I have found a secret elixir for looksmaxxers; anti aging, increase iq, energy, focus, better skin; introduction to methylene blue, usage, source...



Hate the man in the mirror
Apr 7, 2023
There aren't much gatekept looksmax anymore, but im pretty sure this is one of them. It's so gatekept that when i searched for it on the forum, there wasn't a single thread about it. So it's not gatekept, rather its unknown. Anyways i will share it with you guys!

I have found a secret elixir for looksmaxxers;
anti-aging, increase iq, energy, focus, better skin;

Introduction to methylene blue

Reflections in a flask of Methylene Blue

by @zsombi
Table of contents
  • Introduction
    • what is Methylene blue
    • how does it work
  • Benefits
  • Side effects
  • Dosages
  • How to take it​
  • Source / where to buy

Methylene blue is a supplement known for boosting brain function and improving skin health. It supports mitochondria, the cell's energy powerhouse, enhancing cognition, memory, and focus. It also aids in cellular repair, promoting healthier skin. When considering supplementation, choose pharmaceutical-grade products and moderate usage to avoid potential side effects.

Scientific introduction (could skip if you want)

I'm going to teach you how to overclock your brain using methylene blue. Methylene blue is a mitochondrial support supplement. And mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. So where do you find mitochondria? You'll find mitochondria in almost literally every cell. But they're highly concentrated in the neurons, which is what our brain is made of. So it comes as no surprise then that methylene blue is going to increase your cognition, your power to think, your ability to solve mathematical problems, to work through solutions and to have even more creativity. Also, it's no surprise that it improves memory. Both short tum and long term. We have more energy overall because your neurons are able to fire more efficiently. And you have more focus, which is to me the most important aspect. Why? Because time is not the most important resource. A lot of people think that time is a finite resource, and it's really important. It's important, sure, but you only have 24 hours per day, and no matter what you do, you're not going to get more hours. It's energy and focus that actually gives value to time. So anything that improves my focus is going to be highly beneficial to me. So how does it work? You know, how is it possible that the same exact supplement also improves skin? Like how can a brain supplement improve skin? And it comes down to the mechanism of action. And when you saw that it increases energy and focus, you probably thought, well, is it kind of like caffeine? Is it like coffee? And the answer is it's not. So caffeine works by a receptor being bound to by that caffeine molecule. It binds to the adenosine receptor in the brain, trying to trick the brain into thinking it has more energy than it actually has. It doesn't actually give you any energy. Methylene blue does not bind to receptors. That's not its mechanism of action. It acts directly on the mitochondria That's why it has all these wide ranging effects because every single cell has mitochondria in it.

How does it work? (could skip if you want as well)
Well let's go. You know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and it produces energy for the cell. All this stuff. But how does it do it. So what's mitochondria actually doing is when you have food you and you have glucose the first complex inside mitochondria. So mitochondria has five complexes 1234 and five actually grabs an electron from your glucose and it shunts it from complex 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5. And from five comes out ATP. ATP is energy. So think of this as a race car engine. All right. And each of these are like pistons trying to convert that fuel into into momentum into energy. So what happens then is you if you disrupt this It's a good question isn't it. That's what's happening to most people. A lot of people a majority of people I'd say have poor metabolic health, which means that they have broken mitochondria, they have damaged mitochondria. And of course, if you're thinking of this as a race car engine, not only do you get energy, you also get waste products. You get smoke in the cell. This is in the form of Ros reactive oxygen species. That's what the cell even naturally produces. Even an undamaged mitochondria is going to produce some level of Ros. So when you have a damage in the mitochondria, let's say the complex one is no longer able to move electrons to complex two. You have a disruption. Let's say you have a disruption between 2 and 3. So if you have an engine and you damage it somehow, what's going to happen? First you're going to have less energy. Obviously you're gonna have less energy, but you're also going to have more waste products. And these waste products are toxic. So you really don't want these in your body. If you can help it. And let's talk about how methylene blue plays a role in all this. So speaking of damage to mitochondria, you might be wondering like how does this damage even happen? And it happens to many reasons. Obviously one of them is oxidative stress. Another is seed oils. So seed oils like safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, all these seed oils, what they're gonna do is they are going to interfere with the mitochondria because oxidized seed oils have these byproducts called aldehydes. And that's not the only byproduct, by the way, these aldehydes are going to damage the membrane. And these complexes are situated on the membrane. So you can see how that's not going to really help is it. So was methylene blue do methylene blue is an electron donor. So if there's a break in the circuit between complex one and two and two and three, methylene blue can actually donate an electron straight to complex three. And you immediately have the restarting of this electron chain. And you can still produce ATP. And yeah, you still produce reactive oxygen species. And now this is where it gets interesting. The same methylene blue that can donate an electron and thereby keep this engine functioning can actually neutralize the reactive oxygen species, which is because methylene blue is a auto reducing agent. There's not that many out there. Methylene blue is kind of rare because of this property. It not only boosts the energy function of the mitochondria, it also deletes the waste products of the said mitochondria. Now you can see how it's really powerful. Now you can see why it would affect all these different things from the brain to skin. Let's briefly talk about the skin side of things. So there's actually research which shows that Methylene blue will cause skin to reverse age causes the reversal of aging. Bizarre but it's true. It causes skin to be more elastic, more lustrous, more thick. And that's because skin cells are cells like any other cells. If they incur damage, it's a struggle to fix it. If you have bad mitochondria, fixing the mitochondria allows skin cells to fix themselves and also proliferate it and generate more cells if some of them die or get damaged. That's why it helps with skin.

So there we have it, boys. That's why it improves all these things.


  • I.Q
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Skin
  • Viruses
  • Stress
  • Ageing
  • Brain fog

Side effects
Now those who are astute have noticed that I mentioned reduces viruses. And that's because indeed, methylene blue is an antiparasitic which parasites are a whole different topic. A whole can of worms? Yes, a can of worms indeed, but it is in fact an antiviral, which is why it is used against malaria for quite a long time, and which is why a certain new invention, i- i mean infection actually, methylene blue can be effective against that. I won't mention it by name, but I think you understand what I'm talking about though :) It is an antiviral and it's an antibacterial. So you might be thinking, well, if it's an antibacterial, then could it possibly harm the gut microbiome

Good question. If you're thinking in that way, then I'm proud of you. That's the way you should be thinking. And I also actually put off by methylene blue for the longest time because, you know, it could affect the gut microbiome even if it has these benefits. Like, I don't want to really compromise my gut health, but I looked into it and there's research and this is really cool piece of research by the way. They took a bunch of mice. They let's call them mice A, B and C, and they ran them with different quantities of methylene blue. Group A didn't get any methylene blue. Group B got a pretty decent dose of methylene blue. And group C got a mega dose a super dose of methylene blue like they got. I think they were given like 50g of methylene blue per kilogram of body weight, which is ridiculous. These mice were probably shitting blue for like weeks. Well, they took these mice, put them through mazes, as scientists are wont to do. And what they found was mice A underperformed, which is obvious because you know, if you have mice B and C with all these benefits IQ, well it's not actually IQ. It's more like cognitive power but increased cognitive power, increased memory. Then obviously they're going to perform the maze better because what do you need to solve a maze. You need memory. You need energy. You need focus. Mice B and mice C easily won over mice A. And now they looked at the gut microbiome. They found that mice A and B were the same. So a moderate dose of methylene blue doesn't seem to change the microbiome. Now they looked at the mega dosed methylene blue mice in group C. And what they found was there was a small change in the gut microbiome. So it seems as though even with a quite a large dose of methylene blue, it doesn't completely screw up your gut health. And obviously, no one's going to be taking 50g of methylene blue per kilogram. That would be a ridiculous amount of methylene blue, and there's no reason to be taking that much.

Now, of course, I'm going to talk about dosages soon, but it does seem to me that it's fine to take it in terms of gut health. And of course, none of what I'm giving you here is medicinal advice. It is all just for educational purposes. Whatever risks that you want to incur are up to you. It's not my responsibility. I'm just sharing with you my personal experience with this particular supplement.

Let's talk about another thing which is going on, which is another side effect which a lot of people notice, which is an increase in anxiety.
As you see, I've put actually lowering stress. But a lot of people will tell you that methylene blue increases anxiety. So I looked into it and and it was confusing because why would something that increases ATP production cause increased anxiety? It didn't make sense, especially when you consider that ATP and energy are relaxants to make you more relaxed. In fact, if you take a dead piece of muscle tissue, it's going to be kind of rigid, right But if you put it in a bath of ATP, it will actually become more lifelike. It'll become more supple, become more like how it was in in life. Because energy is life, ATP is energy. So it's really a puzzle why somebody would be more anxious with the introduction of methylene blue? I was thinking about this, and I realized that what is anxiety really? Anxiety is the recurring thoughts of recurring negative thoughts. Really. So if you have increased computational power, increased recall, and increased focus on those negative thoughts, of course you're going to feel more anxious. So it's not that methylene blue per se is increase causing anxiety. It's more so that methylene blue is eliminating brain fog, allowing you to come head to head with your anxiety. I think that's what's happening here. So if you have anxiety symptoms because of methylene blue, it's likely that you just have bad mental health. And that should be the priority you should be working on, not some kind of productivity supplement. You should work on the basics, the fundamentals of basic mental health. So of course that's going to be a topic unto itself. So I won't go into it. But that's another concern.

That's another side effects, which is kind of funny. When you start taking methylene blue, you will you'll piss blue like straight up. Your urine will be blue in color. This is not something you should be afraid of. It happens to everybody. It's an expected side effect.

TLDR - You will have an increased aniexity, and will pee blue jfl

Methylene blue is just a supplement boys. It's just a supplement. The fundamentals always matter. More. Nutrition and detox and mental health are the foundations for a happy life. Methylene blue is something which can help but it is not the foundation and never intended to be so. That is methylene blue and that's how it works.

M2123n lg

The dosages I take one dropper. This has a dropper, as you could see in the picture above. So I take one drop of this. I take one dropper full before I hit any kind of important task. What I mean by that is I don't actually take it every day, I take it when I need it. So I'll take it before writing a school exam / any important task where i have to highly focus. I'll take it when I'm doing something which requires my full attention and full cognition power So I take it only when I need it, because that's my attitude towards any kind of supplement. You only supplement when you think you need it. You don't take a supplement every single day unless you have some kind of condition.

You should be getting most of what you need from just whole Foods. So I use this as a tool rather than a fundamental. You can take two droppers actually, and if you are really focusing on something, I would be okay with taking two droppers of methylene blue which each dropper is five milligrams. So there you go. I take two droppers if I really need it. One dropper usually that's about dosage.

Now where do you get it from. So this is very important boys. There's two grades of methylene blue There is the industrial grade and there is the pharmaceutical grade. You're obviously looking for pharmaceutical grade grade because the industrial grade has heavy metals. It's going to poison you. So you need to look for two things. You need to look for USP verified, which means that it is pharmaceutical grade verified. And you need to look for a CoA, which is a certificate of analysis. And it's done by like a lab, which actually goes through it and sees if it is a pure product. I get all my methylene blue from here:

TLDR - Methylene blue is the best supplement to take for iqmaxxing

Tags: @Dicktator @Chintuck22 @coispet @Sny @NumbThePain_FoxH @Gengar @Squirtle @Gargantuan @Lmao @emeraldglass @eduardkoopman @Kingkellz @ccwarrior @Lorsss @garoupilled_ @AscendingHero @.Myth @dragomaxxer @pneumocystosis @j05 @bussi @tempelcat4 @Clavicular @Orc @0hMan
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • Love it
Reactions: HeavyMetalcel, blackrockjewmanlet, J99 and 42 others
you need better formatting, most people wont read this because its just blocks of text
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: xeqri, Jiaxi, Veym and 13 others
good thread, but most brain rotted dopamine fucked users here wont read it
  • +1
Reactions: Sonny Black, oily703, Jiaxi and 10 others
There aren't much gatekept looksmax anymore, but im pretty sure this is one of them. It's so gatekept that when i searched for it on the forum, there wasn't a single thread about it. So it's not gatekept, rather its unknown. Anyways i will share it with you guys!

I have found a secret elixir for looksmaxxers;
anti-aging, increase iq, energy, focus, better skin;

Introduction to methylene blue

View attachment 2832508

by @zsombi
Table of contents
  • Introduction
    • what is Methylene blue
    • how does it work
  • Benefits
  • Side effects
  • Dosages
  • How to take it​
  • Source / where to buy

Methylene blue is a supplement known for boosting brain function and improving skin health. It supports mitochondria, the cell's energy powerhouse, enhancing cognition, memory, and focus. It also aids in cellular repair, promoting healthier skin. When considering supplementation, choose pharmaceutical-grade products and moderate usage to avoid potential side effects.

Scientific introduction (could skip if you want)
I'm going to teach you how to overclock your brain using methylene blue. Methylene blue is a mitochondrial support supplement. And mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. So where do you find mitochondria? You'll find mitochondria in almost literally every cell. But they're highly concentrated in the neurons, which is what our brain is made of. So it comes as no surprise then that methylene blue is going to increase your cognition, your power to think, your ability to solve mathematical problems, to work through solutions and to have even more creativity. Also, it's no surprise that it improves memory. Both short tum and long term. We have more energy overall because your neurons are able to fire more efficiently. And you have more focus, which is to me the most important aspect. Why? Because time is not the most important resource. A lot of people think that time is a finite resource, and it's really important. It's important, sure, but you only have 24 hours per day, and no matter what you do, you're not going to get more hours. It's energy and focus that actually gives value to time. So anything that improves my focus is going to be highly beneficial to me. So how does it work? You know, how is it possible that the same exact supplement also improves skin? Like how can a brain supplement improve skin? And it comes down to the mechanism of action. And when you saw that it increases energy and focus, you probably thought, well, is it kind of like caffeine? Is it like coffee? And the answer is it's not. So caffeine works by a receptor being bound to by that caffeine molecule. It binds to the adenosine receptor in the brain, trying to trick the brain into thinking it has more energy than it actually has. It doesn't actually give you any energy. Methylene blue does not bind to receptors. That's not its mechanism of action. It acts directly on the mitochondria That's why it has all these wide ranging effects because every single cell has mitochondria in it.

