I warned you niggers. The normie invasion has begun.LOCK THE FORUM

Joined Jun 13, 2023

4,209 Posts nigga go outside fag I never needed surgery to ascend not my fault my bones aren’t horrid
Yet you are crying your eyes out about blackpill spreading cuz “oh no more competition” lmao, make it make sense.
  • +1
Reactions: Debetro
Yet you are crying your eyes out about blackpill spreading cuz “oh no more competition” lmao, make it make sense.
Kys 🗣️
forgive me bro im sorry i went to the dark side i was on meth and cocaine the entire time in psychosis and now I'm actively seeking treatment like therapy and I go to the doctor tomorrow to get mental health fixed I promise to never go back I deleted all my videos and have been trying to not promote it any more no more videos, I got doxxed family found out and idsowened me and more after the tiktok trend so much life been pretty much ruined since I got my karma I guess but other ppl agree iim not entirely responsible
A little run-on paragraph 😂
Oh no, 3 more "normie" users and you'll stop getting laid!

  • JFL
Reactions: Patient A and Deleted member 33275
i guess so but i enjoy fitting in a normal world and feeling normal like I have to be high 24/7 or else I don't feel normal and whenever I eat at Mcdonalds I feel normal as fuck like a regular American whenever I go to therapy I feel normal and happy talking about my life and problems and feeling relaxed but regardless people will still find me no matter where I go or what I did so it's pointless to move change my name leave this website because even if I were to leave there is a discord server and insta gc I have a mole in there who showed me and they are dedicated to tracking my every move whereabouts and doxxing me 24/7 literally sent my mole photo of my apartment complex and sent my moms address fuckin' weirdos I can never escape and be normal again I'm forced to live this pain until the day I die

I like syrian a lot me and him are friends but ppl have been accusing me of saying shit on him which is completely inaccurate I've spent so many hours in calls with syrian and known him for almost a year now very soon to know that he is a good person at heart and he just wants to help people not hurt and live his life he knew what he needed to do to live his best life not saying I'm defending blackpill blowing up but u gotta look at it thru others perspective, but yeah I mean how can u blame me when I got 4k tiktok followers and I only made tiktok videos for like 2 months off and on until I deleted everything I made only less than 25 videos on tiktok before it blew up I hardly had a part in it Iso u are right for sure i am not at fault compared to others who have been promoting it to thisday

like tiktok account or looksmax account? also if i delete my songs people will just reupload them they already are all archived and some dude said he's gonna drop them on youtube SoundCloud and spotify if i ever delete them and there are already archives pages inactive waiting for that day on SoundCloud i found and ppl already reuploaded them on SoundCloud and they all have 10s of thousands of views and another has 60k maybe? and i deleted all my tiktok videos so i think doing both of those are ineffective + i also have bias since those are my songs i wrote my life i dedicated to i own all the copyright to every single song I've written recorded produced co-produced etc. so yeah I'm not going to ever take them down no matter what it's my life's work. what I'm proposing though is someone needs to fake their death or lie and say kids died from looksmaxxing and surgery from knowing about it or something but probably not it's out of hand but saying i need to delete my songs is like saying suicidalidol and quannnic need to delete their songs because it blewup from tiktok trend it's just unfair and won't work isn't feasible with that logic negativexp gizabellegurbuergly or whatever should delete their music cuz its "incelcore" it just doesn't work like that and unfair to the artists. but yeah any other ideas I'm open to hearing and doing
Make money out of it like Syrian did stop worrying about blackpill spreading this is the natural course of action it was only a matter of time everyone knew looks mattered black pill is just the result of that.
Make money out of it like Syrian did stop worrying about blackpill spreading this is the natural course of action it was only a matter of time everyone knew looks mattered black pill is just the result of that.
yeah of course, but nah i can't make money off of this not something I can do I am never in it for greed and power hunger that's the stuff I speak out and sing against. I'm an actual incel and blackpiller not just some fucking cretin that wants to get famous or make a shit ton of money off of this seeing a trend hopping on it for the money and being a power giant, I hopped on the trend cuz I was out of my mind on coke and meth. I'm trying to distance myself from it anyway, fuck that stupid app it's so far beyond me now.
  • +1
Reactions: NateJacobs
At this point I am just gonna agree. The community has descended so fucking hard and become infiltrated with braindead tiktok normies.
Used to be a place where aspies would discuss interesting autistic theories and question society but nowadays its just a bunch of narcy zoomer gymrats who wants results
Private the fucking forum
  • +1
Reactions: EverythingMattersCel
forgive me bro im sorry i went to the dark side i was on meth and cocaine the entire time in psychosis and now I'm actively seeking treatment like therapy and I go to the doctor tomorrow to get mental health fixed I promise to never go back I deleted all my videos and have been trying to not promote it any more no more videos, I got doxxed family found out and idsowened me and more after the tiktok trend so much life been pretty much ruined since I got my karma I guess but other ppl agree iim not entirely responsible
Jesus Christ. How and when did you get addicted to drugs?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16133
yeah of course, but nah i can't make money off of this not something I can do I am never in it for greed and power hunger that's the stuff I speak out and sing against. I'm an actual incel and blackpiller not just some fucking cretin that wants to get famous or make a shit ton of money off of this seeing a trend hopping on it for the money and being a power giant, I hopped on the trend cuz I was out of my mind on coke and meth. I'm trying to distance myself from it anyway, fuck that stupid app it's so far beyond me now.

