i wasnt racist until i started seeing hordes of immigrants coming in



Oct 3, 2018
anyone else?
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America was always cucked, but yeah, I became more racist when I saw europe being flooded with arab/african immigrants for no good reason.
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I was always racist
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America was always cucked, but yeah, I became more racist when I saw europe being flooded with arab/african immigrants for no good reason.
Even US got flooded in the last few years with ethnics. It's bullshit
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Even US got flooded in the last few years with ethnics. It's bullshit
I don't care as much about America getting browned tbh, it bothers me more when I got to the Netherlands and see every 9/10 aryan blonde girl pushing a frizzy-haired mulatto baby around in a stroller.
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I don't care as much about America getting browned tbh, it bothers me more when I got to the Netherlands and see every 9/10 aryan blonde girl pushing a frizzy-haired mulatto baby around in a stroller.
idk man, I'm from the US and seeing immigrants every time I go out in large number boils my
blood more than thinking about some slut in Europe pushing a mulatto baby
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idk man, I'm from the US and seeing immigrants every time I go out in large number boils my
blood more than thinking about some slut in Europe pushing a mulatto baby
I'm from the US too and I recognize that this country has always been about moneymaxxing, we don't have a native culture to protect like the nation-states of europe. We are a non-ethnic republic devoted to creating the optimal conditions for capital accumulation, and nothing more.
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Yeh same for me. Racism is Human nature tho, we are tribal beings. Leftism tries to deny human nature
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Yeh same for me. Racism is Human nature tho, we are tribal beings. Leftism tries to deny human nature
True, lookism is also human nature, yet normies claim "personality" matter the most JFL
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Yeh same for me. Racism is Human nature tho, we are tribal beings. Leftism tries to deny human nature
stone IQ post. human nature is flawed and shitty. its best to escape it as much as possible.
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stone IQ post. human nature is flawed and shitty. its best to escape it as much as possible.
True as well otherwise it's an appeal to nature fallacy.
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True as well otherwise it's an appeal to nature fallacy.
nature in itself is the most cucked and evil concept in this world.
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nature in itself is the most cucked and evil concept in this world.
Well in nature evil and good don't exist, It's all neutral and "good" if it helps YOU since you can then become more powerful by doing "evil" acts such as manipulation, murder, slavery...
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no its shitty end of story.
You say that because you’re a low status male. Chad gets women easily due to human nature. If you were chad you wouldn’t care how shitty it is. Quit coping cum brain and man up so that you see the world for what it is.
Lifefuel when I see ethnics tbh, I mog so hard.
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niggers & jews
fuck everyone in general
You say that because you’re a low status male. Chad gets women easily due to human nature. If you were chad you wouldn’t care how shitty it is. Quit coping cum brain and man up so that you see the world for what it is.
nature only privileges the top 20% of men and makes life hard for the bottom 80% but whatever. honestly this is almost cuck tier behaviour defending nature considering how easy females have it due to nature making them non disposable whilst making life for men in general a living hell. youre out of your fucking mind if you genuinely think nature isnt cruel/twisted.
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nature only privileges the top 20% of men and makes life hard for the bottom 80% but whatever. honestly this is almost cuck tier behaviour defending nature considering how easy females have it due to nature making them non disposable whilst making life for men in general a living hell. youre out of your fucking mind if you genuinely think nature isnt cruel/twisted.
Yes it’s definitely twisted, your just mad it’s not twisted your way and to your advantage. If you were in the top 20 percent you’d love human nature. You only hate it because as a subhuman it doesn’t benefit you.
racism is natural and there is no good and evil
praise lord sveria
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America was always cucked, but yeah, I became more racist when I saw europe being flooded with arab/african immigrants for no good reason.
We should just put an end to their suffering
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nigs me
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I just don't like blacks and jews. Other races I am fine with and I find it hard to be racist against brown people as I have part curry ancestry.
I was racist since I was 11

