I have made a decision



Aug 16, 2018
My body is in a very bad state. I am 6'3" and according to my last scan last Thursday I am 173.3 lbs. But I am 17.9% body fat and practically have zero muscle mass. My arms and legs are like sticks but I still have a fat stomach and chubbiness on my face even though I have lost weight in the past year. Due to my genetics being the worst pile of shit you could imagine (apart from being tall), I have NEVER had any sort of muscle and am only naturally a "big" build due to a predisposition to being FAT. 20 years ago when I was at school I weighed more than 224 lbs at one point (at least 6' tall), but I was always one of the physically weakest kids in my whole year due to all the weight being FAT. This was always a horrible, humiliating contradiction as a so-called "big" lad and I was bullied and pushed around by boys who were smaller than me. I have now come to realise I have only ever had two modes in my whole life: skeleton and skeleton covered in (varying degrees of) fat. Lads who are "big" like I was are usually expected to be tough and physically strong, especially with my height to go with it. I can't tell you how much I hated this. Just to top it all off I was cursed with a small penis and a babyish face which always made me look younger. Also needless to say I was always as ugly as shit, and in those days had horrible bright red rosy cheeks. Just. Fucking. Lol.

Anyway moving on. This what I have decided to do in terms of my body/gymcelling. I am not going to do loads of lifting for the time being like I have been doing, just to PRESERVE muscle, as this has just proved to be a complete and utter waste of time and energy. So now I am just going to combine cardio with an overall calorie deficit, and using just the one machine, a bicep curler and nothing else, for lifting. In other words for the time being I am just going to go for getting my body fat as low as possible, while hopefully preserving most of the very little muscle I have got with BCAA and high protein intake. Right now my face and NBPEL penis size (I also do PE for this) are of UTMOST importance. I know at the end of this I am most likely going to look like a stick insect, I am not sure exactly how this will impact my overall appearance/PSL. I am aiming to eliminate as much facial fat as possible, making my facial bone structure as visible as possible, hopefully improving its appearance. However once my body fat is low enough and I have a decent NBPEL penis size, THEN I am going to do whatever it takes to get some sort of passable physique, with at least around average muscle mass. I mean my genetics are so bad, maybe I will need steroids just to achieve an average amount of muscle, I don't know. But right now at this moment in time, my facial appearance and penis (NBPEL, girth AND erection quality) are more paramount than anything else, and I don't want to start bulking until I have driven my body fat RIGHT down.

Also in the meantime I will be exploring non-surgical, non-medicational hair options, and also cosmetic dental options (one thing I will almost DEFINITELY do is have my teeth whitened, as I don't think it costs all that much).
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  • +1
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I took steroids. LOLOLOLOLOL. STEROIDS!. Anyways, yh if you go steroids I reccomend this.

Weeks 1-12: Test Ethanate (500mg/week)
Weeks 1-4: Anadrol (50-75mg/day)
Week 14-18: Nolvadex (40mg/day)
Week 1-18: Aromasin (12.5g/EOD)

Only use steroids when your properly working out and eating 3800 cals/day at least. Not worth it if your taking them to get muscles but training to lose fat (and muscle).

17% body fat isnt that much tho, Im like 18-20% body fat and I have a better body then 85% of my classmates so idk.

Whats your frame like?

Shoulder width and waist width?
  • +1
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I took steroids. LOLOLOLOLOL. STEROIDS!. Anyways, yh if you go steroids I reccomend this.

Weeks 1-12: Test Ethanate (500mg/week)
Weeks 1-4: Anadrol (50-75mg/day)
Week 14-18: Nolvadex (40mg/day)
Week 1-18: Aromasin (12.5g/EOD)

Only use steroids when your properly working out and eating 3800 cals/day at least. Not worth it if your taking them to get muscles but training to lose fat (and muscle).

17% body fat isnt that much tho, Im like 18-20% body fat and I have a better body then 85% of my classmates so idk.

Whats your frame like?

Shoulder width and waist width?

Check my pics to get an idea of frame.

Waist about 37"
Shoulders about 16" ? (Found it hard to measure by myself lol)
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Go stand at a wall, put a pencil mark at one end of the shoulder, keep ot exactly there are you do the other shoulder.

An easier method is to use a sliding door, close it on yourself and measure the distance.

Measure shoulder to shoulder, hand down towards your hips.

Measure the waist width, not circumference.
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Go stand at a wall, put a pencil mark at one end of the shoulder, keep ot exactly there are you do the other shoulder.

An easier method is to use a sliding door, close it on yourself and measure the distance.

