I want to rope in the coming days my final thread. My thoughts , sorry if too long to read

see u tmrw blud
bhai, dont rope. PM.
  • +1
Reactions: LuckyBeast
im sorry bhai that it happened to you. I really hope that you’ll be able to rest in peace and that if your family or anyone you know should find out and safe you, that you are gonna recover. Even tho I wasn’t on this forum this long you are still one of the best and funniest people on here
see u tomorrow
  • +1
Reactions: truthhurts
relax nigga you are 6'5 you don't have to rope
  • +1
Reactions: LuckyBeast and truthhurts
I punched everyone in my family because I don’t know how to express my anger. Maybe I should just stab people at school. I’m scared God is gonna punish me. I’m mentally ill and I think I’m actually ugly I don’t know how to fix acne , acne scars. I’ve got subhuman digestive system can’t eat enough I’m actually lower than 6”2 , 5”11. I larped about my height. Maybe my destiny was to rope in the end. I can’t feel life satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school all to now. I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy I just wanna feel at peace and not be in mental pain anymore. I’m already starting to have a few hallucinations and I want to stop this torment of living. I can’t cope with things like vidya and this forum anymore as I always feel unsatisfied and can’t escape things made me feel made or sad. im happy to meet you all and I really liked it when I laughed at threads of other people , I liked when I tried giving people other advice. I liked laughing together. It’s not the forums fault that I’m gonna rope , it made me feel better and I made a lot of online friends. It’s how I slowly became insane and being exposed to internet early learning the truths of this world and then developing mental illness. It’s too late to fix me. I also feel alone for some reason even though I live with my family. I feel scared and empty. I also hate school is just a camp made by kikes to teach me fake things. God please I repent and forgive me for the evil things I’ve done please Lord Jesus I hope you know me , please forgive me of the lust , anger , gluttony , pride and etc that I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t want to feel sin anymore and be in a state of confusion. Please cure me of the demons and spirits haunting me. I don’t like living , it doesn’t feel good , it feels dead

I’m gonna dox myself but Idc . My name is Stefan it was a pleasure to meet everybody I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then

Idc if you say dnr this is just my thoughts

It’s too late to back down from roping as I already made this thread and it will be cringe if I come back. I’m sorry if I insulted you then you probably have it better than me in soyciety and are more mentally stable. I forgive other people. But
In general I dislike what humanity is and what It has become.

why did i make this thread its cringe why do i think a lot of things is cringe

People will laugh at me under this thread

Made I should go and stab some people at school I already dropped out today , to not be a pussy and go er and then rope but no I’m scared God won’t forgive me.

Is roping a pussy move ? Why would i want to feel more stress then in life.

Even if i did become extremely good looking i would of just commit lust and pride

dont rope man. Its not worth it
  • +1
Reactions: LuckyBeast
relax nigga you are 6'5 you don't have to rope
oh nigga sorry dnr. but still DON'T ROPE! you are only 16 nigga. in 10-15 years there will be nano bots and ASI and what not. you can ascend and be part of a new human race. Just moneymaxxx to effort longevity and trust in me, I will found my own looksmax state when I have enough money to invest I'll become a billionaire
  • +1
Reactions: LuckyBeast and truthhurts
I punched everyone in my family because I don’t know how to express my anger. Maybe I should just stab people at school. I’m scared God is gonna punish me. I’m mentally ill and I think I’m actually ugly I don’t know how to fix acne , acne scars. I’ve got subhuman digestive system can’t eat enough I’m actually lower than 6”2 , 5”11. I larped about my height. Maybe my destiny was to rope in the end. I can’t feel life satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school all to now. I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy I just wanna feel at peace and not be in mental pain anymore. I’m already starting to have a few hallucinations and I want to stop this torment of living. I can’t cope with things like vidya and this forum anymore as I always feel unsatisfied and can’t escape things made me feel made or sad. im happy to meet you all and I really liked it when I laughed at threads of other people , I liked when I tried giving people other advice. I liked laughing together. It’s not the forums fault that I’m gonna rope , it made me feel better and I made a lot of online friends. It’s how I slowly became insane and being exposed to internet early learning the truths of this world and then developing mental illness. It’s too late to fix me. I also feel alone for some reason even though I live with my family. I feel scared and empty. I also hate school is just a camp made by kikes to teach me fake things. God please I repent and forgive me for the evil things I’ve done please Lord Jesus I hope you know me , please forgive me of the lust , anger , gluttony , pride and etc that I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t want to feel sin anymore and be in a state of confusion. Please cure me of the demons and spirits haunting me. I don’t like living , it doesn’t feel good , it feels dead

