I noticed that ethnic men prefer Latina and light MENA women, and white/white adjacent men prefer east Asian and HAPA women.

Yes you’re definitely white adjacent.
Why do you say I'm white adjacent? What are my ethnic and white features?
And yeah average latina is unadatable for cultural reasons jfl
I agree with that. No idea why ethnics love them so much because of muh closer to whiteness jfl. I look for HQNPness over that shit. A couple already laughed at the fact my gf is Mulatta (arab/black and Muslim) but I don't care because she's hqnp to me.
although if mestizas were as hqnp as Asians on average they might have a comparable shot at LTR with whites.
Why would you say that? What would you say is the racial smv hierarchy for foids who want to LTR ethnics and LTR white and white adjacent ethnics?
ethnic incels can’t cope because there’s nothing to cope with. white incels have an outlet which are asian girls
As I said ethnics seem to prefer light MENA and Latina women over asians and HAPAs unlike whites even if they look the same.
Self hatred + genetic diversity.

It's typically the ricecels that hate Asian women so much, and they're the ugliest of the Asians and blame being Asian for their ugliness and they tend to like white women, blackcels tend to like white and hispanic, mayocels like Asians.

Obviously there are racial supremacists that cope (the stereotype being the recessed white untermensch that bangs on about "muh racial supremacy", yet can't get laid :forcedsmile:).
I wonder why ethnics love Latina women over HAPA and Asian women even if they look the same jfl. Do they see Latina women as basically a flavoured white? I get they're sexy but they're not to take home
Then there's the genetic diversity pill, where mixed race children tend to have stronger immune systems and are better looking (yes, I'm fully aware some low-iq degenerate is frantically googling "mixed race children" to find some cherry-picked example of some ugly mixed race kid, to "deboonk" me).
I agree and I don't know why people say I'm coping when I bring this up jfl.
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As someone sort of in between (lighter skinned but still visibly ethnic) I would say my preferences indeed sort of fall in between those yeah. I'm asexual but if anyone strikes me as good looking it's usually light Latam and MENA's or some East Asians.
Would you say I am visibly ethnic? I prefer Asian hapa over latina if I had to pick between the two. And of course I love MENA women. Latinas are just raw sex appeal but they just have this ogre unattractiveness to them unlike squishy. My gf is Mulatta but has a squishy feel to her. I like squishy.
im white as snow

i dont think full asian girls are attractive at all, same with negroes, some hapas are attractive and latinas and whites fog hard
im white as snow

i dont think full asian girls are attractive at all, same with negroes, some hapas are attractive and latinas and whites fog hard
Why do you prefer Latinas over HAPAs even though they look the exact same?
Is it proximity to whiteness?
Why do you prefer Latinas over HAPAs even though they look the exact same?
Is it proximity to whiteness?
they dont look the same to me at all

all hapas have monolid or some other kind of gook eyes which i dont like, also often those ugly flat asian maxillas

latinas look like more tanned whites mostly with fogger bodies, cant even compare the two
I wonder why ethnics love Latina women over HAPA and Asian women even if they look the same jfl.
They don't look the same stop this absurd cope
they dont look the same to me at all
They do. Especially Mestizas.
all hapas have monolid or some other kind of gook eyes which i dont like, also often those ugly flat asian maxillas

latinas look like more tanned whites mostly with fogger bodies, cant even compare the two
Knew it.
So there you go, you're a white man who prefers white women.
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They do. Especially Mestizas.

So there you go, you're a white man who prefers white women.
ofc i mean were objectively the most attractive/smartest/historically succesful

bow down before you white master and go make me some naan, fucking curry
They don't look the same stop this absurd cope
they dont look the same to me at all

all hapas have monolid or some other kind of gook eyes which i dont like, also often those ugly flat asian maxillas

latinas look like more tanned whites mostly with fogger bodies, cant even compare the two
Police found this person dead in 1976. They initially thought Latina.
Woodlawn2016 1

The person was HAPA in reality.
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Why do you say I'm white adjacent? What are my ethnic and white features?

I agree with that. No idea why ethnics love them so much because of muh closer to whiteness jfl. I look for HQNPness over that shit. A couple already laughed at the fact my gf is Mulatta (arab/black and Muslim) but I don't care because she's hqnp to me.

Why would you say that? What would you say is the racial smv hierarchy for foids who want to LTR ethnics and LTR white and white adjacent ethnics?
Being a caucasoid and having olive or lighter skin is sufficient to be “white-adjacent” imo.

Yeah I think castiza > asian is due a strong preference for castiza phenotype but mestiza > asian amongst ethnics seems like them trying to reassure themselves they can get a woman considered to be universally attractive in western society, “hot Latina” archetype. But it’s a cope because mestizas, with rare phenotypical exceptions, pretty much never fit the “hot Latina” à la Salma Hayek archetype since they look more mongoloid than anything else.

