I wish real life was like the Jack Black movie Shallow Hal (Your personality will affect how others see your physical appearance)

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Jack Black

Jack Black

Legend of the Rent Free
Aug 30, 2019
In this movie after Jack Black goes under Hypnosis he sees people for there inner beauty and not there outward beauty. For example when Jack comes across a fat woman in the movie who has a good personality, he will see her as a 10/10 beautiful woman physically through his own eyes despite her being a fat pig in reality.

I just imagine if this was our reality, and everyone who is beautiful on the inside (good personality) despite being fat or ugly on the outside would look beautiful in the eyes of others. This would encourage others to do good as good would take an impact on how others see your physical appearance. Unlike today where you can be a very horrible person while still maintaining a good outward appearance.

Although this is good way to combat lookism if this became reality, I personally only want this to become reality because it would eradicate Jack Blacks morbid obesity. Just imagine what would happen to Jack Black if he had a good personality while being the fat slob that he is.

Despite Jack Black being the fattest thing to have ever to walked this earth, because of his inner beauty (good personality) we would all see his outer appearance as some handsome muscular guy and no longer have to behold the sight of Jack Black's morbid obesity as long as he maintains a good personality.

This would once and for all fix my life problems and people would no longer relate me to the fat form of Jack Black, instead they would see a kind gentle muscular PSL 8 movie star who they would then compare me to.


Sadly I know this reality is closer to happening than Jack Black actually deciding to lose weight and departing from his current form of the fattest piece of crap to walk this earth.

Though Jack Black despite being horribly obese, knows Hollywood will continually keep casting him to play the role of a fat subhuman so they can once again write an easy script which can rack in millions about how Jack Black is the fattest piece of crap seen to date who would eat his own children upon coming home to an empty refrigerator.

Watch these clips here and just replace the fat woman with fat Jack Black and you will understand why this is my deepest desire:

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It is. Personality is everything to women. They can sense if you're an abusive misogynist within seconds of meeting you and this is why you're incel.

Ngl I loved Shallow Hal.
Ngl I loved Shallow Hal.
Yes I wish reality was Shallow Hal so when I look at Jack Black he doesn't appear a fat piece of crap to me anymore. But if Jack had a terrible personality it would only make things worse because we would see him as even more obese. This would be terrible.
It is. Personality is everything to women. They can sense if you're an abusive misogynist within seconds of meeting you and this is why you're incel.

‘The man that beat me? He just has anger problems but is a sweet person deep down. Work on your personality and stop venting about your issues over the internet. This is why women don’t want you’.
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All that matters is appearances, they are the predicate and essence of things: A world like this is fanciful, yes, but I'd rather live in my lost ideal world, so whatever
I have changed my mind about living in this reality. I cannot risk the chance that Jack Black has a terrible personality making him more morbidly obese than ever before taking up too much space. This is terrible reality and more like a nightmare, I have no desire to live in this.
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