I’m gonna dox myself but Idc . My name is Stefan it was a pleasure to meet everybody I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then

Idc if you say dnr this is just my thoughts

It’s too late to back down from roping as I already made this thread and it will be cringe if I come back. I’m sorry if I insulted you then you probably have it better than me in soyciety and are more mentally stable. I forgive other people. But
In general I dislike what humanity is and what It has become.

why did i make this thread its cringe why do i think a lot of things is cringe

People will laugh at me under this thread

Made I should go and stab some people at school I already dropped out today , to not be a pussy and go er and then rope but no I’m scared God won’t forgive me.

Is roping a pussy move ? Why would i want to feel more stress then in life.

Even if i did become extremely good looking i would of just commit lust and pride

Serious talk. I know how you feel exactly man. I’ve tried ODing, that failed, slit my throat and wrists, that failed too. I don’t know what your method going to try, but most likely you’ll fail either way and just end up worse off, try again, fail, rinse and repeat. Trust me, the effort is not worth the squeeze. I don’t know exactly what your going through, but please PM me if you need to talk. I know it’s cliche, but please, you remind me of me and I want
I punched everyone in my family because I don’t know how to express my anger. Maybe I should just stab people at school. I’m scared God is gonna punish me. I’m mentally ill and I think I’m actually ugly I don’t know how to fix acne , acne scars. I’ve got subhuman digestive system can’t eat enough I’m actually lower than 6”2 , 5”11. I larped about my height. Maybe my destiny was to rope in the end. I can’t feel life satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school all to now. I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy I just wanna feel at peace and not be in mental pain anymore. I’m already starting to have a few hallucinations and I want to stop this torment of living. I can’t cope with things like vidya and this forum anymore as I always feel unsatisfied and can’t escape things made me feel made or sad. im happy to meet you all and I really liked it when I laughed at threads of other people , I liked when I tried giving people other advice. I liked laughing together. It’s not the forums fault that I’m gonna rope , it made me feel better and I made a lot of online friends. It’s how I slowly became insane and being exposed to internet early learning the truths of this world and then developing mental illness. It’s too late to fix me. I also feel alone for some reason even though I live with my family. I feel scared and empty. I also hate school is just a camp made by kikes to teach me fake things. God please I repent and forgive me for the evil things I’ve done please Lord Jesus I hope you know me , please forgive me of the lust , anger , gluttony , pride and etc that I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t want to feel sin anymore and be in a state of confusion. Please cure me of the demons and spirits haunting me. I don’t like living , it doesn’t feel good , it feels dead

I’m gonna dox myself but Idc . My name is Stefan it was a pleasure to meet everybody I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then

Idc if you say dnr this is just my thoughts

It’s too late to back down from roping as I already made this thread and it will be cringe if I come back. I’m sorry if I insulted you then you probably have it better than me in soyciety and are more mentally stable. I forgive other people. But
In general I dislike what humanity is and what It has become.

why did i make this thread its cringe why do i think a lot of things is cringe

People will laugh at me under this thread

Made I should go and stab some people at school I already dropped out today , to not be a pussy and go er and then rope but no I’m scared God won’t forgive me.

Is roping a pussy move ? Why would i want to feel more stress then in life.

Even if i did become extremely good looking i would of just commit lust and pride

Hey man, I’m in a similar position to you myself. I’ve tried ODing, that failed, slit my throat and wrists, that failed too. I don’t know what method your going to use but most likely you’ll end up failing, trying again, failing again and end up worse off, etc. The juice is not worth the squeeze man, trust me, been there, done that. I know how exactly how you feel man. Humanity is depraved and spineless, and people only care about themselves whilst me and you are ostracised by the world we wished we belonged in. I don’t know exactly what your going through but please feel free to PM me with anything you have to say, I’ll happily listen. Your a good guy who’s been pushed over the edge because of the bad hand you’ve been delt. I know I’m not want you want to fill the void in your soul, but please man, I really want to help you. You remind me of me. From here on out, I’ve got your back.
oh nigga sorry dnr. but still DON'T ROPE! you are only 16 nigga. in 10-15 years there will be nano bots and ASI and what not. you can ascend and be part of a new human race. Just moneymaxxx to effort longevity and trust in me, I will found my own looksmax state when I have enough money to invest I'll become a billionaire
That won’t happen
Suffering is voluntary
What about your state

