I told my Auntie I view women as inferior species



Crusader ghazi jihadi mujahideen, YESHUA ACKBAR
Sep 19, 2021
She asked me about how I treat a GF and if I have dated local girls (I refer to them as “those creatures”)

She said she noticed I speak about foids with vim and disgust and share with them never agreeing with their takes and calling it retarded 🤣. I’m kinda an open book I admit it so I struggle to hide shit.

I just told her that “women are not mentally capable of being treated equally with men unless they are 35+ yrs of age. Their brains are very juvenile and chaotic, it’s best to treat women like overgrown children for that is mentally what they are

She said this is why I can’t get a gf but no, I came to this conclusion after realising treating women equally to men leads to inceldom. Women ought to be treated as cum buckets and chef 👩‍🍳 dispensers.
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@TechnoBoss @MoggerGaston @Sprinkles whay do u guys think
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She asked me about how I treat a GF and if I have dated local girls (I refer to them as “those creatures”)

She said she noticed I speak about foids with vim and disgust :forcedsmile:. I’m kinda an open book I admit it so I struggle to hide shit.

I just told her that “women are not mentally capable of being treated equally with men unless they are 35+ yrs of age. Their brains are very juvenile and chaotic, it’s best to treat women like overgrown children for that is mentally what they are”

She said this is why I can’t get a gf but no, I came to this conclusion after realising treating women equally to men leads to inceldom. Women ought to be treated as cum buckets and chef 👩‍🍳 dispensers.
Ur aunt sounds like a qt
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Ur aunt sounds like a qt
She’s nice she knows my situation as a incel 🪦 but I don’t bitch about it much. I don’t look for women anymore I’m ok playing video games tbh def srs. I’m over women I won’t ever get one so best just forgetting they exist and jack off to porn and do my own shit.

She gets it cos she’s a black foid and kinda red pilled so she unlike other groups of women can sympathise and understand (she’s also above 35 so her brain works properly)
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Most normal christcuck
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She gets it cos she’s a black foid and kinda red pilled so she unlike other groups of women can sympathise and understand (she’s also above 35 so her brain works properly)
Yeah tbat checks out. If u want too u gotta tell her that being redpilled (not say the word but her current ideology) is being delusional with a good mindset, but blackpilled is being realistic with a bad mindset
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Most normal christcuck
My situation isn’t due to RELGION. I’m a mentalcel, with my mental issues it’s not a surprise I’m incel. Once I came to accept this fact I have been at peace. Being mentalcel is equivalent to being a 5’2 Manlet or a 3/10 subhuman.
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  • Hmm...
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She asked me about how I treat a GF and if I have dated local girls (I refer to them as “those creatures”)

She said she noticed I speak about foids with vim and disgust and share with them never agreeing with their takes and calling it retarded 🤣. I’m kinda an open book I admit it so I struggle to hide shit.

I just told her that “women are not mentally capable of being treated equally with men unless they are 35+ yrs of age. Their brains are very juvenile and chaotic, it’s best to treat women like overgrown children for that is mentally what they are

She said this is why I can’t get a gf but no, I came to this conclusion after realising treating women equally to men leads to inceldom. Women ought to be treated as cum buckets and chef 👩‍🍳 dispensers.
My situation isn’t due to RELGION. I’m a mentalcel, with my mental issues it’s not a surprise I’m incel. Once I came to accept this fact I have been at peace. Being mentalcel is equivalent to being a 5’2 Manlet or a 3/10 subhuman.
What race are you?
She asked me about how I treat a GF and if I have dated local girls (I refer to them as “those creatures”)

She said she noticed I speak about foids with vim and disgust and share with them never agreeing with their takes and calling it retarded 🤣. I’m kinda an open book I admit it so I struggle to hide shit.

I just told her that “women are not mentally capable of being treated equally with men unless they are 35+ yrs of age. Their brains are very juvenile and chaotic, it’s best to treat women like overgrown children for that is mentally what they are

She said this is why I can’t get a gf but no, I came to this conclusion after realising treating women equally to men leads to inceldom. Women ought to be treated as cum buckets and chef 👩‍🍳 dispensers.
Based. Not even really a woman hater, but women are massive hypocrites and lack accountability.
My situation isn’t due to RELGION. I’m a mentalcel, with my mental issues it’s not a surprise I’m incel. Once I came to accept this fact I have been at peace. Being mentalcel is equivalent to being a 5’2 Manlet or a 3/10 subhuman.
Its possible to fix tho, im not saying you’re invalid for being a mentalcel. Imagine if chico was on a date and started spacing out and acting retarded and extremely quite jfl. ‘Hes cute but hes fucking retarded’

This is possible to fix with exposure therapy, drugs, and completely forcing yourself to alter ur self image
Yeah tbat checks out. If u want too u gotta tell her that being redpilled (not say the word but her current ideology) is being delusional with a good mindset, but blackpilled is being realistic with a bad mindset
She’s racepilled btw :lul:

Black foids tend to be the most understanding of male plight (not all cos my mums ex stacylite so she doesn’t get my inceldom).

