it burns to the ground; we're forced to live like monks till we can go abroad, this is the system we can hope to have at best; most men will be asexual in the US
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Want sex without paying prostitutes? Dm me and I’ll make you a deepfake tinder profile
lol I've already done all that. Done catfishing and deepfake male model of myself.
you are 16, therefore we can safely ignore this batshit crazy statement :forcedsmile:

i hate this gynocentric cuck country so much; i hope it burns to the ground; we're forced to live like monks till we can go abroad, this is the system we can hope to have at best; most men will be asexual in the US
Exactly. Fuck America's laws and especially the niggerJails they lock you into for breaking a tiny law of theirs. Hey, i saw a youtube video recently in Seattle since its so liberal they defunded the police there and the cops there are letting prostitution happen. Im tempted to go over there and try it. Its an area with no ghetto areas too so if i get arrested at least the jails won't be filled with "i ain't dooo nuttinz muhfugga" ghetto sub humans
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I'm so jealous of Europeans posting on here talking about getting actual sex from reasonably attractive skinny girls for as little as 70 euros, or 100 dollars. They are so lucky they live in Europe, seriously. They can go get laid at age 16 and get it over with if they just save up 70 euros. I think the earlier a guy gets introduced to ACTUAL sex (not porn) then the more normal and better a man becomes in dating and having a sex life in the future, and the less of an incel problem that country will have. I love european laws, european prisons, and how polite and reasonable european police are. These fucking fat obnoxious robotic American police are basically a bunch of worthless military rejects who get out of the military for whatever reason, and then go straight to police to go to war with their community with all their annoying military mentality. And they make sure to enforce EVERYTHING. They don't ignore even the most obscure laws, they're like these terminator robots. I've seen multiple videos where these bastard US cops chased down and tackled a 20 year old and arrested him because he was having a beer while under age 21. This is what we are up against! They won't let anything go!! And when it comes to the law that forbids prostitution in all 50 states except las vegas, they literally come at you with an entire swat team with loaded guns aimed at your head screaming at you to surrender peacefully. All because you were an incel who dared to break the rules and cheat their cruel sadistic "game" by trying to pay for sex directly because no girl was willing to give you a chance. All the escort accounts online are 20% police bait accounts and 80% scam accounts. The "legal" escorts that are at least average looking cost 2000 dollars per hour because of all the licensing and regulations they are subject to, and demand for them is sky high because the entire country has only them to go to, so if you can afford 2000 per hour, then you'll have to wait months for an appointment. Oh and if you get caught trying to mess with an escort it goes on your criminal record FOR LIFE and no job will hire you because of it since you've been labelled a pervert and sex offender. And on top of that you get thrown in a dingy, dirty, degenerate, American NIGGER-JAIL where you have to hear their dumb voices going "muh fuggah, watchoo doing muh nigguh, bitchazz nugguh, i aint finna do nuttin muhfugga". There is no difference between an American jail and a jail in Africa! Demographics look the same. You'll be locked in a cell with rapists, muderers, gang members, everything. IT'S DISGUSTING! i hate this shit! I hate being stuck here!
also circumcision
I'm so jealous of Europeans posting on here talking about getting actual sex from reasonably attractive skinny girls for as little as 70 euros, or 100 dollars. They are so lucky they live in Europe, seriously. They can go get laid at age 16 and get it over with if they just save up 70 euros. I think the earlier a guy gets introduced to ACTUAL sex (not porn) then the more normal and better a man becomes in dating and having a sex life in the future, and the less of an incel problem that country will have. I love european laws, european prisons, and how polite and reasonable european police are. These fucking fat obnoxious robotic American police are basically a bunch of worthless military rejects who get out of the military for whatever reason, and then go straight to police to go to war with their community with all their annoying military mentality. And they make sure to enforce EVERYTHING. They don't ignore even the most obscure laws, they're like these terminator robots. I've seen multiple videos where these bastard US cops chased down and tackled a 20 year old and arrested him because he was having a beer while under age 21. This is what we are up against! They won't let anything go!! And when it comes to the law that forbids prostitution in all 50 states except las vegas, they literally come at you with an entire swat team with loaded guns aimed at your head screaming at you to surrender peacefully. All because you were an incel who dared to break the rules and cheat their cruel sadistic "game" by trying to pay for sex directly because no girl was willing to give you a chance. All the escort accounts online are 20% police bait accounts and 80% scam accounts. The "legal" escorts that are at least average looking cost 2000 dollars per hour because of all the licensing and regulations they are subject to, and demand for them is sky high because the entire country has only them to go to, so if you can afford 2000 per hour, then you'll have to wait months for an appointment. Oh and if you get caught trying to mess with an escort it goes on your criminal record FOR LIFE and no job will hire you because of it since you've been labelled a pervert and sex offender. And on top of that you get thrown in a dingy, dirty, degenerate, American NIGGER-JAIL where you have to hear their dumb voices going "muh fuggah, watchoo doing muh nigguh, bitchazz nugguh, i aint finna do nuttin muhfugga". There is no difference between an American jail and a jail in Africa! Demographics look the same. You'll be locked in a cell with rapists, muderers, gang members, everything. IT'S DISGUSTING! i hate this shit! I hate being stuck here!
This is such a high quality thread tbh

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