How does it work? (could skip if you want as well)
Well let's go. You know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and it produces energy for the cell. All this stuff. But how does it do it. So what's mitochondria actually doing is when you have food you and you have glucose the first complex inside mitochondria. So mitochondria has five complexes 1234 and five actually grabs an electron from your glucose and it shunts it from complex 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5. And from five comes out ATP. ATP is energy. So think of this as a race car engine. All right. And each of these are like pistons trying to convert that fuel into into momentum into energy. So what happens then is you if you disrupt this It's a good question isn't it. That's what's happening to most people. A lot of people a majority of people I'd say have poor metabolic health, which means that they have broken mitochondria, they have damaged mitochondria. And of course, if you're thinking of this as a race car engine, not only do you get energy, you also get waste products. You get smoke in the cell. This is in the form of Ros reactive oxygen species. That's what the cell even naturally produces. Even an undamaged mitochondria is going to produce some level of Ros. So when you have a damage in the mitochondria, let's say the complex one is no longer able to move electrons to complex two. You have a disruption. Let's say you have a disruption between 2 and 3. So if you have an engine and you damage it somehow, what's going to happen? First you're going to have less energy. Obviously you're gonna have less energy, but you're also going to have more waste products. And these waste products are toxic. So you really don't want these in your body. If you can help it. And let's talk about how methylene blue plays a role in all this. So speaking of damage to mitochondria, you might be wondering like how does this damage even happen? And it happens to many reasons. Obviously one of them is oxidative stress. Another is seed oils. So seed oils like safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, all these seed oils, what they're gonna do is they are going to interfere with the mitochondria because oxidized seed oils have these byproducts called aldehydes. And that's not the only byproduct, by the way, these aldehydes are going to damage the membrane. And these complexes are situated on the membrane. So you can see how that's not going to really help is it. So was methylene blue do methylene blue is an electron donor. So if there's a break in the circuit between complex one and two and two and three, methylene blue can actually donate an electron straight to complex three. And you immediately have the restarting of this electron chain. And you can still produce ATP. And yeah, you still produce reactive oxygen species. And now this is where it gets interesting. The same methylene blue that can donate an electron and thereby keep this engine functioning can actually neutralize the reactive oxygen species, which is because methylene blue is a auto reducing agent. There's not that many out there. Methylene blue is kind of rare because of this property. It not only boosts the energy function of the mitochondria, it also deletes the waste products of the said mitochondria. Now you can see how it's really powerful. Now you can see why it would affect all these different things from the brain to skin. Let's briefly talk about the skin side of things. So there's actually research which shows that Methylene blue will cause skin to reverse age causes the reversal of aging. Bizarre but it's true. It causes skin to be more elastic, more lustrous, more thick. And that's because skin cells are cells like any other cells. If they incur damage, it's a struggle to fix it. If you have bad mitochondria, fixing the mitochondria allows skin cells to fix themselves and also proliferate it and generate more cells if some of them die or get damaged. That's why it helps with skin.

So there we have it, boys. That's why it improves all these things.


  • I.Q
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Skin
  • Viruses
  • Stress
  • Ageing
  • Brain fog

Side effects
Now those who are astute have noticed that I mentioned reduces viruses. And that's because indeed, methylene blue is an antiparasitic which parasites are a whole different topic. A whole can of worms? Yes, a can of worms indeed, but it is in fact an antiviral, which is why it is used against malaria for quite a long time, and which is why a certain new invention, i- i mean infection actually, methylene blue can be effective against that. I won't mention it by name, but I think you understand what I'm talking about though :) It is an antiviral and it's an antibacterial. So you might be thinking, well, if it's an antibacterial, then could it possibly harm the gut microbiome

Good question. If you're thinking in that way, then I'm proud of you. That's the way you should be thinking. And I also actually put off by methylene blue for the longest time because, you know, it could affect the gut microbiome even if it has these benefits. Like, I don't want to really compromise my gut health, but I looked into it and there's research and this is really cool piece of research by the way. They took a bunch of mice. They let's call them mice A, B and C, and they ran them with different quantities of methylene blue. Group A didn't get any methylene blue. Group B got a pretty decent dose of methylene blue. And group C got a mega dose a super dose of methylene blue like they got. I think they were given like 50g of methylene blue per kilogram of body weight, which is ridiculous. These mice were probably shitting blue for like weeks. Well, they took these mice, put them through mazes, as scientists are wont to do. And what they found was mice A underperformed, which is obvious because you know, if you have mice B and C with all these benefits IQ, well it's not actually IQ. It's more like cognitive power but increased cognitive power, increased memory. Then obviously they're going to perform the maze better because what do you need to solve a maze. You need memory. You need energy. You need focus. Mice B and mice C easily won over mice A. And now they looked at the gut microbiome. They found that mice A and B were the same. So a moderate dose of methylene blue doesn't seem to change the microbiome. Now they looked at the mega dosed methylene blue mice in group C. And what they found was there was a small change in the gut microbiome. So it seems as though even with a quite a large dose of methylene blue, it doesn't completely screw up your gut health. And obviously, no one's going to be taking 50g of methylene blue per kilogram. That would be a ridiculous amount of methylene blue, and there's no reason to be taking that much.

Now, of course, I'm going to talk about dosages soon, but it does seem to me that it's fine to take it in terms of gut health. And of course, none of what I'm giving you here is medicinal advice. It is all just for educational purposes. Whatever risks that you want to incur are up to you. It's not my responsibility. I'm just sharing with you my personal experience with this particular supplement.

Let's talk about another thing which is going on, which is another side effect which a lot of people notice, which is an increase in anxiety. As you see, I've put actually lowering stress. But a lot of people will tell you that methylene blue increases anxiety. So I looked into it and and it was confusing because why would something that increases ATP production cause increased anxiety? It didn't make sense, especially when you consider that ATP and energy are relaxants to make you more relaxed. In fact, if you take a dead piece of muscle tissue, it's going to be kind of rigid, right But if you put it in a bath of ATP, it will actually become more lifelike. It'll become more supple, become more like how it was in in life. Because energy is life, ATP is energy. So it's really a puzzle why somebody would be more anxious with the introduction of methylene blue? I was thinking about this, and I realized that what is anxiety really? Anxiety is the recurring thoughts of recurring negative thoughts. Really. So if you have increased computational power, increased recall, and increased focus on those negative thoughts, of course you're going to feel more anxious. So it's not that methylene blue per se is increase causing anxiety. It's more so that methylene blue is eliminating brain fog, allowing you to come head to head with your anxiety. I think that's what's happening here. So if you have anxiety symptoms because of methylene blue, it's likely that you just have bad mental health. And that should be the priority you should be working on, not some kind of productivity supplement. You should work on the basics, the fundamentals of basic mental health. So of course that's going to be a topic unto itself. So I won't go into it. But that's another concern.

That's another side effects, which is kind of funny. When you start taking methylene blue, you will you'll piss blue like straight up. Your urine will be blue in color. This is not something you should be afraid of. It happens to everybody. It's an expected side effect.

TLDR - You will have an increased aniexity, and will pee blue jfl

Methylene blue is just a supplement boys. It's just a supplement. The fundamentals always matter. More. Nutrition and detox and mental health are the foundations for a happy life. Methylene blue is something which can help but it is not the foundation and never intended to be so. That is methylene blue and that's how it works.

View attachment 2832697

The dosages I take one dropper. This has a dropper, as you could see in the picture above. So I take one drop of this. I take one dropper full before I hit any kind of important task. What I mean by that is I don't actually take it every day, I take it when I need it. So I'll take it before writing a school exam / any important task where i have to highly focus. I'll take it when I'm doing something which requires my full attention and full cognition power So I take it only when I need it, because that's my attitude towards any kind of supplement. You only supplement when you think you need it. You don't take a supplement every single day unless you have some kind of condition.

You should be getting most of what you need from just whole Foods. So I use this as a tool rather than a fundamental. You can take two droppers actually, and if you are really focusing on something, I would be okay with taking two droppers of methylene blue which each dropper is five milligrams. So there you go. I take two droppers if I really need it. One dropper usually that's about dosage.

Now where do you get it from. So this is very important boys. There's two grades of methylene blue There is the industrial grade and there is the pharmaceutical grade. You're obviously looking for pharmaceutical grade grade because the industrial grade has heavy metals. It's going to poison you. So you need to look for two things. You need to look for USP verified, which means that it is pharmaceutical grade verified. And you need to look for a CoA, which is a certificate of analysis. And it's done by like a lab, which actually goes through it and sees if it is a pure product. I get all my methylene blue from here:

TLDR - Methylene blue is the best supplement to take for iqmaxxing

Tags: @Dicktator @Chintuck22 @coispet @Sny @NumbThePain_FoxH @Gengar @Squirtle @Gargantuan @Lmao @emeraldglass @eduardkoopman @Kingkellz @ccwarrior @Lorsss @garoupilled_ @AscendingHero @.Myth @dragomaxxer @pneumocystosis @j05 @bussi @tempelcat4 @Clavicular @Orc @0hMan
Haven't read yet but looks packaged and full of new content. Will make sure to examine it.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Jiaxi, zsombi and Deleted member 65076
There aren't much gatekept looksmax anymore, but im pretty sure this is one of them. It's so gatekept that when i searched for it on the forum, there wasn't a single thread about it. So it's not gatekept, rather its unknown. Anyways i will share it with you guys!

I have found a secret elixir for looksmaxxers;
anti-aging, increase iq, energy, focus, better skin;

Introduction to methylene blue

View attachment 2832508

by @zsombi
Table of contents
  • Introduction
    • what is Methylene blue
    • how does it work
  • Benefits
  • Side effects
  • Dosages
  • How to take it​
  • Source / where to buy

Methylene blue is a supplement known for boosting brain function and improving skin health. It supports mitochondria, the cell's energy powerhouse, enhancing cognition, memory, and focus. It also aids in cellular repair, promoting healthier skin. When considering supplementation, choose pharmaceutical-grade products and moderate usage to avoid potential side effects.

Scientific introduction (could skip if you want)
I'm going to teach you how to overclock your brain using methylene blue. Methylene blue is a mitochondrial support supplement. And mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. So where do you find mitochondria? You'll find mitochondria in almost literally every cell. But they're highly concentrated in the neurons, which is what our brain is made of. So it comes as no surprise then that methylene blue is going to increase your cognition, your power to think, your ability to solve mathematical problems, to work through solutions and to have even more creativity. Also, it's no surprise that it improves memory. Both short tum and long term. We have more energy overall because your neurons are able to fire more efficiently. And you have more focus, which is to me the most important aspect. Why? Because time is not the most important resource. A lot of people think that time is a finite resource, and it's really important. It's important, sure, but you only have 24 hours per day, and no matter what you do, you're not going to get more hours. It's energy and focus that actually gives value to time. So anything that improves my focus is going to be highly beneficial to me. So how does it work? You know, how is it possible that the same exact supplement also improves skin? Like how can a brain supplement improve skin? And it comes down to the mechanism of action. And when you saw that it increases energy and focus, you probably thought, well, is it kind of like caffeine? Is it like coffee? And the answer is it's not. So caffeine works by a receptor being bound to by that caffeine molecule. It binds to the adenosine receptor in the brain, trying to trick the brain into thinking it has more energy than it actually has. It doesn't actually give you any energy. Methylene blue does not bind to receptors. That's not its mechanism of action. It acts directly on the mitochondria That's why it has all these wide ranging effects because every single cell has mitochondria in it.

How does it work? (could skip if you want as well)
Well let's go. You know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and it produces energy for the cell. All this stuff. But how does it do it. So what's mitochondria actually doing is when you have food you and you have glucose the first complex inside mitochondria. So mitochondria has five complexes 1234 and five actually grabs an electron from your glucose and it shunts it from complex 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5. And from five comes out ATP. ATP is energy. So think of this as a race car engine. All right. And each of these are like pistons trying to convert that fuel into into momentum into energy. So what happens then is you if you disrupt this It's a good question isn't it. That's what's happening to most people. A lot of people a majority of people I'd say have poor metabolic health, which means that they have broken mitochondria, they have damaged mitochondria. And of course, if you're thinking of this as a race car engine, not only do you get energy, you also get waste products. You get smoke in the cell. This is in the form of Ros reactive oxygen species. That's what the cell even naturally produces. Even an undamaged mitochondria is going to produce some level of Ros. So when you have a damage in the mitochondria, let's say the complex one is no longer able to move electrons to complex two. You have a disruption. Let's say you have a disruption between 2 and 3. So if you have an engine and you damage it somehow, what's going to happen? First you're going to have less energy. Obviously you're gonna have less energy, but you're also going to have more waste products. And these waste products are toxic. So you really don't want these in your body. If you can help it. And let's talk about how methylene blue plays a role in all this. So speaking of damage to mitochondria, you might be wondering like how does this damage even happen? And it happens to many reasons. Obviously one of them is oxidative stress. Another is seed oils. So seed oils like safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, all these seed oils, what they're gonna do is they are going to interfere with the mitochondria because oxidized seed oils have these byproducts called aldehydes. And that's not the only byproduct, by the way, these aldehydes are going to damage the membrane. And these complexes are situated on the membrane. So you can see how that's not going to really help is it. So was methylene blue do methylene blue is an electron donor. So if there's a break in the circuit between complex one and two and two and three, methylene blue can actually donate an electron straight to complex three. And you immediately have the restarting of this electron chain. And you can still produce ATP. And yeah, you still produce reactive oxygen species. And now this is where it gets interesting. The same methylene blue that can donate an electron and thereby keep this engine functioning can actually neutralize the reactive oxygen species, which is because methylene blue is a auto reducing agent. There's not that many out there. Methylene blue is kind of rare because of this property. It not only boosts the energy function of the mitochondria, it also deletes the waste products of the said mitochondria. Now you can see how it's really powerful. Now you can see why it would affect all these different things from the brain to skin. Let's briefly talk about the skin side of things. So there's actually research which shows that Methylene blue will cause skin to reverse age causes the reversal of aging. Bizarre but it's true. It causes skin to be more elastic, more lustrous, more thick. And that's because skin cells are cells like any other cells. If they incur damage, it's a struggle to fix it. If you have bad mitochondria, fixing the mitochondria allows skin cells to fix themselves and also proliferate it and generate more cells if some of them die or get damaged. That's why it helps with skin.

So there we have it, boys. That's why it improves all these things.


  • I.Q
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Skin
  • Viruses
  • Stress
  • Ageing
  • Brain fog

Side effects
Now those who are astute have noticed that I mentioned reduces viruses. And that's because indeed, methylene blue is an antiparasitic which parasites are a whole different topic. A whole can of worms? Yes, a can of worms indeed, but it is in fact an antiviral, which is why it is used against malaria for quite a long time, and which is why a certain new invention, i- i mean infection actually, methylene blue can be effective against that. I won't mention it by name, but I think you understand what I'm talking about though :) It is an antiviral and it's an antibacterial. So you might be thinking, well, if it's an antibacterial, then could it possibly harm the gut microbiome

Good question. If you're thinking in that way, then I'm proud of you. That's the way you should be thinking. And I also actually put off by methylene blue for the longest time because, you know, it could affect the gut microbiome even if it has these benefits. Like, I don't want to really compromise my gut health, but I looked into it and there's research and this is really cool piece of research by the way. They took a bunch of mice. They let's call them mice A, B and C, and they ran them with different quantities of methylene blue. Group A didn't get any methylene blue. Group B got a pretty decent dose of methylene blue. And group C got a mega dose a super dose of methylene blue like they got. I think they were given like 50g of methylene blue per kilogram of body weight, which is ridiculous. These mice were probably shitting blue for like weeks. Well, they took these mice, put them through mazes, as scientists are wont to do. And what they found was mice A underperformed, which is obvious because you know, if you have mice B and C with all these benefits IQ, well it's not actually IQ. It's more like cognitive power but increased cognitive power, increased memory. Then obviously they're going to perform the maze better because what do you need to solve a maze. You need memory. You need energy. You need focus. Mice B and mice C easily won over mice A. And now they looked at the gut microbiome. They found that mice A and B were the same. So a moderate dose of methylene blue doesn't seem to change the microbiome. Now they looked at the mega dosed methylene blue mice in group C. And what they found was there was a small change in the gut microbiome. So it seems as though even with a quite a large dose of methylene blue, it doesn't completely screw up your gut health. And obviously, no one's going to be taking 50g of methylene blue per kilogram. That would be a ridiculous amount of methylene blue, and there's no reason to be taking that much.

