If ur virgin at 20

a girl wanted to fuck me and showed all possible signals she wants to
tfw I am 24 and never got a single ioi in my life

Comment 1582372671JBq763imGYza9LjiEy1mKG


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not even in the cheeks? brutal, even the giga truecels get kissed in the cheek here
Actually I think I might have gotten kissed on the forehead/cheek BY MY MOTHER but only when I was a baby or really young.

Still have virgin lips though.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Hozay
This is very sad, then it's possibly actually over for you.

For me the problem was not knowing what to do with the attraction and having to learn that.

If you don't have any attraction to work with, you can't turn water into wine.
Surgery is a real option at that point imo but only after doing every possible softmax.

Softmaxing sends a signal to yourself and others that you're still in the game and haven't given up and gives a good basis to do surgery on.
Only fully leanmaxed and shaven/beard trimmed and hair well cut will you know what surgery will actually benefit you.
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Cope. When I'm 28 and I have my bimax, leg lengthening, and lefort 3 all my problems will go away and I will be a confident gigachad with jbs throwing themselves at me!
  • JFL
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If you are a legit KHHV who has gotten 0 compliments and IOI’s at 20, you are at the very bottom of the gene pool. You will be eliminated from it due to natural processes (hypergamy and lookism)
what if you're a virgin at 20 due to standardcelling?
Im 18 and i never talked to a single girl in my life, whether it's in real life or behind my screen
it's fucking over..
I was a KHHV at 23yo. Never got ioi's and only had other incels as friends.

Got a gf for 5 months from tinder at 23yo and lost everything with her on our first date. Didn't workout, broke up.

Now got a laycount of 6, kisscount of 15 or so. All in a year. But failing to get anything stable or decent. Mostly girls that I mog by ~1 PSL that ghost me afterwards.

Getting laid only once every 2-3 months is still very much incel tier and the mental damage from being a KHHV at 23yo is truly horrifying. It has left my mental state in shambles. Self-esteem, state of mind, willingness to socialize: All extremely ruined.
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Im 18 and i never talked to a single girl in my life, whether it's in real life or behind my screen
it's fucking over..
This is a fucking larp.

Even if you're truecel, you'll still talk to a girl at some point like when its required for teacher assigned school projects for example. Or talking to a cashier when you're ordering your food.

Only way you're not larping is if you were literally homeschooled all your life & parents forced you to never leave the house.
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  • +1
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5 years of high school surrounded by horny teens and you managed to stay pure like a tibetan monk?
Absolutely over for you
  • +1
  • So Sad
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This is a fucking larp.

Even if you're truecel, you'll still talk to a girl at some point like when its required for teacher assigned school projects for example. Or talking to a cashier when you're ordering your food.

Only way you're not larping is if you were literally homeschooled all your life.
I think by talk he means holding an actual conversation
  • +1
Reactions: hebbewem
5 years of high school surrounded by horny teens and you managed to stay pure like a tibetan monk?
Absolutely over for you

i am the exception god damn it
I was a KHHV at 23yo. Never got ioi's and only had other incels as friends.

Got a gf for 5 months from tinder at 23yo and lost everything with her on our first date. Didn't workout, broke up.

Now got a laycount of 6, kisscount of 15 or so. All in a year. But failing to get anything stable or decent. Mostly girls that I mog by ~1 PSL that ghost me afterwards.

Getting laid only once every 2-3 months is still very much incel tier and the mental damage from being a KHHV at 23yo is truly horrifying. It has left my mental state in shambles. Self-esteem, state of mind, willingness to socialize: All extremely ruined.
your mental state didnt recover/change even after getting a decent amount of exp?
you failed to get pussy in high school when foids didn’t have solidified standards yet and could still pairbond, allowing uglier men to actually have a chance

JFL at this cope , most girls always have high standards regardless of their ages.They have been redpilled since their formative years. Disney told them they deserve prince charming and teach them that ugly guys = evil monsters.
In high school , they are drooling over handsome and popular kids (water is wet)
  • +1
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JFL at this cope , most girls always have high standards.
They have been redpilled since their formative years. Disney told them they deserve prince charming and teach them that ugly guys = evil monsters.
In high school , they are drooling over handsome and popular kids (water is wet)
Meanwhile this is true, tbis isn’t the complete picture. They’re not exposed to tinder yet (at least most of them) and still have their parents influencing them. The game of dating in high school isn’t as rigid as it is for college or post college. You can still get your looksmatch, usually through school status
  • +1
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Meanwhile this is true, tbis isn’t the complete picture. They’re not exposed to tinder yet (at least most of them) and still have their parents influencing them. The game of dating in high school isn’t as rigid as it is for college or post college. You can still get your looksmatch, usually through school status
brutal since my status is ah zeroooo :lul: :lul: :feelswhy:
  • So Sad
Reactions: Blackout.xl
i am the exception god damn it

your mental state didnt recover/change even after getting a decent amount of exp?
No it didn't. I did get more confident with girls obviously, and find it easier to escalate. But it's still a deep scar in my mind and overall it has done very little for me. But I am still pretty much incel since I don't have regular sex. I can only get a lay here and there through luck tbh, but I have standards.