I think the racial hierarchy for foids wanting to LTR white/white adjacent men is probably white women on top, with castizas being slightly worse or even equal depending on how they look (mixed latina like Adriana Lima is obviously fine, a Sara Orrego probably is too), then Asian women, then mestizas and maybe SEA, then Black/Indian/fully indigenous women. Not sure where MENA women fall because while their physical appearance is similar to castizas when they’re Levantine, they have religion + culture failo for non Muslim men.
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Being a caucasoid and having olive or lighter skin is sufficient to be “white-adjacent” imo.
Yeah I think castiza > asian is due a strong preference for castiza phenotype but mestiza > asian amongst ethnics seems like them trying to reassure themselves they can get a woman considered to be universally attractive in western society, “hot Latina” archetype. But it’s a cope because mestizas, with rare phenotypical exceptions, pretty much never fit the “hot Latina” à la Salma Hayek archetype since they look more mongoloid than anything else.
Would you also consider HAPA and Windian as Asian?
That's what I thought too!
I think the racial hierarchy for foids wanting to LTR white/white adjacent men is probably white women on top, with castizas being slightly worse or even equal depending on how they look (mixed latina like Adriana Lima is obviously fine, a Sara Orrego probably is too), then Asian women, then mestizas and maybe SEA, then Black/Indian/fully indigenous women. Not sure where MENA women fall because while their physical appearance is similar to castizas when they’re Levantine, they have religion + culture failo for non Muslim men.
Why would you say that's the hierarchy? Where would Windians, Mulatta and HAPAs fall?
When you saw me who did you think I'd be in an ltr with? (I find white women unattractive)
Being a caucasoid and having olive or lighter skin is sufficient to be “white-adjacent” imo.

Yeah I think castiza > asian is due a strong preference for castiza phenotype but mestiza > asian amongst ethnics seems like them trying to reassure themselves they can get a woman considered to be universally attractive in western society, “hot Latina” archetype. But it’s a cope because mestizas, with rare phenotypical exceptions, pretty much never fit the “hot Latina” à la Salma Hayek archetype since they look more mongoloid than anything else.

I think the racial hierarchy for foids wanting to LTR white/white adjacent men is probably white women on top, with castizas being slightly worse or even equal depending on how they look (mixed latina like Adriana Lima is obviously fine, a Sara Orrego probably is too), then Asian women, then mestizas and maybe SEA, then Black/Indian/fully indigenous women. Not sure where MENA women fall because while their physical appearance is similar to castizas when they’re Levantine, they have religion + culture failo for non Muslim men.
And what about the racial hierarchy for foids wanting to LTR ethnic men who DO NOT pass as white?

Would you also consider HAPA and Windian as Asian?
That's what I thought too!

Why would you say that's the hierarchy? Where would Windians, Mulatta and HAPAs fall?
When you saw me who did you think I'd be in an ltr with? (I find white

Would you also consider HAPA and Windian as Asian?
That's what I thought too!

Why would you say that's the hierarchy? Where would Windians, Mulatta and HAPAs fall?
When you saw me who did you think I'd be in an ltr with? (I find white women unattractive)
Being olive or lighter + caucasoid is usually enough to be white adjacent because most people fitting that description can LARP as med.

I wouldn’t consider windians Asian since many turn out MENA/Latina looking. But I would consider the vast majority of hapas Asian since they usually have asiatic eye area.


Would you also consider HAPA and Windian as Asian?
That's what I thought too!

Why would you say that's the hierarchy? Where would Windians, Mulatta and HAPAs fall?
When you saw me who did you think I'd be in an ltr with? (I find white women unattractive)
Windian is probably similar to castiza/light MENA in many cases but it depends how they turn out. Hapas are probably similar to East Asian women, maybe slightly above. Mulatta is probably below East Asian but above fully black on avg, but the more white passing ones are probably similar to light MENA/castiza.

I would’ve guessed you’d date either a white woman or white-leaning ethnic.
And what about the racial hierarchy for foids wanting to LTR ethnic men who DO NOT pass as white?
Pretty fairly similar on average but I think ethnic men, even white-adjacent ethnics, are much more likely to diverge and prefer ethnic phenos compared to white men.
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Being olive or lighter + caucasoid is usually enough to be white adjacent because most people fitting that description can LARP as med.
Lots of people thought I was med!
I wouldn’t consider windians Asian since many turn out MENA/Latina looking. But I would consider the vast majority of hapas Asian since they usually have asiatic eye area.
I used to date a windian girl but she had a rotten attitude and wasn't nice. Hapas are cute and squishy.
Windian is probably similar to castiza/light MENA in many cases but it depends how they turn out.
The windian foid I used to date looked like Charli xcx jfl. My current gf looks more like zendaya
Hapas are probably similar to East Asian women, maybe slightly above. Mulatta is probably below East Asian but above fully black on avg, but the more white passing ones are probably similar to light MENA/castiza.
I would’ve guessed you’d date either a white woman or white-leaning ethnic.
Why? (I'm not into either)
Pretty fairly similar on average but I think ethnic men, even white-adjacent ethnics, are much more likely to diverge and prefer ethnic phenos compared to white men.
Being olive or lighter + caucasoid is usually enough to be white adjacent because most people fitting that description can LARP as med.

