Ideal age to lose virginity?



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Mar 19, 2020
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Nobody cares aslong as you dont look like virgin hence why we're all on this website
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Negative 26
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15 or so
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15 yo. I don't know any man who lost virginity at 15 and isn't successful in life. It's a true lifefuel.
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Wait i always mistake @Uglyandfat with @Notuglyjustpoor
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15 yo. I don't know any man who lost virginity at 15 and isn't successful in life. It's a true lifefuel.
Nigga ghetos
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When you get married to your oneitis, son.
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  • Ugh..
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10 bro
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You should lose in high school,no exact age.
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Reactions: MiroslavBulldosex, GordonFreeman, SpearOfOrion and 3 others
Do you want to know the truth? Most chad lose at 14. Normies usually at 16-18.
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40 Years Old
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wait until marriage
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In an ideal world it would be to a pairbonded girl who was also the same age as you and also a virgin who you were married to.
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15-16 yo
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Ideally you lose it around 12-13 or so. It does so much for your development.

Most people who lose it that early are slayers for life. It's not just genetics that matters, but environment too, since different environments can activate different genes. You might have the gene, but if it's just permanently turned off because certain parts of your upbringing didn't activate that gene, then it's over.

The reason why losing it as early as possible is the best is that you create your own "good" envonrment, that's gonna turn you into a slayer for life. If you never experience that high school love, and lost your virginity in high school it's over. You're gonna be resentfull for life. You also lose a massive part of the development process that is impossible to regain later, since it pretty much becomes fixed after the age of 18.

Let me make another example in terms of creating your own good environment. You're born, and you're not 3 years old. Imagine the situation in which you're born smart (you have the genetics). You're way more likely to enjoy chess, puzzles, mathematics, problem solving etc than a dumb kid who was born dumb. From this, you will "create" your own good environment that's gonna make you even smarter. Because you will continually be doing IQ problems tasks for fun. Your parents can't even create this for you. This is also kinda why people say genetics is everything and environment is cope. Because if you have the genes, youre environment will autmoatically follow. But it also happens that a dumb kid randomly likes doing puzzles, playing with legos or whatever. In that case he can ascend intellectually.

Everything else is similar. Personality is just as genetic as intelligence and height. You can ascend atleast a little bit with the right enviornment and upbringing.
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If you didnt lose it at 17 -18 its over
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For chads its 14, for most guys its 15 or 16
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There's no ideal, really. I wonder what made you ask such a question.
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As soon as you're born.
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In between 20-25 yo.

Preferably get married in those years and lose your v card.
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There's no ideal, really.
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  • WTF
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15 yo. I don't know any man who lost virginity at 15 and isn't successful in life. It's a true lifefuel.
Lmao looney af
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From 12-14
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I wonder what makes people think such age exists. I don't know. I feel like it's the same as asking what's the ideal time to wake up or go to sleep. There's no one right answer. Only opinions that have nothing to do with the reality and can't be tested.
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I wonder what makes people think such age exists. I don't know. I feel like it's the same as asking what's the ideal time to wake up or go to sleep. There's no one right answer. Only opinions that have nothing to do with the reality.
There is an ideal age both in what it implies at that moment and the future.

You wouldn't be here if u lost ur virginity at 15 and were doing ok with girls so there's that.

Ideal in the moment being ur healthy social life and brain which lead u to losing virginity.
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See, I think this really depends on where you're coming from. Someone might work really hard, IMPROOOVE a lot, and get closer to achieving his full potential if that exists, because he didn't lose his virginity early. Who am I to say he lost his virginity too soon or late if he's happy and satisfied with his life?

You wouldn't be here if u lost ur virginity at 15 and were doing ok with girls so there's that.
We don't know. There's no way to test this. Even if this was true, I'm grateful for this community and knowledge.
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Reactions: EthnicelAscension and IndianJock
This question is so retarded

Anything past that is terrible

20+ and virgin = you lost at life
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15-16 if you’re avg looking and lose it later then you’re a mentalcel
ideal age is after marriage, but since society is so degenerate i say 15-17
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Probably the worst place to ask this type of question.
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at 23 to your 18 year old virgin wife during your honey moon.
Always save your virginity for marriage
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