And what will singularity change in me
It will change literally everything. At least be curious how the next 10-15 years turn out.
  • +1
Reactions: truthhurts
  • +1
Reactions: truthhurts
Mental illness isn’t cringe bro ur valid,

drugs really helped me after I attempted, ik it sounds retarded but it’s genuinely you vs your brain and drugs make it way easier to cope,

Bye man, I hope u find the help u need
I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then
You have too much life too live to want to end it at 16 dude -- Too much to learn about and see

You're an above average height, have flaws that can EASILY be fixed, and a few anger issues a good therapist could help suppress. Nothing is your fault, trust me

It won't be embarassing either if you do come back. If anything it's more disappointing if someone yet to find his true values in life kills himself.

If you'd like we can talk on another social media app if you need to vent or express your problems
That just means ai will take over
yea and it will be better. be a man, roping is for pussys. I have depression myself and I could have roped dozen of times, I'm also already 25 and you are a lot younger than me, there is so much you can do now to create a better life in the future. I wish I could be 16 again.

Before you do anything or commit, try taking an SSRI. It will take a long time to work (several months) but once it does, you will be much more capable of controlling things like mood swings. It’s also neuroprotective. Nvm. I saw you had hallucinations, this will make it much worse. You have to see a psychiatrist asap or it will get worse. You have to take antipsychotics.
big pharma propaganda
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: truthhurts and sb23
I punched everyone in my family because I don’t know how to express my anger. Maybe I should just stab people at school. I’m scared God is gonna punish me. I’m mentally ill and I think I’m actually ugly I don’t know how to fix acne , acne scars. I’ve got subhuman digestive system can’t eat enough I’m actually lower than 6”2 , 5”11. I larped about my height. Maybe my destiny was to rope in the end. I can’t feel life satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school all to now. I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy I just wanna feel at peace and not be in mental pain anymore. I’m already starting to have a few hallucinations and I want to stop this torment of living. I can’t cope with things like vidya and this forum anymore as I always feel unsatisfied and can’t escape things made me feel made or sad. im happy to meet you all and I really liked it when I laughed at threads of other people , I liked when I tried giving people other advice. I liked laughing together. It’s not the forums fault that I’m gonna rope , it made me feel better and I made a lot of online friends. It’s how I slowly became insane and being exposed to internet early learning the truths of this world and then developing mental illness. It’s too late to fix me. I also feel alone for some reason even though I live with my family. I feel scared and empty. I also hate school is just a camp made by kikes to teach me fake things. God please I repent and forgive me for the evil things I’ve done please Lord Jesus I hope you know me , please forgive me of the lust , anger , gluttony , pride and etc that I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t want to feel sin anymore and be in a state of confusion. Please cure me of the demons and spirits haunting me. I don’t like living , it doesn’t feel good , it feels dead

I’m gonna dox myself but Idc . My name is Stefan it was a pleasure to meet everybody I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then

Idc if you say dnr this is just my thoughts

It’s too late to back down from roping as I already made this thread and it will be cringe if I come back. I’m sorry if I insulted you then you probably have it better than me in soyciety and are more mentally stable. I forgive other people. But
In general I dislike what humanity is and what It has become.

why did i make this thread its cringe why do i think a lot of things is cringe

People will laugh at me under this thread

Made I should go and stab some people at school I already dropped out today , to not be a pussy and go er and then rope but no I’m scared God won’t forgive me.

Is roping a pussy move ? Why would i want to feel more stress then in life.