Now, of course, I'm going to talk about dosages soon, but it does seem to me that it's fine to take it in terms of gut health. And of course, none of what I'm giving you here is medicinal advice. It is all just for educational purposes. Whatever risks that you want to incur are up to you. It's not my responsibility. I'm just sharing with you my personal experience with this particular supplement.

Let's talk about another thing which is going on, which is another side effect which a lot of people notice, which is an increase in anxiety. As you see, I've put actually lowering stress. But a lot of people will tell you that methylene blue increases anxiety. So I looked into it and and it was confusing because why would something that increases ATP production cause increased anxiety? It didn't make sense, especially when you consider that ATP and energy are relaxants to make you more relaxed. In fact, if you take a dead piece of muscle tissue, it's going to be kind of rigid, right But if you put it in a bath of ATP, it will actually become more lifelike. It'll become more supple, become more like how it was in in life. Because energy is life, ATP is energy. So it's really a puzzle why somebody would be more anxious with the introduction of methylene blue? I was thinking about this, and I realized that what is anxiety really? Anxiety is the recurring thoughts of recurring negative thoughts. Really. So if you have increased computational power, increased recall, and increased focus on those negative thoughts, of course you're going to feel more anxious. So it's not that methylene blue per se is increase causing anxiety. It's more so that methylene blue is eliminating brain fog, allowing you to come head to head with your anxiety. I think that's what's happening here. So if you have anxiety symptoms because of methylene blue, it's likely that you just have bad mental health. And that should be the priority you should be working on, not some kind of productivity supplement. You should work on the basics, the fundamentals of basic mental health. So of course that's going to be a topic unto itself. So I won't go into it. But that's another concern.

That's another side effects, which is kind of funny. When you start taking methylene blue, you will you'll piss blue like straight up. Your urine will be blue in color. This is not something you should be afraid of. It happens to everybody. It's an expected side effect.

TLDR - You will have an increased aniexity, and will pee blue jfl

Methylene blue is just a supplement boys. It's just a supplement. The fundamentals always matter. More. Nutrition and detox and mental health are the foundations for a happy life. Methylene blue is something which can help but it is not the foundation and never intended to be so. That is methylene blue and that's how it works.

View attachment 2832697

The dosages I take one dropper. This has a dropper, as you could see in the picture above. So I take one drop of this. I take one dropper full before I hit any kind of important task. What I mean by that is I don't actually take it every day, I take it when I need it. So I'll take it before writing a school exam / any important task where i have to highly focus. I'll take it when I'm doing something which requires my full attention and full cognition power So I take it only when I need it, because that's my attitude towards any kind of supplement. You only supplement when you think you need it. You don't take a supplement every single day unless you have some kind of condition.

You should be getting most of what you need from just whole Foods. So I use this as a tool rather than a fundamental. You can take two droppers actually, and if you are really focusing on something, I would be okay with taking two droppers of methylene blue which each dropper is five milligrams. So there you go. I take two droppers if I really need it. One dropper usually that's about dosage.

Now where do you get it from. So this is very important boys. There's two grades of methylene blue There is the industrial grade and there is the pharmaceutical grade. You're obviously looking for pharmaceutical grade grade because the industrial grade has heavy metals. It's going to poison you. So you need to look for two things. You need to look for USP verified, which means that it is pharmaceutical grade verified. And you need to look for a CoA, which is a certificate of analysis. And it's done by like a lab, which actually goes through it and sees if it is a pure product. I get all my methylene blue from here:

TLDR - Methylene blue is the best supplement to take for iqmaxxing

Tags: @Dicktator @Chintuck22 @coispet @Sny @NumbThePain_FoxH @Gengar @Squirtle @Gargantuan @Lmao @emeraldglass @eduardkoopman @Kingkellz @ccwarrior @Lorsss @garoupilled_ @AscendingHero @.Myth @dragomaxxer @pneumocystosis @j05 @bussi @tempelcat4 @Clavicular @Orc @0hMan
this is fucking genius
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Jiaxi, Deleted member 23558 and zsombi
no tag so dnr
  • +1
Reactions: Jiaxi, Deleted member 30843 and soover4me
There aren't much gatekept looksmax anymore, but im pretty sure this is one of them. It's so gatekept that when i searched for it on the forum, there wasn't a single thread about it. So it's not gatekept, rather its unknown. Anyways i will share it with you guys!

I have found a secret elixir for looksmaxxers;
anti-aging, increase iq, energy, focus, better skin;

Introduction to methylene blue

View attachment 2832508

by @zsombi
Table of contents
  • Introduction
    • what is Methylene blue
    • how does it work
  • Benefits
  • Side effects
  • Dosages
  • How to take it​
  • Source / where to buy

Methylene blue is a supplement known for boosting brain function and improving skin health. It supports mitochondria, the cell's energy powerhouse, enhancing cognition, memory, and focus. It also aids in cellular repair, promoting healthier skin. When considering supplementation, choose pharmaceutical-grade products and moderate usage to avoid potential side effects.

Scientific introduction (could skip if you want)
I'm going to teach you how to overclock your brain using methylene blue. Methylene blue is a mitochondrial support supplement. And mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. So where do you find mitochondria? You'll find mitochondria in almost literally every cell. But they're highly concentrated in the neurons, which is what our brain is made of. So it comes as no surprise then that methylene blue is going to increase your cognition, your power to think, your ability to solve mathematical problems, to work through solutions and to have even more creativity. Also, it's no surprise that it improves memory. Both short tum and long term. We have more energy overall because your neurons are able to fire more efficiently. And you have more focus, which is to me the most important aspect. Why? Because time is not the most important resource. A lot of people think that time is a finite resource, and it's really important. It's important, sure, but you only have 24 hours per day, and no matter what you do, you're not going to get more hours. It's energy and focus that actually gives value to time. So anything that improves my focus is going to be highly beneficial to me. So how does it work? You know, how is it possible that the same exact supplement also improves skin? Like how can a brain supplement improve skin? And it comes down to the mechanism of action. And when you saw that it increases energy and focus, you probably thought, well, is it kind of like caffeine? Is it like coffee? And the answer is it's not. So caffeine works by a receptor being bound to by that caffeine molecule. It binds to the adenosine receptor in the brain, trying to trick the brain into thinking it has more energy than it actually has. It doesn't actually give you any energy. Methylene blue does not bind to receptors. That's not its mechanism of action. It acts directly on the mitochondria That's why it has all these wide ranging effects because every single cell has mitochondria in it.

How does it work? (could skip if you want as well)
Well let's go. You know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and it produces energy for the cell. All this stuff. But how does it do it. So what's mitochondria actually doing is when you have food you and you have glucose the first complex inside mitochondria. So mitochondria has five complexes 1234 and five actually grabs an electron from your glucose and it shunts it from complex 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5. And from five comes out ATP. ATP is energy. So think of this as a race car engine. All right. And each of these are like pistons trying to convert that fuel into into momentum into energy. So what happens then is you if you disrupt this It's a good question isn't it. That's what's happening to most people. A lot of people a majority of people I'd say have poor metabolic health, which means that they have broken mitochondria, they have damaged mitochondria. And of course, if you're thinking of this as a race car engine, not only do you get energy, you also get waste products. You get smoke in the cell. This is in the form of Ros reactive oxygen species. That's what the cell even naturally produces. Even an undamaged mitochondria is going to produce some level of Ros. So when you have a damage in the mitochondria, let's say the complex one is no longer able to move electrons to complex two. You have a disruption. Let's say you have a disruption between 2 and 3. So if you have an engine and you damage it somehow, what's going to happen? First you're going to have less energy. Obviously you're gonna have less energy, but you're also going to have more waste products. And these waste products are toxic. So you really don't want these in your body. If you can help it. And let's talk about how methylene blue plays a role in all this. So speaking of damage to mitochondria, you might be wondering like how does this damage even happen? And it happens to many reasons. Obviously one of them is oxidative stress. Another is seed oils. So seed oils like safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, all these seed oils, what they're gonna do is they are going to interfere with the mitochondria because oxidized seed oils have these byproducts called aldehydes. And that's not the only byproduct, by the way, these aldehydes are going to damage the membrane. And these complexes are situated on the membrane. So you can see how that's not going to really help is it. So was methylene blue do methylene blue is an electron donor. So if there's a break in the circuit between complex one and two and two and three, methylene blue can actually donate an electron straight to complex three. And you immediately have the restarting of this electron chain. And you can still produce ATP. And yeah, you still produce reactive oxygen species. And now this is where it gets interesting. The same methylene blue that can donate an electron and thereby keep this engine functioning can actually neutralize the reactive oxygen species, which is because methylene blue is a auto reducing agent. There's not that many out there. Methylene blue is kind of rare because of this property. It not only boosts the energy function of the mitochondria, it also deletes the waste products of the said mitochondria. Now you can see how it's really powerful. Now you can see why it would affect all these different things from the brain to skin. Let's briefly talk about the skin side of things. So there's actually research which shows that Methylene blue will cause skin to reverse age causes the reversal of aging. Bizarre but it's true. It causes skin to be more elastic, more lustrous, more thick. And that's because skin cells are cells like any other cells. If they incur damage, it's a struggle to fix it. If you have bad mitochondria, fixing the mitochondria allows skin cells to fix themselves and also proliferate it and generate more cells if some of them die or get damaged. That's why it helps with skin.

So there we have it, boys. That's why it improves all these things.


  • I.Q
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Skin
  • Viruses
  • Stress
  • Ageing
  • Brain fog

Side effects
Now those who are astute have noticed that I mentioned reduces viruses. And that's because indeed, methylene blue is an antiparasitic which parasites are a whole different topic. A whole can of worms? Yes, a can of worms indeed, but it is in fact an antiviral, which is why it is used against malaria for quite a long time, and which is why a certain new invention, i- i mean infection actually, methylene blue can be effective against that. I won't mention it by name, but I think you understand what I'm talking about though :) It is an antiviral and it's an antibacterial. So you might be thinking, well, if it's an antibacterial, then could it possibly harm the gut microbiome

Good question. If you're thinking in that way, then I'm proud of you. That's the way you should be thinking. And I also actually put off by methylene blue for the longest time because, you know, it could affect the gut microbiome even if it has these benefits. Like, I don't want to really compromise my gut health, but I looked into it and there's research and this is really cool piece of research by the way. They took a bunch of mice. They let's call them mice A, B and C, and they ran them with different quantities of methylene blue. Group A didn't get any methylene blue. Group B got a pretty decent dose of methylene blue. And group C got a mega dose a super dose of methylene blue like they got. I think they were given like 50g of methylene blue per kilogram of body weight, which is ridiculous. These mice were probably shitting blue for like weeks. Well, they took these mice, put them through mazes, as scientists are wont to do. And what they found was mice A underperformed, which is obvious because you know, if you have mice B and C with all these benefits IQ, well it's not actually IQ. It's more like cognitive power but increased cognitive power, increased memory. Then obviously they're going to perform the maze better because what do you need to solve a maze. You need memory. You need energy. You need focus. Mice B and mice C easily won over mice A. And now they looked at the gut microbiome. They found that mice A and B were the same. So a moderate dose of methylene blue doesn't seem to change the microbiome. Now they looked at the mega dosed methylene blue mice in group C. And what they found was there was a small change in the gut microbiome. So it seems as though even with a quite a large dose of methylene blue, it doesn't completely screw up your gut health. And obviously, no one's going to be taking 50g of methylene blue per kilogram. That would be a ridiculous amount of methylene blue, and there's no reason to be taking that much.

Now, of course, I'm going to talk about dosages soon, but it does seem to me that it's fine to take it in terms of gut health. And of course, none of what I'm giving you here is medicinal advice. It is all just for educational purposes. Whatever risks that you want to incur are up to you. It's not my responsibility. I'm just sharing with you my personal experience with this particular supplement.

Let's talk about another thing which is going on, which is another side effect which a lot of people notice, which is an increase in anxiety. As you see, I've put actually lowering stress. But a lot of people will tell you that methylene blue increases anxiety. So I looked into it and and it was confusing because why would something that increases ATP production cause increased anxiety? It didn't make sense, especially when you consider that ATP and energy are relaxants to make you more relaxed. In fact, if you take a dead piece of muscle tissue, it's going to be kind of rigid, right But if you put it in a bath of ATP, it will actually become more lifelike. It'll become more supple, become more like how it was in in life. Because energy is life, ATP is energy. So it's really a puzzle why somebody would be more anxious with the introduction of methylene blue? I was thinking about this, and I realized that what is anxiety really? Anxiety is the recurring thoughts of recurring negative thoughts. Really. So if you have increased computational power, increased recall, and increased focus on those negative thoughts, of course you're going to feel more anxious. So it's not that methylene blue per se is increase causing anxiety. It's more so that methylene blue is eliminating brain fog, allowing you to come head to head with your anxiety. I think that's what's happening here. So if you have anxiety symptoms because of methylene blue, it's likely that you just have bad mental health. And that should be the priority you should be working on, not some kind of productivity supplement. You should work on the basics, the fundamentals of basic mental health. So of course that's going to be a topic unto itself. So I won't go into it. But that's another concern.

That's another side effects, which is kind of funny. When you start taking methylene blue, you will you'll piss blue like straight up. Your urine will be blue in color. This is not something you should be afraid of. It happens to everybody. It's an expected side effect.

TLDR - You will have an increased aniexity, and will pee blue jfl

Methylene blue is just a supplement boys. It's just a supplement. The fundamentals always matter. More. Nutrition and detox and mental health are the foundations for a happy life. Methylene blue is something which can help but it is not the foundation and never intended to be so. That is methylene blue and that's how it works.

View attachment 2832697

The dosages I take one dropper. This has a dropper, as you could see in the picture above. So I take one drop of this. I take one dropper full before I hit any kind of important task. What I mean by that is I don't actually take it every day, I take it when I need it. So I'll take it before writing a school exam / any important task where i have to highly focus. I'll take it when I'm doing something which requires my full attention and full cognition power So I take it only when I need it, because that's my attitude towards any kind of supplement. You only supplement when you think you need it. You don't take a supplement every single day unless you have some kind of condition.

