Ideal daily dosage of HGH? [Teencel]



normal person
May 24, 2019
What's the best IU dosage for a 15 yr old? I searched and I couldn't find a specific answer and most are bluepilled answers that ofc don't even refer to normal teenagers.

4 IU? Extra Chronosome's guide included 7.5-10 which is like a megadose and probably directed to late teencels where their plates about to be closed, @Bronze8 used 4 IU and was enough. I just need a confirmation for future use and price, I already found a really good affordable source for legit pharma grade linked with my uncle.
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i knew dude who used horse dosages such like 15-20IU
i knew dude who used horse dosages such like 15-20IU
I'm just paranoid af and require the info, HGH is such a good fkn looksmax though, frame gains, height gains, and even BONE METABOLISM GAINS of a fkn toddler.

theoretically mewing results should be as fast an an 8 year old getting treatment from the Mews, imagine putting extra force of the tongue on top for supposedly faster results...
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I'm just paranoid af and require the info, HGH is such a good fkn looksmax though, frame gains, height gains, and even BONE METABOLISM GAINS of a fkn toddler.

theoretically mewing results should be as fast an an 8 year old getting treatment from the Mews, imagine putting extra force of the tongue on top for supposedly faster results...
idk i consider hgh as one of supplements to anti-aging only in my case (it makes skin look way younger, hair better etc)... worst thing about it is that if u have cancer tissues then they will grow faster and eventually u will get cancer sooner than u would without hgh.
While on HGH
You will gain lots of water weight which will make your face horribly bloated like literally the worst possible bloat and not in a good way, you will wake up at night out of breath(not huffing like after running but a bit out of breath)

This is what I experienced on 4iu of Jintropins ran for 2 months at the age of 21.
I would’ve ran it for longer in order to gain bone growth but was not in budget.
first check your growth plates

and if you are above 5'9 dont bother

it grows soft tissue before bones so unless you want to be looking like dumbo and pinnochios born from rape child then just roid
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first check your growth plates

and if you are above 5'9 dont bother

it grows soft tissue before bones so unless you want to be looking like dumbo and pinnochios born from rape child then just roid
Explains why I ended up with massive ears and a bigger nose after mk-677. Fuck my life, does the difference get less the longer you take it?
Explains why I ended up with massive ears and a bigger nose after mk-677. Fuck my life, does the difference get less the longer you take it?
wtf dude I didn't think MK would even come close into giving any cartilage difference, ded srs?
wtf dude I didn't think MK would even come close into giving any cartilage difference, ded srs?
It increases growth hormone alot from what Ive found so it'd make sense. I took it for a few months
It increases growth hormone alot from what Ive found so it'd make sense. I took it for a few months
was it enough to fuck up your harmony or are you exaggerating? even with HGH you'd have to blast it longterm for any noticeable effect, I've had older friends try for athleticism none of them reported anything of it
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was it enough to fuck up your harmony or are you exaggerating? even with HGH you'd have to blast it longterm for any noticeable effect, I've had older friends try for athleticism none of them reported anything of it
My nose is probably sensitive to growth hormone I guess.... Genetics are a bitch, I got my big nose from my dad
first check your growth plates

and if you are above 5'9 dont bother

it grows soft tissue before bones so unless you want to be looking like dumbo and pinnochios born from rape child then just roid
I'll be checking them this month in fact, I'm 15 5'7" boyo, in south EU its average thank god
first check your growth plates

and if you are above 5'9 dont bother

it grows soft tissue before bones so unless you want to be looking like dumbo and pinnochios born from rape child then just roid
What about 5'8?
dont bother your growth plates should be closed/closing and india is a manlet country
Nah u can grow till ur like 21 start taking mk677 my guy
Nah u can grow till ur like 21 start taking mk677 my guy
rare cases

most males stop growing at around 17

i personally stopped at 15, now being 6'2

lol at being delusional enough to think mk677 is ever gonna do shit to you, especially at such a late age. its known for being weak, all its gonna do is increase your appetite, give you a bit healthier skin and grow out your ears and nose because it grows soft tissue before bones