Measure shoulder to shoulder, hand down towards your hips.

Measure the waist width, not circumference.

Roughly 18" by 14.5"
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From the low muscle/small dick/baby face it sounds like you have low testosterone. I would get bloodwork done and then if you are indeed low test you can get prescribed testosterone replacement therapy which will change your life (if you do actually have low testosterone to begin with).
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From the low muscle/small dick/baby face it sounds like you have low testosterone. I would get bloodwork done and then if you are indeed low test you can get prescribed testosterone replacement therapy which will change your life (if you do actually have low testosterone to begin with).
  • +1
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From the low muscle/small dick/baby face it sounds like you have low testosterone. I would get bloodwork done and then if you are indeed low test you can get prescribed testosterone replacement therapy which will change your life (if you do actually have low testosterone to begin with).

Yh I back this idea.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
I took steroids. LOLOLOLOLOL. STEROIDS!. Anyways, yh if you go steroids I reccomend this.

Weeks 1-12: Test Ethanate (500mg/week)
Weeks 1-4: Anadrol (50-75mg/day)
Week 14-18: Nolvadex (40mg/day)
Week 1-18: Aromasin (12.5g/EOD)

Only use steroids when your properly working out and eating 3800 cals/day at least. Not worth it if your taking them to get muscles but training to lose fat (and muscle).

17% body fat isnt that much tho, Im like 18-20% body fat and I have a better body then 85% of my classmates so idk.

Whats your frame like?

Shoulder width and waist width?
Dude I don't think you are 18% more like 15%.

Either way yeah this advice is good
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When I said 18% I was being conservative ?. Its because my arms are above my head in that picture so the fat kinda get spread out. I did a body fat analysis, it said 22% body fat. Im just assuming I've lost weight since then. But tbh the machine could be so inaccurate, and I do look slimmer than 20% so I think ur right.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401
From the low muscle/small dick/baby face it sounds like you have low testosterone. I would get bloodwork done and then if you are indeed low test you can get prescribed testosterone replacement therapy which will change your life (if you do actually have low testosterone to begin with).

I recently had a blood test for testosterone and they said it was "normal". Then again someone is "normal" if they are 2/10 without having deformities, 5' 6" tall and have a tiny 4" dick.

When I was 16 years old I went to a specialist asking why I looked young for my age. He just said there was nothing wrong due to the fact I was tall. I think my testosterone was checked back then and I was told it was ok. I don't know what the "acceptable" levels are, but imagining it was on a scale from say 30 to 70, where most men have at least 50, I would probably be like 31 so therefore "ok" lol.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
I took steroids. LOLOLOLOLOL. STEROIDS!. Anyways, yh if you go steroids I reccomend this.

Weeks 1-12: Test Ethanate (500mg/week)
Weeks 1-4: Anadrol (50-75mg/day)
Week 14-18: Nolvadex (40mg/day)
Week 1-18: Aromasin (12.5g/EOD)

Only use steroids when your properly working out and eating 3800 cals/day at least. Not worth it if your taking them to get muscles but training to lose fat (and muscle).

17% body fat isnt that much tho, Im like 18-20% body fat and I have a better body then 85% of my classmates so idk.

Whats your frame like?

Shoulder width and waist width?
Smart move to use the aromasin but why use it continuously with the roids? You're not gonna get a blow back whilst you're doing them so why not just hop on them when you're off the roids?

@OP You should go to a doctor before you start hitting the gym. It is not natural to be so out of shape unless you are literally doing nothing. It sounds like you have a deficiency of some kind. It's not painful to get a bloodtest, the needle hurts less than pinching your arm. But make sure to double check your results. Dealing with some of the same issues right now.
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Don't give up skeleton.
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Smart move to use the aromasin but why use it continuously with the roids? You're not gonna get a blow back whilst you're doing them so why not just hop on them when you're off the roids?

Even while you're on the test your body will aromatize a portion of it into estrogen and you can get gyno and bloating and it can hurt your gains as well so for most cycles you need to run an anti-aromatizer like aromasin while on cycle. Then when off cycle use nolvadex and not aromasin.
  • +1
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Even while you're on the test your body will aromatize a portion of it into estrogen and you can get gyno and bloating and it can hurt your gains as well so for most cycles you need to run an anti-aromatizer like aromasin while on cycle. Then when off cycle use nolvadex and not aromasin.

Actually, Aromasin you can continue to use during PCT with Nolvadex. Im not too sure about Arimidex or Letrozol though.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and jefferson
yeah, posting quality was much better in the past ngl

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