Ideology is normie/incel cope



Jan 2, 2019
Everybody wants the same thing. Everybody. No exceptions. Everybody wants shelter, food, sex, entertainment and maybe some passion project. Human needs may be slightly different between people but not by much. The only reason different ideologies even exist at all is because people need some excuse to justify hording all the prosperity (food, wealth, sex etc) to themselves. Nobody actually cares or gives a shit about ideology. It's all just a bullshit ruse to make people's greed appear more rational and justified and a manner in which normies and incels alike can justify their own pathetic existence.


What they say:
Greed is good because it helps people innovate and incentivizes work!
What they actually mean: Greed is good because I don't want to pay taxes or care about anybody but myself.


What they say:
Socialism is good because it creates equality of eliminates poverty.
What they actually mean: Socialism is good because I'm a worthless piece of shit who can't compete.


What they say:
We are members of the glorious master race! We have a great legacy!
What they actually mean: I'm low IQ trailer trash but that's ok cus muh master race!


What they say:
Traditionalism is backwards, individualism is much better!
What they actually mean: I don't care about society and just want the ability to behave like a complete degenerate.


What they say:
Individualism is bad because it harms the moral and social fabric.
What they actually mean: I am too ugly to get laid so we need traditional values or else I would never get a wive!

ALL OF THIS IS COPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EVERYBODY. AND I MEAN EVERYBODY, WANTS THE SAME THING. Humans are not diverse in their opinions. If you care about ideology, it's because you are a lower tier individual and are just coping. Or in case you are a higher tier one are just using it to bullshit people.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Nero, Richard_Hungwell, Deleted member 4804 and 10 others
That's cool but

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  • JFL
Reactions: HighIQcel, Deleted member 4804, heroinfather and 1 other person
Didn't watch, video is too long
Didn't read

Im just gonna assume you replied because it didn't even cross my mind to look if your wrote anything, your name didn't even pulse trough my neurons. Didn't read a single word, didn't see a single pixel, didn't even apprehend your name or that you ever would comment.
Im just gonna assume you replied because it didn't even cross my mind to look if your wrote anything, your name didn't even pulse trough my neurons. Didn't read a single word, didn't see a single pixel, didn't even apprehend your name or that you ever would comment.
[IMG alt="HereForReasons"][/IMG]
  • JFL
Reactions: Extra Chromosome and Deleted member 616
high IQ
  • +1
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell
.....and not a single lesson was learned by looksmax users that day.
  • JFL
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Reactions: HighIQcel, Deleted member 4804 and stuckneworleans
Bumpy bump bump
i read. good thread.
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
tl;dr the government and socialism are gay
Disagree. You think ideologies are a farce because deep down the only ideology is "I'm lazy and I want things." Not me. Granted I am lazy, and I want things, but I have principles that probably differ from other people. And they have nothing to do with me being lazy.
  • +1
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell, IntolerantSocialist and The Dude Abides
im glad ur bitch ass is perma banned on also didnt read
im glad ur bitch ass is perma banned on also didnt read

I'm only banned because the mods hate deadpan racial humor
tl;dr the government and socialism are gay

Actually capitalism is more jewish
.....and not a single lesson was learned by looksmax users that day.

you're not my teacher you normie infiltrator. Nigger.

Nah you're new here anyways so maybe I'll cut you some slack. See here we are a bunch of Ancaps, Nazis and Stalinists who want to form rape gangs to terrorize colleges, high schools, and local parks. And if you talk about rape gang in public consider yous a dead man
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just ldar
  • +1
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I'm only banned because the mods hate deadpan racial humor

Actually capitalism is more jewish

you're not my teacher you normie infiltrator. Nigger.