literally one of the few users who took it here, said his nose and ears grew and it was shit

if youre gonna attempt to heightmaxx, at least do it properly with hgh and an ai
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rare cases

most males stop growing at around 17

i personally stopped at 15, now being 6'2

lol at being delusional enough to think mk677 is ever gonna do shit to you, especially at such a late age. its known for being weak, all its gonna do is increase your appetite, give you a bit healthier skin and grow out your ears and nose because it grows soft tissue before bones

literally one of the few users who took it here, said his nose and ears grew and it was shit

if youre gonna attempt to heightmaxx, at least do it properly with hgh and an ai
Personally I had my last growth spurt at 19 even now at 21 i feel like i can grow albeit at a slower rate u don't need hgh and can get enough estrogen blocking effects from a diet with leafy greens and maybe a dim supplement if you are really concerned

I am on mk677 for 2 and a half months no issues with nose or ears depends on the person I guess
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Explains why I ended up with massive ears and a bigger nose after mk-677. Fuck my life, does the difference get less the longer you take it?
no, its not strong enough to actually show prominent changes in bone
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My nose is probably sensitive to growth hormone I guess.... Genetics are a bitch, I got my big nose from my dad

You nose didn't get any bigger... Bro, you are lying to yourself, the famous "nose growth" from HGH come from maxilla widening, as the teeth gap, and it only induce a wider nose which is not really bad, and before it makes your maxilla so wider, good luck.
You nose didn't get any bigger... Bro, you are lying to yourself, the famous "nose growth" from HGH come from maxilla widening, as the teeth gap, and it only induce a wider nose which is not really bad, and before it makes your maxilla so wider, good luck.
bro I saw u in other height threads, I'm bumping this as I'll need an answer on IU daily dosage, u know? we're talking pharma grade HGH
bro I saw u in other height threads, I'm bumping this as I'll need an answer on IU daily dosage, u know? we're talking pharma grade HGH

HGH sucks because you are not going to be able to afford 10-15IU of pharma, use peptides.
HGH sucks because you are not going to be able to afford 10-15IU of pharma, use peptides.
don't think about the price, I'm specifically talking about the ideal dosage to induce growth, if not maybe more than that if possible.

some guy made a thread not long ago and got results by using 4 IU, atleast he thinks he says, I'll probably have to do more research on some old forums and just find out for myself, I'm not in a rush anyway
don't think about the price, I'm specifically talking about the ideal dosage to induce growth, if not maybe more than that if possible.

some guy made a thread not long ago and got results by using 4 IU, atleast he thinks he says, I'll probably have to do more research on some old forums and just find out for myself, I'm not in a rush anyway

4IU sucks, it's worth the IGF-1 elevation of MK-677, that's doesn't means that you are not going to get taller from it, it is probably going to be very slow.

Also at too high dose, HGH is going to fuck your liver.
4IU sucks, it's worth the IGF-1 elevation of MK-677, that's doesn't means that you are not going to get taller from it, it is probably going to be very slow.

Also at too high dose, HGH is going to fuck your liver.
yeah what about the specifics though? that's what's important, dosages then u get into prices, then planning, etc..

like what would be considered a small dose, medium dose, high dose, etc..
yeah what about the specifics though? that's what's important, dosages then u get into prices, then planning, etc..

like what would be considered a small dose, medium dose, high dose, etc..

You should not give a fuck about what is considered small or high, you want to inject as much as you can handle without fucking you up, but if the goal is to reach the highest IGF-1 levels without fucking you up, then HGH is not ideal.
Bodybuilders often push it to 10 ui a day but have short cycles & take breaks on weekends. I would use that as a benchmark. 4ui is an extremely safe dose.
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Explains why I ended up with massive ears and a bigger nose after mk-677. Fuck my life, does the difference get less the longer you take it?

These things grow first ears and nose...
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