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Reactions: Deleted member 16133
Joined Jun 12, 2023
Jesus Christ. How and when did you get addicted to drugs?
shortly after my family on both sides discovered my music they didn't like how I was portraying myself and my cousin called me and called me a monster for the music videos I had posted the music the bonesmashing the blackpill etc. expressed how they couldn't believe that they had played the game "tag" with me when they were 5 years old and I was around 6 years old. my mom had already told my grandparents a year and a half prior that I had expressed wanting to get surgery to her and that I got my eyebrows groomed & done at a salon and so I haven't talked to my grandparents in 2+ years no holidays no parties no texts tried reaching out and they just don't want me in their life I guess so since it's been about 6 months since I've been clean still experiencing minor psychosis from time to time so it will have been 2+ years I have not spoken to my mom's side of the family nor my dad. I wish they would've just knocked on my apartment door and had a discussion with me, because since they all decided to just send it around like a bunch of pussies and tell everyone snitching saying how I'm a bad person including guns violent and "satanic" horror scary imagery in my videos and having people follow me with serial killer fan accounts I had no other choice but to confide in my own mother and ask what to do. She said let me come over and help so we linked and my own mother gave me methamphetamines xanax lorazepam haloperidol cocaine & then she later admitted just a few weeks ago over a text message that she had laced various of the energy drinks I drank with drugs whenever I wasn't looking so after I kicked her out and told her to never talk to me again and leave me alone forever I was in isolation up until a month ago when I started attending therapy. I had nothing else to do but make those tiktok videos and rot in discord I was on antipsychotics like haloperidol which made me stupid that's why I wasn't releasing any music it hinders any ability to really create art and so I just made those stupid ass tiktok videos and I didn't realize how big the videos were getting because my number sense was fucked up and I couldn't tell if it said 300k or 3k views haloperidol makes you feel and think stupid I tend to forget alphabet letters and math problems while on those types of pharmaceuticals but it hit me when my best friend on discord who is in my music collective told me the song was blowing up, that hit me hard and I knew I had to delete & remove everything, and so I did remove my videos around April 2023, right around after I got doxxed swatted and ransomed then put on doxbin. looking back honestly it's crazy to me that this happened that I'm even writing this that this is even real right now, I'm just praying I can go back to normal and escape this shit I used to be normal before December 2022 unironically all the forum posts & everything was for satire comedic purposes it was just an outlet to express my character and shit as a joke nothing serious or too bad and then music came along I started taking the persona serious and it became a part of me trying to distance myself from the weird shit focus on music make music vids and so after my whole bloodline found it and disowned me I thought it was just over for my life so I had the self destructive behavior. I almost died two times needle in my arm on the streets of Dallas & in my apartment wondering if I was gonna wake up and live to tell the tale or just fade away and be forgotten in the wind. I'm actively seeking psychiatric treatment for the next year to really get my mental health up back to a T with all of this trauma I'm gonna need it, cause I've got little to no one one my side. There's so much more but maybe I'll be comfortable telling it in the future since it is all so fresh to me even still and the trauma is too much. The lingering effects such as smelling olfactory phantom smells like cigarette smoke seeing hallucinations breaks in the lights faces in shadows and patterns out of no where heart palpitations not to mention I've descended hard I was anorexic giga leanmaxxed low cortisol before all of this shit and now I'm fucking skinny fat 30 lbs overweight and feel fucking doomed for life which i am. i don't know how I'll ever go back to a normal life after all this shit, i wont, ill never be able to get a job a house a wife kids i won't it's just not the life destined for me. I'm fucking done with this whole world, 2024 can't come sooner than later, 2023 has just been such a fucking terrible year for me I will never forget but I just want to forget it. I hope 2024 I can maybe actually become better and grow as a person, fix my fucked up mental health and finally live life, but we all know that will probably never happen, if God exists, he obviously doesn't want me to ever win. I'm high as shti right now not on anything crazy just weed so idk why I'm writing all of this shit but I gotta go I'm seeing hallucinations in the corner of my eye as we speak I've been up for over 2 days at this point afraid to go to sleep because of my extremely lucid dreams my dreams are so lucid I can feel like I'm there and live a second life I'm creative and get many ideas it's just uncomfortable tbh since they've gotten so much more lucid after all of these drugs I've done. wishing the best for me this forum you my friend and anyone who needs it. too bad no one will ever hear me out or listen to me, no one ever does, they just believe what people tell them about me oh how i got surgery which i didn't or how I'm a horrible person, people never know the true story & i have zero platform to let people know the truth either not like they'd care anyway people are stuck up on their false narratives about me and will be for a long time.
the users here will never experience my pain walk in my shoes, just like I won't ever experience theirs. We have all fucked up and done things we regret, and everyone deserves to be forgiven, & given second chances. after all I'm still human at the end of the day i got emotions i have dreams, i experience the most intense feelings anyone could ever have. right now fuckkk I'm so derealized looking at my hand like how am i real or existing right now i am not I'm in so much pain everything was taken away from me and no one gives a fuck I'm destined to always be the blackpill scapegoat, beat & battered, everyone convinced it has all been my fault as if I wasn't a product of my fucked up environment that made me this way. i will never recover, I'll always be the black swan black sheep & punching bag of everything. I'm rooted upon jestermaxxing, since the dawn of my career, I'll always be a joke to be laughed at even when it's not funny. I'll find a way out of this hell, there's gotta be a way, I'll find a way.
  • So Sad
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 31845 and Deleted member 23391