You should be getting most of what you need from just whole Foods. So I use this as a tool rather than a fundamental. You can take two droppers actually, and if you are really focusing on something, I would be okay with taking two droppers of methylene blue which each dropper is five milligrams. So there you go. I take two droppers if I really need it. One dropper usually that's about dosage.

Now where do you get it from. So this is very important boys. There's two grades of methylene blue There is the industrial grade and there is the pharmaceutical grade. You're obviously looking for pharmaceutical grade grade because the industrial grade has heavy metals. It's going to poison you. So you need to look for two things. You need to look for USP verified, which means that it is pharmaceutical grade verified. And you need to look for a CoA, which is a certificate of analysis. And it's done by like a lab, which actually goes through it and sees if it is a pure product. I get all my methylene blue from here:

TLDR - Methylene blue is the best supplement to take for iqmaxxing

Tags: @Dicktator @Chintuck22 @coispet @Sny @NumbThePain_FoxH @Gengar @Squirtle @Gargantuan @Lmao @emeraldglass @eduardkoopman @Kingkellz @ccwarrior @Lorsss @garoupilled_ @AscendingHero @.Myth @dragomaxxer @pneumocystosis @j05 @bussi @tempelcat4 @Clavicular @Orc @0hMan

any source?
  • +1
Reactions: Jiaxi, eduardkoopman and soover4me
Could not read bcuz of too much blocs of txt plz fix
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Jiaxi and Gaygymmaxx
how much iq
  • +1
Reactions: Jiaxi
jfl will edit this with an actual reply in like 20 min but ur missing so much shit about it
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Jiaxi and soover4me
How much has it been studied for skincare purposes? What where the results?
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Jiaxi, Deleted member 23558, Costcosuperstore and 1 other person
you need to mention the dangers of using it in combination with other medications such as ssri's
  • +1
Reactions: Jiaxi and DefSomeone
Too much text
Will read when I get home
  • +1
Reactions: Jiaxi
  • +1
Reactions: Jiaxi
There aren't much gatekept looksmax anymore, but im pretty sure this is one of them. It's so gatekept that when i searched for it on the forum, there wasn't a single thread about it. So it's not gatekept, rather its unknown. Anyways i will share it with you guys!

I have found a secret elixir for looksmaxxers;
anti-aging, increase iq, energy, focus, better skin;

Introduction to methylene blue

View attachment 2832508

by @zsombi
Table of contents
  • Introduction
    • what is Methylene blue
    • how does it work
  • Benefits
  • Side effects
  • Dosages
  • How to take it​
  • Source / where to buy

Methylene blue is a supplement known for boosting brain function and improving skin health. It supports mitochondria, the cell's energy powerhouse, enhancing cognition, memory, and focus. It also aids in cellular repair, promoting healthier skin. When considering supplementation, choose pharmaceutical-grade products and moderate usage to avoid potential side effects.

Scientific introduction (could skip if you want)
I'm going to teach you how to overclock your brain using methylene blue. Methylene blue is a mitochondrial support supplement. And mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. So where do you find mitochondria? You'll find mitochondria in almost literally every cell. But they're highly concentrated in the neurons, which is what our brain is made of. So it comes as no surprise then that methylene blue is going to increase your cognition, your power to think, your ability to solve mathematical problems, to work through solutions and to have even more creativity. Also, it's no surprise that it improves memory. Both short tum and long term. We have more energy overall because your neurons are able to fire more efficiently. And you have more focus, which is to me the most important aspect. Why? Because time is not the most important resource. A lot of people think that time is a finite resource, and it's really important. It's important, sure, but you only have 24 hours per day, and no matter what you do, you're not going to get more hours. It's energy and focus that actually gives value to time. So anything that improves my focus is going to be highly beneficial to me. So how does it work? You know, how is it possible that the same exact supplement also improves skin? Like how can a brain supplement improve skin? And it comes down to the mechanism of action. And when you saw that it increases energy and focus, you probably thought, well, is it kind of like caffeine? Is it like coffee? And the answer is it's not. So caffeine works by a receptor being bound to by that caffeine molecule. It binds to the adenosine receptor in the brain, trying to trick the brain into thinking it has more energy than it actually has. It doesn't actually give you any energy. Methylene blue does not bind to receptors. That's not its mechanism of action. It acts directly on the mitochondria That's why it has all these wide ranging effects because every single cell has mitochondria in it.

How does it work? (could skip if you want as well)
Well let's go. You know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and it produces energy for the cell. All this stuff. But how does it do it. So what's mitochondria actually doing is when you have food you and you have glucose the first complex inside mitochondria. So mitochondria has five complexes 1234 and five actually grabs an electron from your glucose and it shunts it from complex 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5. And from five comes out ATP. ATP is energy. So think of this as a race car engine. All right. And each of these are like pistons trying to convert that fuel into into momentum into energy. So what happens then is you if you disrupt this It's a good question isn't it. That's what's happening to most people. A lot of people a majority of people I'd say have poor metabolic health, which means that they have broken mitochondria, they have damaged mitochondria. And of course, if you're thinking of this as a race car engine, not only do you get energy, you also get waste products. You get smoke in the cell. This is in the form of Ros reactive oxygen species. That's what the cell even naturally produces. Even an undamaged mitochondria is going to produce some level of Ros. So when you have a damage in the mitochondria, let's say the complex one is no longer able to move electrons to complex two. You have a disruption. Let's say you have a disruption between 2 and 3. So if you have an engine and you damage it somehow, what's going to happen? First you're going to have less energy. Obviously you're gonna have less energy, but you're also going to have more waste products. And these waste products are toxic. So you really don't want these in your body. If you can help it. And let's talk about how methylene blue plays a role in all this. So speaking of damage to mitochondria, you might be wondering like how does this damage even happen? And it happens to many reasons. Obviously one of them is oxidative stress. Another is seed oils. So seed oils like safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, all these seed oils, what they're gonna do is they are going to interfere with the mitochondria because oxidized seed oils have these byproducts called aldehydes. And that's not the only byproduct, by the way, these aldehydes are going to damage the membrane. And these complexes are situated on the membrane. So you can see how that's not going to really help is it. So was methylene blue do methylene blue is an electron donor. So if there's a break in the circuit between complex one and two and two and three, methylene blue can actually donate an electron straight to complex three. And you immediately have the restarting of this electron chain. And you can still produce ATP. And yeah, you still produce reactive oxygen species. And now this is where it gets interesting. The same methylene blue that can donate an electron and thereby keep this engine functioning can actually neutralize the reactive oxygen species, which is because methylene blue is a auto reducing agent. There's not that many out there. Methylene blue is kind of rare because of this property. It not only boosts the energy function of the mitochondria, it also deletes the waste products of the said mitochondria. Now you can see how it's really powerful. Now you can see why it would affect all these different things from the brain to skin. Let's briefly talk about the skin side of things. So there's actually research which shows that Methylene blue will cause skin to reverse age causes the reversal of aging. Bizarre but it's true. It causes skin to be more elastic, more lustrous, more thick. And that's because skin cells are cells like any other cells. If they incur damage, it's a struggle to fix it. If you have bad mitochondria, fixing the mitochondria allows skin cells to fix themselves and also proliferate it and generate more cells if some of them die or get damaged. That's why it helps with skin.

So there we have it, boys. That's why it improves all these things.


  • I.Q
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Skin
  • Viruses
  • Stress
  • Ageing
  • Brain fog

Side effects
Now those who are astute have noticed that I mentioned reduces viruses. And that's because indeed, methylene blue is an antiparasitic which parasites are a whole different topic. A whole can of worms? Yes, a can of worms indeed, but it is in fact an antiviral, which is why it is used against malaria for quite a long time, and which is why a certain new invention, i- i mean infection actually, methylene blue can be effective against that. I won't mention it by name, but I think you understand what I'm talking about though :) It is an antiviral and it's an antibacterial. So you might be thinking, well, if it's an antibacterial, then could it possibly harm the gut microbiome

Good question. If you're thinking in that way, then I'm proud of you. That's the way you should be thinking. And I also actually put off by methylene blue for the longest time because, you know, it could affect the gut microbiome even if it has these benefits. Like, I don't want to really compromise my gut health, but I looked into it and there's research and this is really cool piece of research by the way. They took a bunch of mice. They let's call them mice A, B and C, and they ran them with different quantities of methylene blue. Group A didn't get any methylene blue. Group B got a pretty decent dose of methylene blue. And group C got a mega dose a super dose of methylene blue like they got. I think they were given like 50g of methylene blue per kilogram of body weight, which is ridiculous. These mice were probably shitting blue for like weeks. Well, they took these mice, put them through mazes, as scientists are wont to do. And what they found was mice A underperformed, which is obvious because you know, if you have mice B and C with all these benefits IQ, well it's not actually IQ. It's more like cognitive power but increased cognitive power, increased memory. Then obviously they're going to perform the maze better because what do you need to solve a maze. You need memory. You need energy. You need focus. Mice B and mice C easily won over mice A. And now they looked at the gut microbiome. They found that mice A and B were the same. So a moderate dose of methylene blue doesn't seem to change the microbiome. Now they looked at the mega dosed methylene blue mice in group C. And what they found was there was a small change in the gut microbiome. So it seems as though even with a quite a large dose of methylene blue, it doesn't completely screw up your gut health. And obviously, no one's going to be taking 50g of methylene blue per kilogram. That would be a ridiculous amount of methylene blue, and there's no reason to be taking that much.

Now, of course, I'm going to talk about dosages soon, but it does seem to me that it's fine to take it in terms of gut health. And of course, none of what I'm giving you here is medicinal advice. It is all just for educational purposes. Whatever risks that you want to incur are up to you. It's not my responsibility. I'm just sharing with you my personal experience with this particular supplement.

Let's talk about another thing which is going on, which is another side effect which a lot of people notice, which is an increase in anxiety. As you see, I've put actually lowering stress. But a lot of people will tell you that methylene blue increases anxiety. So I looked into it and and it was confusing because why would something that increases ATP production cause increased anxiety? It didn't make sense, especially when you consider that ATP and energy are relaxants to make you more relaxed. In fact, if you take a dead piece of muscle tissue, it's going to be kind of rigid, right But if you put it in a bath of ATP, it will actually become more lifelike. It'll become more supple, become more like how it was in in life. Because energy is life, ATP is energy. So it's really a puzzle why somebody would be more anxious with the introduction of methylene blue? I was thinking about this, and I realized that what is anxiety really? Anxiety is the recurring thoughts of recurring negative thoughts. Really. So if you have increased computational power, increased recall, and increased focus on those negative thoughts, of course you're going to feel more anxious. So it's not that methylene blue per se is increase causing anxiety. It's more so that methylene blue is eliminating brain fog, allowing you to come head to head with your anxiety. I think that's what's happening here. So if you have anxiety symptoms because of methylene blue, it's likely that you just have bad mental health. And that should be the priority you should be working on, not some kind of productivity supplement. You should work on the basics, the fundamentals of basic mental health. So of course that's going to be a topic unto itself. So I won't go into it. But that's another concern.

That's another side effects, which is kind of funny. When you start taking methylene blue, you will you'll piss blue like straight up. Your urine will be blue in color. This is not something you should be afraid of. It happens to everybody. It's an expected side effect.

TLDR - You will have an increased aniexity, and will pee blue jfl

Methylene blue is just a supplement boys. It's just a supplement. The fundamentals always matter. More. Nutrition and detox and mental health are the foundations for a happy life. Methylene blue is something which can help but it is not the foundation and never intended to be so. That is methylene blue and that's how it works.

View attachment 2832697

The dosages I take one dropper. This has a dropper, as you could see in the picture above. So I take one drop of this. I take one dropper full before I hit any kind of important task. What I mean by that is I don't actually take it every day, I take it when I need it. So I'll take it before writing a school exam / any important task where i have to highly focus. I'll take it when I'm doing something which requires my full attention and full cognition power So I take it only when I need it, because that's my attitude towards any kind of supplement. You only supplement when you think you need it. You don't take a supplement every single day unless you have some kind of condition.

You should be getting most of what you need from just whole Foods. So I use this as a tool rather than a fundamental. You can take two droppers actually, and if you are really focusing on something, I would be okay with taking two droppers of methylene blue which each dropper is five milligrams. So there you go. I take two droppers if I really need it. One dropper usually that's about dosage.

Now where do you get it from. So this is very important boys. There's two grades of methylene blue There is the industrial grade and there is the pharmaceutical grade. You're obviously looking for pharmaceutical grade grade because the industrial grade has heavy metals. It's going to poison you. So you need to look for two things. You need to look for USP verified, which means that it is pharmaceutical grade verified. And you need to look for a CoA, which is a certificate of analysis. And it's done by like a lab, which actually goes through it and sees if it is a pure product. I get all my methylene blue from here:

TLDR - Methylene blue is the best supplement to take for iqmaxxing

Tags: @Dicktator @Chintuck22 @coispet @Sny @NumbThePain_FoxH @Gengar @Squirtle @Gargantuan @Lmao @emeraldglass @eduardkoopman @Kingkellz @ccwarrior @Lorsss @garoupilled_ @AscendingHero @.Myth @dragomaxxer @pneumocystosis @j05 @bussi @tempelcat4 @Clavicular @Orc @0hMan
Good thread my nigga
  • +1
Reactions: Jiaxi and zsombi
nice 1. april joke mate, methelyne blue is useless
  • +1
Reactions: Jiaxi, FrankOcean and Deleted member 66828
someone take the bullet and try if this actually works and document here
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Jiaxi, NoseProphecy, kiyopon and 1 other person
Seems another Cope
Surgery or rope
  • +1
Reactions: Jiaxi, Deleted member 66828 and niqfan625
Cigány thread
  • JFL
Reactions: hopecel, Deleted member 30461, Deleted member 62070 and 2 others
kedvenc greycelem
  • Love it
Reactions: zsombi
Read it, good thread and info. We need more users like you.

Although its gonna be hard to convince ppl to buy an expensive supp without a source
  • +1
Reactions: zsombi and Clavicular

  • I.Q
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Skin
  • Viruses
  • Stress
  • Ageing
  • Brain fog

It's funny because all the so called "nootropics" share the exact same benefits

Another scam
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 27550
There aren't much gatekept looksmax anymore, but im pretty sure this is one of them. It's so gatekept that when i searched for it on the forum, there wasn't a single thread about it. So it's not gatekept, rather its unknown. Anyways i will share it with you guys!

I have found a secret elixir for looksmaxxers;
anti-aging, increase iq, energy, focus, better skin;

Introduction to methylene blue

View attachment 2832508

by @zsombi
Table of contents
  • Introduction
    • what is Methylene blue
    • how does it work
  • Benefits
  • Side effects
  • Dosages
  • How to take it​
  • Source / where to buy

Methylene blue is a supplement known for boosting brain function and improving skin health. It supports mitochondria, the cell's energy powerhouse, enhancing cognition, memory, and focus. It also aids in cellular repair, promoting healthier skin. When considering supplementation, choose pharmaceutical-grade products and moderate usage to avoid potential side effects.

