If you are a tall male you display the most power by walking with very short foids or very tall foids



30:30:40 Facial thirds Pill
Jul 12, 2019
If you're a tall male of 6'4+
Walking with an average height foid of 5'4-5'6 does look quite dimorphic but it's not maximum dimorphism
I think walking with a foid between 5'7-5'9 is the least powerful looking since the girl cant be considered small and while she is tall by foid standards it's overshadowed by your height which looks less powerful with a 5'7-5'9 foid than the extreme end options I'll get to

If you walk with a foid who is 5'10 - 6'1 you will be seen as a tall couple and you are around each others gender height equivalent in terms of rarity but these foids aren't seen as a status booster because you will commonly see foids in this height range with shorter men of 5'7 to 5'9 because those men see those women as trophy girlfriends who they try to compensate with.
"Look guys, this tall girl got with me over everyone else now I wont have short kids, she's totally not just with me because all of the men she's genuinely attracted to just see her as a pump and dump"

Whereas if you manage to find a foid who is 6'2+where you maintain just a 1 inch height advantage over her, she will be so rare that nobody associates her with those tall foids who settle for shorter men, they will look at her and think that nobody except for a man of your height would have a chance with her.
They look at you a 6'4 male with your 6'3 goodlooking girlfriend and think its impossible for any sub 6'4 male to obtain a girlfriend like that, this will leave them in awe of you.
I distinctly remember being at a festival and quite a bit in front of me in the crowd was a goodlooking 6'2 girl and normie 6'3 guy who kept making out while well under the influence and you just got the sense that they were the stars of the show in that crowd, like everyone's eyes were drawn towards them because their heads stuck out above everyone elses.

Now for the other end of the power spectrum
If you get with a 5'3 girl, that is the point where manlets start raging over "fucking tall cunts taking all of the short girls"
The further down you go, the more powerful it looks, I consider 5'2 the tipping point for short girls and anything from there down to 4'11 is the very fun zone
Below 4'11 is too statistically rare with white girls to care about them but in irish/english clubs there are typically one or two girls who will claim 4'11 (even if they're 5'0 they like the halo of saying 4'11)

When I see a group of 5'0 Indian foids it doesn't even dawn on me that their bodies can be appealing because they're failoed so hard by their face
But when you see goodlooking 5'0 white girls their face validates the appeal of the 5'0 body.

When I was at peak roidcel I had some brief walkings down the street with some mini foids
One time I walked through a quiet neighbourhood at 2am with a 5'1 small framed foid and the only guy we encountered on the street happened to be drunk and stopped me to talk to me and asked if I play sports and called me a man mountain in a hyped up tone of voice.
The foid then repeated that to me later while smiling.

Another occasion I walked with a 4'11 tiny framed foid on a busy street for 10 minutes and almost everyone who passed us had a grin on there face and gave me an extended look. I was at the time wearing a bulky sweater which made me look 99th percentile muscle mass while roidcelled.
Considering the 4'11 foid looked tiny by comparison to the 5'7 foid she was with when I met her, I can only imagine what other people were thinking seeing her with a 6'4 roidcel, their mind probably went straight to questioning how my dick was going to fit in her, little did I know it would be the tightest death grip pussy I ever had the pleasure of attempting to enter.

I have yet to experience the power of walking with a very tall foid but I might go to netherlands and seek it out.
Maybe I should try have a 4'11 girlfriend and a 6'3 girlfriend simulataneously and bring them out on diffefrent days
It would be comical bringing them to an ethnic run restaurant on different days.
Imagine the ethnic despair seeing a girl who heightmogs them by a foot one day, then the following day seeing the only girl short enough by comparison to the ethnic to make him feel dimorphic, she is actually 6'4 male only

This thread was brought to you by a reminscing and rambling incel
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  • JFL
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IMG 4219
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i am also 6 foot 4
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i only attract ugly tall girls
if you are tall and you have a short girlfriend you are making a hell for ur son
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If you're a tall male of 6'4+
Walking with an average height foid of 5'4-5'6 does look quite dimorphic but it's not maximum dimorphism
I think walking with a foid between 5'7-5'9 is the least powerful looking since the girl cant be considered small and while she is tall by foid standards it's overshadowed by your height which looks less powerful with a 5'7-5'9 foid than the extreme end options I'll get to

