I will tell you everything that is going on surrounding COVID, Vaccines, Vaccine Passports. Everything. (PART 1 OF 2)



Matthew 4:1-11
Dec 6, 2021
I will show you everything that is going on right now. A Christmas gift for you all. Merry Christmas.

This will be split into sections so its easier on the eyes. I realize I didn't do that in my last thread about debunking evolution and space (as we know it). I apologize.

I will also link some music for you to listen to whilst reading it. A very good mix that I listen to when I am "coming up" on DXM. It is an unbelievable experience:

Now. On with the thread...

We are all aware of COVID as a concept. It's a virus that escaped from a Chinese biochemical research facility in Wuhan. Covid as a virus is very real, I have even had the symptoms. It is a very different (symptomatically, that is) than a cold or a flu for example. I lost my sense of taste for around 3 months when I caught it the second time. I wasn't deathly ill, however I did have a fever for a day and just lay in bed.
However, I find it very strange that they have acknowledged that "flu rates" have pretty much disappeared off the register. Nobody has had flu in the last 2 years. They aren't even hiding it. Lets take a look at this chart:


As we can see, the US is not "testing" for flu. This therefore means that they seem to be strictly testing for COVID. If coronaviruses are indeed the exact same as flu viruses, in the sense that they produce false positives in the PCR tests, then it makes no sense that they could know the difference between the two unless the person being tested has slightly different symptoms. The only way you can know if you have the flu or a coronavirus is to wait on the symptoms arising. But by then, you will know you have it so there is no point in testing you. Do you see the issue yet?

The PCR testing situation is all just a front. They do not know if you have Covid or a cold and flu virus. They have no idea until it shows symptoms in which case there is no point in testing you. PCR tests are also incredibly unreliable and produce more false positives than true positives due to the methodology. They "spin" the sample in a machine hundreds of times until a positive result is shown. This is the equivalent of someone having a bottle of fizzy water/sparkling water telling you it is still-water. They shake it over and over again until it no longer has any fizziness. Then they say "See? I told you it was still-water".

There have been many professionals discussing how world governments are abusing the PCR testing method in order to panic people and make them think Covid is everywhere and that it is extremely dangerous. Of course, we know that by now don't we?

The PCR testing fiasco is very clever but also very stupid if you have some wits about you. For the common denominator they do not question it because they do not understand it. That is how it has always been with most people and so they can get away with the lie.

I would advise that you do not try to catch the virus though. We don't know if they have made a "pincer move" and that both Covid and the vaccines are dangerous. We have no idea.

Some people even believe Covid doesn't exist. I have had it and it was different to a normal flu. Could it have been 5G radiation poisoning? I will now discuss this possibility.

5G Technology
During the pandemic, governments around the world have been fast-tracking 5G technology. Their excuse is that because people are working from home on computers a lot more, high speed internet is a priority in order to keep the world functioning. This isn't even a lie if I am honest. I remember at the start of the pandemic when everyone was at home, my internet speeds were garbage. But if you are orchestrating a conspiracy involving a pandemic and lockdowns then you would know that would happen wouldn't you?

5G technology is much more efficient than 4G or wired technology. It is an upgrade in terms of what it can do for internet speeds and streaming capabilities. However, it has one fatal flaw.

5G towers need a continuous stream of towers in front and behind it. There can be no blockages between them because the 5G signals cannot penetrate buildings, only the air, biological organisms and very thin objects. In a country like the U.K. there are houses everywhere. I believe they have already started demolition of housing for this project just like how they were going to do it for the high speed railway system from London to the north of England. They did scrap that second project, however. I wonder if that was all just a front to demolish housing for 5G capabilities?

As we can see, 5G towers really do "tower". They have to be built extremely tall in order for the signal to be uninterrupted when it passes to the recipient tower. No trees can get in the way of it.
5G radiation is very damaging for life though. There have been many documents discussing the damaging effects it has on living organisms due to the water molecules heating up like food in a microwave. Perhaps that is a reason they build them so tall because if they didn't, trees at its eye level would be dead during blooming season and it would look very suspicious. If it can stop a tree from blooming, what does it do to you?

There is a theory that viruses are excretion's from a toxic cell. When a cell is damaged it leeches what we call "viruses" that attack and kill the dying cell in order to stop it from spreading the toxins around the body. The very first major pandemic was the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. During this time they were simultaneously rolling out the very first form of radio waves. The Spanish flu managed to spread from south Africa to the united states in 2 weeks when it was impossible for someone to travel that distance in that small length of time by boat due the amount of times they had to stop for fuel/coal in south America. Steam boats were used mainly in that time, think of the titanic. Titanic was the first boat of its time to be able to travel from Britain to the United States in one trip and it took many years for them to build another like it. Most travelers were relegated to old-school modes of travel which take a very long time to get anywhere.

There was another outbreak after the second world war of a virus. This also coincided with the introduction of Radar technology used in Spitfires as an example.

- When they rolled out 2G technology in 1992, we had an RSV pandemic.
- When they rolled out 3G technology in 2002, we had a SARS pandemic in 2002 - 2005.
- When they rolled out 4G technology in 2009, we had the swine flu pandemic.
- When they rolled out 5G technology in 2019, once again, it coincided with the SARS CoV - 2 pandemic that we are experiencing now.

Wuhan has the most 5G towers in the world for its density. Where did coronavirus start?

As we can see, there is a clear correlation between the upgrades in electrification of the world and "pandemics" of viruses. When the body is exposed to an increase in radio waves and electromagnetism, it produces viruses in damaged cells. Over time we get used to it and we stop producing viruses until they upgrade it once again.

Vaccines & The "Mark" Itself
Vaccines in general have been known to cause health issues such as autism, schizophrenia, heavy metal poisoning, infertility, seizures, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and many other problems. This is mostly because vaccines contain mercury and aluminium in such high doses that the body attacks itself. US military personnel receive vaccines that contain enough mercury and aluminium for 90 life times. They will never get rid of such toxic chemicals from their body no matter what they do. This is because the US Government does not want to subsidize veterans once they are off duty with veteran pensions etc. So its better to kill them off early if they don't get killed whilst on duty in a warzone.

The vaccines for coronavirus use mRNA. We all know that but lets just talk about it a second. mRNA is also called messenger RNA. It is inserted into the body and commands the body to produce whatever that mRNA is taken from. Much like a script for a mod in Skyrim or Morrowind for example. In the case of the coronavirus vaccines, this mRNA tells the body how to produce spike proteins. I always felt it was strange, even before really researching this, that they wanted to make peoples bodies produce the very thing that allows the virus to attach to the cell wall of the lungs. Does that not seem odd to you?

If this was in fact benevolent and did not have a secret agenda behind it, perhaps they thought that if they fill the body with the insertion spikes already inside the cells, then the virus wouldn't have anything to attach to because the individual spike proteins are already inserted. Sort of like if you insert a one sided Lego brick, you cant then attach the top of another Lego brick onto the top of the Lego brick already sticking up. It has to stick from the bottom. Does that make sense or is that rambling?

That isn't the only strange thing surrounding the vaccine though. It also has a substance called Graphene Oxide which expands from a tiny molecule into a what appears to be a goo-like substance. It grows through the use of electromagnetic waves. Signals, if you will. Perhaps from the 5G towers they are building throughout the world?
Graphene Oxide is also commandable and through certain frequencies it can move and insert itself into things. Where then do you think it may be signaled to move and grow inside the human body? What part of the human being controls everything else? What same part is also extremely electromagnetic? Of course, its the brain.

Can Graphene Oxide influence your behaviour through these very same electromagnetic signals that can control it? The fact that it is inside of the vaccine and can itself be controlled by signals suggests to me that it can, and that is why it is in there.

Here is a video of Graphene Oxide reacting to soundwaves and signals:

Here is a video discussing Graphene Oxide:

I am unsure personally if the vaccines are supposed to kill you although they seem to be doing a good job of it. I have a theory that some of them are supposed to kill you which is where I will get into the Depopulation side of all of this. However, I do think that some of them are supposed to keep you alive and are not supposed to kill you. Whether or not it has anything to do with Graphene Oxide I am unsure. There is a lot more than that inside of the vaccines...

There is a compound now known as SM-102, also known as Luciferase inside of the Moderna vaccines. This compound glows under black light and with a black light detector (for lack of a better term) you are able to see who has it inside of them and who does not. A "Mark" if you will.

Here is a link to how Moderna has Luciferase/SM-102 inside of it:

A quote from Dr James Lawler, MD:
"Yes, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine does contain SM-102. And yes, the vaccine is safe.