Even if i did become extremely good looking i would of just commit lust and pride

U actually need help ur a sicko it is never that deep go hardmaxx if u suffer that much
don't let autism consum you. i was ugly as fuck back when i was 15 too, that was 3 years ago. i fixed my life in these past few years and it was bloody hard, but when i did everything became better. people treated me better, complimented me physique, asked me what my routine was. so many guys started to look up to me.

and now if you rope you're just wasting all that potential you might have

all you have to do is:
1. gym
2.healthy diet
3. 8 hrs of sleep
4. have a social life, meet people, make friends

and see the magic happen

also, get tf away from all this blackpill nonsense for a while cuz it look like you've been fed a lot of bullshit
It will get better man it eventually will, you’re still so young. I’m currently in a bad state mentally too because some asshole scammed me for a lot of money. There’s so much time for good stuff to happen to you. Just hold on to whatever good you can think off.

Do things that make you feel something (if its healthy ofcourse, seriously don’t rot or something harmful). Take a break from this forum. Try something new! This forum may seem like a shitty place sometimes, but even in here there’s a lot of people worried about you. That must say something.

Even if right now it feels like it will be impossible to ever feel happy again. It is 100% possible. And it’s not worth it, don’t end it. If there aren’t any good memories you can think off, then you can just make them from now on.
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I punched everyone in my family because I don’t know how to express my anger. Maybe I should just stab people at school. I’m scared God is gonna punish me. I’m mentally ill and I think I’m actually ugly I don’t know how to fix acne , acne scars. I’ve got subhuman digestive system can’t eat enough I’m actually lower than 6”2 , 5”11. I larped about my height. Maybe my destiny was to rope in the end. I can’t feel life satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school all to now. I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy I just wanna feel at peace and not be in mental pain anymore. I’m already starting to have a few hallucinations and I want to stop this torment of living. I can’t cope with things like vidya and this forum anymore as I always feel unsatisfied and can’t escape things made me feel made or sad. im happy to meet you all and I really liked it when I laughed at threads of other people , I liked when I tried giving people other advice. I liked laughing together. It’s not the forums fault that I’m gonna rope , it made me feel better and I made a lot of online friends. It’s how I slowly became insane and being exposed to internet early learning the truths of this world and then developing mental illness. It’s too late to fix me. I also feel alone for some reason even though I live with my family. I feel scared and empty. I also hate school is just a camp made by kikes to teach me fake things. God please I repent and forgive me for the evil things I’ve done please Lord Jesus I hope you know me , please forgive me of the lust , anger , gluttony , pride and etc that I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t want to feel sin anymore and be in a state of confusion. Please cure me of the demons and spirits haunting me. I don’t like living , it doesn’t feel good , it feels dead

I’m gonna dox myself but Idc . My name is Stefan it was a pleasure to meet everybody I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then

Idc if you say dnr this is just my thoughts

It’s too late to back down from roping as I already made this thread and it will be cringe if I come back. I’m sorry if I insulted you then you probably have it better than me in soyciety and are more mentally stable. I forgive other people. But
In general I dislike what humanity is and what It has become.

why did i make this thread its cringe why do i think a lot of things is cringe

People will laugh at me under this thread

Made I should go and stab some people at school I already dropped out today , to not be a pussy and go er and then rope but no I’m scared God won’t forgive me.

Is roping a pussy move ? Why would i want to feel more stress then in life.

Even if i did become extremely good looking i would of just commit lust and pride

Maybe I should farm rep this way
at least i liked your avi
if youre going to kill yourself then you should atleast be a man and die a glorious death, go kill a serial killer or something, go wrestle a bear, go and cave your schools bully skull in, dont vent to us and then die like a faggot. be a man
Wrestling a bear is not a glorious death, you'll get pinned to the ground in seconds and get eaten alive.
  • JFL
Reactions: dbva
dnr fully + go see a psychiatrist
lol goatis???
IMG 0507
I punched everyone in my family because I don’t know how to express my anger. Maybe I should just stab people at school. I’m scared God is gonna punish me. I’m mentally ill and I think I’m actually ugly I don’t know how to fix acne , acne scars. I’ve got subhuman digestive system can’t eat enough I’m actually lower than 6”2 , 5”11. I larped about my height. Maybe my destiny was to rope in the end. I can’t feel life satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school all to now. I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy I just wanna feel at peace and not be in mental pain anymore. I’m already starting to have a few hallucinations and I want to stop this torment of living. I can’t cope with things like vidya and this forum anymore as I always feel unsatisfied and can’t escape things made me feel made or sad. im happy to meet you all and I really liked it when I laughed at threads of other people , I liked when I tried giving people other advice. I liked laughing together. It’s not the forums fault that I’m gonna rope , it made me feel better and I made a lot of online friends. It’s how I slowly became insane and being exposed to internet early learning the truths of this world and then developing mental illness. It’s too late to fix me. I also feel alone for some reason even though I live with my family. I feel scared and empty. I also hate school is just a camp made by kikes to teach me fake things. God please I repent and forgive me for the evil things I’ve done please Lord Jesus I hope you know me , please forgive me of the lust , anger , gluttony , pride and etc that I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t want to feel sin anymore and be in a state of confusion. Please cure me of the demons and spirits haunting me. I don’t like living , it doesn’t feel good , it feels dead

