I need gymaxxing routine advice is this enough


Deleted member 23218

Oct 21, 2022
5 sets dumbbell shoulder press
4 sets floor press
2 sets triceps extension

Should I add upper chest flies

I switched from ohp because it was fatiguing my front delts too much kinda tight


4 sets lay pull down
4 sets dunbell row
2 sets dunbell pull over
4 sets bicep ex bar curl

Tagging gymcels please help

@5.5psl @Arborist @Maesthetics=King @copefuel @Artemis
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Hit legs once a week for starters
NGL for push I just do chest press machine, peck deck, lat raises and tricep extension,
5 sets dumbbell shoulder press
4 sets floor press
2 sets triceps extension

Should I add upper chest flies

I switched from ohp because it was fatiguing my front delts too much


4 sets lay pull down
4 sets dunbell row
2 sets dunbell pull over
4 sets bicep ex bar curl

Tagging gymcels please help

@5.5psl @Arborist @Maesthetics=King @copefuel @Artemis
You need some real expert like @Blackgymmax tbh.

I just do basic calisthenics stuff.

100 pushups per day every day, and 50 pull ups a day every day. Also neck training, but that has not helped much, still long chicken neck :feelscry:

But otherwise, simply doing push-ups and pull-ups + some core compression, like L-sits and A LOT OF WALKING is everything you really need. Just be lean, and toned. Ideal body. Unless you are a framecel, then you are in need of steroids, and intense shoulder traininng.
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Ill respond in 6 hours
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I'm nowhere near as jacked as Blackgymmax but i can give you my program, i do everything till failure. try to keep your reps between 6-12, so if you can do more then 12 reps increase the weight, less then 6 decrease it. or compound like bench, squat and deadlift i go between 4-8 reps.
Monday: rest

Tuesday: back&chest
Back: pull ups 3 sets
2 sets cable pullovers, last set till fail, drop down 5 kg every time till failure, you should be able to only do 4-6 reps you will feel your lats burn like fucking crazy
2 sets seated row machine (focus on upper back)
Chest: barbell Bench press 2 sets (warm up chest first with light weight bench)
incline dumbbell bench press 2 sets
chest fly 2 sets

Wednesday: Legs
Squats 2 sets (if you really dont want squats or leg press then find a replacement for them)
RDL's 2 sets
leg press 2 sets
leg extentions 2 sets
seated leg curls 2 sets
any kind of calve work 3 sets

Thursday: Shoulders, bicep, tricep
dumbell shoulder press 2 sets (i swith between dumbell and barbell every time i hit shoulders but i think dumbell is more for easthetics and barbell for strength, and since your on this site i'd just do dumbell)
cable lateral raises 2 sets
cable rear delt row 2 sets
seated bicep curl on machine 2 sets
one arm cable bicep curl 2 sets
cable overhead tricep extentions 2 sets
cable rope pushdowns 2 sets
friday: Back and chest
repeat same as Tuesday
Saturday: rest
Sunday: Shoulders bicep tricep
Same as Thursday.
You can decide for yourself when you want to take the rest day, mine arent optimal but i have to plan around for work etc. as long as you have 2 rest days ur good.
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5 sets dumbbell shoulder press
4 sets floor press
2 sets triceps extension

Should I add upper chest flies

I switched from ohp because it was fatiguing my front delts too much kinda tight


4 sets lay pull down
4 sets dunbell row
2 sets dunbell pull over
4 sets bicep ex bar curl

Tagging gymcels please help

@5.5psl @Arborist @Maesthetics=King @copefuel @Artemis
For push take out floor press and add in bench press and for pull take out pullovers and add in bent over barbell rows. Assuming you havent been lifting for years, you need to focus on the big compound movements
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Add lateral raises and bicep preacher curl
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You need some real expert like @Blackgymmax tbh.

I just do basic calisthenics stuff.

100 pushups per day every day, and 50 pull ups a day every day. Also neck training, but that has not helped much, still long chicken neck :feelscry:

But otherwise, simply doing push-ups and pull-ups + some core compression, like L-sits and A LOT OF WALKING is everything you really need. Just be lean, and toned. Ideal body. Unless you are a framecel, then you are in need of steroids, and intense shoulder traininng.
You should do those on interval days unless your on peptides the muscles need time to rebind and grow
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Day 1 - Biceps, Triceps, Forearms

Incline BB Curls

25lb x 8-12, drop set(20)
25lb x 8-12, drop set(20)
25lb x 6-10, drop set(15)

Rope Pushdowns
50lb 8-12,
60lb 8-12, drop Set(50)
60lb 8-12, drop set(50, 30)

Forearm Curls
100lb x 8-12 x 3

Bar Pushdowns (wide grip)
50lb 8-12
50lb 8-12 (40)
40lb 8-12 (30)

Machine Curls
50lb x 8-12
50lb x 8-12
50lb x 8-12, drop set (40)

Day 2 - Leg Day 1, Abs

Ab Crunches
10lb crunches x 8-12
15lb crunches x 6-10
10lb crunches x 6-10

Hamstring Curls
Max x 8-12 x 3

Leg Press
160 x 8-12 x 3
140 x failure

Leg Extensions
80lb x 8-12, drop set (70, 60)
80lb x 8-12, drop set (70, 60)
70lb x 8-12, drop set (60, 50)

Calf Raises
Max x 8-12
Max x 8-12
Max x 8-12, drop set

Day 3 - Shoulders, Traps, Back

Lat Pull Downs
80lb x 8-12 x 3

Incline DB Press
30lb x 8-12
35lb x 8-12
35lb x 6-10, drop set (30)