SM-102 is a lipid molecule. (A lipid molecule is a molecule that does not dissolve in water.) The molecule helps form the lipid nanoparticles in the Moderna vaccine. (A lipid nanoparticle is an extremely small amount of matter that doesn’t dissolve in water.)

When used for things other than medicines, SM-102 is sometimes mixed with chemicals that aren’t meant for human consumption. That’s why some safety data sheets may list warnings for SM-102."

A further look into SM-102/Luciferase specifically:




I will discuss how this links into the "Book of Revelation" later on.

Convinced something just ain't right yet? You should be...

Vaccine Passports
Vaccine Passports have been rolled out across the western world. Specifically in the U.K., Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Belgium and many other European countries. It seems as though the United States is lagging behind on that. They must still have a few kinks to work out surrounding the Bill of Rights or The Constitution.

In the U.K. the vaccine passport uses an NHS (National Health Service) app on your mobile phone. You are only able to successfully use this application if you have had the vaccine. It is updated on a national database if you have had 1, 2, 3 or no vaccine. You use a QR code that is specific to you, in order to enter nightclubs for instance. But many other venues rely on you having this unique QR code.

The interesting thing about it, is that it seems to have been made for more than this purpose. The way it is structured allows it to stop you from entering places you would like to go if you have not done your duty as a citizen (in their eyes) and gotten your booster. It doesnt seem as if it is going to stop at 3 or 4 vaccines. This seems to be a continuous process until the end of ones life.

It therefore structures your life in a 6 month basis. (Or 3 months according to Savid Javid or whatever that bald cunts name is):

Want to go to a restaurant? Have you had your booster shot? No? Well you can't go then.
Funeral? You can't go.
Work? You can't go.

I can also see them withholding the Covid vaccines once they have enough people integrated into the Beast--- errm I mean New System. Those who are considered dissidents such as myself will have to pay a premium price to have an injectable harmful substance put into my body in order for them to monitor and perhaps control where I go and what I do, otherwise I am unable to do anything at all. A prisoner in my own home. Of course, this is speculation as we don't know what Graphene Oxide is really capable of yet.

Okay. So let us recap.
- Covid like all other pandemics has coincided with the release of technology that increases the power of telecommunications. 5G in this instance.
- The vaccines contain a substance that is able to change shape through electromagnetic signals. At a time when 5G is being released all across the planet.
- Vaccine passports coincide with your vaccine count which allows those in power to determine who is a compliant citizen and who is a dissident. Punishing those who do not take the vaccine or maybe even absentmindedly missed an appointment.

All of this seems to be backed up by evidence and, quite frankly, common sense and pattern recognition skills. How could it get any worse than this?

Oh it certainly can. However, if you have read this far then it's obvious I am not pulling your leg so you will have to trust me on the next few points. Let's brainstorm.

Eugenics has been practiced for a very long time. Sweden itself practiced eugenics well into the 1970s where it would kill its infirm and undesirable population. Perhaps that contributed to how attractive they are rather than Vikings.

But there is a very large misconception about "Eugenics" as a practice. Eugenics does not always mean a system in which the disabled, mentally ill, unfit populations are exterminated or removed in some way from the host country.
This part will in itself be split into two alternative scenarios as there are two ways to equally look at this topic. Both sound very reasonable considering the circumstances thus far.


Option 1: Selecting for "sheep"

Here is what Eugenics actually means from its definition:

"The study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable".

"To increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable".

This does not necessarily mean healthy, strong, smart, free thinking individuals. If a state wants to have an authoritarian dictatorship of its population then the most desirable trait to reproduce in that population is Obedience. Obedience no matter what the state tells them to do.

In this scenario, the New World Order is creating a test for all of its inhabitants. To take an experimental harmful gene editing injection and be regarded as desirable, or to not take it and be regarded as a threat. However, on both sides it is a "catch-22". If you take the jab you are allowed to live. For now. These injections are experimental and it seems they want to perform experimentation on their populations. You are playing Russian Roulette every 3-6 months with each injection you take. You don't know whether or not it is saline, graphene oxide with luciferase or a poison (of which I believe is happening in the deaths/injuries we see from the vaccine).

If you don't take it, or stop taking them, then you will be regarded as an enemy of the state, hunted down and shot instantly. Your name will be scrubbed off the records, any trace you had online deleted and the only thing that will "keep you alive" are the people you used to speak to wondering: "Where did such-and-such go? I haven't heard from him in ages".

You think this is science fiction dystopia? Think again. It already happens in many dictatorships around the world including Iran, China and North Korea. It is a very likely possibility it will happen in your "free, democratic" country. If this scenario is the right one, that is...

Option 2: Selecting for "free thinkers"

As you saw above, the definition of Eugenics is:

"To increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable".

This goes both ways. With the advent of automation around the corner, of which much of it is already here, the useless eaters become a crippling burden on the state. They cannot afford to have mass unemployment due to job loss from automation. Millions and millions of people leeching from an economy that is already on its last legs. Because of what has happened, it is clear that they have thought about this too which is why it is an equal scenario to the first.

You invent a pandemic. Mass hysteria ensues. Over time, it becomes clear to anyone with half a braincell that there is something wrong with the situation. Fishy videos start being leaked on YouTube, they take it down because it is too obvious and easy for the common denominator to find it.

So they invent new platforms that only those who have an interest in finding out the truth can really find. Bitchute, Odysee AltCensored and the like.
You are right to question that since it is still on the surface web but how many normies do you know frequently watch videos on those platforms if at all? I am talking real common denominator, not someone who has a passive interest in conspiracies but doesn't look into it much. Not many.

Most people don't even know what Bitchute, Odysee or Altcensored actually is. They have never heard of it. They get their media from TV, Online news sites and at best, Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat or YouTube.

So those with the wherewithal to think about and find this information are actually quite rare. But it is these rare few that the future is dependent on. They have realized that the western world specifically has gotten fat, old, slow and retarded. They cannot compete in the way they used to with China and other up-and-coming world powers. So they need to get rid of the "loose change". They do that by injecting them with a substance that is a slow kill, they do it sporadically in different areas so it looks like natural causes or covid.
And once everything is all said and done, the smart few have cheap properties to buy, automation fills the gaps in the economy like the car manufacturing industry and those who survived the global IQ test will live a comfortable life of plenty, having lots of children and living a happy life. In a country that will feel empty.
Perhaps then the world governments will have a hands off approach and won't interfere in things anymore. It will be silent on the media and you won't hear very much from Donald Trump/Joe Biden, Boris Johnson etc. They are enjoying the empty prosperity too.

This is part 1 of this gigantic thread. I will be discussing other topics in my second thread which may seem a little more "out there". Stay tuned.
  • +1
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Reactions: Zylk, homesick, ballskin and 34 others
All around Europe Covid-19 passes are being required to enter crowded venues

It is indeed over, best get your 50th booster shot rn buddy
  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: thecel, amorfati, Petsmart and 7 others
  • +1
  • Woah
  • JFL
Reactions: thecel, fras, Sal and 2 others
All around Europe Covid-19 passes are being required to enter crowded venues

It is indeed over, best get your 50th booster shot rn buddy
Not if Option 2 is where we are heading. Big mistake if so.
I will show you everything that is going on right now. A Christmas gift for you all. Merry Christmas.

This will be split into sections so its easier on the eyes. I realize I didn't do that in my last thread about debunking evolution and space (as we know it). I apologize.

I will also link some music for you to listen to whilst reading it. A very good mix that I listen to when I am "coming up" on DXM. It is an unbelievable experience:

Now. On with the thread...

We are all aware of COVID as a concept. It's a virus that escaped from a Chinese biochemical research facility in Wuhan. Covid as a virus is very real, I have even had the symptoms. It is a very different (symptomatically, that is) than a cold or a flu for example. I lost my sense of taste for around 3 months when I caught it the second time. I wasn't deathly ill, however I did have a fever for a day and just lay in bed.
However, I find it very strange that they have acknowledged that "flu rates" have pretty much disappeared off the register. Nobody has had flu in the last 2 years. They aren't even hiding it. Lets take a look at this chart:


As we can see, the US is not "testing" for flu. This therefore means that they seem to be strictly testing for COVID. If coronaviruses are indeed the exact same as flu viruses, in the sense that they produce false positives in the PCR tests, then it makes no sense that they could know the difference between the two unless the person being tested has slightly different symptoms. The only way you can know if you have the flu or a coronavirus is to wait on the symptoms arising. But by then, you will know you have it so there is no point in testing you. Do you see the issue yet?