I’m gonna dox myself but Idc . My name is Stefan it was a pleasure to meet everybody I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then

Idc if you say dnr this is just my thoughts

It’s too late to back down from roping as I already made this thread and it will be cringe if I come back. I’m sorry if I insulted you then you probably have it better than me in soyciety and are more mentally stable. I forgive other people. But
In general I dislike what humanity is and what It has become.

why did i make this thread its cringe why do i think a lot of things is cringe

People will laugh at me under this thread

Made I should go and stab some people at school I already dropped out today , to not be a pussy and go er and then rope but no I’m scared God won’t forgive me.

Is roping a pussy move ? Why would i want to feel more stress then in life.

Even if i did become extremely good looking i would of just commit lust and pride

Yeah you need help

Try going to a psychotherapist about AV hallucinations and insomnia so she'll prescribe you some of the good stuff:feelshehe:

According to some people they fuck you up but oh well atleast you wont rope and you'll find happiness
I punched everyone in my family because I don’t know how to express my anger. Maybe I should just stab people at school. I’m scared God is gonna punish me. I’m mentally ill and I think I’m actually ugly I don’t know how to fix acne , acne scars. I’ve got subhuman digestive system can’t eat enough I’m actually lower than 6”2 , 5”11. I larped about my height. Maybe my destiny was to rope in the end. I can’t feel life satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school all to now. I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy I just wanna feel at peace and not be in mental pain anymore. I’m already starting to have a few hallucinations and I want to stop this torment of living. I can’t cope with things like vidya and this forum anymore as I always feel unsatisfied and can’t escape things made me feel made or sad. im happy to meet you all and I really liked it when I laughed at threads of other people , I liked when I tried giving people other advice. I liked laughing together. It’s not the forums fault that I’m gonna rope , it made me feel better and I made a lot of online friends. It’s how I slowly became insane and being exposed to internet early learning the truths of this world and then developing mental illness. It’s too late to fix me. I also feel alone for some reason even though I live with my family. I feel scared and empty. I also hate school is just a camp made by kikes to teach me fake things. God please I repent and forgive me for the evil things I’ve done please Lord Jesus I hope you know me , please forgive me of the lust , anger , gluttony , pride and etc that I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t want to feel sin anymore and be in a state of confusion. Please cure me of the demons and spirits haunting me. I don’t like living , it doesn’t feel good , it feels dead

I’m gonna dox myself but Idc . My name is Stefan it was a pleasure to meet everybody I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then

Idc if you say dnr this is just my thoughts

It’s too late to back down from roping as I already made this thread and it will be cringe if I come back. I’m sorry if I insulted you then you probably have it better than me in soyciety and are more mentally stable. I forgive other people. But
In general I dislike what humanity is and what It has become.

why did i make this thread its cringe why do i think a lot of things is cringe

People will laugh at me under this thread

Made I should go and stab some people at school I already dropped out today , to not be a pussy and go er and then rope but no I’m scared God won’t forgive me.

Is roping a pussy move ? Why would i want to feel more stress then in life.