Incline Shrugs
40lb x 8-12
50lb x 8-12
50lb x 6-10

Machine Shoulder Press
80lb x 8-12
90lb x 8-12
100lb x 8-12
80lb x 12, drop set (60)

Close grip rows
Max x 2
Drop Set on third

Day 4 - Biceps, Triceps, Forearms

Incline DB Hammer Curls
25lb x 8-12 x 3

Rope Pushdowns
50lb 8-12,
60lb 8-12, drop Set(50)
60lb 8-12, drop set(50, 30)

Forearm Curls
100lb x 8-12 x 3

Bar Pushdowns (wide grip)
50lb 8-12
50lb 8-12 (40)
40lb 8-12 (30)

Machine Curls Close Grip
50lb x 8-12
50lb x 8-12
50lb x 8-12, drop set (40)

Day 5 - Leg Day 2, Abs

Leg Raises
Max x 4

Hamstring Curls
Max x 8-12 x 3

Leg Press
160 x 8-12 x 3
140 x failure

Leg Extensions
80lb x 8-12, drop set (70, 60)
80lb x 8-12, drop set (70, 60)
70lb x 8-12, drop set (60, 50)

Calf Raises
Max x 8-12
Max x 8-12
Max x 8-12, drop set

Day 6 - Chest, Triceps, Forearms

Assisted Bench
Work up to 6 rep Max

Chest Flys
Max x 8-12 x 3
Drop weight x 8-12

Rope Pushdowns
50lb 8-12,
60lb 8-12, drop Set(50)
60lb 8-12, drop set(50, 30)

Forearm Curls
100lb x 8-12 x 3

Bar Pushdowns (wide grip)
50lb 8-12
50lb 8-12 (40)
40lb 8-12 (30)

Day 7 - Back, Calves

Lat Pull Downs
80lb x 8-12 x 3

Close Grip Rows
Max x 2
Drop Set x 1

Calf Raises
Max x 3
Dropset x1

Row Machine
60-70 x 8-12 x 3
Dropset x1
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Day 1 - Biceps, Triceps, Forearms

Incline BB Curls

25lb x 8-12, drop set(20)
25lb x 8-12, drop set(20)
25lb x 6-10, drop set(15)

Rope Pushdowns
50lb 8-12,
60lb 8-12, drop Set(50)
60lb 8-12, drop set(50, 30)

Forearm Curls
100lb x 8-12 x 3

Bar Pushdowns (wide grip)
50lb 8-12
50lb 8-12 (40)
40lb 8-12 (30)

Machine Curls
50lb x 8-12
50lb x 8-12
50lb x 8-12, drop set (40)

Day 2 - Leg Day 1, Abs

Ab Crunches
10lb crunches x 8-12
15lb crunches x 6-10
10lb crunches x 6-10

Hamstring Curls
Max x 8-12 x 3

Leg Press
160 x 8-12 x 3
140 x failure

Leg Extensions
80lb x 8-12, drop set (70, 60)
80lb x 8-12, drop set (70, 60)
70lb x 8-12, drop set (60, 50)

Calf Raises
Max x 8-12
Max x 8-12
Max x 8-12, drop set

Day 3 - Shoulders, Traps, Back

Lat Pull Downs
80lb x 8-12 x 3

Incline DB Press
30lb x 8-12
35lb x 8-12
35lb x 6-10, drop set (30)

Incline Shrugs
40lb x 8-12
50lb x 8-12
50lb x 6-10

Machine Shoulder Press
80lb x 8-12
90lb x 8-12
100lb x 8-12
80lb x 12, drop set (60)

Close grip rows
Max x 2
Drop Set on third

Day 4 - Biceps, Triceps, Forearms

Incline DB Hammer Curls
25lb x 8-12 x 3

Rope Pushdowns
50lb 8-12,
60lb 8-12, drop Set(50)
60lb 8-12, drop set(50, 30)

Forearm Curls
100lb x 8-12 x 3

Bar Pushdowns (wide grip)
50lb 8-12
50lb 8-12 (40)
40lb 8-12 (30)

Machine Curls Close Grip
50lb x 8-12
50lb x 8-12
50lb x 8-12, drop set (40)

Day 5 - Leg Day 2, Abs

Leg Raises
Max x 4

Hamstring Curls
Max x 8-12 x 3

Leg Press
160 x 8-12 x 3
140 x failure

Leg Extensions
80lb x 8-12, drop set (70, 60)
80lb x 8-12, drop set (70, 60)
70lb x 8-12, drop set (60, 50)

Calf Raises
Max x 8-12
Max x 8-12
Max x 8-12, drop set

Day 6 - Chest, Triceps, Forearms

Assisted Bench
Work up to 6 rep Max

Chest Flys
Max x 8-12 x 3
Drop weight x 8-12

Rope Pushdowns
50lb 8-12,
60lb 8-12, drop Set(50)
60lb 8-12, drop set(50, 30)

Forearm Curls
100lb x 8-12 x 3

Bar Pushdowns (wide grip)
50lb 8-12
50lb 8-12 (40)
40lb 8-12 (30)

Day 7 - Back, Calves

Lat Pull Downs
80lb x 8-12 x 3

Close Grip Rows
Max x 2
Drop Set x 1

Calf Raises
Max x 3
Dropset x1

Row Machine
60-70 x 8-12 x 3
Dropset x1
Thanks Bhai
Wake up for me please
5 sets dumbbell shoulder press
4 sets floor press
2 sets triceps extension

Should I add upper chest flies

I switched from ohp because it was fatiguing my front delts too much kinda tight


4 sets lay pull down
4 sets dunbell row
2 sets dunbell pull over
4 sets bicep ex bar curl

Tagging gymcels please help

@5.5psl @Arborist @Maesthetics=King @copefuel @Artemis
No ooo

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