The PCR testing situation is all just a front. They do not know if you have Covid or a cold and flu virus. They have no idea until it shows symptoms in which case there is no point in testing you. PCR tests are also incredibly unreliable and produce more false positives than true positives due to the methodology. They "spin" the sample in a machine hundreds of times until a positive result is shown. This is the equivalent of someone having a bottle of fizzy water/sparkling water telling you it is still-water. They shake it over and over again until it no longer has any fizziness. Then they say "See? I told you it was still-water".

There have been many professionals discussing how world governments are abusing the PCR testing method in order to panic people and make them think Covid is everywhere and that it is extremely dangerous. Of course, we know that by now don't we?

The PCR testing fiasco is very clever but also very stupid if you have some wits about you. For the common denominator they do not question it because they do not understand it. That is how it has always been with most people and so they can get away with the lie.

I would advise that you do not try to catch the virus though. We don't know if they have made a "pincer move" and that both Covid and the vaccines are dangerous. We have no idea.

Some people even believe Covid doesn't exist. I have had it and it was different to a normal flu. Could it have been 5G radiation poisoning? I will now discuss this possibility.

5G Technology
During the pandemic, governments around the world have been fast-tracking 5G technology. Their excuse is that because people are working from home on computers a lot more, high speed internet is a priority in order to keep the world functioning. This isn't even a lie if I am honest. I remember at the start of the pandemic when everyone was at home, my internet speeds were garbage. But if you are orchestrating a conspiracy involving a pandemic and lockdowns then you would know that would happen wouldn't you?

5G technology is much more efficient than 4G or wired technology. It is an upgrade in terms of what it can do for internet speeds and streaming capabilities. However, it has one fatal flaw.

5G towers need a continuous stream of towers in front and behind it. There can be no blockages between them because the 5G signals cannot penetrate buildings, only the air, biological organisms and very thin objects. In a country like the U.K. there are houses everywhere. I believe they have already started demolition of housing for this project just like how they were going to do it for the high speed railway system from London to the north of England. They did scrap that second project, however. I wonder if that was all just a front to demolish housing for 5G capabilities?

As we can see, 5G towers really do "tower". They have to be built extremely tall in order for the signal to be uninterrupted when it passes to the recipient tower. No trees can get in the way of it.
5G radiation is very damaging for life though. There have been many documents discussing the damaging effects it has on living organisms due to the water molecules heating up like food in a microwave. Perhaps that is a reason they build them so tall because if they didn't, trees at its eye level would be dead during blooming season and it would look very suspicious. If it can stop a tree from blooming, what does it do to you?

There is a theory that viruses are excretion's from a toxic cell. When a cell is damaged it leeches what we call "viruses" that attack and kill the dying cell in order to stop it from spreading the toxins around the body. The very first major pandemic was the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. During this time they were simultaneously rolling out the very first form of radio waves. The Spanish flu managed to spread from south Africa to the united states in 2 weeks when it was impossible for someone to travel that distance in that small length of time by boat due the amount of times they had to stop for fuel/coal in south America. Steam boats were used mainly in that time, think of the titanic. Titanic was the first boat of its time to be able to travel from Britain to the United States in one trip and it took many years for them to build another like it. Most travelers were relegated to old-school modes of travel which take a very long time to get anywhere.

There was another outbreak after the second world war of a virus. This also coincided with the introduction of Radar technology used in Spitfires as an example.

- When they rolled out 2G technology in 1992, we had an RSV pandemic.
- When they rolled out 3G technology in 2002, we had a SARS pandemic in 2002 - 2005.
- When they rolled out 4G technology in 2009, we had the swine flu pandemic.
- When they rolled out 5G technology in 2019, once again, it coincided with the SARS CoV - 2 pandemic that we are experiencing now.

Wuhan has the most 5G towers in the world for its density. Where did coronavirus start?

As we can see, there is a clear correlation between the upgrades in electrification of the world and "pandemics" of viruses. When the body is exposed to an increase in radio waves and electromagnetism, it produces viruses in damaged cells. Over time we get used to it and we stop producing viruses until they upgrade it once again.

Vaccines & The "Mark" Itself
Vaccines in general have been known to cause health issues such as autism, schizophrenia, heavy metal poisoning, infertility, seizures, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and many other problems. This is mostly because vaccines contain mercury and aluminium in such high doses that the body attacks itself. US military personnel receive vaccines that contain enough mercury and aluminium for 90 life times. They will never get rid of such toxic chemicals from their body no matter what they do. This is because the US Government does not want to subsidize veterans once they are off duty with veteran pensions etc. So its better to kill them off early if they don't get killed whilst on duty in a warzone.

The vaccines for coronavirus use mRNA. We all know that but lets just talk about it a second. mRNA is also called messenger RNA. It is inserted into the body and commands the body to produce whatever that mRNA is taken from. Much like a script for a mod in Skyrim or Morrowind for example. In the case of the coronavirus vaccines, this mRNA tells the body how to produce spike proteins. I always felt it was strange, even before really researching this, that they wanted to make peoples bodies produce the very thing that allows the virus to attach to the cell wall of the lungs. Does that not seem odd to you?

If this was in fact benevolent and did not have a secret agenda behind it, perhaps they thought that if they fill the body with the insertion spikes already inside the cells, then the virus wouldn't have anything to attach to because the individual spike proteins are already inserted. Sort of like if you insert a one sided Lego brick, you cant then attach the top of another Lego brick onto the top of the Lego brick already sticking up. It has to stick from the bottom. Does that make sense or is that rambling?
View attachment 1434218
That isn't the only strange thing surrounding the vaccine though. It also has a substance called Graphene Oxide which expands from a tiny molecule into a what appears to be a goo-like substance. It grows through the use of electromagnetic waves. Signals, if you will. Perhaps from the 5G towers they are building throughout the world?
Graphene Oxide is also commandable and through certain frequencies it can move and insert itself into things. Where then do you think it may be signaled to move and grow inside the human body? What part of the human being controls everything else? What same part is also extremely electromagnetic? Of course, its the brain.

Can Graphene Oxide influence your behaviour through these very same electromagnetic signals that can control it? The fact that it is inside of the vaccine and can itself be controlled by signals suggests to me that it can, and that is why it is in there.

Here is a video of Graphene Oxide reacting to soundwaves and signals:

Here is a video discussing Graphene Oxide:

I am unsure personally if the vaccines are supposed to kill you although they seem to be doing a good job of it. I have a theory that some of them are supposed to kill you which is where I will get into the Depopulation side of all of this. However, I do think that some of them are supposed to keep you alive and are not supposed to kill you. Whether or not it has anything to do with Graphene Oxide I am unsure. There is a lot more than that inside of the vaccines...

There is a compound now known as SM-102, also known as Luciferase inside of the Moderna vaccines. This compound glows under black light and with a black light detector (for lack of a better term) you are able to see who has it inside of them and who does not. A "Mark" if you will.

Here is a link to how Moderna has Luciferase/SM-102 inside of it:

A quote from Dr James Lawler, MD:
"Yes, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine does contain SM-102. And yes, the vaccine is safe.

SM-102 is a lipid molecule. (A lipid molecule is a molecule that does not dissolve in water.) The molecule helps form the lipid nanoparticles in the Moderna vaccine. (A lipid nanoparticle is an extremely small amount of matter that doesn’t dissolve in water.)

When used for things other than medicines, SM-102 is sometimes mixed with chemicals that aren’t meant for human consumption. That’s why some safety data sheets may list warnings for SM-102."

A further look into SM-102/Luciferase specifically:

View attachment 1434231
View attachment 1434236

I will discuss how this links into the "Book of Revelation" later on.

Convinced something just ain't right yet? You should be...

Vaccine Passports
Vaccine Passports have been rolled out across the western world. Specifically in the U.K., Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Belgium and many other European countries. It seems as though the United States is lagging behind on that. They must still have a few kinks to work out surrounding the Bill of Rights or The Constitution.

In the U.K. the vaccine passport uses an NHS (National Health Service) app on your mobile phone. You are only able to successfully use this application if you have had the vaccine. It is updated on a national database if you have had 1, 2, 3 or no vaccine. You use a QR code that is specific to you, in order to enter nightclubs for instance. But many other venues rely on you having this unique QR code.

The interesting thing about it, is that it seems to have been made for more than this purpose. The way it is structured allows it to stop you from entering places you would like to go if you have not done your duty as a citizen (in their eyes) and gotten your booster. It doesnt seem as if it is going to stop at 3 or 4 vaccines. This seems to be a continuous process until the end of ones life.

It therefore structures your life in a 6 month basis. (Or 3 months according to Savid Javid or whatever that bald cunts name is):

Want to go to a restaurant? Have you had your booster shot? No? Well you can't go then.
Funeral? You can't go.
Work? You can't go.