Either way a foid is a foid and I just let it be known I ain’t looking for a GF and that my family needs to stop asking me about it :lul: I won’t get one, you’ll never see me bring a foid home that’s for NTs and I’m not NT and girls in my location don’t like me at all I’m literally 0’womens type where I live :lul:
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Its possible to fix tho, im not saying you’re invalid for being a mentalcel. Imagine if chico was on a date and started spacing out and acting retarded and extremely quite jfl. ‘Hes cute but hes fucking retarded’

This is possible to fix with exposure therapy, drugs, and completely forcing yourself to alter ur self image
Yes I’ve had girls even say “you’re lucky your cute otherwise I’d have ghosted u for what you did” but there’s limits and I’m not ATTRACTIVE enough to overcome my autism, ADHD and mild anxiety. I have the ultimate trifecta and now depression to top it off. I’m literally COOKED
Black foids tend to be the most understanding of male plight (not all cos my mums ex stacylite so she doesn’t get my inceldom).
This is why many foids dont get the blackpill. They’ve never experienced anything close to it. And i hope u the best brah
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I may disagree w christianity, but be respectful of their beliefs saar
Brother he’s Hindu… I’m critical of all religions but There’s a reason why if I wasn’t Christian Islam seems like a good option :lul: or at least seemed like it. Also he’s a Hindu so his opinion is like that of the cows he worships. Useless, ill get Omar to conquer India again and rape their people like the Mughals did :lul: based Muslims cuckong the Hindus @Mosh12 learn your place you red dot bitch before I use that dot on your head as target

Muslims did some based things and conquering India is one of them. A shame Muslims never rooted out that gay shit fully
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Christianity is literal paganism
Modern islam is too. Following men over what Allah has preached, accusing Allah of things he never forbade, doing things Allah never told us to do, praising/glorifying dead people that dont hear us
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Brother he’s Hindu… I’m critical of all religions but There’s a reason why if I wasn’t Christian Islam seems like a good option :lul: or at least seemed like it. Also he’s a Hindu so his opinion is like that of the cows he worships. Useless, ill get Omar to conquer India again and rape their people like the Mughals did :lul: based Muslims cuckong the Hindus @Mosh12 learn your place you red dot bitch before I use that dot on your head as target
I disagree even more with hinduism but we still got to be respectful and debate/exchange knowledge in a good manner like how the quran in 16:125 tells us
Modern islam is too. Following men over what Allah has preached, accusing Allah of things he never forbade, doing things Allah never told us to do, praising/glorifying dead people that dont hear us
Quran only Muslim? @Gengar i found a like minded brotha you 2 would get along

And yes the Hadiths are Unreliable it’s a fact. Throw them out the window it does more to weaken Islam than strengthen it
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Quran only Muslim? @Gengar i found a like minded brotha you 2 would get along

And yes the Hadiths are Unreliable it’s a fact. Throw them out the window it does more to weaken Islam than strengthen it
Hadiths are based off of just ‘trust me bro, this guy told me this guy last generation ago said this guy last generation ago said that this guy last generation ago….. all the way that the prophet did this’

And based on what are the she said he said ppl are trustworthy even 😂😂😂??? Some scholar from 300 years after the prophet Muhammad’s death??

And Muslim is a word that has nothing to do with following the message/teachings of a prophet that God sent, more so to do with surrendering your will to God and peacemaking. That is how its defined, chdck this video out if ur interested, its cool if u not tho:

The actual word for ‘muslim’ is mumeen, which means ‘believer’ roughly
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Hadiths are based off of just ‘trust me bro, this guy told me this guy last generation ago said this guy last generation ago said that this guy last generation ago….. all the way that the prophet did this’

And based on what are the she said he said ppl are trustworthy even 😂😂😂??? Some scholar from 300 years after the prophet Muhammad’s death??