it is incredibly fucked up what has happened to me, but mark my words i will make a comeback, that is if I'm still alive to make that come back I'm really hoping and praying I'll power through & make it because goddamn this shit just seems like such a long and endless loop of the same shit over and over again. here's to hoping i can go back to normal mentally, you will get your ascension, and this forum will become what it used to be.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8365
i don't deserve to live or even be alive right now, i feel undeserving of all of these chances considering my over 20+++++ near death experiences in my lifetime something's keeping my alive but the reaper will come for me eventually I'm running out of time I need to fix everything in order to get my life back and I'm counting on it. I don't know how I'm even a real person or alive like this shit is all crafted so crazy like how am I typing this right now in this body how am I the same person who did all this weird shit on this forum I'm cringing so hard and embarrassed right now fuckkkkk this realization is fucking insane dude, i went to the doctor yesterday and now i gotta wait 2 months to go back, if i can pull this shit off, it's gonna be an insane tale to tell, I'll probably never be the same though, ever again.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 8365 and Xangsane
shortly after my family on both sides discovered my music they didn't like how I was portraying myself and my cousin called me and called me a monster for the music videos I had posted the music the bonesmashing the blackpill etc. expressed how they couldn't believe that they had played the game "tag" with me when they were 5 years old and I was around 6 years old. my mom had already told my grandparents a year and a half prior that I had expressed wanting to get surgery to her and that I got my eyebrows groomed & done at a salon and so I haven't talked to my grandparents in 2+ years no holidays no parties no texts tried reaching out and they just don't want me in their life I guess so since it's been about 6 months since I've been clean still experiencing minor psychosis from time to time so it will have been 2+ years I have not spoken to my mom's side of the family nor my dad. I wish they would've just knocked on my apartment door and had a discussion with me, because since they all decided to just send it around like a bunch of pussies and tell everyone snitching saying how I'm a bad person including guns violent and "satanic" horror scary imagery in my videos and having people follow me with serial killer fan accounts I had no other choice but to confide in my own mother and ask what to do. She said let me come over and help so we linked and my own mother gave me methamphetamines xanax lorazepam haloperidol cocaine & then she later admitted just a few weeks ago over a text message that she had laced various of the energy drinks I drank with drugs whenever I wasn't looking so after I kicked her out and told her to never talk to me again and leave me alone forever I was in isolation up until a month ago when I started attending therapy. I had nothing else to do but make those tiktok videos and rot in discord I was on antipsychotics like haloperidol which made me stupid that's why I wasn't releasing any music it hinders any ability to really create art and so I just made those stupid ass tiktok videos and I didn't realize how big the videos were getting because my number sense was fucked up and I couldn't tell if it said 300k or 3k views haloperidol makes you feel and think stupid I tend to forget alphabet letters and math problems while on those types of pharmaceuticals but it hit me when my best friend on discord who is in my music collective told me the song was blowing up, that hit me hard and I knew I had to delete & remove everything, and so I did remove my videos around April 2023, right around after I got doxxed swatted and ransomed then put on doxbin. looking back honestly it's crazy to me that this happened that I'm even writing this that this is even real right now, I'm just praying I can go back to normal and escape this shit I used to be normal before December 2022 unironically all the forum posts & everything was for satire comedic purposes it was just an outlet to express my character and shit as a joke nothing serious or too bad and then music came along I started taking the persona serious and it became a part of me trying to distance myself from the weird shit focus on music make music vids and so after my whole bloodline found it and disowned