i think most dudes don't know realize how emotionally manipulative women are



recessed subhuman
May 5, 2024
This might sound like a water is wet point, I always knew women had a reputation for being emotionally manipulative but once you really pay attention you'll be shocked at how often they use emotional manipulation when they're angry at you. it's like 2nd nature to them and they become really good at it because they do it so much to not only other people but each other. it's very rare for women to be openly aggressive with you

i've argued with women on twitter for years and they've always managed to drive me crazy in ways that men could never. I've had neo nazis insult me and call me every racial slur in the book but none of them could match how emotionally devastating some foids could be. they'd somehow know what my insecurities are and subtly use them against me without sounding like they were insulting me. men are much more straightforward, they'll openly insult you or do some version of a dick measuring contest.

@ElTruecel jfl remember how i was being a huge bitch to you back on .is and implying you were too low iq to study genetics? i think i picked up some of the emotional manipulation foids were doing to me and learned to use it against other people
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This might sound like a water is wet point, I always knew women had a reputation for being emotionally manipulative but once you really pay attention you'll be shocked at how often they use emotional manipulation when they're angry at you. it's like 2nd nature to them and they become really good at it because they do it so much to not only other people but each other. it's very rare for women to be openly aggressive with you

i've argued with women on twitter for years and they've always managed to drive me crazy in ways that men could never. I've had neo nazis insult me and call me every racial slur in the book but none of them could match how emotionally devastating some foids could be. they'd somehow know what my insecurities are and subtly use them against me without sounding like they were insulting me. men are much more straightforward, they'll openly insult you or do some version of a dick measuring contest.

@ElTruecel jfl remember how i was being a huge bitch to you back on .is and implying you were too low iq to study genetics? i think i picked up some of the emotional manipulation foids were doing to me and learned to use it against other people
We should learn from them.

This is why we need a socialmaxxing subforum. If we could learn to emulate women's manipulative strategies, it would be very useful.
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I can manipulate quite well, but I don't like to do it, for these very reasons I fail to manipulate.
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Reactions: Indracelly
I can manipulate quite well, but I don't like to do it, for these very reasons I fail to manipulate.
if you do it effectively you'll feel like shit afterwards
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Reactions: Darkeningstar
We should learn from them.

This is why we need a socialmaxxing subforum. If we could learn to emulate women's manipulative strategies, it would be very useful.
watch and listen to women closely, including how they interact with other women they hate.

for example, when they say the bar for men is low, you need to attack their insecurities. imply they're not attractive enough to find a desirable partner, and tell them that prettier women have no problem finding good men. to make it seem like you have their best interests and aren't being petty end it by telling them its so sad they dont work on themselves and instead lash out at everyone else.
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watch and listen to women closely, including how they interact with other women they hate.

for example, when they say the bar for men is low, you need to attack their insecurities. imply they're not attractive enough to find a desirable partner, and tell them that prettier women have no problem finding good men. to make it seem like you have their best interests and aren't being petty end it by telling them its so sad they dont work on themselves and instead lash out at everyone else.
I mean why would they believe you when their smv is literally infinite, especially when they are young.
I mean why would they believe you when their smv is literally infinite, especially when they are young.
it doesn't matter what the truth is, all that matters is what they believe and what their insecurities are. women are insecure about attractive girls and not being good enough
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Op is a pussy and let's women get him upset
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You’ve never had a foid mad at you if you think women can’t get you upset
Yeah, when I was young and stupid about how women use manipulation because they know they can't use strength against men

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