I wouldn’t consider windians Asian since many turn out MENA/Latina looking. But I would consider the vast majority of hapas Asian since they usually have asiatic eye area.

Windian is probably similar to castiza/light MENA in many cases but it depends how they turn out. Hapas are probably similar to East Asian women, maybe slightly above. Mulatta is probably below East Asian but above fully black on avg, but the more white passing ones are probably similar to light MENA/castiza.

I would’ve guessed you’d date either a white woman or white-leaning ethnic.

Pretty fairly similar on average but I think ethnic men, even white-adjacent ethnics, are much more likely to diverge and prefer ethnic phenos compared to white men.
I also wonder why ethnic foids fight over white adjacent ethnic men so much even if he's subhuman.
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Even though some Mestizas and HAPAs look exactly the same I wonder why ethnics, especially ones who can't pass, prefer Latinas over HAPAs. It is likely proximity to whiteness
Most non whites will take a Latina over hapa and mena cos they mogg them
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Lots of people thought I was med!

I used to date a windian girl but she had a rotten attitude and wasn't nice. Hapas are cute and squishy.

The windian foid I used to date looked like Charli xcx jfl. My current gf looks more like zendaya


Why? (I'm not into either)

Hapas above East Asian because many people perceive them as “prettier Asians”, Mulattas below Asians because of prevalent conception of black women and dark skin color as unattractive.

I just assume anyone will prefer white/white adjacent women since thats that’s the average persons preference. But non self hating ethnic men may be more likely to diverge due to being ethnic themselves making them more open to other phenos/features that diverge from standard white
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Hapas above East Asian because many people perceive them as “prettier Asians”, Mulattas below Asians because of prevalent conception of black women and dark skin color as unattractive.
My GF has nice skin quality. I look for skin quality and not colour.
I already have light skin. If I go with a woman who's medium in skin colour like my GF (not TOO dark even though they are beautiful women) the baby wouldn't look too different. Even if my wife has dark eyes and my eyes are blue, it's a tossup.
I just assume anyone will prefer white/white adjacent women since thats that’s the average persons preference. But non self hating ethnic men may be more likely to diverge due to being ethnic themselves making them more open to other phenos/features that diverge from standard white
would you say it's surprising Cameron Porras is LTRing a HAPA woman and me LTRing a mixed black woman?
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My GF has nice skin quality. I look for skin quality and not colour.
I already have light skin. If I go with a woman who's medium in skin colour like my GF (not TOO dark even though they are beautiful women) the baby wouldn't look too different. Even if my wife has dark eyes and my eyes are blue, it's a tossup.

would you say it's surprising Cameron Porras is LTRing a HAPA woman and me LTRing a mixed black woman?
On an individual level not really surprising since people can have different preferences that diverge from the average.
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On an individual level not really surprising since people can have different preferences that diverge from the average.
would you say I'm "different"?
white people date latinos much more than asians
white Spanish speaking people don't count.
like 20% of white american are with latinxes you obly see wmaf outliers in blackpill echo chsmbers
Even if Mestizas and HAPAs look the exact same, do you think Mestizas edge them out because of culture tax (closer to whiteness)?
Even if Mestizas and HAPAs look the exact same, do you think Mestizas edge them out because of culture tax (closer to whiteness)?
hapas make a very small amount if the population, mestizas look whiter cos indijos habe skull mire similiar to caucasoids
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mestizas look whiter cos indijos habe skull mire similiar to caucasoids
It's as if the mfer doesn't understand this concept
He just keeps asking "Why?" like a retard
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Usually it's like that. Ethnic and black men generally tend to prefer Latina and light MENA women, whereas white men, or white-adjacent men who were raised white, tend to prefer HAPA and Asian women.

The ethnic men will prefer the Latina over the HAPA who looks similar. Maybe it's a preference for proximity to Europeans.

Of course, there are exceptions (e.g. Cameron Porras, an Indian/White/Latino mixed man, in an LTR with a HAPA woman).
I think this tends to be true though I think it’s multiple factors. It’s partly cultural since Latinos and Blacks have more similar cultures both being lower income and originating in the more conservative and masculine south. You can see this in on the amount of gangsters who act black but are latino or the amount of latinos saying the n word and growing up in hood areas. While Asians tend to fit better into educate white culture doing especially well in school.

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