me I thought it was just over for my life so I had the self destructive behavior. I almost died two times needle in my arm on the streets of Dallas & in my apartment wondering if I was gonna wake up and live to tell the tale or just fade away and be forgotten in the wind. I'm actively seeking psychiatric treatment for the next year to really get my mental health up back to a T with all of this trauma I'm gonna need it, cause I've got little to no one one my side. There's so much more but maybe I'll be comfortable telling it in the future since it is all so fresh to me even still and the trauma is too much. The lingering effects such as smelling olfactory phantom smells like cigarette smoke seeing hallucinations breaks in the lights faces in shadows and patterns out of no where heart palpitations not to mention I've descended hard I was anorexic giga leanmaxxed low cortisol before all of this shit and now I'm fucking skinny fat 30 lbs overweight and feel fucking doomed for life which i am. i don't know how I'll ever go back to a normal life after all this shit, i wont, ill never be able to get a job a house a wife kids i won't it's just not the life destined for me. I'm fucking done with this whole world, 2024 can't come sooner than later, 2023 has just been such a fucking terrible year for me I will never forget but I just want to forget it. I hope 2024 I can maybe actually become better and grow as a person, fix my fucked up mental health and finally live life, but we all know that will probably never happen, if God exists, he obviously doesn't want me to ever win. I'm high as shti right now not on anything crazy just weed so idk why I'm writing all of this shit but I gotta go I'm seeing hallucinations in the corner of my eye as we speak I've been up for over 2 days at this point afraid to go to sleep because of my extremely lucid dreams my dreams are so lucid I can feel like I'm there and live a second life I'm creative and get many ideas it's just uncomfortable tbh since they've gotten so much more lucid after all of these drugs I've done. wishing the best for me this forum you my friend and anyone who needs it. too bad no one will ever hear me out or listen to me, no one ever does, they just believe what people tell them about me oh how i got surgery which i didn't or how I'm a horrible person, people never know the true story & i have zero platform to let people know the truth either not like they'd care anyway people are stuck up on their false narratives about me and will be for a long time.
the users here will never experience my pain walk in my shoes, just like I won't ever experience theirs. We have all fucked up and done things we regret, and everyone deserves to be forgiven, & given second chances. after all I'm still human at the end of the day i got emotions i have dreams, i experience the most intense feelings anyone could ever have. right now fuckkk I'm so derealized looking at my hand like how am i real or existing right now i am not I'm in so much pain everything was taken away from me and no one gives a fuck I'm destined to always be the blackpill scapegoat, beat & battered, everyone convinced it has all been my fault as if I wasn't a product of my fucked up environment that made me this way. i will never recover, I'll always be the black swan black sheep & punching bag of everything. I'm rooted upon jestermaxxing, since the dawn of my career, I'll always be a joke to be laughed at even when it's not funny. I'll find a way out of this hell, there's gotta be a way, I'll find a way.
Wow. That's fucked up man. I hope you get better. Do you have a stream of income to pay rent for your apartment rn?
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16133 and Xangsane
i don't deserve to live or even be alive right now, i feel undeserving of all of these chances considering my over 20+++++ near death experiences in my lifetime something's keeping my alive but the reaper will come for me eventually I'm running out of time I need to fix everything in order to get my life back and I'm counting on it. I don't know how I'm even a real person or alive like this shit is all crafted so crazy like how am I typing this right now in this body how am I the same person who did all this weird shit on this forum I'm cringing so hard and embarrassed right now fuckkkkk this realization is fucking insane dude, i went to the doctor yesterday and now i gotta wait 2 months to go back, if i can pull this shit off, it's gonna be an insane tale to tell, I'll probably never be the same though, ever again.
May Allah guide you to Islam

