I just realised being Racist=dumb mindless NPC trait



Life is a beautiful journey, just enjoy the rides.
Mar 28, 2020
After throughoutly contemplation and reflection in the dark for hours and watching documentaries on world stage politics.

It starts as propaganda then naive people without critical thinking skill would believe it and brainwashed.
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Generally it's pretty stupid to hate people for something they didnt choose, so racism is pretty stupid. Im not knocking casual joking racism, shit is funny as fuck
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Tell that to the niggers
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@Xangsane @pneumocystosis @BrahminBoss @andy9432 @Iasacrko @HarrierDuBois @Krakowski @MoggerGaston @Krakowski @shabby890 @Eli @Jungcuck @Gonthar @mbolo @Filosephario @wsada
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It is. Most black people i know irl are good guys. The social media only show the bad ones and people might think they are animals. Etc.
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nah racism is normal and a natural thing humans were always tribal
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Reactions: sonar bugnar, OGJBSLAYER, kanderior and 11 others
After throughoutly contemplation and reflection in the dark for hours and watching documentaries on world stage politics.

It starts as propaganda then naive people without critical thinking skill would believe it and brainwashed.
Anything taken to the extreme is bad. The middleground is where it's at.
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Anything taken to the extreme is bad. The middleground is where it's at.
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Politics have extremes

blackpeople haters, then bbc worshippers
Both are bad.
After throughoutly contemplation and reflection in the dark for hours and watching documentaries on world stage politics.

It starts as propaganda then naive people without critical thinking skill would believe it and brainwashed.
Jews plan to create racism
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Everyone’s racist, push someone to a certain point and they will call you a nigger/honkey/spic
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Everyone’s racist, push someone to a certain point and they will call you a nigger/honkey/spic
But not everyone’s blatantly /upfront racist
After throughoutly contemplation and reflection in the dark for hours and watching documentaries on world stage politics.

It starts as propaganda then naive people without critical thinking skill would believe it and brainwashed.
theres a reason why racism is associated with lower intelligence
It is. Most black people i know irl are good guys. The social media only show the bad ones and people might think they are animals. Etc.
Cause you hang with the good ones? Your life is not anecdotal evidence, my life mentor was black, but blacks in majority are bad people.
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racism is a natural and biological instinct
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but not in the hating way, I don't believe hating random people because of their skin color or race is correct, but acknowledging our differences and prefering to be among our own race is good and as I said natural
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Ethnics say this and then never let go of their resentment toward whites
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Ethnics say this and then never let go of their resentment toward whites
I feel normal toward white

I am asian
Ethnics say this and then never let go of their resentment toward whites
It’s only racist if white niggers do it
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It’s only racist if white niggers do it
niggas acting like ethnics hate white when 90 percent of the forum is white worshiping
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niggas acting like ethnics hate white when 90 percent of the forum is white worshiping
I was joking. Niggers are the most racist creatures i’ve seen. Doing crime while leeching off white cucks’ taxes and then bitching about whites.

Whites deserve it for allowing it but nigfers are the lowest of the low
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most of the high iq people in the past were ''racist'' look at evola Schopenhauer etc
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Being racist is literally high testosterone.

Anti-racists are low-T cucks who believe media propaganda unquestioningly.
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Conflicting nature of the animal body instinct to the mind/consciousness.

For ex, rape is totally normal in the animal kingdom. But for humans its unacceptable. Why is that? Because our minds and capability can operate transcendent from animal instincts and at a higher level hence why humans can reign over all animals on land despite being frail and weak.

Racism is motivated by a primal instinct. Its unfamiliarity. With that, a bunch of signals flare up such as flight or fight etc. This is why i think the tactics of racial propaganda are so nobrain but effective towards the majority. Think of black Hebrew Israelites who use the fantasy of "white people" torment, and the separation (gentiles), to reel in black spiritualists to racial prejudice using their very own unfamiliarity. Even the whole slavery thing and ill depiction of black colored traits was motivated because of the same coping mechanisms. To treat people like that you'd have to consider them ugly and low iq, different species etc. even if not. you have to arouse the seed of unfamiliarity. Botched-/cursory statistics work to do this too.

A NT person finds it hard to envision a different colored being as the same due to their superficial perspectives. Because of this, the mass of people run with propaganda and don't realize their own carnality, and how they are being used as an instrument of wickedness. They don't understand the animal selve, which is hard to do if you don't focus/operate for the higher intelligence, but instead mainly focus and operate on primal level and instinct. (theory) Its funny how we then build Ai to combat this, yet by doing so are also prone to further abandon our own operating system (mind). Eventually a divide happens and we end up slaves to our own creation.

It reminds me of the quote "If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't" .. If people dont operate outside of that primal instinct and nurture that higher class of mind that determines it, then how can they be fully aware of the moral and mental precision of the animal nature. you cant see the ocean from the bottom of it.

These types of (npc) people are slaves to propaganda and all types of social dynamics and means without even having a clue.
I think the reason racism is normal is because average humans in modern times and perhaps even throughout history has never really focused past animal nature. Theres a lot of factors that makes this come to be. But this is a big problem and has been for a long time.
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How tf irl people are so nice and non racist, just now my Chadlite uber driver had been really nice.
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Taught this bitchboy the way deserves , also whats the name of the right guy, seems really high iq and a giga great observer tbh @Corleone
niggas acting like ethnics hate white when 90 percent of the forum is white worshiping
Generally out of this forum white hate is very common among most ethnicities
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After throughoutly contemplation and reflection in the dark for hours and watching documentaries on world stage politics.

It starts as propaganda then naive people without critical thinking skill would believe it and brainwashed.
It’s difficult for most ethnics to comprehend since it usually targets them. So the victim complex comes up in a defense mechanism but racism is applicable and exists in literally every part of the world.
There is a difference between having legitimate concerns about race (ie crime rates, immigration and demographics) vs hating the nigras because muh daddy told me so
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Being racist is literally high testosterone.

Anti-racists are low-T cucks who believe media propaganda unquestioningly.
The high testosterone on this forum looks like this a lot of the time

(I’d find ethnic examples if I could but I cba)
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Taught this bitchboy the way deserves , also whats the name of the right guy, seems really high iq and a giga great observer tbh @Corleone
Hegel :bigbrain:
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Mainstream propaganda infused so much in OP's brain he finally came to have an epiphany and gobble it
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After throughoutly contemplation and reflection in the dark for hours and watching documentaries on world stage politics.

It starts as propaganda then naive people without critical thinking skill would believe it and brainwashed.
Whatever you say shitksin, gook, streetshitter, sandnigger, nigger, beanbag, spic (covering all bases cuz idk what ur background is but I know it’s a subhuman non white race)
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