You need regular female validation/sex/companionship for healing effects. Being thrown sex every once doesn't change the fact I feel like an incel since I was one for 23 years
This is pretty much what it is but there's lots of guys that start having sex in their 20s.
Most likely they won't be slayers but getting your first gf is very much possible even in your late 20s.
I got my gf at 21, now over 3 years together.
She's quite traditional and has really specific standards that i just happened to fit, i was screening women at the bar by mass approaching and found her.
Before that i got lots of rejections and some very likely lays that i managed to fuck up.

I had some severe issues with daring to approach women and touch them when younger, when i realized what women actually are i had to sort of start over and go through all the painful steps. The older you get the more embarassing and painful it is to learn the correct steps that lead to sex.
The correct age is 14 to 18 imo, i started at 20 and it was bad.
At one point at 17, a girl wanted to fuck me and showed all possible signals she wants to but i was completely oblivious which is strange as i'm normal socially.

Attraction + response to attraction = sex.

Attraction and no response = no sex

No attraction and trying to get it = no sex

A woman has to be attracted to you AND you need to do the correct courtship steps to get sex.

Which means basically the truth is blackpill and redpill at the same time and you have to be good by both standards.

The only expections to this are sub3 psl men and 7+psl men which are completely defined by their looks unless you go for landwhales or gigastacies which happen to be the optimal hunting grounds for both groups.
This is 100% true.
And i hate myself for being such a retard social wise.
Although i never really had a oneitis last year i had 1 girl i really clicked with (same humor, music taste etc)
She literally kept asking me if i had plans for the night a few days in a row and shit like that but i always just pussied out and said i have something else to do.

She was quite into me at first, constantly DM'ing me etc. But i failed to do anything about it :feelswhy:
  • So Sad
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I’m a virgin at 19 my time is coming soon
  • So Sad
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This is 100% true.
And i hate myself for being such a retard social wise.
Although i never really had a oneitis last year i had 1 girl i really clicked with (same humor, music taste etc)
She literally kept asking me if i had plans for the night a few days in a row and shit like that but i always just pussied out and said i have something else to do.

She was quite into me at first, constantly DM'ing me etc. But i failed to do anything about it :feelswhy:
That's sad. What i can tell you from experience, do something about it if you by any chance still can or regret it for years...

One of the worst pains in life is thinking what could've been realistically and in these types of cases it's amazing teenage sex that you can never replace afterwards.

It's almost better if you just know it's over from the beginning than missing out on every opportunity while they were there tangibly, horny and ready for you to just grab and fuck but unable to do anything, paralyzed by your fear and doubt.

Mentalcel is worse than incel.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Highrise, Chadlitecel, sytyl and 1 other person
It's over for me bro (virgin at 20 and 21 in few months)
If your good looking how many girls do you bang in hs? I know someone who banged 20 he’s dark triad with hunter eyes
That's sad. What i can tell you from experience, do something about it if you by any chance still can or regret it for years...

One of the worst pains in life is thinking what could've been realistically and in these types of cases it's amazing teenage sex that you can never replace afterwards.

It's almost better if you just know it's over from the beginning than missing out on every opportunity while they were there tangibly, horny and ready for you to just grab and fuck but unable to do anything, paralyzed by your fear and doubt.

Mentalcel is worse than incel.
After these 2 weeks of summer break i have 6 months left before my eindexmans "exams in dutch" so i pray i'll do well in college.

Unfortunately i can't socialcircle maxx since i basically have the one i've had since my first day at highschool, even after transferring to the other building with all my friends i failed to socialize, only met 2/3 new guys because of luck and other friends. + im a local meme cause i heavily fall look and dress wise into the metalhead stereotype.

But not socializing i blame that 100% on myself, all my friends i have i've met through being paired with them or them approaching me.
I never was the kid who went up to people and tried talking to them, so i personally that in a way led to me being a bit less in socializing.
And i take a lot of things too literally. (stopped doing that since recently) but my #1 problem atm is just anxiety and worrying 24/7
So i'll be trying out shit like phenibut etc too see if that'll help anything, but i',m still gonna try my best these last 6 months!
  • +1
Reactions: EckhartTollemaxx and sytyl
After these 2 weeks of summer break i have 6 months left before my eindexmans "exams in dutch" so i pray i'll do well in college.

Unfortunately i can't socialcircle maxx since i basically have the one i've had since my first day at highschool, even after transferring to the other building with all my friends i failed to socialize, only met 2/3 new guys because of luck and other friends. + im a local meme cause i heavily fall look and dress wise into the metalhead stereotype.

But not socializing i blame that 100% on myself, all my friends i have i've met through being paired with them or them approaching me.
I never was the kid who went up to people and tried talking to them, so i personally that in a way led to me being a bit less in socializing.
And i take a lot of things too literally. (stopped doing that since recently) but my #1 problem atm is just anxiety and worrying 24/7
So i'll be trying out shit like phenibut etc too see if that'll help anything, but i',m still gonna try my best these last 6 months!
Just force yourself to be social as long as it's fun by any margin.
I'm doing that myself now and it's paying off.
For example, a few weeks ago i just casually messaged one of my old friends that i haven't talked to in years and i went to his house party of sorts, a "boys night" and i met his new friends and we got along well and had lots of fun and i'm planning to go to their next meetups too.

