I was always destined to become a looksmaxxer



Jul 17, 2019
I was just thinking back to when we did PE at the start of secondary school aged about 12. I was very small at the time 4’10’’ with a tiny frame, the smallest boy in my class, one boy was shorter than me but he was atleast somewhat robust. The chads all went off to play rugby and those who weren’t in any of the rugby teams played sport separately, we were divided into incels and chads at this young tender age. Now why I wasn’t athletic or strong in any way I tried very hard at sports and the PE teachers respected me for that while other incels tended to put 0 effort into the game we were playing and the teacher would get annoyed at them, I would always get commended for my effort and I would work hard during the game and be competitive, I had that drive the chads had but not their physical presence and strength. I realize now that most of these incels I played sports with were destined to be LDARs while I was destined to be a looksmaxxer, I refused to accept my genetic fate even back then and was a hard worker while these incels were low T quitters. It’s interesting how I still have that same personality trait in my 20s of refusing to give up and rot despite my genetic inferiority.
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Great story man.Great personality.Your a great man and destined to become a household name in the incel community.Absoloutely heartbreaking story.How you were an incel before and still are but havent given up.Should write a book about this
  • +1
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Great story man.Great personality.Your a great man and destined to become a household name in the incel community.Absoloutely heartbreaking story.How you were an incel before and still are but havent given up.Should write a book about this
Tbf I’m not really an incel just haven’t had sex for like 3 months now
  • So Sad
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About 6’

also I know legit good looking guys who have 6 month dry streaks it just happens sometimes
Hmm okay.I though you were short because you were 4 ft10 when 12.
Seems surgery may be the only option for many of us men.
you were destined to be subhuman you mean
you will not ever ascend if ur on an obscure forum
I disagree, people have ascended from these forums before. I suppose it depends on your definition of ascension

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