I can’t love dark skin
Im not (((racist))) or whatever that even means anymore but I'll vote against diversity or any stupid social issue bs that only creates more problems. Even blacks should vote against that shit too. JFL at voting to be cucked by daddy government. "These hoes aint loyal" because they got a new daddy, and his pockets are deep. And this white people have no culture shit is fucking stupid, every race has a culture and should learn it and not apologize on dead mens behalf's and actually understand their views and goals with no political end game other then full understanding. Oh no the the strongest tribe who happened to be white fought all the other tribes who fought each other and ensured the east to the west of the U.S. was secure. Nothing to be proud of there. We should of just left them, surely no other big fucking power would take over. And blacks stop letting fucking hoollywood/record labels/sports teams/brands/them fucking guide your culture. Jesus fucking christ tupac was an actor dr dre dressed in womens clothes then the record labels hire them to be gangsters and now every hood wants to shoot each other. before these street gangs that popped out of nowhere happened blacks had actual families.
I thought you were religious? How did you suddenly turn out racist?
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Yes it’s definitely twisted, your just mad it’s not twisted your way and to your advantage. If you were in the top 20 percent you’d love human nature. You only hate it because as a subhuman it doesn’t benefit you.
it only benefits the top 20% of men and puts the bottom 80% of men at a disadvantage. that means its twisted against pretty much EVERYONE not just "subhumans". how is that fair?
Diversity is strength sweaty
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Im not (((racist))) or whatever that even means anymore but I'll vote against diversity or any stupid social issue bs that only creates more problems. Even blacks should vote against that shit too. JFL at voting to be cucked by daddy government. "These hoes aint loyal" because they got a new daddy, and his pockets are deep. And this white people have no culture shit is fucking stupid, every race has a culture and should learn it and not apologize on dead mens behalf's and actually understand their views and goals with no political end game other then full understanding. Oh no the the strongest tribe who happened to be white fought all the other tribes who fought each other and ensured the east to the west of the U.S. was secure. Nothing to be proud of there. We should of just left them, surely no other big fucking power would take over. And blacks stop letting fucking hoollywood/record labels/sports teams/brands/them fucking guide your culture. Jesus fucking christ tupac was an actor dr dre dressed in womens clothes then the record labels hire them to be gangsters and now every hood wants to shoot each other. before these street gangs that popped out of nowhere happened blacks had actual families.
Cope. America is a cultureless culture. Deal with it.
it only benefits the top 20% of men and puts the bottom 80% of men at a disadvantage. that means its twisted against pretty much EVERYONE not just "subhumans". how is that fair?
No one said its fair sweetie.
Its just how it is, so as looksmaxxers we try and make the most of the way the game is.
The world is not a fair place and it owes you absolutely nothing. This is no movie. Its real fucking life.
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What country?
America was always cucked, but yeah, I became more racist when I saw europe being flooded with arab/african immigrants for no good reason.

yeah the founding fathers were cucked. Read a book.
T. Both religious and racist also


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Idc about educated immigrants but refugees are a "problem"

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anyone else?
Well I agree to an extent

I hate it even more when people immigrate and refuse by all means to assimilate in any way

They come in from like example Iraq, continue living a life just like over there and get the social advantages of their host nation.

Even worse are those who impose their old lifestyle and ideologies...

Then there are the hoodlings etc.
All humans, with no exceptions, are inherently racist
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I used to be a liberal who was blindly forgiving and overly empathetic.That was until they started trying to erase my people.Now I despise African immigrants.
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Cope. America is a cultureless culture. Deal with it.
this you?
Of course america has a culture, if we wore only grey and listened to static on the radio and watched hypno toad all day we would still have a culture. A bad one but still a culture. The faggot who talks about cowboy maxxing is denying that america has a culture. I bet you also listen to some sub genre of country, rock, or rap or something that has ties to it. There's bars in Europe where people impersonate johnny cash, Elvis and other american talents. I get being mad at the blandness of modern culture but our country has a history of real grit and you should be pissed off at the idea its being exploited for a cheap knickknack
i love watching europe destroy itself tbh
I don't really get how it's possible NOT to be racist in 2019.
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this you?
Of course america has a culture, if we wore only grey and listened to static on the radio and watched hypno toad all day we would still have a culture. A bad one but still a culture. The faggot who talks about cowboy maxxing is denying that america has a culture. I bet you also listen to some sub genre of country, rock, or rap or something that has ties to it. There's bars in Europe where people impersonate johnny cash, Elvis and other american talents. I get being mad at the blandness of modern culture but our country has a history of real grit and you should be pissed off at the idea its being exploited for a cheap knickknack