Scientific introduction (could skip if you want)
I'm going to teach you how to overclock your brain using methylene blue. Methylene blue is a mitochondrial support supplement. And mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. So where do you find mitochondria? You'll find mitochondria in almost literally every cell. But they're highly concentrated in the neurons, which is what our brain is made of. So it comes as no surprise then that methylene blue is going to increase your cognition, your power to think, your ability to solve mathematical problems, to work through solutions and to have even more creativity. Also, it's no surprise that it improves memory. Both short tum and long term. We have more energy overall because your neurons are able to fire more efficiently. And you have more focus, which is to me the most important aspect. Why? Because time is not the most important resource. A lot of people think that time is a finite resource, and it's really important. It's important, sure, but you only have 24 hours per day, and no matter what you do, you're not going to get more hours. It's energy and focus that actually gives value to time. So anything that improves my focus is going to be highly beneficial to me. So how does it work? You know, how is it possible that the same exact supplement also improves skin? Like how can a brain supplement improve skin? And it comes down to the mechanism of action. And when you saw that it increases energy and focus, you probably thought, well, is it kind of like caffeine? Is it like coffee? And the answer is it's not. So caffeine works by a receptor being bound to by that caffeine molecule. It binds to the adenosine receptor in the brain, trying to trick the brain into thinking it has more energy than it actually has. It doesn't actually give you any energy. Methylene blue does not bind to receptors. That's not its mechanism of action. It acts directly on the mitochondria That's why it has all these wide ranging effects because every single cell has mitochondria in it.

How does it work? (could skip if you want as well)
Well let's go. You know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and it produces energy for the cell. All this stuff. But how does it do it. So what's mitochondria actually doing is when you have food you and you have glucose the first complex inside mitochondria. So mitochondria has five complexes 1234 and five actually grabs an electron from your glucose and it shunts it from complex 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5. And from five comes out ATP. ATP is energy. So think of this as a race car engine. All right. And each of these are like pistons trying to convert that fuel into into momentum into energy. So what happens then is you if you disrupt this It's a good question isn't it. That's what's happening to most people. A lot of people a majority of people I'd say have poor metabolic health, which means that they have broken mitochondria, they have damaged mitochondria. And of course, if you're thinking of this as a race car engine, not only do you get energy, you also get waste products. You get smoke in the cell. This is in the form of Ros reactive oxygen species. That's what the cell even naturally produces. Even an undamaged mitochondria is going to produce some level of Ros. So when you have a damage in the mitochondria, let's say the complex one is no longer able to move electrons to complex two. You have a disruption. Let's say you have a disruption between 2 and 3. So if you have an engine and you damage it somehow, what's going to happen? First you're going to have less energy. Obviously you're gonna have less energy, but you're also going to have more waste products. And these waste products are toxic. So you really don't want these in your body. If you can help it. And let's talk about how methylene blue plays a role in all this. So speaking of damage to mitochondria, you might be wondering like how does this damage even happen? And it happens to many reasons. Obviously one of them is oxidative stress. Another is seed oils. So seed oils like safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, all these seed oils, what they're gonna do is they are going to interfere with the mitochondria because oxidized seed oils have these byproducts called aldehydes. And that's not the only byproduct, by the way, these aldehydes are going to damage the membrane. And these complexes are situated on the membrane. So you can see how that's not going to really help is it. So was methylene blue do methylene blue is an electron donor. So if there's a break in the circuit between complex one and two and two and three, methylene blue can actually donate an electron straight to complex three. And you immediately have the restarting of this electron chain. And you can still produce ATP. And yeah, you still produce reactive oxygen species. And now this is where it gets interesting. The same methylene blue that can donate an electron and thereby keep this engine functioning can actually neutralize the reactive oxygen species, which is because methylene blue is a auto reducing agent. There's not that many out there. Methylene blue is kind of rare because of this property. It not only boosts the energy function of the mitochondria, it also deletes the waste products of the said mitochondria. Now you can see how it's really powerful. Now you can see why it would affect all these different things from the brain to skin. Let's briefly talk about the skin side of things. So there's actually research which shows that Methylene blue will cause skin to reverse age causes the reversal of aging. Bizarre but it's true. It causes skin to be more elastic, more lustrous, more thick. And that's because skin cells are cells like any other cells. If they incur damage, it's a struggle to fix it. If you have bad mitochondria, fixing the mitochondria allows skin cells to fix themselves and also proliferate it and generate more cells if some of them die or get damaged. That's why it helps with skin.

So there we have it, boys. That's why it improves all these things.


  • I.Q
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Skin
  • Viruses
  • Stress
  • Ageing
  • Brain fog

Side effects
Now those who are astute have noticed that I mentioned reduces viruses. And that's because indeed, methylene blue is an antiparasitic which parasites are a whole different topic. A whole can of worms? Yes, a can of worms indeed, but it is in fact an antiviral, which is why it is used against malaria for quite a long time, and which is why a certain new invention, i- i mean infection actually, methylene blue can be effective against that. I won't mention it by name, but I think you understand what I'm talking about though :) It is an antiviral and it's an antibacterial. So you might be thinking, well, if it's an antibacterial, then could it possibly harm the gut microbiome

Good question. If you're thinking in that way, then I'm proud of you. That's the way you should be thinking. And I also actually put off by methylene blue for the longest time because, you know, it could affect the gut microbiome even if it has these benefits. Like, I don't want to really compromise my gut health, but I looked into it and there's research and this is really cool piece of research by the way. They took a bunch of mice. They let's call them mice A, B and C, and they ran them with different quantities of methylene blue. Group A didn't get any methylene blue. Group B got a pretty decent dose of methylene blue. And group C got a mega dose a super dose of methylene blue like they got. I think they were given like 50g of methylene blue per kilogram of body weight, which is ridiculous. These mice were probably shitting blue for like weeks. Well, they took these mice, put them through mazes, as scientists are wont to do. And what they found was mice A underperformed, which is obvious because you know, if you have mice B and C with all these benefits IQ, well it's not actually IQ. It's more like cognitive power but increased cognitive power, increased memory. Then obviously they're going to perform the maze better because what do you need to solve a maze. You need memory. You need energy. You need focus. Mice B and mice C easily won over mice A. And now they looked at the gut microbiome. They found that mice A and B were the same. So a moderate dose of methylene blue doesn't seem to change the microbiome. Now they looked at the mega dosed methylene blue mice in group C. And what they found was there was a small change in the gut microbiome. So it seems as though even with a quite a large dose of methylene blue, it doesn't completely screw up your gut health. And obviously, no one's going to be taking 50g of methylene blue per kilogram. That would be a ridiculous amount of methylene blue, and there's no reason to be taking that much.

Now, of course, I'm going to talk about dosages soon, but it does seem to me that it's fine to take it in terms of gut health. And of course, none of what I'm giving you here is medicinal advice. It is all just for educational purposes. Whatever risks that you want to incur are up to you. It's not my responsibility. I'm just sharing with you my personal experience with this particular supplement.

Let's talk about another thing which is going on, which is another side effect which a lot of people notice, which is an increase in anxiety. As you see, I've put actually lowering stress. But a lot of people will tell you that methylene blue increases anxiety. So I looked into it and and it was confusing because why would something that increases ATP production cause increased anxiety? It didn't make sense, especially when you consider that ATP and energy are relaxants to make you more relaxed. In fact, if you take a dead piece of muscle tissue, it's going to be kind of rigid, right But if you put it in a bath of ATP, it will actually become more lifelike. It'll become more supple, become more like how it was in in life. Because energy is life, ATP is energy. So it's really a puzzle why somebody would be more anxious with the introduction of methylene blue? I was thinking about this, and I realized that what is anxiety really? Anxiety is the recurring thoughts of recurring negative thoughts. Really. So if you have increased computational power, increased recall, and increased focus on those negative thoughts, of course you're going to feel more anxious. So it's not that methylene blue per se is increase causing anxiety. It's more so that methylene blue is eliminating brain fog, allowing you to come head to head with your anxiety. I think that's what's happening here. So if you have anxiety symptoms because of methylene blue, it's likely that you just have bad mental health. And that should be the priority you should be working on, not some kind of productivity supplement. You should work on the basics, the fundamentals of basic mental health. So of course that's going to be a topic unto itself. So I won't go into it. But that's another concern.

That's another side effects, which is kind of funny. When you start taking methylene blue, you will you'll piss blue like straight up. Your urine will be blue in color. This is not something you should be afraid of. It happens to everybody. It's an expected side effect.

TLDR - You will have an increased aniexity, and will pee blue jfl

Methylene blue is just a supplement boys. It's just a supplement. The fundamentals always matter. More. Nutrition and detox and mental health are the foundations for a happy life. Methylene blue is something which can help but it is not the foundation and never intended to be so. That is methylene blue and that's how it works.

View attachment 2832697

The dosages I take one dropper. This has a dropper, as you could see in the picture above. So I take one drop of this. I take one dropper full before I hit any kind of important task. What I mean by that is I don't actually take it every day, I take it when I need it. So I'll take it before writing a school exam / any important task where i have to highly focus. I'll take it when I'm doing something which requires my full attention and full cognition power So I take it only when I need it, because that's my attitude towards any kind of supplement. You only supplement when you think you need it. You don't take a supplement every single day unless you have some kind of condition.

You should be getting most of what you need from just whole Foods. So I use this as a tool rather than a fundamental. You can take two droppers actually, and if you are really focusing on something, I would be okay with taking two droppers of methylene blue which each dropper is five milligrams. So there you go. I take two droppers if I really need it. One dropper usually that's about dosage.

Now where do you get it from. So this is very important boys. There's two grades of methylene blue There is the industrial grade and there is the pharmaceutical grade. You're obviously looking for pharmaceutical grade grade because the industrial grade has heavy metals. It's going to poison you. So you need to look for two things. You need to look for USP verified, which means that it is pharmaceutical grade verified. And you need to look for a CoA, which is a certificate of analysis. And it's done by like a lab, which actually goes through it and sees if it is a pure product. I get all my methylene blue from here:

TLDR - Methylene blue is the best supplement to take for iqmaxxing

Tags: @Dicktator @Chintuck22 @coispet @Sny @NumbThePain_FoxH @Gengar @Squirtle @Gargantuan @Lmao @emeraldglass @eduardkoopman @Kingkellz @ccwarrior @Lorsss @garoupilled_ @AscendingHero @.Myth @dragomaxxer @pneumocystosis @j05 @bussi @tempelcat4 @Clavicular @Orc @0hMan
Can I give this to my parents
  • JFL
Reactions: benchcrab
any source?

I have already mentioned the source in the thread, the source is Lab verified and I have bought multiple products from the website

Legit question.
Need sources and studies, backing the claims
Studies could be found on the source website

How much has it been studied for skincare purposes? What where the results?
Most people take methylene blue for focusing purposes, however it could also be used for skincare as well, but I don't recommend using it solely for skincare. Actually, the website that sells methylene blue has another product which is certainly for skincare purposes. This is arguably the best skincare product in the world

you need to mention the dangers of using it in combination with other medications such as ssri's
Methylene blue has been studied for its potential antidepressant effects, including its ability to inhibit the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO). MAO inhibitors are a class of antidepressant drugs, and they have been used to treat depression. However, combining methylene blue with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), another class of antidepressants, can lead to a potentially serious condition called serotonin syndrome. Why would you mix them, thought that was obvious.

nice 1. april joke mate, methelyne blue is useless
someone take the bullet and try if this actually works and document here
It's funny because all the so called "nootropics" share the exact same benefits

Another scam
Why do you think I would share something that doesn't work? Obviously, I have tried it before. I posted this thread; I'm responsible for the consequences.

What would be the purpose of posting a scam? I wouldn't gain any benefit from it.

how much iq
Methylene blue can significantly increase IQ as it positively affects brain function. It helps improve brain energy supply, enhances neuron efficiency, and reduces oxidative stress in the brain. Additionally, methylene blue stimulates neurotransmitter activity, such as acetylcholine, which plays a vital role in brain functions and memory. These effects collectively contribute to improved cognitive performance and increased IQ.
Seems another Cope
Surgery or rope
No surgery for your double digit iq
kedvenc greycelem
1 éve itt rohadok, csak baszok posztolni kek
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 62070
What would be the purpose of posting a scam? I wouldn't gain any benefit from it.
just straight up troll/bored or idk, would be probably more widely discussed outside of this forum if it would actually make u smarter
  • +1
Reactions: Fishy
I have already mentioned the source in the thread
By source i mean some scientific study to backed up your claims
  • +1
Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, Deleted member 66828 and Fishy
There aren't much gatekept looksmax anymore, but im pretty sure this is one of them. It's so gatekept that when i searched for it on the forum, there wasn't a single thread about it. So it's not gatekept, rather its unknown. Anyways i will share it with you guys!

I have found a secret elixir for looksmaxxers;
anti-aging, increase iq, energy, focus, better skin;

Introduction to methylene blue

View attachment 2832508

by @zsombi
Table of contents
  • Introduction
    • what is Methylene blue
    • how does it work
  • Benefits
  • Side effects
  • Dosages
  • How to take it​
  • Source / where to buy

Methylene blue is a supplement known for boosting brain function and improving skin health. It supports mitochondria, the cell's energy powerhouse, enhancing cognition, memory, and focus. It also aids in cellular repair, promoting healthier skin. When considering supplementation, choose pharmaceutical-grade products and moderate usage to avoid potential side effects.

Scientific introduction (could skip if you want)
I'm going to teach you how to overclock your brain using methylene blue. Methylene blue is a mitochondrial support supplement. And mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. So where do you find mitochondria? You'll find mitochondria in almost literally every cell. But they're highly concentrated in the neurons, which is what our brain is made of. So it comes as no surprise then that methylene blue is going to increase your cognition, your power to think, your ability to solve mathematical problems, to work through solutions and to have even more creativity. Also, it's no surprise that it improves memory. Both short tum and long term. We have more energy overall because your neurons are able to fire more efficiently. And you have more focus, which is to me the most important aspect. Why? Because time is not the most important resource. A lot of people think that time is a finite resource, and it's really important. It's important, sure, but you only have 24 hours per day, and no matter what you do, you're not going to get more hours. It's energy and focus that actually gives value to time. So anything that improves my focus is going to be highly beneficial to me. So how does it work? You know, how is it possible that the same exact supplement also improves skin? Like how can a brain supplement improve skin? And it comes down to the mechanism of action. And when you saw that it increases energy and focus, you probably thought, well, is it kind of like caffeine? Is it like coffee? And the answer is it's not. So caffeine works by a receptor being bound to by that caffeine molecule. It binds to the adenosine receptor in the brain, trying to trick the brain into thinking it has more energy than it actually has. It doesn't actually give you any energy. Methylene blue does not bind to receptors. That's not its mechanism of action. It acts directly on the mitochondria That's why it has all these wide ranging effects because every single cell has mitochondria in it.