I can also see them withholding the Covid vaccines once they have enough people integrated into the Beast--- errm I mean New System. Those who are considered dissidents such as myself will have to pay a premium price to have an injectable harmful substance put into my body in order for them to monitor and perhaps control where I go and what I do, otherwise I am unable to do anything at all. A prisoner in my own home. Of course, this is speculation as we don't know what Graphene Oxide is really capable of yet.

Okay. So let us recap.
- Covid like all other pandemics has coincided with the release of technology that increases the power of telecommunications. 5G in this instance.
- The vaccines contain a substance that is able to change shape through electromagnetic signals. At a time when 5G is being released all across the planet.
- Vaccine passports coincide with your vaccine count which allows those in power to determine who is a compliant citizen and who is a dissident. Punishing those who do not take the vaccine or maybe even absentmindedly missed an appointment.

All of this seems to be backed up by evidence and, quite frankly, common sense and pattern recognition skills. How could it get any worse than this?

Oh it certainly can. However, if you have read this far then it's obvious I am not pulling your leg so you will have to trust me on the next few points. Let's brainstorm.

Eugenics has been practiced for a very long time. Sweden itself practiced eugenics well into the 1970s where it would kill its infirm and undesirable population. Perhaps that contributed to how attractive they are rather than Vikings.

But there is a very large misconception about "Eugenics" as a practice. Eugenics does not always mean a system in which the disabled, mentally ill, unfit populations are exterminated or removed in some way from the host country.
This part will in itself be split into two alternative scenarios as there are two ways to equally look at this topic. Both sound very reasonable considering the circumstances thus far.


Option 1: Selecting for "sheep"

Here is what Eugenics actually means from its definition:

"The study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable".

"To increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable".

This does not necessarily mean healthy, strong, smart, free thinking individuals. If a state wants to have an authoritarian dictatorship of its population then the most desirable trait to reproduce in that population is Obedience. Obedience no matter what the state tells them to do.

In this scenario, the New World Order is creating a test for all of its inhabitants. To take an experimental harmful gene editing injection and be regarded as desirable, or to not take it and be regarded as a threat. However, on both sides it is a "catch-22". If you take the jab you are allowed to live. For now. These injections are experimental and it seems they want to perform experimentation on their populations. You are playing Russian Roulette every 3-6 months with each injection you take. You don't know whether or not it is saline, graphene oxide with luciferase or a poison (of which I believe is happening in the deaths/injuries we see from the vaccine).

If you don't take it, or stop taking them, then you will be regarded as an enemy of the state, hunted down and shot instantly. Your name will be scrubbed off the records, any trace you had online deleted and the only thing that will "keep you alive" are the people you used to speak to wondering: "Where did such-and-such go? I haven't heard from him in ages".

You think this is science fiction dystopia? Think again. It already happens in many dictatorships around the world including Iran, China and North Korea. It is a very likely possibility it will happen in your "free, democratic" country. If this scenario is the right one, that is...

Option 2: Selecting for "free thinkers"

As you saw above, the definition of Eugenics is:

"To increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable".

This goes both ways. With the advent of automation around the corner, of which much of it is already here, the useless eaters become a crippling burden on the state. They cannot afford to have mass unemployment due to job loss from automation. Millions and millions of people leeching from an economy that is already on its last legs. Because of what has happened, it is clear that they have thought about this too which is why it is an equal scenario to the first.

You invent a pandemic. Mass hysteria ensues. Over time, it becomes clear to anyone with half a braincell that there is something wrong with the situation. Fishy videos start being leaked on YouTube, they take it down because it is too obvious and easy for the common denominator to find it.

So they invent new platforms that only those who have an interest in finding out the truth can really find. Bitchute, Odysee AltCensored and the like.
You are right to question that since it is still on the surface web but how many normies do you know frequently watch videos on those platforms if at all? I am talking real common denominator, not someone who has a passive interest in conspiracies but doesn't look into it much. Not many.

Most people don't even know what Bitchute, Odysee or Altcensored actually is. They have never heard of it. They get their media from TV, Online news sites and at best, Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat or YouTube.

So those with the wherewithal to think about and find this information are actually quite rare. But it is these rare few that the future is dependent on. They have realized that the western world specifically has gotten fat, old, slow and retarded. They cannot compete in the way they used to with China and other up-and-coming world powers. So they need to get rid of the "loose change". They do that by injecting them with a substance that is a slow kill, they do it sporadically in different areas so it looks like natural causes or covid.
And once everything is all said and done, the smart few have cheap properties to buy, automation fills the gaps in the economy like the car manufacturing industry and those who survived the global IQ test will live a comfortable life of plenty, having lots of children and living a happy life. In a country that will feel empty.
Perhaps then the world governments will have a hands off approach and won't interfere in things anymore. It will be silent on the media and you won't hear very much from Donald Trump/Joe Biden, Boris Johnson etc. They are enjoying the empty prosperity too.

This is part 1 of this gigantic thread. I will be discussing other topics in my second thread which may seem a little more "out there". Stay tuned.

Ugh. Just get the fucking vax and stop whining! Geez.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 15827, mafiaboy, anarlord and 2 others
mirin your iq
  • Woah
Reactions: NuclearBrainReturns
  • +1
Reactions: NuclearBrainReturns
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13787 and NuclearBrainReturns
I don't care about any of that

I'm not taking the vaccine
  • +1
Reactions: TheAnomaly and Deleted member 14774
Where do you get the high quality meth op?
  • JFL
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 13787, lutte and NuclearBrainReturns
NAC seems to help with graphene detoxification.. No wonder they decided to start banning it this year after many decades of it being sold without any serious side effects

Better stock up on NAC I already have 5 bottles
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 12218, JizzFarmer and NuclearBrainReturns
NAC seems to help with graphene detoxification.. No wonder they decided to start banning it this year after many decades of it being sold without any serious side effects

Better stock up on NAC I already have 5 bottles
i'll need to get my hands on some
Where do you get the high quality meth op?
i dont do meth I do DXM which is a disassociative. I'm not high rn tbh I made this thread sober.

I get it from a pharmacy. Robitussin dry cough. Dont buy anything that has other chemicals in it. Has to be pure dxm
  • +1
Reactions: Slasher and TsarTsar444
Can you elab about the deaths caused by the vaccines?
I'm hoping for option 2
Surely we will see utopia before we die?
Inb4 option 1 and we get dragged out of our beds at night and shot in the back of the head like a dog
  • So Sad
Reactions: enzo
i dont do meth I do DXM which is a disassociative. I'm not high rn tbh I made this thread sober.

I get it from a pharmacy. Robitussin dry cough. Dont buy anything that has other chemicals in it. Has to be pure dxm
Only a tweaker can write such a long essay tbh, wierd you aren't one
  • Love it
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 13787 and NuclearBrainReturns
J&J bros... We got WAY too cocky
Can you elab about the deaths caused by the vaccines?
I am unsure whether or not the deaths are actually supposed to happen to as many people as quickly as they have.

Some say the jab is supposed to wipe out your immune system and kill you but I think that is only going to happen to a certain amount of people. There was a video I saw discussing the roll out of the vaccine and how pfizer, moderna and j&j all rolled out "bad batches" that caused covid injury and death in a succinct carefully planned strategic way. I will see if I can find it on bitchute but it might have gotten taken down.

But I do believe most of the jabs are either saline or this graphene oxide mark of the beast body snatching goo. Death is preferable to that one.

Had a look and I cant find it. Was such a good video too tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: enzo
I'm hoping for option 2
Surely we will see utopia before we die?
Inb4 option 1 and we get dragged out of our beds at night and shot in the back of the head like a dog
If its option 2 then yeah it will be a utopia. Fingers crossed.
  • +1
Reactions: TsarTsar444
i dont do meth I do DXM which is a disassociative. I'm not high rn tbh I made this thread sober.

I get it from a pharmacy. Robitussin dry cough. Dont buy anything that has other chemicals in it. Has to be pure dxm
@NuclearBrainReturns Your Nipples. Show Them.
so many paragraphs, words, so much effort and in the end, it's still a shit thread
Dies from cringe no watermark
I wish i could read all of that.
Actually read it all
Gj op keep it coming
  • +1
Reactions: NuclearBrainReturns
A little learning is a dangerous thing. Your post is wrong( well at least the first half of it , didn't bother reading the second half). Not gonna bother telling you why you are wrong but if you are a free thinker then you should be able to figure that out yourself
  • JFL
Reactions: NuclearBrainReturns
Good thread
  • +1
Reactions: NuclearBrainReturns
Its pretty fucking obvious when you look at simple data, out of whatever million cases of covid, the mortality rate is about 2%.
Add to this that most deaths are in the boomer range, it’s hilarious to see retards my age (20s) get their booster 😂😂

anyway if you look at the data again, the pattern is quite obv. 85-90% of the deaths iirc are from people with commorbities. Ofc there are gonna be some ppl who are healthy and still die but if you’re relatively young and no chronic disease, ur chance of dying decreases tremendously.