Dude, think about what you are saying. Look at Europe, its lost. Gone. Their cultures are literally being eroded and replaced every day, more and more. @mojopin will back me up on that. There's no stopping that. America? Just the same. By 2035 whites are predicted to reach minority status in America. You are arguing for and defending a culture that will cease to exist in our lifetime. Just think about that. There is nothing that can be done about that, except cope by putting a piece of paper in a ballot box every once in a while.
So, in conclusion, it doesn't even matter if America has culture, because we will lose it anyway. Deal with it.
Dude, think about what you are saying. Look at Europe, its lost. Gone. Their cultures are literally being eroded and replaced every day, more and more. @mojopin will back me up on that. There's no stopping that. America? Just the same. By 2035 whites are predicted to reach minority status in America. You are arguing for and defending a culture that will cease to exist in our lifetime. Just think about that. There is nothing that can be done about that, except cope by putting a piece of paper in a ballot box every once in a while.
So, in conclusion, it doesn't even matter if America has culture, because we will lose it anyway. Deal with it.
again with the deal with it. Lol wtf do you think im doing? Im not ignoring it. Im purely disagreeing with the statement that america has no cultural identity. I'll never understand people like you. You get told you have no identity and you just accept it. "oh who cares about all the immigrants who refuse to assimilate, we dont even have a culture. Might as well invite more." I cant believe anyone would allow a rootless parasite to convince him he has no identity. Then furiously beat his meat to the idea of everything built breaking down and dancing on the rubble.
again with the deal with it. Lol wtf do you think im doing? Im not ignoring it. Im purely disagreeing with the statement that america has no cultural identity. I'll never understand people like you. You get told you have no identity and you just accept it. "oh who cares about all the immigrants who refuse to assimilate, we dont even have a culture. Might as well invite more." I cant believe anyone would allow a rootless parasite to convince him he has no identity. Then furiously beat his meat to the idea of everything built breaking down and dancing on the rubble.
No man, I just think its pointless to argue about whether there is culture or there isn't, when it will disappear anyway. In your lifetime, you WILL be a minority in your own country. That is a pure and undiluted fact. I don't like it any more than you do, but at least I can accept it, and you guessed it, deal with it.
its pointless to argue about whether there is culture or there isn't, when it will disappear anyway.
Ya just fuck it right? Just start going along with the anti american rhetoric or better yet start spouting it and then defending it. Start speaking in favor of your own downfall. You can think a argument is pointless but that doesnt prove you're right only you dont care. Thats perfectly fine, dont care, but you keep saying there is no culture and then proceed to deviate towards a welcome wagon to your own destruction like you're into it.
Lucky to live here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceland

So still 95% white, though 6% of that is technically slavish rather than nordic. Still would much rather have slavs here rather than the usual suspects.

Once Europe has burned to the ground, Iceland might literally be one of the only remaining bastions of whites srs.
Ya just fuck it right? Just start going along with the anti american rhetoric or better yet start spouting it and then defending it. Start speaking in favor of your own downfall. You can think a argument is pointless but that doesnt prove you're right only you dont care. Thats perfectly fine, dont care, but you keep saying there is no culture and then proceed to deviate towards a welcome wagon to your own destruction like you're into it.
The hell is wrong with you dude? I said I didn't like it, but what can you do. I AM right. You know it.
It's not like your doing anything to combat the problem either so quit accusing others of being complicit in it if you also are. You can't stop the sun from setting, just like you can't stop this from happening. Find a cope, and deal with it any way you can.
The hell is wrong with you dude? I said I didn't like it, but what can you do. I AM right. You know it.
It's not like your doing anything to combat the problem either so quit accusing others of being complicit in it if you also are. You can't stop the sun from setting, just like you can't stop this from happening. Find a cope, and deal with it any way you can.
The hell is wrong with me? mother fucker I'm saying america has a culture and thats it. I'm not arguing about a downfall im was just pointing out how you follow up every bash against america with self depreciating excitement. I not saying there is or isn't a down fall but your posts read like this:

  • there is no culture
  • ok there MIGHT be, but arguing about it is pointless because of future downfall
  • Im right
  • deal with it

you havnt proven shit you just keep making statements by themselves and then following it with ITS TRUE. Ok so im going to take this back to the original conversation point.

America has a culture and a history

If you want to respond how its falling apart then you're fucking retarded because that proves nothing about my original point. If you dont want to talk about this then fine dont, but I dont fucking care about your fall of Rome fetish.
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