How does it work? (could skip if you want as well)
Well let's go. You know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and it produces energy for the cell. All this stuff. But how does it do it. So what's mitochondria actually doing is when you have food you and you have glucose the first complex inside mitochondria. So mitochondria has five complexes 1234 and five actually grabs an electron from your glucose and it shunts it from complex 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5. And from five comes out ATP. ATP is energy. So think of this as a race car engine. All right. And each of these are like pistons trying to convert that fuel into into momentum into energy. So what happens then is you if you disrupt this It's a good question isn't it. That's what's happening to most people. A lot of people a majority of people I'd say have poor metabolic health, which means that they have broken mitochondria, they have damaged mitochondria. And of course, if you're thinking of this as a race car engine, not only do you get energy, you also get waste products. You get smoke in the cell. This is in the form of Ros reactive oxygen species. That's what the cell even naturally produces. Even an undamaged mitochondria is going to produce some level of Ros. So when you have a damage in the mitochondria, let's say the complex one is no longer able to move electrons to complex two. You have a disruption. Let's say you have a disruption between 2 and 3. So if you have an engine and you damage it somehow, what's going to happen? First you're going to have less energy. Obviously you're gonna have less energy, but you're also going to have more waste products. And these waste products are toxic. So you really don't want these in your body. If you can help it. And let's talk about how methylene blue plays a role in all this. So speaking of damage to mitochondria, you might be wondering like how does this damage even happen? And it happens to many reasons. Obviously one of them is oxidative stress. Another is seed oils. So seed oils like safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, all these seed oils, what they're gonna do is they are going to interfere with the mitochondria because oxidized seed oils have these byproducts called aldehydes. And that's not the only byproduct, by the way, these aldehydes are going to damage the membrane. And these complexes are situated on the membrane. So you can see how that's not going to really help is it. So was methylene blue do methylene blue is an electron donor. So if there's a break in the circuit between complex one and two and two and three, methylene blue can actually donate an electron straight to complex three. And you immediately have the restarting of this electron chain. And you can still produce ATP. And yeah, you still produce reactive oxygen species. And now this is where it gets interesting. The same methylene blue that can donate an electron and thereby keep this engine functioning can actually neutralize the reactive oxygen species, which is because methylene blue is a auto reducing agent. There's not that many out there. Methylene blue is kind of rare because of this property. It not only boosts the energy function of the mitochondria, it also deletes the waste products of the said mitochondria. Now you can see how it's really powerful. Now you can see why it would affect all these different things from the brain to skin. Let's briefly talk about the skin side of things. So there's actually research which shows that Methylene blue will cause skin to reverse age causes the reversal of aging. Bizarre but it's true. It causes skin to be more elastic, more lustrous, more thick. And that's because skin cells are cells like any other cells. If they incur damage, it's a struggle to fix it. If you have bad mitochondria, fixing the mitochondria allows skin cells to fix themselves and also proliferate it and generate more cells if some of them die or get damaged. That's why it helps with skin.

So there we have it, boys. That's why it improves all these things.


  • I.Q
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Skin
  • Viruses
  • Stress
  • Ageing
  • Brain fog

Side effects
Now those who are astute have noticed that I mentioned reduces viruses. And that's because indeed, methylene blue is an antiparasitic which parasites are a whole different topic. A whole can of worms? Yes, a can of worms indeed, but it is in fact an antiviral, which is why it is used against malaria for quite a long time, and which is why a certain new invention, i- i mean infection actually, methylene blue can be effective against that. I won't mention it by name, but I think you understand what I'm talking about though :) It is an antiviral and it's an antibacterial. So you might be thinking, well, if it's an antibacterial, then could it possibly harm the gut microbiome

Good question. If you're thinking in that way, then I'm proud of you. That's the way you should be thinking. And I also actually put off by methylene blue for the longest time because, you know, it could affect the gut microbiome even if it has these benefits. Like, I don't want to really compromise my gut health, but I looked into it and there's research and this is really cool piece of research by the way. They took a bunch of mice. They let's call them mice A, B and C, and they ran them with different quantities of methylene blue. Group A didn't get any methylene blue. Group B got a pretty decent dose of methylene blue. And group C got a mega dose a super dose of methylene blue like they got. I think they were given like 50g of methylene blue per kilogram of body weight, which is ridiculous. These mice were probably shitting blue for like weeks. Well, they took these mice, put them through mazes, as scientists are wont to do. And what they found was mice A underperformed, which is obvious because you know, if you have mice B and C with all these benefits IQ, well it's not actually IQ. It's more like cognitive power but increased cognitive power, increased memory. Then obviously they're going to perform the maze better because what do you need to solve a maze. You need memory. You need energy. You need focus. Mice B and mice C easily won over mice A. And now they looked at the gut microbiome. They found that mice A and B were the same. So a moderate dose of methylene blue doesn't seem to change the microbiome. Now they looked at the mega dosed methylene blue mice in group C. And what they found was there was a small change in the gut microbiome. So it seems as though even with a quite a large dose of methylene blue, it doesn't completely screw up your gut health. And obviously, no one's going to be taking 50g of methylene blue per kilogram. That would be a ridiculous amount of methylene blue, and there's no reason to be taking that much.

Now, of course, I'm going to talk about dosages soon, but it does seem to me that it's fine to take it in terms of gut health. And of course, none of what I'm giving you here is medicinal advice. It is all just for educational purposes. Whatever risks that you want to incur are up to you. It's not my responsibility. I'm just sharing with you my personal experience with this particular supplement.

Let's talk about another thing which is going on, which is another side effect which a lot of people notice, which is an increase in anxiety. As you see, I've put actually lowering stress. But a lot of people will tell you that methylene blue increases anxiety. So I looked into it and and it was confusing because why would something that increases ATP production cause increased anxiety? It didn't make sense, especially when you consider that ATP and energy are relaxants to make you more relaxed. In fact, if you take a dead piece of muscle tissue, it's going to be kind of rigid, right But if you put it in a bath of ATP, it will actually become more lifelike. It'll become more supple, become more like how it was in in life. Because energy is life, ATP is energy. So it's really a puzzle why somebody would be more anxious with the introduction of methylene blue? I was thinking about this, and I realized that what is anxiety really? Anxiety is the recurring thoughts of recurring negative thoughts. Really. So if you have increased computational power, increased recall, and increased focus on those negative thoughts, of course you're going to feel more anxious. So it's not that methylene blue per se is increase causing anxiety. It's more so that methylene blue is eliminating brain fog, allowing you to come head to head with your anxiety. I think that's what's happening here. So if you have anxiety symptoms because of methylene blue, it's likely that you just have bad mental health. And that should be the priority you should be working on, not some kind of productivity supplement. You should work on the basics, the fundamentals of basic mental health. So of course that's going to be a topic unto itself. So I won't go into it. But that's another concern.

That's another side effects, which is kind of funny. When you start taking methylene blue, you will you'll piss blue like straight up. Your urine will be blue in color. This is not something you should be afraid of. It happens to everybody. It's an expected side effect.

TLDR - You will have an increased aniexity, and will pee blue jfl

Methylene blue is just a supplement boys. It's just a supplement. The fundamentals always matter. More. Nutrition and detox and mental health are the foundations for a happy life. Methylene blue is something which can help but it is not the foundation and never intended to be so. That is methylene blue and that's how it works.

View attachment 2832697

The dosages I take one dropper. This has a dropper, as you could see in the picture above. So I take one drop of this. I take one dropper full before I hit any kind of important task. What I mean by that is I don't actually take it every day, I take it when I need it. So I'll take it before writing a school exam / any important task where i have to highly focus. I'll take it when I'm doing something which requires my full attention and full cognition power So I take it only when I need it, because that's my attitude towards any kind of supplement. You only supplement when you think you need it. You don't take a supplement every single day unless you have some kind of condition.

You should be getting most of what you need from just whole Foods. So I use this as a tool rather than a fundamental. You can take two droppers actually, and if you are really focusing on something, I would be okay with taking two droppers of methylene blue which each dropper is five milligrams. So there you go. I take two droppers if I really need it. One dropper usually that's about dosage.

Now where do you get it from. So this is very important boys. There's two grades of methylene blue There is the industrial grade and there is the pharmaceutical grade. You're obviously looking for pharmaceutical grade grade because the industrial grade has heavy metals. It's going to poison you. So you need to look for two things. You need to look for USP verified, which means that it is pharmaceutical grade verified. And you need to look for a CoA, which is a certificate of analysis. And it's done by like a lab, which actually goes through it and sees if it is a pure product. I get all my methylene blue from here:

TLDR - Methylene blue is the best supplement to take for iqmaxxing

Tags: @Dicktator @Chintuck22 @coispet @Sny @NumbThePain_FoxH @Gengar @Squirtle @Gargantuan @Lmao @emeraldglass @eduardkoopman @Kingkellz @ccwarrior @Lorsss @garoupilled_ @AscendingHero @.Myth @dragomaxxer @pneumocystosis @j05 @bussi @tempelcat4 @Clavicular @Orc @0hMan
mirin @enchanted_elixir alt tag me next time alright
James Franco Flirt GIF
  • +1
Reactions: zsombi
tag me in next?
  • +1
Reactions: zsombi
Chris Masterjohn has spoken about this and has concerns he gets "debunked" in a response video but still the video is pretty good.

Here is the response

Another good video too, i cant remeber if he goes into the concern with taking MB with red light but there is definitely a risk involved if you're also using red light.

  • +1
Reactions: Youㅤ and zsombi
when you take it methylene blue be honest, how large is the increase in brain power and focus,

On a scale of :nothing - coffee - adderall
I’m not saying it does the same thing as adder all but in terms of strength of effect
  • +1
Reactions: noodlelover and Eiei
Good thread upvoted and bought it
good thread, although the evidence surrounding its benefits is limited, it has some truth to it and the only downsides I see are allergic reactions and nausea, I feel like it doesn't outweigh the advantages.
There aren't much gatekept looksmax anymore, but im pretty sure this is one of them. It's so gatekept that when i searched for it on the forum, there wasn't a single thread about it. So it's not gatekept, rather its unknown. Anyways i will share it with you guys!

I have found a secret elixir for looksmaxxers;
anti-aging, increase iq, energy, focus, better skin;

Introduction to methylene blue

View attachment 2832508

by @zsombi
Table of contents
  • Introduction
    • what is Methylene blue
    • how does it work
  • Benefits
  • Side effects
  • Dosages
  • How to take it​
  • Source / where to buy

Methylene blue is a supplement known for boosting brain function and improving skin health. It supports mitochondria, the cell's energy powerhouse, enhancing cognition, memory, and focus. It also aids in cellular repair, promoting healthier skin. When considering supplementation, choose pharmaceutical-grade products and moderate usage to avoid potential side effects.

Scientific introduction (could skip if you want)
I'm going to teach you how to overclock your brain using methylene blue. Methylene blue is a mitochondrial support supplement. And mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. So where do you find mitochondria? You'll find mitochondria in almost literally every cell. But they're highly concentrated in the neurons, which is what our brain is made of. So it comes as no surprise then that methylene blue is going to increase your cognition, your power to think, your ability to solve mathematical problems, to work through solutions and to have even more creativity. Also, it's no surprise that it improves memory. Both short tum and long term. We have more energy overall because your neurons are able to fire more efficiently. And you have more focus, which is to me the most important aspect. Why? Because time is not the most important resource. A lot of people think that time is a finite resource, and it's really important. It's important, sure, but you only have 24 hours per day, and no matter what you do, you're not going to get more hours. It's energy and focus that actually gives value to time. So anything that improves my focus is going to be highly beneficial to me. So how does it work? You know, how is it possible that the same exact supplement also improves skin? Like how can a brain supplement improve skin? And it comes down to the mechanism of action. And when you saw that it increases energy and focus, you probably thought, well, is it kind of like caffeine? Is it like coffee? And the answer is it's not. So caffeine works by a receptor being bound to by that caffeine molecule. It binds to the adenosine receptor in the brain, trying to trick the brain into thinking it has more energy than it actually has. It doesn't actually give you any energy. Methylene blue does not bind to receptors. That's not its mechanism of action. It acts directly on the mitochondria That's why it has all these wide ranging effects because every single cell has mitochondria in it.

How does it work? (could skip if you want as well)
Well let's go. You know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and it produces energy for the cell. All this stuff. But how does it do it. So what's mitochondria actually doing is when you have food you and you have glucose the first complex inside mitochondria. So mitochondria has five complexes 1234 and five actually grabs an electron from your glucose and it shunts it from complex 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5. And from five comes out ATP. ATP is energy. So think of this as a race car engine. All right. And each of these are like pistons trying to convert that fuel into into momentum into energy. So what happens then is you if you disrupt this It's a good question isn't it. That's what's happening to most people. A lot of people a majority of people I'd say have poor metabolic health, which means that they have broken mitochondria, they have damaged mitochondria. And of course, if you're thinking of this as a race car engine, not only do you get energy, you also get waste products. You get smoke in the cell. This is in the form of Ros reactive oxygen species. That's what the cell even naturally produces. Even an undamaged mitochondria is going to produce some level of Ros. So when you have a damage in the mitochondria, let's say the complex one is no longer able to move electrons to complex two. You have a disruption. Let's say you have a disruption between 2 and 3. So if you have an engine and you damage it somehow, what's going to happen? First you're going to have less energy. Obviously you're gonna have less energy, but you're also going to have more waste products. And these waste products are toxic. So you really don't want these in your body. If you can help it. And let's talk about how methylene blue plays a role in all this. So speaking of damage to mitochondria, you might be wondering like how does this damage even happen? And it happens to many reasons. Obviously one of them is oxidative stress. Another is seed oils. So seed oils like safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, all these seed oils, what they're gonna do is they are going to interfere with the mitochondria because oxidized seed oils have these byproducts called aldehydes. And that's not the only byproduct, by the way, these aldehydes are going to damage the membrane. And these complexes are situated on the membrane. So you can see how that's not going to really help is it. So was methylene blue do methylene blue is an electron donor. So if there's a break in the circuit between complex one and two and two and three, methylene blue can actually donate an electron straight to complex three. And you immediately have the restarting of this electron chain. And you can still produce ATP. And yeah, you still produce reactive oxygen species. And now this is where it gets interesting. The same methylene blue that can donate an electron and thereby keep this engine functioning can actually neutralize the reactive oxygen species, which is because methylene blue is a auto reducing agent. There's not that many out there. Methylene blue is kind of rare because of this property. It not only boosts the energy function of the mitochondria, it also deletes the waste products of the said mitochondria. Now you can see how it's really powerful. Now you can see why it would affect all these different things from the brain to skin. Let's briefly talk about the skin side of things. So there's actually research which shows that Methylene blue will cause skin to reverse age causes the reversal of aging. Bizarre but it's true. It causes skin to be more elastic, more lustrous, more thick. And that's because skin cells are cells like any other cells. If they incur damage, it's a struggle to fix it. If you have bad mitochondria, fixing the mitochondria allows skin cells to fix themselves and also proliferate it and generate more cells if some of them die or get damaged. That's why it helps with skin.

