I wanna start Vyvance how much should I take to begin?



Godking of Narcy Pirates (Soul of a Curry) 🏴‍☠️
Sep 19, 2021
I need to get out of my rut or I’ll 100% rope and thus I have come to the fourm to ask the ADHDcels what should I take? And what doses should a NOOB to it take

I live in the United shithole so I cannot be fuckin arsed booking a dr appointment that will have me waiting till June to get an appointment only for them to say “just go home and sleep you’ll feel better :feelsgood:“ esp as I’m a man and our issues don’t matter
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I need to get out of my rut or I’ll 100% rope and thus I have come to the fourm to ask the ADHDcels what should I take? And what doses should a NOOB to it take

I live in the United shithole so I cannot be fuckin arsed booking a dr appointment that will have me waiting till June to get an appointment only for them to say “just go home and sleep you’ll feel better :feelsgood:“ esp as I’m a man and our issues don’t matter
I take Adderall works for me, I tried Vyvance didn't work for me
I take Adderall works for me, I tried Vyvance didn't work for me
U sure? I heard adderall gets you addicted

If so which dose should a nooob start. I need this shit maybe it will change my life as I’m just not feeling this current existence
United States? They overprescribe it here. So if you can’t get it from one then find another pcp. UK- idk, but in school tons of friends had links to others who sold it. So you would have to find someone at uni. Don’t start high
United States? They overprescribe it here. So if you can’t get it from one then find another pcp. UK- idk, but in school tons of friends had links to others who sold it. So you would have to find someone at uni. Don’t start high
Shittest isles is where I’m from and we have the GAYHS services which take the piss I can find places online to order but I jsut dunno which dose to start. Simply saying don’t go high doesn’t narrow it down much as it goes from 5-70mg :forcedsmile:

So umm yeah…
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Shittest isles is where I’m from and we have the GAYHS services which take the piss I can find places online to order but I jsut dunno which dose to start. Simply saying don’t go high doesn’t narrow it down much as it goes from 5-70mg :forcedsmile:

So umm yeah…
I mean you don’t want to take something higher dose in general especially if it’s a controlled substances that has high change of addiction and dependence right? So start low and titrate up to see how u react and if you have room for more if needed. Ngl I’m gonna need to find some to for the mcat. Docs I went to told me I don’t have adhd because my grades were fine but studying without structure is tough.

It’s like the gear heads. No one starts blasting right away right. Just start at a lower or moderate low dose. Everyone is different. 10ish might be more than enough for u vs nothing for some1 else
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I mean you don’t want to take something higher dose in general especially if it’s a controlled substances that has high change of addiction and dependence right? So start low and titrate up to see how u react and if you have room for more if needed. Ngl I’m gonna need to find some to for the mcat. Docs I went to told me I don’t have adhd because my grades were fine but studying without structure is tough.

It’s like the gear heads. No one starts blasting right away right. Just start at a lower or moderate low dose. Everyone is different. 10ish might be more than enough for u vs nothing for some1 else
Yeah I’ll guy 10 fuck it. Mayeb thag mah work and I’ll feel human
Actually I’ll find some1 who has adhd and buy it. Dark web might fuck me over and lie.

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