I just want to remind everyone to stay strong and keep looksmaxing

Deleted member 245

Deleted member 245

Sep 1, 2018
The recent article about incels getting surgery shows that they really don't want ugly men to do anything about their situation. Right when the hysteria was seeming to die down these fuckers re-ignite it. They want us to stay where we are and take the abuse like good little cucks. The virtue signaling is at an all time high.

Even if your looksmaxing doesn't get you laid, do it so you get treated with more respect in general and so you won't get metoo'd at work. Society HATES it when ugly men looksmax so I will keep doing it until the day I die just to spite everyone (and to not get thrown in jail for existing while being ugly).
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Cover guy bad eye area
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The recent article about incels getting surgery shows that they really don't want ugly men to do anything about their situation. Right when the hysteria was seeming to die down these fuckers re-ignite it. They want us to stay where we are and take the abuse like good little cucks. The virtue signaling is at an all time high.

Even if your looksmaxing doesn't get you laid, do it so you get treated with more respect in general and so you won't get metoo'd at work. Society HATES it when ugly men looksmax so I will keep doing it until the day I die just to spite everyone (and to not get thrown in jail for existing while being ugly).
Tbh it's time to go ER or die in a car crash for me
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Looksmax because society’s full of fucking idiots anyways and will subconsciously treat you better because they’re too stupid to tell you’ve done it.
Just holy shit bro. At least this isn't the article saying all incels are angry white men. And of course this is written by a chick who's forehead is bigger than my will to live and eyebrows thinner than my pubes. Jfl at this hypocrite.
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you hit the mark about society hating it when ugly men looksmaxx. a year ago my cuck specialists kept telling me i shouldnt lose any more weight when i was 90ish KG at 5'9(obese). if i had listened to them id still be a disgusting landwhale with health problems barely fitting into my clothes.
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you hit the mark about society hating it when ugly men looksmaxx. a year ago my cuck specialists kept telling me i shouldnt lose any more weight when i was 90ish KG at 5'9(obese). if i had listened to them id still be a disgusting landwhale with health problems barely fitting into my clothes.
Why would they not want you to lose weight? That’s just strange.

Glad you didn’t listen to them though.
Why would they not want you to lose weight? That’s just strange.

Glad you didn’t listen to them though.
my mom bitched about me losing weight because shes used to me being a fat fuck and the cuck specialists take my mothers side despite the fact that i was literally fucking OBESE and their job is to improve patients health. in fact i made a thread about a year ago on incels ranting about this shortly after this meeting. you might be able to find it if you dig deep enough.
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legit tbh. the article just confirms how society views ugly men actively doing something to change, foids especially; they hate it. even as an oldcel im motivated. im one chin implant and hair transplant away from transcending my genetics. so fucking close. fuck you normies for shaming me because im acting.
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I liked the article and the responses from the masses.

I know 2+2=4 (being attractive =good life,ugly = death.)
I don't care if people think 2+2=734,(looks don't matter)
in fact I want them to think it.
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2 paragraphs not reading jfl
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