As for muh doing ur duty... Don’t wanna infect others? Spend more time indoors, be more careful about your surrounding.
Don’t wanna infect ur grandma? Tell her not to visit u this weekend and the next one. Do tests regularly before going to contact elders. Vaxx the elders if they badly need muh protection
Last edited:
  • JFL
Reactions: YoungJohnnyDepp and NuclearBrainReturns
A little learning is a dangerous thing. Your post is wrong( well at least the first half of it , didn't bother reading the second half). Not gonna bother telling you why you are wrong but if you are a free thinker then you should be able to figure that out yourself
I'm noticing a pattern of the people telling me I am wrong not telling me why I am wrong but just saying I am.

Sounds like SOMEONE can't handle the truth of this fucked situation...
Dn read but this place is starting to adopt the worst qualities of lookism. Stop with this covid shit already, bringing it up should result in a permban
Dn read but this place is starting to adopt the worst qualities of lookism. Stop with this covid shit already, bringing it up should result in a permban
We are in Offtopic so I can talk about whatever I want, you fucking retard.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: XANAX and ropemax
Why is Every incel on dxm now
I will show you everything that is going on right now. A Christmas gift for you all. Merry Christmas.

This will be split into sections so its easier on the eyes. I realize I didn't do that in my last thread about debunking evolution and space (as we know it). I apologize.

I will also link some music for you to listen to whilst reading it. A very good mix that I listen to when I am "coming up" on DXM. It is an unbelievable experience:

Now. On with the thread...

We are all aware of COVID as a concept. It's a virus that escaped from a Chinese biochemical research facility in Wuhan. Covid as a virus is very real, I have even had the symptoms. It is a very different (symptomatically, that is) than a cold or a flu for example. I lost my sense of taste for around 3 months when I caught it the second time. I wasn't deathly ill, however I did have a fever for a day and just lay in bed.
However, I find it very strange that they have acknowledged that "flu rates" have pretty much disappeared off the register. Nobody has had flu in the last 2 years. They aren't even hiding it. Lets take a look at this chart:


As we can see, the US is not "testing" for flu. This therefore means that they seem to be strictly testing for COVID. If coronaviruses are indeed the exact same as flu viruses, in the sense that they produce false positives in the PCR tests, then it makes no sense that they could know the difference between the two unless the person being tested has slightly different symptoms. The only way you can know if you have the flu or a coronavirus is to wait on the symptoms arising. But by then, you will know you have it so there is no point in testing you. Do you see the issue yet?

The PCR testing situation is all just a front. They do not know if you have Covid or a cold and flu virus. They have no idea until it shows symptoms in which case there is no point in testing you. PCR tests are also incredibly unreliable and produce more false positives than true positives due to the methodology. They "spin" the sample in a machine hundreds of times until a positive result is shown. This is the equivalent of someone having a bottle of fizzy water/sparkling water telling you it is still-water. They shake it over and over again until it no longer has any fizziness. Then they say "See? I told you it was still-water".

There have been many professionals discussing how world governments are abusing the PCR testing method in order to panic people and make them think Covid is everywhere and that it is extremely dangerous. Of course, we know that by now don't we?

The PCR testing fiasco is very clever but also very stupid if you have some wits about you. For the common denominator they do not question it because they do not understand it. That is how it has always been with most people and so they can get away with the lie.

I would advise that you do not try to catch the virus though. We don't know if they have made a "pincer move" and that both Covid and the vaccines are dangerous. We have no idea.

Some people even believe Covid doesn't exist. I have had it and it was different to a normal flu. Could it have been 5G radiation poisoning? I will now discuss this possibility.

5G Technology
During the pandemic, governments around the world have been fast-tracking 5G technology. Their excuse is that because people are working from home on computers a lot more, high speed internet is a priority in order to keep the world functioning. This isn't even a lie if I am honest. I remember at the start of the pandemic when everyone was at home, my internet speeds were garbage. But if you are orchestrating a conspiracy involving a pandemic and lockdowns then you would know that would happen wouldn't you?

5G technology is much more efficient than 4G or wired technology. It is an upgrade in terms of what it can do for internet speeds and streaming capabilities. However, it has one fatal flaw.

5G towers need a continuous stream of towers in front and behind it. There can be no blockages between them because the 5G signals cannot penetrate buildings, only the air, biological organisms and very thin objects. In a country like the U.K. there are houses everywhere. I believe they have already started demolition of housing for this project just like how they were going to do it for the high speed railway system from London to the north of England. They did scrap that second project, however. I wonder if that was all just a front to demolish housing for 5G capabilities?

As we can see, 5G towers really do "tower". They have to be built extremely tall in order for the signal to be uninterrupted when it passes to the recipient tower. No trees can get in the way of it.
5G radiation is very damaging for life though. There have been many documents discussing the damaging effects it has on living organisms due to the water molecules heating up like food in a microwave. Perhaps that is a reason they build them so tall because if they didn't, trees at its eye level would be dead during blooming season and it would look very suspicious. If it can stop a tree from blooming, what does it do to you?

There is a theory that viruses are excretion's from a toxic cell. When a cell is damaged it leeches what we call "viruses" that attack and kill the dying cell in order to stop it from spreading the toxins around the body. The very first major pandemic was the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. During this time they were simultaneously rolling out the very first form of radio waves. The Spanish flu managed to spread from south Africa to the united states in 2 weeks when it was impossible for someone to travel that distance in that small length of time by boat due the amount of times they had to stop for fuel/coal in south America. Steam boats were used mainly in that time, think of the titanic. Titanic was the first boat of its time to be able to travel from Britain to the United States in one trip and it took many years for them to build another like it. Most travelers were relegated to old-school modes of travel which take a very long time to get anywhere.

There was another outbreak after the second world war of a virus. This also coincided with the introduction of Radar technology used in Spitfires as an example.

- When they rolled out 2G technology in 1992, we had an RSV pandemic.
- When they rolled out 3G technology in 2002, we had a SARS pandemic in 2002 - 2005.
- When they rolled out 4G technology in 2009, we had the swine flu pandemic.
- When they rolled out 5G technology in 2019, once again, it coincided with the SARS CoV - 2 pandemic that we are experiencing now.

Wuhan has the most 5G towers in the world for its density. Where did coronavirus start?

As we can see, there is a clear correlation between the upgrades in electrification of the world and "pandemics" of viruses. When the body is exposed to an increase in radio waves and electromagnetism, it produces viruses in damaged cells. Over time we get used to it and we stop producing viruses until they upgrade it once again.

Vaccines & The "Mark" Itself
Vaccines in general have been known to cause health issues such as autism, schizophrenia, heavy metal poisoning, infertility, seizures, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and many other problems. This is mostly because vaccines contain mercury and aluminium in such high doses that the body attacks itself. US military personnel receive vaccines that contain enough mercury and aluminium for 90 life times. They will never get rid of such toxic chemicals from their body no matter what they do. This is because the US Government does not want to subsidize veterans once they are off duty with veteran pensions etc. So its better to kill them off early if they don't get killed whilst on duty in a warzone.

The vaccines for coronavirus use mRNA. We all know that but lets just talk about it a second. mRNA is also called messenger RNA. It is inserted into the body and commands the body to produce whatever that mRNA is taken from. Much like a script for a mod in Skyrim or Morrowind for example. In the case of the coronavirus vaccines, this mRNA tells the body how to produce spike proteins. I always felt it was strange, even before really researching this, that they wanted to make peoples bodies produce the very thing that allows the virus to attach to the cell wall of the lungs. Does that not seem odd to you?

If this was in fact benevolent and did not have a secret agenda behind it, perhaps they thought that if they fill the body with the insertion spikes already inside the cells, then the virus wouldn't have anything to attach to because the individual spike proteins are already inserted. Sort of like if you insert a one sided Lego brick, you cant then attach the top of another Lego brick onto the top of the Lego brick already sticking up. It has to stick from the bottom. Does that make sense or is that rambling?
View attachment 1434218
That isn't the only strange thing surrounding the vaccine though. It also has a substance called Graphene Oxide which expands from a tiny molecule into a what appears to be a goo-like substance. It grows through the use of electromagnetic waves. Signals, if you will. Perhaps from the 5G towers they are building throughout the world?
Graphene Oxide is also commandable and through certain frequencies it can move and insert itself into things. Where then do you think it may be signaled to move and grow inside the human body? What part of the human being controls everything else? What same part is also extremely electromagnetic? Of course, its the brain.

