I might be paralyzed permanently

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how tf did u survive that
Brotal abused dog failo.
Do you have pics ?
roping is the best might hurt but its guaranteed to die
Eppley will fix it
greycels carrying the forum again
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Hey at least you might get pity sex now
Dam the human body can really be resilient as utter fuck
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Speediest of recoveries, get well soon. Keep us updated on the journey. Practice game on Stacy nurses and feel free to pm if hospital gets too boring. 🙏🏾
I tried to kill myself by jumping from a 70ft(appx) building
anyway I failed I broke my spine
l3 burst compression fracture the vertebra is crushed and we don't know how badly the spinal cord is damaged atp
Its truely over now
God you've got balls of steel I don't think I can ever throw myself off a fucking building like that.

May you get better soon mentally and physically (and not be paralyzed)
Killing yourself is a cowardly act. Trust me when I say this life isn't what you think it is. That universe is massive. No flesh will ever travel it but the soul. That spirit is faster than the speed of light. But corrupted souls, damned spirits, violent fuckers, cowards, and thieves will be glued to the other realm of this planet.
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I tried to kill myself by jumping from a 70ft(appx) building
anyway I failed I broke my spine
l3 burst compression fracture the vertebra is crushed and we don't know how badly the spinal cord is damaged atp
Well now you have a good reason to kill yourself, might as well try again OP
Just overdose on fentanyl, jumping from a building or jumping in front of a train is even more traumatizing for your family
Bro is william afton he always comes back
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Reactions: Stroaxy
Don’t Kys, take shrooms and ketamine
Just overdose on fentanyl, jumping from a building or jumping in front of a train is even more traumatizing for your family
I wanna see someone jump off a roof and as the tranny's falling, he blows his brains out. The body hits the concrete first. Then pieces of the brain follow.
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Reactions: Stroaxy
Just get a ring dinger

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