Even if i did become extremely good looking i would of just commit lust and pride

js dm users who know what their talking about

This is why i say we gotta ban users like MVP clavicular etc niggas provide nothing for this forum and make users think theres no resort
js dm either me, “.you”, donkeyballs, trucel12, osie, vista, oppastoppathe2nd

These are the actual good users on this site theres a few more but cant remember off memory

Js ask what they know abt specifically and if they dont know about what ur looking for ask the next, ik pretty much everything there is but i try to be off this forum, u can dm me if u want
I punched everyone in my family because I don’t know how to express my anger. Maybe I should just stab people at school. I’m scared God is gonna punish me. I’m mentally ill and I think I’m actually ugly I don’t know how to fix acne , acne scars. I’ve got subhuman digestive system can’t eat enough I’m actually lower than 6”2 , 5”11. I larped about my height. Maybe my destiny was to rope in the end. I can’t feel life satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school all to now. I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy I just wanna feel at peace and not be in mental pain anymore. I’m already starting to have a few hallucinations and I want to stop this torment of living. I can’t cope with things like vidya and this forum anymore as I always feel unsatisfied and can’t escape things made me feel made or sad. im happy to meet you all and I really liked it when I laughed at threads of other people , I liked when I tried giving people other advice. I liked laughing together. It’s not the forums fault that I’m gonna rope , it made me feel better and I made a lot of online friends. It’s how I slowly became insane and being exposed to internet early learning the truths of this world and then developing mental illness. It’s too late to fix me. I also feel alone for some reason even though I live with my family. I feel scared and empty. I also hate school is just a camp made by kikes to teach me fake things. God please I repent and forgive me for the evil things I’ve done please Lord Jesus I hope you know me , please forgive me of the lust , anger , gluttony , pride and etc that I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t want to feel sin anymore and be in a state of confusion. Please cure me of the demons and spirits haunting me. I don’t like living , it doesn’t feel good , it feels dead

I’m gonna dox myself but Idc . My name is Stefan it was a pleasure to meet everybody I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then

Idc if you say dnr this is just my thoughts

It’s too late to back down from roping as I already made this thread and it will be cringe if I come back. I’m sorry if I insulted you then you probably have it better than me in soyciety and are more mentally stable. I forgive other people. But
In general I dislike what humanity is and what It has become.

why did i make this thread its cringe why do i think a lot of things is cringe

People will laugh at me under this thread

Made I should go and stab some people at school I already dropped out today , to not be a pussy and go er and then rope but no I’m scared God won’t forgive me.

Is roping a pussy move ? Why would i want to feel more stress then in life.

Even if i did become extremely good looking i would of just commit lust and pride

btw unironically ur ropeing before becoming an alcoholic, an addict or a gambler, imo u have to try one or those 3, seems retarded but theres a reason those ppl are depressed and still living, i can send u some drug sources, and u can find homeless thatll buy u alcohol from stores for sum $
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I punched everyone in my family because I don’t know how to express my anger. Maybe I should just stab people at school. I’m scared God is gonna punish me. I’m mentally ill and I think I’m actually ugly I don’t know how to fix acne , acne scars. I’ve got subhuman digestive system can’t eat enough I’m actually lower than 6”2 , 5”11. I larped about my height. Maybe my destiny was to rope in the end. I can’t feel life satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school all to now. I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy I just wanna feel at peace and not be in mental pain anymore. I’m already starting to have a few hallucinations and I want to stop this torment of living. I can’t cope with things like vidya and this forum anymore as I always feel unsatisfied and can’t escape things made me feel made or sad. im happy to meet you all and I really liked it when I laughed at threads of other people , I liked when I tried giving people other advice. I liked laughing together. It’s not the forums fault that I’m gonna rope , it made me feel better and I made a lot of online friends. It’s how I slowly became insane and being exposed to internet early learning the truths of this world and then developing mental illness. It’s too late to fix me. I also feel alone for some reason even though I live with my family. I feel scared and empty. I also hate school is just a camp made by kikes to teach me fake things. God please I repent and forgive me for the evil things I’ve done please Lord Jesus I hope you know me , please forgive me of the lust , anger , gluttony , pride and etc that I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t want to feel sin anymore and be in a state of confusion. Please cure me of the demons and spirits haunting me. I don’t like living , it doesn’t feel good , it feels dead

I’m gonna dox myself but Idc . My name is Stefan it was a pleasure to meet everybody I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then

Idc if you say dnr this is just my thoughts

It’s too late to back down from roping as I already made this thread and it will be cringe if I come back. I’m sorry if I insulted you then you probably have it better than me in soyciety and are more mentally stable. I forgive other people. But
In general I dislike what humanity is and what It has become.

why did i make this thread its cringe why do i think a lot of things is cringe

People will laugh at me under this thread

Made I should go and stab some people at school I already dropped out today , to not be a pussy and go er and then rope but no I’m scared God won’t forgive me.