Can Graphene Oxide influence your behaviour through these very same electromagnetic signals that can control it? The fact that it is inside of the vaccine and can itself be controlled by signals suggests to me that it can, and that is why it is in there.

Here is a video of Graphene Oxide reacting to soundwaves and signals:

Here is a video discussing Graphene Oxide:

I am unsure personally if the vaccines are supposed to kill you although they seem to be doing a good job of it. I have a theory that some of them are supposed to kill you which is where I will get into the Depopulation side of all of this. However, I do think that some of them are supposed to keep you alive and are not supposed to kill you. Whether or not it has anything to do with Graphene Oxide I am unsure. There is a lot more than that inside of the vaccines...

There is a compound now known as SM-102, also known as Luciferase inside of the Moderna vaccines. This compound glows under black light and with a black light detector (for lack of a better term) you are able to see who has it inside of them and who does not. A "Mark" if you will.

Here is a link to how Moderna has Luciferase/SM-102 inside of it:

A quote from Dr James Lawler, MD:
"Yes, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine does contain SM-102. And yes, the vaccine is safe.

SM-102 is a lipid molecule. (A lipid molecule is a molecule that does not dissolve in water.) The molecule helps form the lipid nanoparticles in the Moderna vaccine. (A lipid nanoparticle is an extremely small amount of matter that doesn’t dissolve in water.)

When used for things other than medicines, SM-102 is sometimes mixed with chemicals that aren’t meant for human consumption. That’s why some safety data sheets may list warnings for SM-102."

A further look into SM-102/Luciferase specifically:

View attachment 1434231
View attachment 1434236

I will discuss how this links into the "Book of Revelation" later on.

Convinced something just ain't right yet? You should be...

Vaccine Passports
Vaccine Passports have been rolled out across the western world. Specifically in the U.K., Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Belgium and many other European countries. It seems as though the United States is lagging behind on that. They must still have a few kinks to work out surrounding the Bill of Rights or The Constitution.

In the U.K. the vaccine passport uses an NHS (National Health Service) app on your mobile phone. You are only able to successfully use this application if you have had the vaccine. It is updated on a national database if you have had 1, 2, 3 or no vaccine. You use a QR code that is specific to you, in order to enter nightclubs for instance. But many other venues rely on you having this unique QR code.

The interesting thing about it, is that it seems to have been made for more than this purpose. The way it is structured allows it to stop you from entering places you would like to go if you have not done your duty as a citizen (in their eyes) and gotten your booster. It doesnt seem as if it is going to stop at 3 or 4 vaccines. This seems to be a continuous process until the end of ones life.

It therefore structures your life in a 6 month basis. (Or 3 months according to Savid Javid or whatever that bald cunts name is):

Want to go to a restaurant? Have you had your booster shot? No? Well you can't go then.
Funeral? You can't go.
Work? You can't go.

I can also see them withholding the Covid vaccines once they have enough people integrated into the Beast--- errm I mean New System. Those who are considered dissidents such as myself will have to pay a premium price to have an injectable harmful substance put into my body in order for them to monitor and perhaps control where I go and what I do, otherwise I am unable to do anything at all. A prisoner in my own home. Of course, this is speculation as we don't know what Graphene Oxide is really capable of yet.

Okay. So let us recap.
- Covid like all other pandemics has coincided with the release of technology that increases the power of telecommunications. 5G in this instance.
- The vaccines contain a substance that is able to change shape through electromagnetic signals. At a time when 5G is being released all across the planet.
- Vaccine passports coincide with your vaccine count which allows those in power to determine who is a compliant citizen and who is a dissident. Punishing those who do not take the vaccine or maybe even absentmindedly missed an appointment.

All of this seems to be backed up by evidence and, quite frankly, common sense and pattern recognition skills. How could it get any worse than this?

Oh it certainly can. However, if you have read this far then it's obvious I am not pulling your leg so you will have to trust me on the next few points. Let's brainstorm.

Eugenics has been practiced for a very long time. Sweden itself practiced eugenics well into the 1970s where it would kill its infirm and undesirable population. Perhaps that contributed to how attractive they are rather than Vikings.

But there is a very large misconception about "Eugenics" as a practice. Eugenics does not always mean a system in which the disabled, mentally ill, unfit populations are exterminated or removed in some way from the host country.
This part will in itself be split into two alternative scenarios as there are two ways to equally look at this topic. Both sound very reasonable considering the circumstances thus far.


Option 1: Selecting for "sheep"

Here is what Eugenics actually means from its definition:

"The study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable".

"To increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable".

This does not necessarily mean healthy, strong, smart, free thinking individuals. If a state wants to have an authoritarian dictatorship of its population then the most desirable trait to reproduce in that population is Obedience. Obedience no matter what the state tells them to do.

In this scenario, the New World Order is creating a test for all of its inhabitants. To take an experimental harmful gene editing injection and be regarded as desirable, or to not take it and be regarded as a threat. However, on both sides it is a "catch-22". If you take the jab you are allowed to live. For now. These injections are experimental and it seems they want to perform experimentation on their populations. You are playing Russian Roulette every 3-6 months with each injection you take. You don't know whether or not it is saline, graphene oxide with luciferase or a poison (of which I believe is happening in the deaths/injuries we see from the vaccine).

If you don't take it, or stop taking them, then you will be regarded as an enemy of the state, hunted down and shot instantly. Your name will be scrubbed off the records, any trace you had online deleted and the only thing that will "keep you alive" are the people you used to speak to wondering: "Where did such-and-such go? I haven't heard from him in ages".

You think this is science fiction dystopia? Think again. It already happens in many dictatorships around the world including Iran, China and North Korea. It is a very likely possibility it will happen in your "free, democratic" country. If this scenario is the right one, that is...

Option 2: Selecting for "free thinkers"

As you saw above, the definition of Eugenics is:

"To increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable".

This goes both ways. With the advent of automation around the corner, of which much of it is already here, the useless eaters become a crippling burden on the state. They cannot afford to have mass unemployment due to job loss from automation. Millions and millions of people leeching from an economy that is already on its last legs. Because of what has happened, it is clear that they have thought about this too which is why it is an equal scenario to the first.

You invent a pandemic. Mass hysteria ensues. Over time, it becomes clear to anyone with half a braincell that there is something wrong with the situation. Fishy videos start being leaked on YouTube, they take it down because it is too obvious and easy for the common denominator to find it.

So they invent new platforms that only those who have an interest in finding out the truth can really find. Bitchute, Odysee AltCensored and the like.
You are right to question that since it is still on the surface web but how many normies do you know frequently watch videos on those platforms if at all? I am talking real common denominator, not someone who has a passive interest in conspiracies but doesn't look into it much. Not many.

Most people don't even know what Bitchute, Odysee or Altcensored actually is. They have never heard of it. They get their media from TV, Online news sites and at best, Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat or YouTube.

So those with the wherewithal to think about and find this information are actually quite rare. But it is these rare few that the future is dependent on. They have realized that the western world specifically has gotten fat, old, slow and retarded. They cannot compete in the way they used to with China and other up-and-coming world powers. So they need to get rid of the "loose change". They do that by injecting them with a substance that is a slow kill, they do it sporadically in different areas so it looks like natural causes or covid.
And once everything is all said and done, the smart few have cheap properties to buy, automation fills the gaps in the economy like the car manufacturing industry and those who survived the global IQ test will live a comfortable life of plenty, having lots of children and living a happy life. In a country that will feel empty.
Perhaps then the world governments will have a hands off approach and won't interfere in things anymore. It will be silent on the media and you won't hear very much from Donald Trump/Joe Biden, Boris Johnson etc. They are enjoying the empty prosperity too.

This is part 1 of this gigantic thread. I will be discussing other topics in my second thread which may seem a little more "out there". Stay tuned.

can u please fckin tag me in ur threads
@Salludon must read bahi very high iq
  • +1
Reactions: Lmao and Salludon
Covid is a fake hoax move da fuck on
  • +1
Reactions: Htobrother
stopped reading at 5g
I will show you everything that is going on right now. A Christmas gift for you all. Merry Christmas.

This will be split into sections so its easier on the eyes. I realize I didn't do that in my last thread about debunking evolution and space (as we know it). I apologize.

I will also link some music for you to listen to whilst reading it. A very good mix that I listen to when I am "coming up" on DXM. It is an unbelievable experience:

Now. On with the thread...