It's really small actions such as sending 1 message that can lead to big change.

Just try different people with really small approaches such as sending 1 funny pic or something like that to test the water and see if you can build from that to meet up, maybe drink alcohol and have fun in bars or home parties while meeting potential sex partners or at the very least new friends/acquintances.

Tbh, with socialmaxxing, you'll either find sex or a gf or it's over but you find the best copes.
In your case most likely the former but if you're a bad case of a mentalcel it could take years so don't give up before it's actually over.
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The truth is harsh, we are coping with site, anyone will leave this shit site after got surgeries and get a good life and slay becky girls

It is so over for us
  • So Sad
Reactions: Blackout.xl
No it didn't. I did get more confident with girls obviously, and find it easier to escalate. But it's still a deep scar in my mind and overall it has done very little for me. But I am still pretty much incel since I don't have regular sex. I can only get a lay here and there through luck tbh, but I have standards.

You need regular female validation/sex/companionship for healing effects. Being thrown sex every once doesn't change the fact I feel like an incel since I was one for 23 years
everyones different i feel like once i get the first time out of the way the pressure will be gone and ill just be chillin, im fkn 20 though
I don't know about you guys, but to me it's all about cumming in/on a woman and then being done with it. You achieve this either through ONS or through escortcelling.

Only PSL 6+ NT guys can get ONS, so that disqualifies most of us here.

If you're sub PSL 6 and want to have sex you either get into a LTR or pay escorts.

I can't deal with the pain of dealing with women outside the bedroom, which is what most LTRs are about, so the only option left for me is escortcelling.
I only want validation, so i'll looksmax. Idc about sex anymore.

I can literally hire an escort rn, if sex was something of my concern.
This is pretty much what it is but there's lots of guys that start having sex in their 20s.
Most likely they won't be slayers but getting your first gf is very much possible even in your late 20s.
I got my gf at 21, now over 3 years together.
She's quite traditional and has really specific standards that i just happened to fit, i was screening women at the bar by mass approaching and found her.
Before that i got lots of rejections and some very likely lays that i managed to fuck up.

I had some severe issues with daring to approach women and touch them when younger, when i realized what women actually are i had to sort of start over and go through all the painful steps. The older you get the more embarassing and painful it is to learn the correct steps that lead to sex.
The correct age is 14 to 18 imo, i started at 20 and it was bad.
At one point at 17, a girl wanted to fuck me and showed all possible signals she wants to but i was completely oblivious which is strange as i'm normal socially.

Attraction + response to attraction = sex.

Attraction and no response = no sex

No attraction and trying to get it = no sex

A woman has to be attracted to you AND you need to do the correct courtship steps to get sex.

Which means basically the truth is blackpill and redpill at the same time and you have to be good by both standards.

The only expections to this are sub3 psl men and 7+psl men which are completely defined by their looks unless you go for landwhales or gigastacies which happen to be the optimal hunting grounds for both groups.
Was your gf virgin?
I know a lot of good looking guys who graduated high school virgins, but if you go through college virgin, it’s truly over. College girls are the sluttiest of all and will give sex to so many men. If you can’t get laid in college, you’re actually incel
  • +1
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I know a lot of good looking guys who graduated high school virgins, but if you go through college virgin, it’s truly over. College girls are the sluttiest of all and will give sex to so many men. If you can’t get laid in college, you’re actually incel
Kind of college matters bro...if it's a huge uni...u got a chance...if it's aspie meeting point...then it's over
What if I had opportunities but didnt go throughout with them? Am i mentally fucked
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I'm starting to think this site is not good for me long term...
It’s likely over for you ngl.

You failed to get pussy during elementary when girls Started experimenting

you failed to get pussy in high school when foids didn’t have solidified standards yet and could still pairbond, allowing uglier men to actually have a chance

And assuming you’re in college, you failed to get pussy for the first 1-2 years of college.

If you were 16 and virgin I’d get you off the bench and into the game. But how can I do that when you’re 20? How can anyone do that when you’re 20? You’re not even a teen anymore. You’re a big boy who couldn’t get shit

There’s exceptions to the rule, but the rule is solidified. Virgin at 20 = over. The damage is done. Your inceldom at that point is just an indicator of a bigger problem at play (legit autism or terrible looks, or both)
I was a volcel for the longest time imo highschool pussy will still cheat on u which i have seen all my buddies go through it if you want to pair bond find a nice young village religious type girl after looksmaxxxing this way you will blow all the betabuxes out of the water for marriage that is
  • +1
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I know a lot of good looking guys who graduated high school virgins, but if you go through college virgin, it’s truly over. College girls are the sluttiest of all and will give sex to so many men. If you can’t get laid in college, you’re actually incel
College here depends a tiny bit.
We have different buildings for different studies. So it depends on what you study, i doubt you'll see any women at an IT/STEM college.

thank god im doing some meme degree like art :lul:
This guys threads are always depressing. Makes me wanna leave the site jfl.
  • JFL
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