So there we have it, boys. That's why it improves all these things.


  • I.Q
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Skin
  • Viruses
  • Stress
  • Ageing
  • Brain fog

Side effects
Now those who are astute have noticed that I mentioned reduces viruses. And that's because indeed, methylene blue is an antiparasitic which parasites are a whole different topic. A whole can of worms? Yes, a can of worms indeed, but it is in fact an antiviral, which is why it is used against malaria for quite a long time, and which is why a certain new invention, i- i mean infection actually, methylene blue can be effective against that. I won't mention it by name, but I think you understand what I'm talking about though :) It is an antiviral and it's an antibacterial. So you might be thinking, well, if it's an antibacterial, then could it possibly harm the gut microbiome

Good question. If you're thinking in that way, then I'm proud of you. That's the way you should be thinking. And I also actually put off by methylene blue for the longest time because, you know, it could affect the gut microbiome even if it has these benefits. Like, I don't want to really compromise my gut health, but I looked into it and there's research and this is really cool piece of research by the way. They took a bunch of mice. They let's call them mice A, B and C, and they ran them with different quantities of methylene blue. Group A didn't get any methylene blue. Group B got a pretty decent dose of methylene blue. And group C got a mega dose a super dose of methylene blue like they got. I think they were given like 50g of methylene blue per kilogram of body weight, which is ridiculous. These mice were probably shitting blue for like weeks. Well, they took these mice, put them through mazes, as scientists are wont to do. And what they found was mice A underperformed, which is obvious because you know, if you have mice B and C with all these benefits IQ, well it's not actually IQ. It's more like cognitive power but increased cognitive power, increased memory. Then obviously they're going to perform the maze better because what do you need to solve a maze. You need memory. You need energy. You need focus. Mice B and mice C easily won over mice A. And now they looked at the gut microbiome. They found that mice A and B were the same. So a moderate dose of methylene blue doesn't seem to change the microbiome. Now they looked at the mega dosed methylene blue mice in group C. And what they found was there was a small change in the gut microbiome. So it seems as though even with a quite a large dose of methylene blue, it doesn't completely screw up your gut health. And obviously, no one's going to be taking 50g of methylene blue per kilogram. That would be a ridiculous amount of methylene blue, and there's no reason to be taking that much.

Now, of course, I'm going to talk about dosages soon, but it does seem to me that it's fine to take it in terms of gut health. And of course, none of what I'm giving you here is medicinal advice. It is all just for educational purposes. Whatever risks that you want to incur are up to you. It's not my responsibility. I'm just sharing with you my personal experience with this particular supplement.

Let's talk about another thing which is going on, which is another side effect which a lot of people notice, which is an increase in anxiety. As you see, I've put actually lowering stress. But a lot of people will tell you that methylene blue increases anxiety. So I looked into it and and it was confusing because why would something that increases ATP production cause increased anxiety? It didn't make sense, especially when you consider that ATP and energy are relaxants to make you more relaxed. In fact, if you take a dead piece of muscle tissue, it's going to be kind of rigid, right But if you put it in a bath of ATP, it will actually become more lifelike. It'll become more supple, become more like how it was in in life. Because energy is life, ATP is energy. So it's really a puzzle why somebody would be more anxious with the introduction of methylene blue? I was thinking about this, and I realized that what is anxiety really? Anxiety is the recurring thoughts of recurring negative thoughts. Really. So if you have increased computational power, increased recall, and increased focus on those negative thoughts, of course you're going to feel more anxious. So it's not that methylene blue per se is increase causing anxiety. It's more so that methylene blue is eliminating brain fog, allowing you to come head to head with your anxiety. I think that's what's happening here. So if you have anxiety symptoms because of methylene blue, it's likely that you just have bad mental health. And that should be the priority you should be working on, not some kind of productivity supplement. You should work on the basics, the fundamentals of basic mental health. So of course that's going to be a topic unto itself. So I won't go into it. But that's another concern.

That's another side effects, which is kind of funny. When you start taking methylene blue, you will you'll piss blue like straight up. Your urine will be blue in color. This is not something you should be afraid of. It happens to everybody. It's an expected side effect.

TLDR - You will have an increased aniexity, and will pee blue jfl

Methylene blue is just a supplement boys. It's just a supplement. The fundamentals always matter. More. Nutrition and detox and mental health are the foundations for a happy life. Methylene blue is something which can help but it is not the foundation and never intended to be so. That is methylene blue and that's how it works.

View attachment 2832697

The dosages I take one dropper. This has a dropper, as you could see in the picture above. So I take one drop of this. I take one dropper full before I hit any kind of important task. What I mean by that is I don't actually take it every day, I take it when I need it. So I'll take it before writing a school exam / any important task where i have to highly focus. I'll take it when I'm doing something which requires my full attention and full cognition power So I take it only when I need it, because that's my attitude towards any kind of supplement. You only supplement when you think you need it. You don't take a supplement every single day unless you have some kind of condition.

You should be getting most of what you need from just whole Foods. So I use this as a tool rather than a fundamental. You can take two droppers actually, and if you are really focusing on something, I would be okay with taking two droppers of methylene blue which each dropper is five milligrams. So there you go. I take two droppers if I really need it. One dropper usually that's about dosage.

Now where do you get it from. So this is very important boys. There's two grades of methylene blue There is the industrial grade and there is the pharmaceutical grade. You're obviously looking for pharmaceutical grade grade because the industrial grade has heavy metals. It's going to poison you. So you need to look for two things. You need to look for USP verified, which means that it is pharmaceutical grade verified. And you need to look for a CoA, which is a certificate of analysis. And it's done by like a lab, which actually goes through it and sees if it is a pure product. I get all my methylene blue from here:

TLDR - Methylene blue is the best supplement to take for iqmaxxing

Tags: @Dicktator @Chintuck22 @coispet @Sny @NumbThePain_FoxH @Gengar @Squirtle @Gargantuan @Lmao @emeraldglass @eduardkoopman @Kingkellz @ccwarrior @Lorsss @garoupilled_ @AscendingHero @.Myth @dragomaxxer @pneumocystosis @j05 @bussi @tempelcat4 @Clavicular @Orc @0hMan
There aren't much gatekept looksmax anymore, but im pretty sure this is one of them. It's so gatekept that when i searched for it on the forum, there wasn't a single thread about it. So it's not gatekept, rather its unknown. Anyways i will share it with you guys!

I have found a secret elixir for looksmaxxers;
anti-aging, increase iq, energy, focus, better skin;

Introduction to methylene blue

View attachment 2832508

by @zsombi
Table of contents
  • Introduction
    • what is Methylene blue
    • how does it work
  • Benefits
  • Side effects
  • Dosages
  • How to take it​
  • Source / where to buy

Methylene blue is a supplement known for boosting brain function and improving skin health. It supports mitochondria, the cell's energy powerhouse, enhancing cognition, memory, and focus. It also aids in cellular repair, promoting healthier skin. When considering supplementation, choose pharmaceutical-grade products and moderate usage to avoid potential side effects.

Scientific introduction (could skip if you want)
I'm going to teach you how to overclock your brain using methylene blue. Methylene blue is a mitochondrial support supplement. And mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. So where do you find mitochondria? You'll find mitochondria in almost literally every cell. But they're highly concentrated in the neurons, which is what our brain is made of. So it comes as no surprise then that methylene blue is going to increase your cognition, your power to think, your ability to solve mathematical problems, to work through solutions and to have even more creativity. Also, it's no surprise that it improves memory. Both short tum and long term. We have more energy overall because your neurons are able to fire more efficiently. And you have more focus, which is to me the most important aspect. Why? Because time is not the most important resource. A lot of people think that time is a finite resource, and it's really important. It's important, sure, but you only have 24 hours per day, and no matter what you do, you're not going to get more hours. It's energy and focus that actually gives value to time. So anything that improves my focus is going to be highly beneficial to me. So how does it work? You know, how is it possible that the same exact supplement also improves skin? Like how can a brain supplement improve skin? And it comes down to the mechanism of action. And when you saw that it increases energy and focus, you probably thought, well, is it kind of like caffeine? Is it like coffee? And the answer is it's not. So caffeine works by a receptor being bound to by that caffeine molecule. It binds to the adenosine receptor in the brain, trying to trick the brain into thinking it has more energy than it actually has. It doesn't actually give you any energy. Methylene blue does not bind to receptors. That's not its mechanism of action. It acts directly on the mitochondria That's why it has all these wide ranging effects because every single cell has mitochondria in it.

How does it work? (could skip if you want as well)
Well let's go. You know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and it produces energy for the cell. All this stuff. But how does it do it. So what's mitochondria actually doing is when you have food you and you have glucose the first complex inside mitochondria. So mitochondria has five complexes 1234 and five actually grabs an electron from your glucose and it shunts it from complex 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5. And from five comes out ATP. ATP is energy. So think of this as a race car engine. All right. And each of these are like pistons trying to convert that fuel into into momentum into energy. So what happens then is you if you disrupt this It's a good question isn't it. That's what's happening to most people. A lot of people a majority of people I'd say have poor metabolic health, which means that they have broken mitochondria, they have damaged mitochondria. And of course, if you're thinking of this as a race car engine, not only do you get energy, you also get waste products. You get smoke in the cell. This is in the form of Ros reactive oxygen species. That's what the cell even naturally produces. Even an undamaged mitochondria is going to produce some level of Ros. So when you have a damage in the mitochondria, let's say the complex one is no longer able to move electrons to complex two. You have a disruption. Let's say you have a disruption between 2 and 3. So if you have an engine and you damage it somehow, what's going to happen? First you're going to have less energy. Obviously you're gonna have less energy, but you're also going to have more waste products. And these waste products are toxic. So you really don't want these in your body. If you can help it. And let's talk about how methylene blue plays a role in all this. So speaking of damage to mitochondria, you might be wondering like how does this damage even happen? And it happens to many reasons. Obviously one of them is oxidative stress. Another is seed oils. So seed oils like safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, all these seed oils, what they're gonna do is they are going to interfere with the mitochondria because oxidized seed oils have these byproducts called aldehydes. And that's not the only byproduct, by the way, these aldehydes are going to damage the membrane. And these complexes are situated on the membrane. So you can see how that's not going to really help is it. So was methylene blue do methylene blue is an electron donor. So if there's a break in the circuit between complex one and two and two and three, methylene blue can actually donate an electron straight to complex three. And you immediately have the restarting of this electron chain. And you can still produce ATP. And yeah, you still produce reactive oxygen species. And now this is where it gets interesting. The same methylene blue that can donate an electron and thereby keep this engine functioning can actually neutralize the reactive oxygen species, which is because methylene blue is a auto reducing agent. There's not that many out there. Methylene blue is kind of rare because of this property. It not only boosts the energy function of the mitochondria, it also deletes the waste products of the said mitochondria. Now you can see how it's really powerful. Now you can see why it would affect all these different things from the brain to skin. Let's briefly talk about the skin side of things. So there's actually research which shows that Methylene blue will cause skin to reverse age causes the reversal of aging. Bizarre but it's true. It causes skin to be more elastic, more lustrous, more thick. And that's because skin cells are cells like any other cells. If they incur damage, it's a struggle to fix it. If you have bad mitochondria, fixing the mitochondria allows skin cells to fix themselves and also proliferate it and generate more cells if some of them die or get damaged. That's why it helps with skin.

So there we have it, boys. That's why it improves all these things.


  • I.Q
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Skin
  • Viruses
  • Stress
  • Ageing
  • Brain fog

Side effects
Now those who are astute have noticed that I mentioned reduces viruses. And that's because indeed, methylene blue is an antiparasitic which parasites are a whole different topic. A whole can of worms? Yes, a can of worms indeed, but it is in fact an antiviral, which is why it is used against malaria for quite a long time, and which is why a certain new invention, i- i mean infection actually, methylene blue can be effective against that. I won't mention it by name, but I think you understand what I'm talking about though :) It is an antiviral and it's an antibacterial. So you might be thinking, well, if it's an antibacterial, then could it possibly harm the gut microbiome

Good question. If you're thinking in that way, then I'm proud of you. That's the way you should be thinking. And I also actually put off by methylene blue for the longest time because, you know, it could affect the gut microbiome even if it has these benefits. Like, I don't want to really compromise my gut health, but I looked into it and there's research and this is really cool piece of research by the way. They took a bunch of mice. They let's call them mice A, B and C, and they ran them with different quantities of methylene blue. Group A didn't get any methylene blue. Group B got a pretty decent dose of methylene blue. And group C got a mega dose a super dose of methylene blue like they got. I think they were given like 50g of methylene blue per kilogram of body weight, which is ridiculous. These mice were probably shitting blue for like weeks. Well, they took these mice, put them through mazes, as scientists are wont to do. And what they found was mice A underperformed, which is obvious because you know, if you have mice B and C with all these benefits IQ, well it's not actually IQ. It's more like cognitive power but increased cognitive power, increased memory. Then obviously they're going to perform the maze better because what do you need to solve a maze. You need memory. You need energy. You need focus. Mice B and mice C easily won over mice A. And now they looked at the gut microbiome. They found that mice A and B were the same. So a moderate dose of methylene blue doesn't seem to change the microbiome. Now they looked at the mega dosed methylene blue mice in group C. And what they found was there was a small change in the gut microbiome. So it seems as though even with a quite a large dose of methylene blue, it doesn't completely screw up your gut health. And obviously, no one's going to be taking 50g of methylene blue per kilogram. That would be a ridiculous amount of methylene blue, and there's no reason to be taking that much.

Now, of course, I'm going to talk about dosages soon, but it does seem to me that it's fine to take it in terms of gut health. And of course, none of what I'm giving you here is medicinal advice. It is all just for educational purposes. Whatever risks that you want to incur are up to you. It's not my responsibility. I'm just sharing with you my personal experience with this particular supplement.

Let's talk about another thing which is going on, which is another side effect which a lot of people notice, which is an increase in anxiety. As you see, I've put actually lowering stress. But a lot of people will tell you that methylene blue increases anxiety. So I looked into it and and it was confusing because why would something that increases ATP production cause increased anxiety? It didn't make sense, especially when you consider that ATP and energy are relaxants to make you more relaxed. In fact, if you take a dead piece of muscle tissue, it's going to be kind of rigid, right But if you put it in a bath of ATP, it will actually become more lifelike. It'll become more supple, become more like how it was in in life. Because energy is life, ATP is energy. So it's really a puzzle why somebody would be more anxious with the introduction of methylene blue? I was thinking about this, and I realized that what is anxiety really? Anxiety is the recurring thoughts of recurring negative thoughts. Really. So if you have increased computational power, increased recall, and increased focus on those negative thoughts, of course you're going to feel more anxious. So it's not that methylene blue per se is increase causing anxiety. It's more so that methylene blue is eliminating brain fog, allowing you to come head to head with your anxiety. I think that's what's happening here. So if you have anxiety symptoms because of methylene blue, it's likely that you just have bad mental health. And that should be the priority you should be working on, not some kind of productivity supplement. You should work on the basics, the fundamentals of basic mental health. So of course that's going to be a topic unto itself. So I won't go into it. But that's another concern.