And Muslim is a word that has nothing to do with following the message/teachings of a prophet that God sent, more so to do with surrendering your will to God and peacemaking. That is how its defined, chdck this video out if ur interested, its cool if u not tho:

The actual word for ‘muslim’ is mumeen, which means ‘believer’ roughly

It’s hard to be Muslim without it though cos it’s your oral tradition a lot of stuff in your RELGION relies on Hadith that’s why it’s a bitch. I’d never throw away my Christian traditions but for us it’s legible as it was written down by the church early on by the apostles and their disciples unlike Hadiths which were orally transmitted for 300 years then written down

It’s a shame but in a way you kinda need it for shaahda prayer etc etc. but still I can’t take it srs the stuff in there is ridiculous. Quran isn’t a bad book tbh but Hadiths are meme worthy
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I disagree, it’s THEIR entire religion. Not my system of life that God gave us
Just so you know many Muslims will Takfir you for this which is a shame. But reasaerch more and you’ll come tot eh truth brother. I always got along with Muslims the most anyways esp the higher IQ ones (Shia and Quran only) so I trust your high IQ enough to know your shit
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Muslims will Takfir you for this which is a shame
Those dont even know the true meaning of kufr defined by thr Quran
DBBC4AD1 5C12 475C B548 1D86995B9D31

so I trust your high IQ enough to know your shit
Oh and dont trust me blindly jfl. You habe to verify it for yourself and not just believe in thjngs blindly. Thats what I love about the Quran, Allah says that his worst creation are those who dont think, and that we should always question everything
133FF070 4F97 4FFF A2BC 73BBA532C333
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My situation isn’t due to RELGION. I’m a mentalcel, with my mental issues it’s not a surprise I’m incel. Once I came to accept this fact I have been at peace. Being mentalcel is equivalent to being a 5’2 Manlet or a 3/10 subhuman.

I've been to a few churchs now and i can safely say 90% of the young men there are legitimate Incels.

Don't pretend like Church isn't a breeding ground for incels.
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I've been to a few churchs now and i can safely say 90% of the young men there are legitimate Incels.

Don't pretend like Church isn't a breeding ground for incels.
he claims christian men become chads by virtue of their belief in a dead jew
he claims christian men become chads by virtue of their belief in a dead jew

No his admitted churchs are a sausage fest to his credit, his at least honest
I've been to a few churchs now and i can safely say 90% of the young men there are legitimate Incels.

Don't pretend like Church isn't a breeding ground for incels.
I disagree, not the ones I have gone 2. Maybe the ones you go 2. Most of the guys I know there have gfs infact they turn up with their gfs. But as I said it’s dependant on where you personally go and your location you can’t make a broad sweeping generalisation especially to a guy who lives in another country like myself.

@Mosh12 your obsessed with Christianity aren’t you lol
@Chadeep dont listen to this retard he worships fire :lul:
No his admitted churchs are a sausage fest to his credit, his at least honest
Well I said apostolic churches are sausage fests for young people (and the women in these ones tend to be strict so your gonna have to marry them to get your cock touched). Evangelical ones are mainly females but as I said those types tend to not be the chaste type your into.
Those dont even know the true meaning of kufr defined by thr Quran
View attachment 3380469

Oh and dont trust me blindly jfl. You habe to verify it for yourself and not just believe in thjngs blindly. Thats what I love about the Quran, Allah says that his worst creation are those who dont think, and that we should always question everything
View attachment 3380472
Quran breaks many of those rules itself :forcedsmile: but it’s not my job to argue with you so I’ll just go along with it. But trust me I have researched Islam :forcedsmile:I know more about it than most Muslims there’s a reason why I’m Christian. But for you to reject Sunna (Hadith) requires you to already have a higher IQ
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Well I said apostolic churches are sausage fests for young people (and the women in these ones tend to be strict so your gonna have to marry them to get your cock touched). Evangelical ones are mainly females but as I said those types tend to not be the chaste type your into.

hillsong here in Australia does have more women but they are all whores, and its just concerts theres no way to actually mingle with these girls
I disagree, not the ones I have gone 2. Maybe the ones you go 2. Most of the guys I know there have gfs infact they turn up with their gfs. But as I said it’s dependant on where you personally go and your location you can’t make a broad sweeping generalisation especially to a guy who lives in another country like myself.