Is roping a pussy move ? Why would i want to feel more stress then in life.

Even if i did become extremely good looking i would of just commit lust and pride

PM me if you want to cus ive been there bro and it gets better. its not worth it, God wants you to live a long happy life and he made you in his image. youre only 15 bro its not worth it you have a long life ahead of you
uhh bro you still there?
  • +1
Reactions: Bliisk
just be 40kg 150cm and dont put up a fight theory
There's no putting up a fight, lol. Doesn't matter even if the man is 200 kg and 7 ft. If the bear wants to eat you or kill you, you wouldn't stand single chance.


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  • +1
Reactions: dbva

I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy
I punched everyone in my family because I don’t know how to express my anger. Maybe I should just stab people at school. I’m scared God is gonna punish me. I’m mentally ill and I think I’m actually ugly I don’t know how to fix acne , acne scars. I’ve got subhuman digestive system can’t eat enough I’m actually lower than 6”2 , 5”11. I larped about my height. Maybe my destiny was to rope in the end. I can’t feel life satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school all to now. I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy I just wanna feel at peace and not be in mental pain anymore. I’m already starting to have a few hallucinations and I want to stop this torment of living. I can’t cope with things like vidya and this forum anymore as I always feel unsatisfied and can’t escape things made me feel made or sad. im happy to meet you all and I really liked it when I laughed at threads of other people , I liked when I tried giving people other advice. I liked laughing together. It’s not the forums fault that I’m gonna rope , it made me feel better and I made a lot of online friends. It’s how I slowly became insane and being exposed to internet early learning the truths of this world and then developing mental illness. It’s too late to fix me. I also feel alone for some reason even though I live with my family. I feel scared and empty. I also hate school is just a camp made by kikes to teach me fake things. God please I repent and forgive me for the evil things I’ve done please Lord Jesus I hope you know me , please forgive me of the lust , anger , gluttony , pride and etc that I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t want to feel sin anymore and be in a state of confusion. Please cure me of the demons and spirits haunting me. I don’t like living , it doesn’t feel good , it feels dead

I’m gonna dox myself but Idc . My name is Stefan it was a pleasure to meet everybody I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then

Idc if you say dnr this is just my thoughts

It’s too late to back down from roping as I already made this thread and it will be cringe if I come back. I’m sorry if I insulted you then you probably have it better than me in soyciety and are more mentally stable. I forgive other people. But
In general I dislike what humanity is and what It has become.

why did i make this thread its cringe why do i think a lot of things is cringe

People will laugh at me under this thread

Made I should go and stab some people at school I already dropped out today , to not be a pussy and go er and then rope but no I’m scared God won’t forgive me.

Is roping a pussy move ? Why would i want to feel more stress then in life.

Even if i did become extremely good looking i would of just commit lust and pride

Bro don’t do it this shit is actually sad
Cope. Just rope atp nigga. And also go ER. Don't worry I'll follow if I don't ascend by 2026 ( I won't ). I want to get at least 10 kills in by running foids and GL niggas over. Romania is also shit country bro we are both very unlucky
you’re not alone bhai.

keep fighting. It’ll get better.
I punched everyone in my family because I don’t know how to express my anger. Maybe I should just stab people at school. I’m scared God is gonna punish me. I’m mentally ill and I think I’m actually ugly I don’t know how to fix acne , acne scars. I’ve got subhuman digestive system can’t eat enough I’m actually lower than 6”2 , 5”11. I larped about my height. Maybe my destiny was to rope in the end. I can’t feel life satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school all to now. I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy I just wanna feel at peace and not be in mental pain anymore. I’m already starting to have a few hallucinations and I want to stop this torment of living. I can’t cope with things like vidya and this forum anymore as I always feel unsatisfied and can’t escape things made me feel made or sad. im happy to meet you all and I really liked it when I laughed at threads of other people , I liked when I tried giving people other advice. I liked laughing together. It’s not the forums fault that I’m gonna rope , it made me feel better and I made a lot of online friends. It’s how I slowly became insane and being exposed to internet early learning the truths of this world and then developing mental illness. It’s too late to fix me. I also feel alone for some reason even though I live with my family. I feel scared and empty. I also hate school is just a camp made by kikes to teach me fake things. God please I repent and forgive me for the evil things I’ve done please Lord Jesus I hope you know me , please forgive me of the lust , anger , gluttony , pride and etc that I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t want to feel sin anymore and be in a state of confusion. Please cure me of the demons and spirits haunting me. I don’t like living , it doesn’t feel good , it feels dead