That's another side effects, which is kind of funny. When you start taking methylene blue, you will you'll piss blue like straight up. Your urine will be blue in color. This is not something you should be afraid of. It happens to everybody. It's an expected side effect.

TLDR - You will have an increased aniexity, and will pee blue jfl

Methylene blue is just a supplement boys. It's just a supplement. The fundamentals always matter. More. Nutrition and detox and mental health are the foundations for a happy life. Methylene blue is something which can help but it is not the foundation and never intended to be so. That is methylene blue and that's how it works.

View attachment 2832697

The dosages I take one dropper. This has a dropper, as you could see in the picture above. So I take one drop of this. I take one dropper full before I hit any kind of important task. What I mean by that is I don't actually take it every day, I take it when I need it. So I'll take it before writing a school exam / any important task where i have to highly focus. I'll take it when I'm doing something which requires my full attention and full cognition power So I take it only when I need it, because that's my attitude towards any kind of supplement. You only supplement when you think you need it. You don't take a supplement every single day unless you have some kind of condition.

You should be getting most of what you need from just whole Foods. So I use this as a tool rather than a fundamental. You can take two droppers actually, and if you are really focusing on something, I would be okay with taking two droppers of methylene blue which each dropper is five milligrams. So there you go. I take two droppers if I really need it. One dropper usually that's about dosage.

Now where do you get it from. So this is very important boys. There's two grades of methylene blue There is the industrial grade and there is the pharmaceutical grade. You're obviously looking for pharmaceutical grade grade because the industrial grade has heavy metals. It's going to poison you. So you need to look for two things. You need to look for USP verified, which means that it is pharmaceutical grade verified. And you need to look for a CoA, which is a certificate of analysis. And it's done by like a lab, which actually goes through it and sees if it is a pure product. I get all my methylene blue from here:

TLDR - Methylene blue is the best supplement to take for iqmaxxing

Tags: @Dicktator @Chintuck22 @coispet @Sny @NumbThePain_FoxH @Gengar @Squirtle @Gargantuan @Lmao @emeraldglass @eduardkoopman @Kingkellz @ccwarrior @Lorsss @garoupilled_ @AscendingHero @.Myth @dragomaxxer @pneumocystosis @j05 @bussi @tempelcat4 @Clavicular @Orc @0hMan
Gonna use this and have that Avatar way of water undertone😍


  • shooting-for-avatar-2-complete-avatar-3-nearly-finished-says-film-maker-james-cameron.jpg
    119.1 KB · Views: 0
Blud provided zero sources
TLDR - You will have an increased aniexity, and will pee blue jfl
wont read a molecule, id rather have 3 lower iq points than be less nt, but mirin the effort
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It is not the best for iqmaxxing, but it’s up there.
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Nice thread
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There aren't much gatekept looksmax anymore, but im pretty sure this is one of them. It's so gatekept that when i searched for it on the forum, there wasn't a single thread about it. So it's not gatekept, rather its unknown. Anyways i will share it with you guys!

I have found a secret elixir for looksmaxxers;
anti-aging, increase iq, energy, focus, better skin;

Introduction to methylene blue

View attachment 2832508

by @zsombi
Table of contents
  • Introduction
    • what is Methylene blue
    • how does it work
  • Benefits
  • Side effects
  • Dosages
  • How to take it​
  • Source / where to buy

Methylene blue is a supplement known for boosting brain function and improving skin health. It supports mitochondria, the cell's energy powerhouse, enhancing cognition, memory, and focus. It also aids in cellular repair, promoting healthier skin. When considering supplementation, choose pharmaceutical-grade products and moderate usage to avoid potential side effects.

Scientific introduction (could skip if you want)
I'm going to teach you how to overclock your brain using methylene blue. Methylene blue is a mitochondrial support supplement. And mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. So where do you find mitochondria? You'll find mitochondria in almost literally every cell. But they're highly concentrated in the neurons, which is what our brain is made of. So it comes as no surprise then that methylene blue is going to increase your cognition, your power to think, your ability to solve mathematical problems, to work through solutions and to have even more creativity. Also, it's no surprise that it improves memory. Both short tum and long term. We have more energy overall because your neurons are able to fire more efficiently. And you have more focus, which is to me the most important aspect. Why? Because time is not the most important resource. A lot of people think that time is a finite resource, and it's really important. It's important, sure, but you only have 24 hours per day, and no matter what you do, you're not going to get more hours. It's energy and focus that actually gives value to time. So anything that improves my focus is going to be highly beneficial to me. So how does it work? You know, how is it possible that the same exact supplement also improves skin? Like how can a brain supplement improve skin? And it comes down to the mechanism of action. And when you saw that it increases energy and focus, you probably thought, well, is it kind of like caffeine? Is it like coffee? And the answer is it's not. So caffeine works by a receptor being bound to by that caffeine molecule. It binds to the adenosine receptor in the brain, trying to trick the brain into thinking it has more energy than it actually has. It doesn't actually give you any energy. Methylene blue does not bind to receptors. That's not its mechanism of action. It acts directly on the mitochondria That's why it has all these wide ranging effects because every single cell has mitochondria in it.

How does it work? (could skip if you want as well)
Well let's go. You know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and it produces energy for the cell. All this stuff. But how does it do it. So what's mitochondria actually doing is when you have food you and you have glucose the first complex inside mitochondria. So mitochondria has five complexes 1234 and five actually grabs an electron from your glucose and it shunts it from complex 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5. And from five comes out ATP. ATP is energy. So think of this as a race car engine. All right. And each of these are like pistons trying to convert that fuel into into momentum into energy. So what happens then is you if you disrupt this It's a good question isn't it. That's what's happening to most people. A lot of people a majority of people I'd say have poor metabolic health, which means that they have broken mitochondria, they have damaged mitochondria. And of course, if you're thinking of this as a race car engine, not only do you get energy, you also get waste products. You get smoke in the cell. This is in the form of Ros reactive oxygen species. That's what the cell even naturally produces. Even an undamaged mitochondria is going to produce some level of Ros. So when you have a damage in the mitochondria, let's say the complex one is no longer able to move electrons to complex two. You have a disruption. Let's say you have a disruption between 2 and 3. So if you have an engine and you damage it somehow, what's going to happen? First you're going to have less energy. Obviously you're gonna have less energy, but you're also going to have more waste products. And these waste products are toxic. So you really don't want these in your body. If you can help it. And let's talk about how methylene blue plays a role in all this. So speaking of damage to mitochondria, you might be wondering like how does this damage even happen? And it happens to many reasons. Obviously one of them is oxidative stress. Another is seed oils. So seed oils like safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, all these seed oils, what they're gonna do is they are going to interfere with the mitochondria because oxidized seed oils have these byproducts called aldehydes. And that's not the only byproduct, by the way, these aldehydes are going to damage the membrane. And these complexes are situated on the membrane. So you can see how that's not going to really help is it. So was methylene blue do methylene blue is an electron donor. So if there's a break in the circuit between complex one and two and two and three, methylene blue can actually donate an electron straight to complex three. And you immediately have the restarting of this electron chain. And you can still produce ATP. And yeah, you still produce reactive oxygen species. And now this is where it gets interesting. The same methylene blue that can donate an electron and thereby keep this engine functioning can actually neutralize the reactive oxygen species, which is because methylene blue is a auto reducing agent. There's not that many out there. Methylene blue is kind of rare because of this property. It not only boosts the energy function of the mitochondria, it also deletes the waste products of the said mitochondria. Now you can see how it's really powerful. Now you can see why it would affect all these different things from the brain to skin. Let's briefly talk about the skin side of things. So there's actually research which shows that Methylene blue will cause skin to reverse age causes the reversal of aging. Bizarre but it's true. It causes skin to be more elastic, more lustrous, more thick. And that's because skin cells are cells like any other cells. If they incur damage, it's a struggle to fix it. If you have bad mitochondria, fixing the mitochondria allows skin cells to fix themselves and also proliferate it and generate more cells if some of them die or get damaged. That's why it helps with skin.

So there we have it, boys. That's why it improves all these things.


  • I.Q
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Skin
  • Viruses
  • Stress
  • Ageing
  • Brain fog

Side effects
Now those who are astute have noticed that I mentioned reduces viruses. And that's because indeed, methylene blue is an antiparasitic which parasites are a whole different topic. A whole can of worms? Yes, a can of worms indeed, but it is in fact an antiviral, which is why it is used against malaria for quite a long time, and which is why a certain new invention, i- i mean infection actually, methylene blue can be effective against that. I won't mention it by name, but I think you understand what I'm talking about though :) It is an antiviral and it's an antibacterial. So you might be thinking, well, if it's an antibacterial, then could it possibly harm the gut microbiome

Good question. If you're thinking in that way, then I'm proud of you. That's the way you should be thinking. And I also actually put off by methylene blue for the longest time because, you know, it could affect the gut microbiome even if it has these benefits. Like, I don't want to really compromise my gut health, but I looked into it and there's research and this is really cool piece of research by the way. They took a bunch of mice. They let's call them mice A, B and C, and they ran them with different quantities of methylene blue. Group A didn't get any methylene blue. Group B got a pretty decent dose of methylene blue. And group C got a mega dose a super dose of methylene blue like they got. I think they were given like 50g of methylene blue per kilogram of body weight, which is ridiculous. These mice were probably shitting blue for like weeks. Well, they took these mice, put them through mazes, as scientists are wont to do. And what they found was mice A underperformed, which is obvious because you know, if you have mice B and C with all these benefits IQ, well it's not actually IQ. It's more like cognitive power but increased cognitive power, increased memory. Then obviously they're going to perform the maze better because what do you need to solve a maze. You need memory. You need energy. You need focus. Mice B and mice C easily won over mice A. And now they looked at the gut microbiome. They found that mice A and B were the same. So a moderate dose of methylene blue doesn't seem to change the microbiome. Now they looked at the mega dosed methylene blue mice in group C. And what they found was there was a small change in the gut microbiome. So it seems as though even with a quite a large dose of methylene blue, it doesn't completely screw up your gut health. And obviously, no one's going to be taking 50g of methylene blue per kilogram. That would be a ridiculous amount of methylene blue, and there's no reason to be taking that much.

Now, of course, I'm going to talk about dosages soon, but it does seem to me that it's fine to take it in terms of gut health. And of course, none of what I'm giving you here is medicinal advice. It is all just for educational purposes. Whatever risks that you want to incur are up to you. It's not my responsibility. I'm just sharing with you my personal experience with this particular supplement.

Let's talk about another thing which is going on, which is another side effect which a lot of people notice, which is an increase in anxiety. As you see, I've put actually lowering stress. But a lot of people will tell you that methylene blue increases anxiety. So I looked into it and and it was confusing because why would something that increases ATP production cause increased anxiety? It didn't make sense, especially when you consider that ATP and energy are relaxants to make you more relaxed. In fact, if you take a dead piece of muscle tissue, it's going to be kind of rigid, right But if you put it in a bath of ATP, it will actually become more lifelike. It'll become more supple, become more like how it was in in life. Because energy is life, ATP is energy. So it's really a puzzle why somebody would be more anxious with the introduction of methylene blue? I was thinking about this, and I realized that what is anxiety really? Anxiety is the recurring thoughts of recurring negative thoughts. Really. So if you have increased computational power, increased recall, and increased focus on those negative thoughts, of course you're going to feel more anxious. So it's not that methylene blue per se is increase causing anxiety. It's more so that methylene blue is eliminating brain fog, allowing you to come head to head with your anxiety. I think that's what's happening here. So if you have anxiety symptoms because of methylene blue, it's likely that you just have bad mental health. And that should be the priority you should be working on, not some kind of productivity supplement. You should work on the basics, the fundamentals of basic mental health. So of course that's going to be a topic unto itself. So I won't go into it. But that's another concern.

That's another side effects, which is kind of funny. When you start taking methylene blue, you will you'll piss blue like straight up. Your urine will be blue in color. This is not something you should be afraid of. It happens to everybody. It's an expected side effect.

TLDR - You will have an increased aniexity, and will pee blue jfl

Methylene blue is just a supplement boys. It's just a supplement. The fundamentals always matter. More. Nutrition and detox and mental health are the foundations for a happy life. Methylene blue is something which can help but it is not the foundation and never intended to be so. That is methylene blue and that's how it works.

View attachment 2832697

The dosages I take one dropper. This has a dropper, as you could see in the picture above. So I take one drop of this. I take one dropper full before I hit any kind of important task. What I mean by that is I don't actually take it every day, I take it when I need it. So I'll take it before writing a school exam / any important task where i have to highly focus. I'll take it when I'm doing something which requires my full attention and full cognition power So I take it only when I need it, because that's my attitude towards any kind of supplement. You only supplement when you think you need it. You don't take a supplement every single day unless you have some kind of condition.

You should be getting most of what you need from just whole Foods. So I use this as a tool rather than a fundamental. You can take two droppers actually, and if you are really focusing on something, I would be okay with taking two droppers of methylene blue which each dropper is five milligrams. So there you go. I take two droppers if I really need it. One dropper usually that's about dosage.

Now where do you get it from. So this is very important boys. There's two grades of methylene blue There is the industrial grade and there is the pharmaceutical grade. You're obviously looking for pharmaceutical grade grade because the industrial grade has heavy metals. It's going to poison you. So you need to look for two things. You need to look for USP verified, which means that it is pharmaceutical grade verified. And you need to look for a CoA, which is a certificate of analysis. And it's done by like a lab, which actually goes through it and sees if it is a pure product. I get all my methylene blue from here:

TLDR - Methylene blue is the best supplement to take for iqmaxxing

Tags: @Dicktator @Chintuck22 @coispet @Sny @NumbThePain_FoxH @Gengar @Squirtle @Gargantuan @Lmao @emeraldglass @eduardkoopman @Kingkellz @ccwarrior @Lorsss @garoupilled_ @AscendingHero @.Myth @dragomaxxer @pneumocystosis @j05 @bussi @tempelcat4 @Clavicular @Orc @0hMan
would you suggest taking it at 14 years old??? will it harm me or is there not enough evidence?
  • +1
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would you suggest taking it at 14 years old??? will it harm me or is there not enough evidence?
Yes, I take it on a daily base when I have exam season, and it's works very well.

The only negative side effect is increased aniexity (which is not really noticeable for me), and peeing blue, but it's only after taking it for several days in a row

The true harm can be caused by not buying from the original source https://www.merakimedicinal.com/pro...e-methylene-blue-150mg?variant=44482902491362

This is true usp grade methylene blue, . It's a bit more expensive compared to other sources / sellers, but those might be placebos (filled with random shits, which will actually can harm you)
It is not the best for iqmaxxing, but it’s up there.
Yeah it's a softer version of Adderall, and Modafinil. Not the best, but good for beginners
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