i wasnt racist until i started seeing hordes of immigrants coming in

The hell is wrong with me? mother fucker I'm saying america has a culture and thats it. I'm not arguing about a downfall im was just pointing out how you follow up every bash against america with self depreciating excitement. I not saying there is or isn't a down fall but your posts read like this:

  • there is no culture
  • ok there MIGHT be, but arguing about it is pointless because of future downfall
  • Im right
  • deal with it
you havnt proven shit you just keep making statements by themselves and then following it with ITS TRUE. Ok so im going to take this back to the original conversation point.

America has a culture and a history

If you want to respond how its falling apart then you're fucking retarded because that proves nothing about my original point. If you dont want to talk about this then fine dont, but I dont fucking care about your fall of Rome fetish.
Ok guy, America has culture. Are you happy now??

Not like it matters since it'll be gone in a few years so the point is kinda moot.

I mean I'm not a fan of hordes of young people in general, regardless of race.

Besides, almost all the friends I have ever had were arabs/syrians. They were the nicest and calmest people I knew.

My father is also befriended with lots of hard working immigrants, meanwhile basement dwelling incels sitting on their computer all day and living off their mom's salary spend their time complaining about "lazy immigrants" and "the downfall of Europe"
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America has culture.
followed by it doesn't matter of course because why wouldn't it. And yes your passive aggressive reluctance to admit im right makes me the happiest school girl in the world.
Black incels CAN'T WIN
Hated by women and fellow incels

IT'S OVER FOR US, time to thugmax.
  • So Sad
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Black incels CAN'T WIN
Hated by women and fellow incels

IT'S OVER FOR US, time to thugmax.
I dont hate you I just hate the fact my politicians want to invite truckloads of unskilled workers and do it with a joke of replacing the current inhabitants. Its disrespectful to everyone. Every country has had immigrants that would work hard to fit in and assimilate. But this mass invasion of people who dont care is bullshit
I dont hate you I just hate the fact my politicians want to invite truckloads of unskilled workers and do it with a joke of replacing the current inhabitants. Its disrespectful to everyone. Every country has had immigrants that would work hard to fit in and assimilate. But this mass invasion of people who dont care is bullshit
None of this matters if you develop real marketable skills at an accredited University and go for a good job. Migrants are taking the lowest of the low jobs. Even if you don't have money if you truly had the drive you'd apply to your local community college, work on the side, ace the classes and transfer to a big uni after 2 years on a scholarship. Migrants take the jobs no one wants.
None of this matters if you develop real marketable skills at an accredited University and go for a good job. Migrants are taking the lowest of the low jobs. Even if you don't have money if you truly had the drive you'd apply to your local community college, work on the side, ace the classes and transfer to a big uni after 2 years on a scholarship. Migrants take the jobs no one wants.
Thats not the point though. Its the complete disrespect for the established culture and how taking so many immigrants at once will affect it.
Thats not the point though. Its the complete disrespect for the established culture and how taking so many immigrants at once will affect it.
This country wasn't always the same.
Not too long ago Irish immigrants were seen as extremely subhuman and now they're seen as American as fuck. Culture isn't static it's subject to change and culture isn't just what you like lmao.
I'll save blackcels bros over white whores any time
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This country wasn't always the same.
Not too long ago Irish immigrants were seen as extremely subhuman and now they're seen as American as fuck. Culture isn't static it's subject to change and culture isn't just what you like lmao.
Its all just so tiring. Of course the irish were treated bad and now they're accepted because they earned it and no one can take that away from them. If you want to act like it doesnt matter and you take without thanks dont be surprised when those that built the infrastructure for your life treat you as ungrateful.
We’ve had blacks here from day one, that’s what I’m referring to.

They were under control, neither Robert e Lee or Abraham Lincoln wanted to keep them here. They were bribed
I don't care as much about America getting browned tbh, it bothers me more when I got to the Netherlands and see every 9/10 aryan blonde girl pushing a frizzy-haired mulatto baby around in a stroller.
of course you wouldn't you fucking degenerate water jew
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I've never been racist, nor am i now tbh
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