I remember some upper class white girl telling me BLM are community leaders



Sep 13, 2019
When black people shoot each other in record numbers, BLM are as silent as a mouse.

When tyrones fuck black girls, only to get them pregnant and leave 90% of the time, which has lead to a 50% fatherless rate in the black American community, BLM are Nowhere to be found.

When black Americans need economic empowerment and education, BLM do very little to expose the severity of these issues.

They rather repeat no justice, no peace, after a black guy gets shot. Rather than protest and use their clout for the economic security of black Americans. Some person here may say they mention this issue, and I don’t disagree. But they are pushed to the very bottom of BLM dogma and plans.

When black females abort black babies as if it’s a sport, BLM are no where to be found.

But they come out in large numbers when some black guy dies from police brutality, only to cause destruction and violence. What change has BLM achieved? They have been around since the Ferguson riots in 2014. Yet police brutality in America, especially against Black people, is an everyday occurrence.

Notorious cases of black men being shot lawfully or unlawfully happen at least twice a year. Literally not a single important thing has changed. Not a single issue Was fixed. Yet I’m told that BLM are community leaders.

When in reality, BLM are a parasite on the black community. They drain all of their energy and funnel it into useless activities which have bare minimum returns. They support the degeneration of the black family unit through silence. Most of BLM is headed by marxists anyway, who would be happy to see the family abolished.

The shit you find on the street every once in a while has done more than BLM has done in the last 6 years. Going towards a decade soon. Pathetic
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  • Woah
Reactions: Lmao, ToursOverBoyo2020, turkproducer and 7 others
black lice matters
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  • JFL
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Imagine caring about the NPC movement.

Nice thread bro
  • JFL
  • So Sad
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Reactions: Lev Peshkov, Deleted member 275, Deleted member 9072 and 1 other person
It’s Black Lives Matter until their in a elevator with Jamal by themselves
  • JFL
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Reactions: Lolcel, maxxedfalloutdweller and Blackout.xl
there are higher powers involved, controlling everything.

when will their final phase play out? only they know
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
there are higher powers involved, controlling everything.

when will their final phase play out? only they know
All we can Do is prepare
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Reactions: MrGlutton
I looked up and noticed a huge BLM mural on the wall. No thanks. I said "all lives matter, I quit! " I walked out and never looked back . I can do better!
  • JFL
Reactions: Lolcel and sytyl
Damm finally a self aware black individual, you're one of the highest iq users here bro. First time I see a black man call BLM on their bullshit
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  • JFL
Reactions: Lolcel, Deleted member 4430 and Deleted member 5145
Damm finally a self aware black individual, you're one of the highest iq users here bro. First time I see a black man call BLM on their bullshit
I am at awe too
I think he is a giga LARPer. His writing style is highly Lookism-like
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  • JFL
Reactions: sytyl and W0KESTMOTHF
White women are some of the most retarded fucking people in america.
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Reactions: SkinjobCatastrophe
The way that BLM supporters talk about black people makes it sound like they think blacks are powerless clods who just sit around and do nothing unless the white man comes to help him. What about all those black people that work hard and now have to shut down their businesses so they dont get destroyed, or the black people who try and stop black gun violence in the cities? They never get any congratulations. All these people couldnt have cared less about BLM earlier this year but now they all hop on the bandwagon but they still cant be bothered to actually help. Classic normies
  • +1
Reactions: maxxedfalloutdweller
The way that BLM supporters talk about black people makes it sound like they think blacks are powerless clods who just sit around and do nothing unless the white man comes to help him. What about all those black people that work hard and now have to shut down their businesses so they dont get destroyed, or the black people who try and stop black gun violence in the cities? They never get any congratulations. All these people couldnt have cared less about BLM earlier this year but now they all hop on the bandwagon but they still cant be bothered to actually help. Classic normies
FACTSONLY. its insane how the perspective of many Americans have changed to actually believe that burning down business EVEN BLACK OWNED is an effective way to handel civil inequality. Even the comments on the kyle rittenhouse incident go to show the insane positions people hold when it comes to self defense of property and personal well being. Over all it seems as though people are starting to Take more and more crazy stances in this crazy time we live in. I wouldnt be surprise if whites are become more racist towards blacks either. There are major issues( race, religion, policing, justice, improving economy) and on even single one of them the country is going at each other (left vs right) so hard its tearing this country apart. No matter who they elect this year this country will inevitably burn. The collapse is coming.
The tribe loves it when black and whites are at each other’s throats. Divide and conquer is there age old strategy after all. By Deception thou shalt wage war.
BLM is old, is this shit even relevant anymore? It was fun shitposting about it when ppl were having those black squares on instagram and shit, 3 months ago lmao.

Now? It's no longer cool man. We are all waiting for the next hyped incident to start posting about on socialmedia.
True, however after these actions I support BLM. Not because I agree with their ideology but because we have a common enemy that unites us-

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