We are all aware of COVID as a concept. It's a virus that escaped from a Chinese biochemical research facility in Wuhan. Covid as a virus is very real, I have even had the symptoms. It is a very different (symptomatically, that is) than a cold or a flu for example. I lost my sense of taste for around 3 months when I caught it the second time. I wasn't deathly ill, however I did have a fever for a day and just lay in bed.
However, I find it very strange that they have acknowledged that "flu rates" have pretty much disappeared off the register. Nobody has had flu in the last 2 years. They aren't even hiding it. Lets take a look at this chart:


As we can see, the US is not "testing" for flu. This therefore means that they seem to be strictly testing for COVID. If coronaviruses are indeed the exact same as flu viruses, in the sense that they produce false positives in the PCR tests, then it makes no sense that they could know the difference between the two unless the person being tested has slightly different symptoms. The only way you can know if you have the flu or a coronavirus is to wait on the symptoms arising. But by then, you will know you have it so there is no point in testing you. Do you see the issue yet?

The PCR testing situation is all just a front. They do not know if you have Covid or a cold and flu virus. They have no idea until it shows symptoms in which case there is no point in testing you. PCR tests are also incredibly unreliable and produce more false positives than true positives due to the methodology. They "spin" the sample in a machine hundreds of times until a positive result is shown. This is the equivalent of someone having a bottle of fizzy water/sparkling water telling you it is still-water. They shake it over and over again until it no longer has any fizziness. Then they say "See? I told you it was still-water".

There have been many professionals discussing how world governments are abusing the PCR testing method in order to panic people and make them think Covid is everywhere and that it is extremely dangerous. Of course, we know that by now don't we?

The PCR testing fiasco is very clever but also very stupid if you have some wits about you. For the common denominator they do not question it because they do not understand it. That is how it has always been with most people and so they can get away with the lie.

I would advise that you do not try to catch the virus though. We don't know if they have made a "pincer move" and that both Covid and the vaccines are dangerous. We have no idea.

Some people even believe Covid doesn't exist. I have had it and it was different to a normal flu. Could it have been 5G radiation poisoning? I will now discuss this possibility.

5G Technology
During the pandemic, governments around the world have been fast-tracking 5G technology. Their excuse is that because people are working from home on computers a lot more, high speed internet is a priority in order to keep the world functioning. This isn't even a lie if I am honest. I remember at the start of the pandemic when everyone was at home, my internet speeds were garbage. But if you are orchestrating a conspiracy involving a pandemic and lockdowns then you would know that would happen wouldn't you?

5G technology is much more efficient than 4G or wired technology. It is an upgrade in terms of what it can do for internet speeds and streaming capabilities. However, it has one fatal flaw.

5G towers need a continuous stream of towers in front and behind it. There can be no blockages between them because the 5G signals cannot penetrate buildings, only the air, biological organisms and very thin objects. In a country like the U.K. there are houses everywhere. I believe they have already started demolition of housing for this project just like how they were going to do it for the high speed railway system from London to the north of England. They did scrap that second project, however. I wonder if that was all just a front to demolish housing for 5G capabilities?

As we can see, 5G towers really do "tower". They have to be built extremely tall in order for the signal to be uninterrupted when it passes to the recipient tower. No trees can get in the way of it.
5G radiation is very damaging for life though. There have been many documents discussing the damaging effects it has on living organisms due to the water molecules heating up like food in a microwave. Perhaps that is a reason they build them so tall because if they didn't, trees at its eye level would be dead during blooming season and it would look very suspicious. If it can stop a tree from blooming, what does it do to you?

There is a theory that viruses are excretion's from a toxic cell. When a cell is damaged it leeches what we call "viruses" that attack and kill the dying cell in order to stop it from spreading the toxins around the body. The very first major pandemic was the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. During this time they were simultaneously rolling out the very first form of radio waves. The Spanish flu managed to spread from south Africa to the united states in 2 weeks when it was impossible for someone to travel that distance in that small length of time by boat due the amount of times they had to stop for fuel/coal in south America. Steam boats were used mainly in that time, think of the titanic. Titanic was the first boat of its time to be able to travel from Britain to the United States in one trip and it took many years for them to build another like it. Most travelers were relegated to old-school modes of travel which take a very long time to get anywhere.

There was another outbreak after the second world war of a virus. This also coincided with the introduction of Radar technology used in Spitfires as an example.

- When they rolled out 2G technology in 1992, we had an RSV pandemic.
- When they rolled out 3G technology in 2002, we had a SARS pandemic in 2002 - 2005.
- When they rolled out 4G technology in 2009, we had the swine flu pandemic.
- When they rolled out 5G technology in 2019, once again, it coincided with the SARS CoV - 2 pandemic that we are experiencing now.

Wuhan has the most 5G towers in the world for its density. Where did coronavirus start?

As we can see, there is a clear correlation between the upgrades in electrification of the world and "pandemics" of viruses. When the body is exposed to an increase in radio waves and electromagnetism, it produces viruses in damaged cells. Over time we get used to it and we stop producing viruses until they upgrade it once again.

Vaccines & The "Mark" Itself
Vaccines in general have been known to cause health issues such as autism, schizophrenia, heavy metal poisoning, infertility, seizures, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and many other problems. This is mostly because vaccines contain mercury and aluminium in such high doses that the body attacks itself. US military personnel receive vaccines that contain enough mercury and aluminium for 90 life times. They will never get rid of such toxic chemicals from their body no matter what they do. This is because the US Government does not want to subsidize veterans once they are off duty with veteran pensions etc. So its better to kill them off early if they don't get killed whilst on duty in a warzone.

The vaccines for coronavirus use mRNA. We all know that but lets just talk about it a second. mRNA is also called messenger RNA. It is inserted into the body and commands the body to produce whatever that mRNA is taken from. Much like a script for a mod in Skyrim or Morrowind for example. In the case of the coronavirus vaccines, this mRNA tells the body how to produce spike proteins. I always felt it was strange, even before really researching this, that they wanted to make peoples bodies produce the very thing that allows the virus to attach to the cell wall of the lungs. Does that not seem odd to you?

If this was in fact benevolent and did not have a secret agenda behind it, perhaps they thought that if they fill the body with the insertion spikes already inside the cells, then the virus wouldn't have anything to attach to because the individual spike proteins are already inserted. Sort of like if you insert a one sided Lego brick, you cant then attach the top of another Lego brick onto the top of the Lego brick already sticking up. It has to stick from the bottom. Does that make sense or is that rambling?
View attachment 1434218
That isn't the only strange thing surrounding the vaccine though. It also has a substance called Graphene Oxide which expands from a tiny molecule into a what appears to be a goo-like substance. It grows through the use of electromagnetic waves. Signals, if you will. Perhaps from the 5G towers they are building throughout the world?
Graphene Oxide is also commandable and through certain frequencies it can move and insert itself into things. Where then do you think it may be signaled to move and grow inside the human body? What part of the human being controls everything else? What same part is also extremely electromagnetic? Of course, its the brain.

Can Graphene Oxide influence your behaviour through these very same electromagnetic signals that can control it? The fact that it is inside of the vaccine and can itself be controlled by signals suggests to me that it can, and that is why it is in there.

Here is a video of Graphene Oxide reacting to soundwaves and signals:

Here is a video discussing Graphene Oxide:

I am unsure personally if the vaccines are supposed to kill you although they seem to be doing a good job of it. I have a theory that some of them are supposed to kill you which is where I will get into the Depopulation side of all of this. However, I do think that some of them are supposed to keep you alive and are not supposed to kill you. Whether or not it has anything to do with Graphene Oxide I am unsure. There is a lot more than that inside of the vaccines...

There is a compound now known as SM-102, also known as Luciferase inside of the Moderna vaccines. This compound glows under black light and with a black light detector (for lack of a better term) you are able to see who has it inside of them and who does not. A "Mark" if you will.

Here is a link to how Moderna has Luciferase/SM-102 inside of it:

A quote from Dr James Lawler, MD:
"Yes, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine does contain SM-102. And yes, the vaccine is safe.

SM-102 is a lipid molecule. (A lipid molecule is a molecule that does not dissolve in water.) The molecule helps form the lipid nanoparticles in the Moderna vaccine. (A lipid nanoparticle is an extremely small amount of matter that doesn’t dissolve in water.)

When used for things other than medicines, SM-102 is sometimes mixed with chemicals that aren’t meant for human consumption. That’s why some safety data sheets may list warnings for SM-102."

A further look into SM-102/Luciferase specifically:

View attachment 1434231
View attachment 1434236

I will discuss how this links into the "Book of Revelation" later on.

Convinced something just ain't right yet? You should be...

Vaccine Passports
Vaccine Passports have been rolled out across the western world. Specifically in the U.K., Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Belgium and many other European countries. It seems as though the United States is lagging behind on that. They must still have a few kinks to work out surrounding the Bill of Rights or The Constitution.

