I just got set up by a “friend”

One of them literally carries a 25 inch knife I’ve seen videos and he’s been involved in the street life since age 5
Start carrying a knife as well then. 100% this faggot only carries the knife as an intimidation method. There is no way these guys are for real if a some .org incel civilian loser causes them to lose their shit this badly. They are larpers
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Start carrying a knife as well then. 100% this faggot only carries the knife as an intimidation method. There is no way these guys are for real if a some .org incel civilian loser causes them to lose their shit this badly. They are larpers
yeah school lunch-break tier type shit
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You just need to gather intel and plan accordingly.
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Start carrying a knife as well then. 100% this faggot only carries the knife as an intimidation method. There is no way these guys are for real if a some .org incel civilian loser causes them to lose their shit this badly. They are larpers
For sure my former friend is a larper as I said he’s only trying to prove himself but one of the other ones is an actual gang member but I’m guessing they were all itching for a fight
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You just need to gather intel and plan accordingly.
Is it a pussy move to try and just ignore him and never interact with him ever again? It’s just going to be retaliation for retaliation
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Whatever you did to "disrespect him" it must have seriously got under his skin for this reaction. Doesn't matter he fucked you up. Keep doing that. You are smarter now and know to not trust him. Gather as much intel as possible and fuck him up. He isn't far enough up the ladder in whatever "gang" he is to cause them to go after you. They will think he is weak if you fuck him up. They will not respect him
I called him a bitch and a cuck. That was it. His ego must’ve crumbled from those two words
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Is it a pussy move to try and just ignore him and never interact with him ever again? It’s just going to be retaliation for retaliation
Join active gang :ogre:
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Is it a pussy move to try and just ignore him and never interact with him ever again? It’s just going to be retaliation for retaliation
It's a pussy move but I guess it is a valid move as well. Personally I could never do it, my pride is simply to high and at the same time I am content with self destructive behavior. If self preservation is your goal it's the best move to cut him off.
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It's a pussy move but I guess it is a valid move as well. Personally I could never do it, my pride is simply to high and at the same time I am content with self destructive behavior. If self preservation is your goal it's the best move to cut him off.
I understand where u r coming from and I’d love to do what u say but the issue is the street culture here is all about blood for blood. As I said I feel lucky I’m not dead. Most these fucks stab on sight. If I try and find him and fight him, he knows where I live and will almost certainly attempt to prove himself again
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Let’s face it. Usual suspects. I’m not even going to question the colour of their skin because I already know what the Awnser is. Niggers are simply not fit to associate in modern civilisation.
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If I try and find him and fight him, he knows where I live and will almost certainly attempt to prove himself again
That's why I said gather intel and cripple him. You would have to ambush him hard and basically hold him captive and torture him
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That's why I said gather intel and cripple him. You would have to ambush him hard and basically hold him captive and torture him
How tf would I do that? Where would I even take him? At that point I’ve properly hurt him to the point that his gang will be after me or I’m in trouble with the police

Honestly I’d try and pull this off if I was in the street life myself and had a gang behind me but I am simply alone
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That's why I said gather intel and cripple him. You would have to ambush him hard and basically hold him captive and torture him
For example you could subdue him pretty easily with pepperspray (assuming he isn't on some crazy drugs making pepperspray less effective). Once somebodies eyes are raped with pepperspray they are basically at your complete mercy
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For example you could subdue him pretty easily with pepperspray (assuming he isn't on some crazy drugs making pepperspray less effective). Once somebodies eyes are raped with pepperspray they are basically at your complete mercy
That’s some mad shit, good idea but I literally don’t have the facilities to do this
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I called him a bitch and a cuck. That was it. His ego must’ve crumbled from those two words
If he was on .org he’d be finished. Imagine hearing “it’s over 4 u, ur ipd is death tier” on the daily

He’s a manlet as well he’s like 5’6 definitely some Manlet rage there
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If he was on .org he’d be finished. Imagine hearing “it’s over 4 u, ur ipd is death tier” on the daily

He’s a manlet as well he’s like 5’6 definitely some Manlet rage there
water he isnt a chad

chad are the nicest people on average, its the lower smv retards that are tryhard like that
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ong i would crash out

SpongeChovy 046
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Burn his house down
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A friend I have known for almost 10 years, we had an argument about a week ago over something stupid and we insulted each other. We didn’t speak since then and tonight he messaged me to apologise and asks me to meet to talk things and repair things.

