Ideal body proportions



Sep 8, 2020
Here I will be going over the ideal proportions for a body to be the most aesthetically and sexually pleasing. I will be using a bunch of sources and additionally I will be checking the proportions of some famous bodybuilders and statues.

Note when I saw circumfrence and when I say width. Width would refer to how it would be measured if you were standing facing the camera directly.

Vertical Ratios:
Head Ratios:
Head Length / Height = 1/8.
Inseam / Height = 1/2
Neck / Height = 1/16
Torso / Height = 5/16

In summary. A vertical view of your body should show this:
50% Legs
31.25% Torso
12.5% Neck
6.25% Head

Chest Height to Torso: 0.5 to 0.6
I think the 'ideal' here could be 0.618 because golden ratio 🤷‍♂️
This ratio is very very important and I think relatively underrated. It's the reason why some people like Arnold Schwarzenneger have such huge chests.

Look here at the green line and the red line. For most people, the red line would be too short. Arnold has a 0.6 ratio which is ideal. Anything above 0.5 is fine. This ratio, combined with chest width is mostly what constitutes a big chest.

This 'average guy' has a ratio of about 0.468. If he got muscular this ratio would increase as the chest expands and protrude outwards, but even then it would obviously never reach Arnold Schwarzenneger tier. At best he would have an okay chest.

Circumfrence Ratios:
Waist Circumfrence divided by Total Height: 0.42
Ideally, this ratio should be around 42%. It should NEVER go above 50%, and NEVER below 34%

Neck Circumfrence divided by Biceps: 1
First and foremost make sure your neck is appropriately thick for your face, then your arm size should roughly be that. For a person with an average frame this would mean about 16 to 17 inch neck and arms.

Horizontal Ratios:
Shoulder Width to Waist Width: 1.9
1.7 is the minimum here, and above 2 starts reaching freak territory.

Shoulder Width to Bizygomatic Width: 3.7 to 4
Credits to @LowInhibIncel for this part.

Hip to Waist: 1.1 to 1
The hips should be slightly bigger than the waist. Assuming you are lean of course, the main issue arises from hips being too much wider than the waist. For some guys with wide hips it MIGHT be worth it to train obliques to get a thicker waist to match the hips. You should ONLY be at 1:1 ratio if you already have small hips and wide shoulders.

Finishing Thoughts
This is a huge topic that I don't really see people talk about that much here. Now yes, if you are a chadlite and above all you really need is <15% bf, and at best visible abs. But I still think this is important for gymcels, because if you want to successfully gymcel while having an average or below average face you need to make sure you are top 0.1% body. Just being big and lean is not enough.

Since looking at the ratios of the human body is such a deep topic, I couldn't explore half of what I really wanted to look into. So I'm just gonna post it like this and maybe make a higher effort post in the future once I have done more research. If there is something I didn't explain clearly please mention because idk what I forgot to explain and I don't want to read over this again.


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good thread
  • +1
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yeah what he said
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It literally doesn't even matter whether your frame is big or small as long as you're gymmaxxed because the wider your shoulders are, the thinner your lats and chest will be, and the more narrow your shoulders are, the thicker your lats and chest will be. So, guys who are narrow look much bigger more easily.

Here is a good example:

Here is Jeff Seid at 16 years old who has a big frame with wide shoulders (enhanced with steroids):
His chest doesn't look huge and his lats are barely visible from the front but he is wide, he has that V taper.

Here is Tom Welling at around 24 years old who has a small frame and narrow shoulders and is not fully gymmaxxed (natural physique):

And here is Tom Welling again but at around 31 years old who is fully gymmaxxed with a small frame (natural physique):
Desktop Screenshot 20200714   13593211 min

Since Jeff Seid is on steroids while Welling is natural and not even a bodybuilder, it's very difficult to compare them fairly, but it is still a great example of a big frame VS a small frame. Even with a small frame, you can look great when gymmaxxed but you need a lot of muscle, just being slightly muscular like Brad Pitt in Fight Club is not enough but at a higher level, someone who has narrow shoulders will look bigger than someone who has wider shoulders.

So the wider you are, the thinner you will be and vice versa. So there are trade-offs in both cases.