You need to convert to Islam,James
not happening

Mods want that jew zaza

More members=more zaza

Brutal shit innit, this forum is now been raped by normies and psl autistics are swallowing their cock
Wow. That's fucked up man. I hope you get better. Do you have a stream of income to pay rent for your apartment rn?
yeah man that's the one thing I'm extremely fortunate for I get 1200 a month from military disability from my dad who fell out of a helicopter during war, then I rely on food stamps for basic necessities, and then I get a bit of money on the sides from side hustles in cash that I do IRL to use for any emergency or just for hobbies/enjoyment I need to get a truck soon so I can stop ubering to get to places I only leave my apartment once every week to go to therapy get groceries and then I come back home, and then occasionally I'll walk down to a Tex Mex restaurant or walgreens and get some energy drinks & I used to make some homemade lean and crush up codeine pills in them but that's kinda a shit way to make lean so I got an actual plug for it now but I've been off any substances as agreement with my therapy contract. so yeah I make do somehow with the little money I get pays for overhead & basic things I don't really find myself spending money on anything else other than food electric water internet apartment garage fee & ofc rent i'd say I would be a minimalist if my room wasn't so fucking dirty with fuckin stony patch kids just lying everywhere and energy drinks all along my desk.
oh yeah and I get all this shit till I'm 21 too, so I will be set for a while and not need a job for hopefully as long as I can because I will never ever work another minimum wage again idk what I'll do after 21 only time will tell but I'll do what I must in that case.
  • So Sad
Reactions: illest-mogger
May Allah guide you to Islam

You need to convert to Islam,James
i've given up on all religion whether it be allah jesus christ satan buddha vishnu etc. maybe one day I'll open back up to it one day, but right now at this time in my life God does not seem very good & forgiving upon my soul right now, seems rather cruel if I'll be honest.
Wow. That's fucked up man. I hope you get better. Do you have a stream of income to pay rent for your apartment rn?
It’s pretty much what looksmaxx will do to you at a young age. Im already taking a break from this site and improving myself in healthy ways.

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