I’m gonna dox myself but Idc . My name is Stefan it was a pleasure to meet everybody I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then

Idc if you say dnr this is just my thoughts

It’s too late to back down from roping as I already made this thread and it will be cringe if I come back. I’m sorry if I insulted you then you probably have it better than me in soyciety and are more mentally stable. I forgive other people. But
In general I dislike what humanity is and what It has become.

why did i make this thread its cringe why do i think a lot of things is cringe

People will laugh at me under this thread

Made I should go and stab some people at school I already dropped out today , to not be a pussy and go er and then rope but no I’m scared God won’t forgive me.

Is roping a pussy move ? Why would i want to feel more stress then in life.

Even if i did become extremely good looking i would of just commit lust and pride

you don’t even look that bad bhai
  • +1
Reactions: LuckyBeast
Cope. Just rope atp nigga. And also go ER. Don't worry I'll follow if I don't ascend by 2026 ( I won't ). I want to get at least 10 kills in by running foids and GL niggas over. Romania is also shit country bro we are both very unlucky
bro, tine capul sus, nu te da batut
Bros... no news??
Yo, gigell, haven't you hung yourself yet? Anyway I'm saying you're gonna regret it in the process, but it'll be too late to change anything, so think again.

P. S. You'll miss WW3
I punched everyone in my family because I don’t know how to express my anger. Maybe I should just stab people at school. I’m scared God is gonna punish me. I’m mentally ill and I think I’m actually ugly I don’t know how to fix acne , acne scars. I’ve got subhuman digestive system can’t eat enough I’m actually lower than 6”2 , 5”11. I larped about my height. Maybe my destiny was to rope in the end. I can’t feel life satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school all to now. I don’t wanna go hell , I want to rope to not feel sin and not to feel unhappy anymore but I’m scared God will get mad at me because he gave me gift of life but I feel unhappy I just wanna feel at peace and not be in mental pain anymore. I’m already starting to have a few hallucinations and I want to stop this torment of living. I can’t cope with things like vidya and this forum anymore as I always feel unsatisfied and can’t escape things made me feel made or sad. im happy to meet you all and I really liked it when I laughed at threads of other people , I liked when I tried giving people other advice. I liked laughing together. It’s not the forums fault that I’m gonna rope , it made me feel better and I made a lot of online friends. It’s how I slowly became insane and being exposed to internet early learning the truths of this world and then developing mental illness. It’s too late to fix me. I also feel alone for some reason even though I live with my family. I feel scared and empty. I also hate school is just a camp made by kikes to teach me fake things. God please I repent and forgive me for the evil things I’ve done please Lord Jesus I hope you know me , please forgive me of the lust , anger , gluttony , pride and etc that I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t want to feel sin anymore and be in a state of confusion. Please cure me of the demons and spirits haunting me. I don’t like living , it doesn’t feel good , it feels dead

I’m gonna dox myself but Idc . My name is Stefan it was a pleasure to meet everybody I’m gonna become 16 on the 28th if I make it until then

Idc if you say dnr this is just my thoughts

It’s too late to back down from roping as I already made this thread and it will be cringe if I come back. I’m sorry if I insulted you then you probably have it better than me in soyciety and are more mentally stable. I forgive other people. But
In general I dislike what humanity is and what It has become.

why did i make this thread its cringe why do i think a lot of things is cringe

People will laugh at me under this thread

Made I should go and stab some people at school I already dropped out today , to not be a pussy and go er and then rope but no I’m scared God won’t forgive me.

Is roping a pussy move ? Why would i want to feel more stress then in life.

Even if i did become extremely good looking i would of just commit lust and pride

you really need to find your 16 yo slay, everyone has been through it.
Kill as many people as U can at ur school
  • +1
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