Is Geomaxxing still effective in the Former USSR for average - slightly above-average white men in their late 20s - early 30s? Or has the ship sailed?

Correct, the difference is that in the west even a gl ethnic can get heavily taxed ,while a gl ethnic in Eastern Europe will basically do the equivalent of a good looking local , as long as their not too dark. Skin color matters still

Also slavs being inferior do you mean primary the ones with asian admixture, cause that part would be a falio to their features but outside of that their pretty attractive.

To say their a inferior race as a whole is not true when you try tinder in russia practically every foid is hot.

Yes if you adjust for obesity German and scandanivan features are probably better but its pretty close.
Well, it's not me saying that slavs are inferior, but they have been considered as that by most other europeans traditionally, so i believe that there must be something to it. Also, even those slavs without asian admixture are still not aryan and would therefore technically be ethnics per definition.

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