It’s dark but i don’t really mind that. I go to the place he wants to meet, it’s a park about 40 mins away. When I get there, he’s wearing fully black and he refuses to shake my hand. The park is deserted. He asks me why I would disrespect him. I said what do u mean? I thought this was to sort things out. He says he promises to murder me. Suddenly some fuck rushes from behind and punches me in the back of the head. My “friend” punches me in the face and some other nigga comes and kicks me in the knees, sending me to the ground. They all start kicking and punching me. My “friend” asks me to say sorry for calling him a bitch and tells me to say I’m his bitch. Even tho I hate myself for this, I did that. I was just praying I would not get killed or stabbed. They stopped for about 5 seconds and I immediately got up and sprinted away. One of them tried to chase after me but my “friend” stopped him and yelled at me “if you tell anyone I’ll come where you live and kill you”.

It’s crazy that it’s those closests to you that betray you. And niggas do it over the smallest things. Crazy how they showed their colours after a fucking decade. All because this niggas ego got hurt a little. I’m now here fucking bruised up with a back that hurts like fuck and a chipped tooth and a face full of bruises and pain.

I’m a retard for trusting him. I genuinely hate myself. I need to make a serious change in my life. This can never happen again. Pathetic how he had to get a whole gang to fight me and abused my trust in him. Fucking pussy.

Just hope they didn’t record it.

Never trust niggas, no matter if they r ur closests “friends”.
Nigger beat him up wtf hahaha
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This is 100% true and the reason it seems to unbelievable is what actually has fucked over my mind

I can’t really do anything against them he has friends in a gang that might hurt me or my family
Nigger u live in bronx???
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happened to me, too

they think i forgot

4261195 IMG 0625
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If this is a true story, then your first mistake was meeting up with him at some park in the middle of the night. You need to increase your threat sensitivity for the future
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I know the feeling; I've got siblings who left me behind in foster-care to live a better life, sometimes I don't even think family is real
Thats very sad man, I can be your brother
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do you happen to be ethnic or living in a low income area?
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you're not going to do anything about it?
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This is 100% true and the reason it seems to unbelievable is what actually has fucked over my mind

I can’t really do anything against them he has friends in a gang that might hurt me or my family
send his bday

Bet I'll see 9s.:feelsmage:
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I was gonna meet up and fight this guy he said no knifes and he told my mate not to tell me this and he said to my mate he was going to bring a shank idk why because the faggot was 6’5 so that’s why i don’t try and meet up with people no more people are such pussys for bringing a knife to a fist fight
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I was gonna meet up and fight this guy he said no knifes and he told my mate not to tell me this and he said to my mate he was going to bring a shank idk why because the faggot was 6’5 so that’s why i don’t try and meet up with people no more people are such pussys for bringing a knife to a fist fight
ik or ganging up on one person

They think it’s hard but it just exposes as pussies who can’t deal one to one with no wealons

Atp I wish I had a glock
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If this is a true story, then your first mistake was meeting up with him at some park in the middle of the night. You need to increase your threat sensitivity for the future
Yes, but I trusted him thought he was being genuine and wanted to have a deep talk to smoke a zoot or something

Honestly this has taught me to never develop any trust for anyone unless absolutely certain
you're not going to do anything about it?
Not much I can do he’s gang affiliated and knows everything about me while I am alone and am not in the street life

I am still recovering from the injuries as well
Not much I can do he’s gang affiliated and knows everything about me while I am alone and am not in the street life

I am still recovering from the injuries as well
I mean, you have to stop associating with people that are criminals or in gangs
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Are you or your friend a nigger/paki?
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His birthday is December 19th
Send the year :what:

But this nigga prob fuckdd in the head from early childhood trauma

Might literally have got dropped, niggas born on the 19th get injured
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Wish guns were legal in this country

I would’ve shot them all down when they tried to attacked me
Set something up with them so they try to attack you and have a weapon on hand. Claim self defence after you seriously injure them
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damn bro that’s fucked up
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