In the U.K. the vaccine passport uses an NHS (National Health Service) app on your mobile phone. You are only able to successfully use this application if you have had the vaccine. It is updated on a national database if you have had 1, 2, 3 or no vaccine. You use a QR code that is specific to you, in order to enter nightclubs for instance. But many other venues rely on you having this unique QR code.

The interesting thing about it, is that it seems to have been made for more than this purpose. The way it is structured allows it to stop you from entering places you would like to go if you have not done your duty as a citizen (in their eyes) and gotten your booster. It doesnt seem as if it is going to stop at 3 or 4 vaccines. This seems to be a continuous process until the end of ones life.

It therefore structures your life in a 6 month basis. (Or 3 months according to Savid Javid or whatever that bald cunts name is):

Want to go to a restaurant? Have you had your booster shot? No? Well you can't go then.
Funeral? You can't go.
Work? You can't go.

I can also see them withholding the Covid vaccines once they have enough people integrated into the Beast--- errm I mean New System. Those who are considered dissidents such as myself will have to pay a premium price to have an injectable harmful substance put into my body in order for them to monitor and perhaps control where I go and what I do, otherwise I am unable to do anything at all. A prisoner in my own home. Of course, this is speculation as we don't know what Graphene Oxide is really capable of yet.

Okay. So let us recap.
- Covid like all other pandemics has coincided with the release of technology that increases the power of telecommunications. 5G in this instance.
- The vaccines contain a substance that is able to change shape through electromagnetic signals. At a time when 5G is being released all across the planet.
- Vaccine passports coincide with your vaccine count which allows those in power to determine who is a compliant citizen and who is a dissident. Punishing those who do not take the vaccine or maybe even absentmindedly missed an appointment.

All of this seems to be backed up by evidence and, quite frankly, common sense and pattern recognition skills. How could it get any worse than this?

Oh it certainly can. However, if you have read this far then it's obvious I am not pulling your leg so you will have to trust me on the next few points. Let's brainstorm.

Eugenics has been practiced for a very long time. Sweden itself practiced eugenics well into the 1970s where it would kill its infirm and undesirable population. Perhaps that contributed to how attractive they are rather than Vikings.

But there is a very large misconception about "Eugenics" as a practice. Eugenics does not always mean a system in which the disabled, mentally ill, unfit populations are exterminated or removed in some way from the host country.
This part will in itself be split into two alternative scenarios as there are two ways to equally look at this topic. Both sound very reasonable considering the circumstances thus far.


Option 1: Selecting for "sheep"

Here is what Eugenics actually means from its definition:

"The study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable".

"To increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable".

This does not necessarily mean healthy, strong, smart, free thinking individuals. If a state wants to have an authoritarian dictatorship of its population then the most desirable trait to reproduce in that population is Obedience. Obedience no matter what the state tells them to do.

In this scenario, the New World Order is creating a test for all of its inhabitants. To take an experimental harmful gene editing injection and be regarded as desirable, or to not take it and be regarded as a threat. However, on both sides it is a "catch-22". If you take the jab you are allowed to live. For now. These injections are experimental and it seems they want to perform experimentation on their populations. You are playing Russian Roulette every 3-6 months with each injection you take. You don't know whether or not it is saline, graphene oxide with luciferase or a poison (of which I believe is happening in the deaths/injuries we see from the vaccine).

If you don't take it, or stop taking them, then you will be regarded as an enemy of the state, hunted down and shot instantly. Your name will be scrubbed off the records, any trace you had online deleted and the only thing that will "keep you alive" are the people you used to speak to wondering: "Where did such-and-such go? I haven't heard from him in ages".

You think this is science fiction dystopia? Think again. It already happens in many dictatorships around the world including Iran, China and North Korea. It is a very likely possibility it will happen in your "free, democratic" country. If this scenario is the right one, that is...

Option 2: Selecting for "free thinkers"

As you saw above, the definition of Eugenics is:

"To increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable".

This goes both ways. With the advent of automation around the corner, of which much of it is already here, the useless eaters become a crippling burden on the state. They cannot afford to have mass unemployment due to job loss from automation. Millions and millions of people leeching from an economy that is already on its last legs. Because of what has happened, it is clear that they have thought about this too which is why it is an equal scenario to the first.

You invent a pandemic. Mass hysteria ensues. Over time, it becomes clear to anyone with half a braincell that there is something wrong with the situation. Fishy videos start being leaked on YouTube, they take it down because it is too obvious and easy for the common denominator to find it.

So they invent new platforms that only those who have an interest in finding out the truth can really find. Bitchute, Odysee AltCensored and the like.
You are right to question that since it is still on the surface web but how many normies do you know frequently watch videos on those platforms if at all? I am talking real common denominator, not someone who has a passive interest in conspiracies but doesn't look into it much. Not many.

Most people don't even know what Bitchute, Odysee or Altcensored actually is. They have never heard of it. They get their media from TV, Online news sites and at best, Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat or YouTube.

So those with the wherewithal to think about and find this information are actually quite rare. But it is these rare few that the future is dependent on. They have realized that the western world specifically has gotten fat, old, slow and retarded. They cannot compete in the way they used to with China and other up-and-coming world powers. So they need to get rid of the "loose change". They do that by injecting them with a substance that is a slow kill, they do it sporadically in different areas so it looks like natural causes or covid.
And once everything is all said and done, the smart few have cheap properties to buy, automation fills the gaps in the economy like the car manufacturing industry and those who survived the global IQ test will live a comfortable life of plenty, having lots of children and living a happy life. In a country that will feel empty.
Perhaps then the world governments will have a hands off approach and won't interfere in things anymore. It will be silent on the media and you won't hear very much from Donald Trump/Joe Biden, Boris Johnson etc. They are enjoying the empty prosperity too.

This is part 1 of this gigantic thread. I will be discussing other topics in my second thread which may seem a little more "out there". Stay tuned.

High IQ bookmarked
Dn read but this place is starting to adopt the worst qualities of lookism. Stop with this covid shit already, bringing it up should result in a permban
This Forum is a bastion of free speech stop Being a fucking redditor Soy censor:soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
When @Ryan realised 5G is the cause of coronavirus:

F0A37D0B 272C 4294 98B3 759374869CFF

The conspiracy theorists on this site never fails to make me laugh.

5G radiation is very damaging for life though. There have been many documents discussing the damaging effects it has on living organisms due to the water molecules heating up like food in a microwave.

Shit like this boils down to not understanding how things actually work. Neophobia, technophobia, and a desire to feel like one has control over the environment. These are also the sorts of feelings that predispose folks to believe in conspiracy theories. @Sal

The frequencies used in 5G are higher than 4G but they are nowhere near as ionizing as @gamma rays.

176CDAFA 95F5 4F5B 8323 D06554161A9E

Being afraid of 5G is like being afraid of lightbulb or being outside. Yes, if you can see the sun you are being bathed in electromagnetic radiation.

When people hear term ‘radiation’ they become concerned because of other scary connotations for the word radiation. It’s just ignorance of basic scientific principles.

It’s a wireless network folks. Which means it’s literally light. Electromagnetic radiation is light. Your headlights radiate. Your heater radiates. Your lightbulbs radiate. The sun radiates. Rocks radiate. You are constantly bathed in radiation. You would literally die without radiation.

You’re one of those same people that don’t microwave their food because “muh radiation”.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: xegigi, mafiaboy, Julius and 10 others
They did a study
When @Ryan realised 5G is the cause of coronavirus:

View attachment 1435500

The conspiracy theorists on this site never fails to make me laugh.

Shit like this boils down to not understanding how things actually work. Neophobia, technophobia, and a desire to feel like one has control over the environment. These are also the sorts of feelings that predispose folks to believe in conspiracy theories. @Sal

The frequencies used in 5G are higher than 4G but they are nowhere near as ionizing as @gamma rays.

View attachment 1435486

Being afraid of 5G is like being afraid of lightbulb or being outside. Yes, if you can see the sun you are being bathed in electromagnetic radiation.

When people hear term ‘radiation’ they become concerned because of other scary connotations for the word radiation. It’s just ignorance of basic scientific principles.

It’s a wireless network folks. Which means it’s literally light. Electromagnetic radiation is light. Your headlights radiate. Your heater radiates. Your lightbulbs radiate. The sun radiates. Rocks radiate. You are constantly bathed in radiation. You would literally die without radiation.

You’re one of those same people that don’t microwave their food because “muh radiation”.
They did a study to see if microwave water can still grows a plant compared to tap water . The microwave water killed the plant.
You dumb piece of shit!
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  • JFL
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