@Mosh12 your obsessed with Christianity aren’t you lol
@Chadeep dont listen to this retard he worships fire :lul:
What race are Mosh and Other Guy?
Quran only Muslim? @Gengar i found a like minded brotha you 2 would get along

And yes the Hadiths are Unreliable it’s a fact. Throw them out the window it does more to weaken Islam than strengthen it
Hadiths are based off of just ‘trust me bro, this guy told me this guy last generation ago said this guy last generation ago said that this guy last generation ago….. all the way that the prophet did this’
And if you don’t think that’s as important as the Qur’an, then you’re a stinky kafir! 😡
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And if you don’t think that’s as important as the Qur’an, then you’re a stinky kafir! 😡
they value hadith more bc of the made up concept of abrogation, just burn those Quran verses if theyre useless
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they value hadith more bc of the made up concept of abrogation, just burn those Quran verses if theyre useless
It’s still beyond me how they place so much importance on something manmade, and then have the audacity to say it has to be followed like the divine. It’s crazy.
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I mean you're right about foids and ur aunt is a foid so....
@TechnoBoss @MoggerGaston @Sprinkles whay do u guys think
I just told her that “women are not mentally capable of being treated equally with men unless they are 35+ yrs of age. Their brains are very juvenile and chaotic, it’s best to treat women like overgrown children for that is mentally what they are

She said this is why I can’t get a gf but no, I came to this conclusion after realising treating women equally to men leads to inceldom. Women ought to be treated as cum buckets and chef 👩‍🍳 dispensers.

leonardo dicaprio gatsby GIF

they need to be in the kitchen making sandwiches or working in a brothel
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Howa ur Aunt is she hot
She asked me about how I treat a GF and if I have dated local girls (I refer to them as “those creatures”)

She said she noticed I speak about foids with vim and disgust and share with them never agreeing with their takes and calling it retarded 🤣. I’m kinda an open book I admit it so I struggle to hide shit.

I just told her that “women are not mentally capable of being treated equally with men unless they are 35+ yrs of age. Their brains are very juvenile and chaotic, it’s best to treat women like overgrown children for that is mentally what they are

She said this is why I can’t get a gf but no, I came to this conclusion after realising treating women equally to men leads to inceldom. Women ought to be treated as cum buckets and chef 👩‍🍳 dispensers.
You remind me of the: "TheTroonAnnihilator."

Low-inhib mogger:feelsokman:
Black foids tend to be the most understanding of male plight (not all cos my mums ex stacylite so she doesn’t get my inceldom).
They dont get female "muh just be a gentleman" treatment, even from their own men 😭😭😭. They also dont have juggernaut law unless its a worthless hookup with an LTN (which to women just feels like being used as a cumrag anyway, sort of how you would eat a stacy out but not a LTB) and they have to be Stacylite to get white MTB treatment and Asian LTB treatment, which actually means be a stacy because men are harder on black women, brutal. Meanwhile their men can have infinite hookups due to BBC stereotype (hookups not LTR, black men have a horrible time with LTR because stereotypes/reputation of being a gangster which also help with hookups/"slays") and go around fucking women of all races, even the subhuman do this which is remarkable. Like the male situation but as a woman, and they have to deal with all the disadvantages of being a woman times 10, because men, especially whites (and their own, blacks :lul::lul::lul:) unleash their inner Andrew Tate upon them and save the "nice caring male feminist" side for white (or in the case of whites, asian) women. Only men who can truly understand them are asian men, which is why BFAM is more common nowadays. Truly brutal.
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She asked me about how I treat a GF and if I have dated local girls (I refer to them as “those creatures”)

She said she noticed I speak about foids with vim and disgust and share with them never agreeing with their takes and calling it retarded 🤣. I’m kinda an open book I admit it so I struggle to hide shit.

I just told her that “women are not mentally capable of being treated equally with men unless they are 35+ yrs of age. Their brains are very juvenile and chaotic, it’s best to treat women like overgrown children for that is mentally what they are

She said this is why I can’t get a gf but no, I came to this conclusion after realising treating women equally to men leads to inceldom. Women ought to be treated as cum buckets and chef 👩‍🍳 dispensers.
This is so cringe lil bro holy shit you stink
They dont get female "muh just be a gentleman" treatment, even from their own men 😭😭😭. They also dont have juggernaut law unless its a worthless hookup with an LTN (which to women just feels like being used as a cumrag anyway, sort of how you would eat a stacy out but not a LTB) and they have to be Stacylite to get white MTB treatment and Asian LTB treatment, which actually means be a stacy because men are harder on black women, brutal. Meanwhile their men can have infinite hookups due to BBC stereotype (hookups not LTR, black men have a horrible time with LTR because stereotypes/reputation of being a gangster which also help with hookups/"slays") and go around fucking women of all races, even the subhuman do this which is remarkable. Like the male situation but as a woman, and they have to deal with all the disadvantages of being a woman times 10, because men, especially whites (and their own, blacks :lul::lul::lul:) unleash their inner Andrew Tate upon them and save the "nice caring male feminist" side for white (or in the case of whites, asian) women. Only men who can truly understand them are asian men, which is why BFAM is more common nowadays. Truly brutal.
Bullshit. To all you said also write in paragraph nobody wants to read a block of text kid

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