I just got Mogged (please read)



„It all has to come to this, tomorrow is the day…“
Jun 14, 2024
I recently encountered a Spanish Mediterranean guy who appeared to be around 19 years old, making him five years older than me. The moment we saw each other, it was as if we instinctively knew a "mog battle" was inevitable. He walked in with an air of confidence that immediately caught everyone’s attention, including mine. His zygos were strikingly prominent, casting shadows that gave his face a chiseled, almost statuesque quality. His mandible was sharply defined, effortlessly "mogging" mine, making me acutely aware of my own softer, less defined features.

His skin color and general coloration were something out of a renaissance painting—a warm, golden hue that radiated health and vitality. In contrast, my pale, high Mtn complexion looked even more lifeless under the restaurant’s lighting. His dark, thick hair and olive skin made my lighter Germanic features seem almost ghostly. It was clear that he "mogged" me in both PSL rating and overall appeal, and I could feel every eye in the room making the same silent judgment.

This experience has left me feeling profoundly inadequate, to the point where I feel like I could throw up. The urge to leave this restaurant and avoid going outside again is overwhelming due to incidents like these. Every movement he made was graceful and assured, while I suddenly felt clumsy and out of place. I could barely focus on my meal, my thoughts consumed by the stark contrast between us.

He is a classic "Chadlite," effortlessly exuding the charm and allure typical of a Mediterranean "slayer." His presence was magnetic, drawing admiring glances from everyone around us. In contrast, I felt like a high Mtn individual, an unfortunate Germanic incel who cannot compare. The disparity between us was glaringly obvious, and it felt like a spotlight was highlighting every one of my insecurities.

The idea of continuing to experience such situations fills me with dread. Each encounter like this chips away at my self-esteem, leaving me feeling more isolated and hopeless. I don’t want to live with this constant sense of inferiority and despair. Every time I step outside, I fear another encounter that will remind me of my perceived shortcomings.

As I sit here, trying to muster the courage to finish my meal, I am consumed by these thoughts. I wonder if there is any escape from this relentless comparison, any way to find peace with who I am. The world feels like a battleground where I am perpetually outmatched, and the weight of it all feels unbearable.

How do i cope with those situations?
  • JFL
Reactions: LVZZO, looksmaxxing223 and MaghrebGator
I would cope by growing a pair of balls lmao
It's all in your head bro beauty is subjective :)
I recently encountered a Spanish Mediterranean guy who appeared to be around 19 years old, making him five years older than me. The moment we saw each other, it was as if we instinctively knew a "mog battle" was inevitable. He walked in with an air of confidence that immediately caught everyone’s attention, including mine. His zygos were strikingly prominent, casting shadows that gave his face a chiseled, almost statuesque quality. His mandible was sharply defined, effortlessly "mogging" mine, making me acutely aware of my own softer, less defined features.

His skin color and general coloration were something out of a renaissance painting—a warm, golden hue that radiated health and vitality. In contrast, my pale, high Mtn complexion looked even more lifeless under the restaurant’s lighting. His dark, thick hair and olive skin made my lighter Germanic features seem almost ghostly. It was clear that he "mogged" me in both PSL rating and overall appeal, and I could feel every eye in the room making the same silent judgment.

This experience has left me feeling profoundly inadequate, to the point where I feel like I could throw up. The urge to leave this restaurant and avoid going outside again is overwhelming due to incidents like these. Every movement he made was graceful and assured, while I suddenly felt clumsy and out of place. I could barely focus on my meal, my thoughts consumed by the stark contrast between us.

He is a classic "Chadlite," effortlessly exuding the charm and allure typical of a Mediterranean "slayer." His presence was magnetic, drawing admiring glances from everyone around us. In contrast, I felt like a high Mtn individual, an unfortunate Germanic incel who cannot compare. The disparity between us was glaringly obvious, and it felt like a spotlight was highlighting every one of my insecurities.

The idea of continuing to experience such situations fills me with dread. Each encounter like this chips away at my self-esteem, leaving me feeling more isolated and hopeless. I don’t want to live with this constant sense of inferiority and despair. Every time I step outside, I fear another encounter that will remind me of my perceived shortcomings.

As I sit here, trying to muster the courage to finish my meal, I am consumed by these thoughts. I wonder if there is any escape from this relentless comparison, any way to find peace with who I am. The world feels like a battleground where I am perpetually outmatched, and the weight of it all feels unbearable.

How do i cope with those situations?
Bro met the average med guy :lul:

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