I think that this is why some actors who are more narrow look bigger even though they have less muscle mass, because their frame is so small that the muscle mass sits in a narrow place which makes it more visible, it's like how short guys have small legs so they can get really big while taller guys have longer legs so they can't grow as much, here it's the same thing but with the upper body.
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  • JFL
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An even better example of big frame vs small frame would be Henry Cavill vs Stephen Amell.

They are both natural, but Amell's small frame makes him look bigger than Cavill even though he has less muscle mass and is leaner than Cavill.

Maxresdefault 1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: ManzareK
threads like these are always such bullshit tbh, just numbers pulled out of OPs ass

i think a general idea of what aesthetic proportions are is useful but when u get too specific, it becomes retarded and unrealistic
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 6723, Hightwolf and highT
threads like these are always such bullshit tbh, just numbers pulled out of OPs ass

i think a general idea of what aesthetic proportions are is useful but when u get too specific, it becomes retarded and unrealistic
I mostly just measure what famous bodybuilders had, like frank zane and arnold schwarzenneger etc. Then I use my own judgement to see what actually looks good and what doesn't. I admit it is not perfect and obviously I am biased, but by posting this people can then see whether these are accurate and maybe we can eventually reach a consensus.

Other stuff like the head to body ratios has been well known and uses by artists for a really long time so I didn't really feel the need to even double check it.

Most of what I said is already well known, small waist, wide shoulders, big chest, etc. I just compared with successful examples of bodybuilders and tried to quantify it.

IMO in terms of judging a body we shouldn't use ratios, but say you are a working out to get a perfect body, these ratios could help you notice what you could improve. Or what traits you are genetically gifted in to make sure they stand out. I'm sure Arnold Schwarzenneger knew his chest was naturally very vertically and horizontally big so he made sure that it is highlighted when he poses and to train it well.
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also OP check this.
Research involving more than 200 men and women revealed that people whose legs are 5% longer than average are considered the most attractive, regardless of their gender.
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also OP check this.
interesting. The 5% longer legs also matches up with the legs being 50% of your height.
Since average is 3.5/7.5 which is around 46.67%, 5% longer legs would (3.5*1.05)/7.5 which is equal to 0.49, so basically 50%.
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I'm basically same as this (with longer arms, less chest mass),

Long-ass legs and arms, good shoulder-to-waist ratio,

6', but that makes me a textbook Ectomorph though, can't get muscle mass easily,

and I don't look like I lift in clothes, basically (I'm like Morphotype 14 in pic).

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  • +1
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is 8 head really normal? I'm close to 8 head and I feel like my head is too small compared to my body
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is 8 head really normal? I'm close to 8 head and I feel like my head is too small compared to my body
it is not normal, it is better. Maybe even ideal but idk.
How tall are you? I guess if you were average height or below average it would mean you have an unusually short head, but if you are over 6ft it would be normal.

Also how broad you are plays a factor, if you have wider shoulders it makes your head look smaller.
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it is not normal, it is better. Maybe even ideal but idk.
How tall are you? I guess if you were average height or below average it would mean you have an unusually short head, but if you are over 6ft it would be normal.

Also how broad you are plays a factor, if you have wider shoulders it makes your head look smaller.
I'm 6'2, I'm also pretty broad, you're right my head looks even smaller when I wear oversized hoodies. How do you correctly measure your head size?
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Examples with male models pls
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 8919 and Hightwolf
Good post
  • +1
Reactions: Hightwolf
Examples with male models pls
This is Mr Olympia winner Chris Bumstead

0.602 Chest height ratio (Almost exact same as Arnold Schwarzenneger)
Its more difficult doing the head ratios because most photos are from bad angles and weird poses for bodybuilders. But for male models its pretty easy.

Here is chico at almost exactly 8.5 heads tall.

Opry at slightly over 8 but not yet 8.5
Im almost positive if you calculate it for every major fashion model they will be over 8 heads tall. I doubt any would be below 7.5 aka below average.
  • +1
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been looking at some gymmaxxed guys, imo for shoulder to bizygoma width 3.3 is when you start looking like you have some shoulders, 3.5 is noticeably wide, and 3.7+ is mogger status. over for me though because i have 99 percentile skull size and my max potential is probably 3.3 only after years of gymcelling.

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