Nah you're new here anyways so maybe I'll cut you some slack. See here we are a bunch of Ancaps, Nazis and Stalinists who want to form rape gangs to terrorize colleges, high schools, and local parks. And if you talk about rape gang in public consider yous a dead man
Not you lol, I’m talking about disillusionment, you’re a real nigga that needs to be freed
I know.
The only reason I'm not is because I admitted I wasn't incel. But I empathize. I'm just blackpilled af
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel, The Dude Abides and Extra Chromosome
Everybody wants the same thing. Everybody. No exceptions. Everybody wants shelter, food, sex, entertainment and maybe some passion project. Human needs may be slightly different between people but not by much. The only reason different ideologies even exist at all is because people need some excuse to justify hording all the prosperity (food, wealth, sex etc) to themselves. Nobody actually cares or gives a shit about ideology. It's all just a bullshit ruse to make people's greed appear more rational and justified and a manner in which normies and incels alike can justify their own pathetic existence.


What they say:
Greed is good because it helps people innovate and incentivizes work!
What they actually mean: Greed is good because I don't want to pay taxes or care about anybody but myself.


What they say:
Socialism is good because it creates equality of eliminates poverty.
What they actually mean: Socialism is good because I'm a worthless piece of shit who can't compete.


What they say:
We are members of the glorious master race! We have a great legacy!
What they actually mean: I'm low IQ trailer trash but that's ok cus muh master race!


What they say:
Traditionalism is backwards, individualism is much better!
What they actually mean: I don't care about society and just want the ability to behave like a complete degenerate.


What they say:
Individualism is bad because it harms the moral and social fabric.
What they actually mean: I am too ugly to get laid so we need traditional values or else I would never get a wive!

ALL OF THIS IS COPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EVERYBODY. AND I MEAN EVERYBODY, WANTS THE SAME THING. Humans are not diverse in their opinions. If you care about ideology, it's because you are a lower tier individual and are just coping. Or in case you are a higher tier one are just using it to bullshit people.
Societal success starts at the smallest level. The family unit. Regardless of ideology.
They do though. knajjd has also been banning race redpillers like myself and Deform and others. I miss Legionarvs
I agree incels need there own space but at the same time, outing people for being volcel encourages a backwards way of thinking. As in everyone will try to prove there trucel status and thus they will no longer try to escape the hole but dig further in.
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  • +1
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell and Extra Chromosome
@disillusioned man I don't agree with everything you say but it will be a huge loss for this site when your gone. 90% of people here are so low IQ and shallow and contribute nothing of value to this place. your right of course. socialist's and capitalist's are both greedy pieces of shit capitalist's try to justify hording their resources with" muh pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" and socialist's with "Muh equality and sharing" both are lying sacks of shit. rich capitalist's got there by using fraud and exploiting people. socialist's don't believe in equality and sharing their just trying to justify stealing money from the upper class for their own sake. the capitalist values of "hard work' and "self reliance", and the socialist values of "sharing fairness and equality", are both BS to justify each side's greed, either in hording the resources in the case of the capitalist's, or stealing the resources in the case of the socialist's.
low IQ, low T and didn't read
@disillusioned man I don't agree with everything you say but it will be a huge loss for this site when your gone. 90% of people here are so low IQ and shallow and contribute nothing of value to this place. your right of course. socialist's and capitalist's are both greedy pieces of shit capitalist's try to justify hording their resources with" muh pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" and socialist's with "Muh equality and sharing" both are lying sacks of shit. rich capitalist's got there by using fraud and exploiting people. socialist's don't believe in equality and sharing their just trying to justify stealing money from the upper class for their own sake. the capitalist values of "hard work' and "self reliance", and the socialist values of "sharing fairness and equality", are both BS to justify each side's greed, either in hording the resources in the case of the capitalist's, or stealing the resources in the case of the socialist's.

didn't read, but when women start affecting policies in law enforcement, the economy, it's political. End of story.

What they say:
Greed is good because it helps people innovate and incentivizes work!
What they actually mean: Greed is good because I don't want to pay taxes or care about anybody but myself.

JFL at thinking they admit it's about greed/privilege
Those can all be true simultaneously. Most ideologies have their good points and their bad points which deserve criticism. That's why extremes are bad and nuance regarding each issue is important. Picking sides/teams when it comes to politics is stupid. We must strive for a balance where the hard working and talented are incentivized and properly rewarded, while the less fortunate who can't compete are helped out as well. It's just as naive to think that free markets and charity will solve everything as it is to think that big government and over-regulation will solve everything. What are the parameters of this balance? Therein lies the debate.
Gandylogy mogs

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