If you walk with a foid who is 5'10 - 6'1 you will be seen as a tall couple and you are around each others gender height equivalent in terms of rarity but these foids aren't seen as a status booster because you will commonly see foids in this height range with shorter men of 5'7 to 5'9 because those men see those women as trophy girlfriends who they try to compensate with.
"Look guys, this tall girl got with me over everyone else now I wont have short kids, she's totally not just with me because all of the men she's genuinely attracted to just see her as a pump and dump"

Whereas if you manage to find a foid who is 6'2+where you maintain just a 1 inch height advantage over her, she will be so rare that nobody associates her with those tall foids who settle for shorter men, they will look at her and think that nobody except for a man of your height would have a chance with her.
They look at you a 6'4 male with your 6'3 goodlooking girlfriend and think its impossible for any sub 6'4 male to obtain a girlfriend like that, this will leave them in awe of you.
I distinctly remember being at a festival and quite a bit in front of me in the crowd was a goodlooking 6'2 girl and normie 6'3 guy who kept making out while well under the influence and you just got the sense that they were the stars of the show in that crowd, like everyone's eyes were drawn towards them because their heads stuck out above everyone elses.

Now for the other end of the power spectrum
If you get with a 5'3 girl, that is the point where manlets start raging over "fucking tall cunts taking all of the short girls"
The further down you go, the more powerful it looks, I consider 5'2 the tipping point for short girls and anything from there down to 4'11 is the very fun zone
Below 4'11 is too statistically rare with white girls to care about them but in irish/english clubs there are typically one or two girls who will claim 4'11 (even if they're 5'0 they like the halo of saying 4'11)

When I see a group of 5'0 Indian foids it doesn't even dawn on me that their bodies can be appealing because they're failoed so hard by their face
But when you see goodlooking 5'0 white girls their face validates the appeal of the 5'0 body.

When I was at peak roidcel I had some brief walkings down the street with some mini foids
One time I walked through a quiet neighbourhood at 2am with a 5'1 small framed foid and the only guy we encountered on the street happened to be drunk and stopped me to talk to me and asked if I play sports and called me a man mountain in a hyped up tone of voice.
The foid then repeated that to me later while smiling.

Another occasion I walked with a 4'11 tiny framed foid on a busy street for 10 minutes and almost everyone who passed us had a grin on there face and gave me an extended look. I was at the time wearing a bulky sweater which made me look 99th percentile muscle mass while roidcelled.
Considering the 4'11 foid looked tiny by comparison to the 5'7 foid she was with when I met her, I can only imagine what other people were thinking seeing her with a 6'4 roidcel, their mind probably went straight to questioning how my dick was going to fit in her, little did I know it would be the tightest death grip pussy I ever had the pleasure of attempting to enter.

I have yet to experience the power of walking with a very tall foid but I might go to netherlands and seek it out.
Maybe I should try have a 4'11 girlfriend and a 6'3 girlfriend simulataneously and bring them out on diffefrent days
It would be comical bringing them to an ethnic run restaurant on different days.
Imagine the ethnic despair seeing a girl who heightmogs them by a foot one day, then the following day seeing the only girl short enough by comparison to the ethnic to make him feel dimorphic, she is actually 6'4 male only

This thread was brought to you by a reminscing and rambling incel
This thread has my T boiling fuckkkkkkk I’m so hard, legit about to jerk right now
  • So Sad
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I’m 6’3, but short foids repulse me tbh. Shit genetics, fat, and overall just disgusting

Tall foids are fine
  • +1
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if you are tall and you have a short girlfriend you are making a hell for ur son
he'll most likely be of average height because genetic height ranges tend to make for a median height based off both parents heights, excluding a few outliers ofc.
If you’re seriously 30 yo you should consider offing yourself
  • JFL
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Reactions: based_pakichad421, mogstars and 6ft4
If you're a tall male of 6'4+
Walking with an average height foid of 5'4-5'6 does look quite dimorphic but it's not maximum dimorphism
I think walking with a foid between 5'7-5'9 is the least powerful looking since the girl cant be considered small and while she is tall by foid standards it's overshadowed by your height which looks less powerful with a 5'7-5'9 foid than the extreme end options I'll get to

If you walk with a foid who is 5'10 - 6'1 you will be seen as a tall couple and you are around each others gender height equivalent in terms of rarity but these foids aren't seen as a status booster because you will commonly see foids in this height range with shorter men of 5'7 to 5'9 because those men see those women as trophy girlfriends who they try to compensate with.
"Look guys, this tall girl got with me over everyone else now I wont have short kids, she's totally not just with me because all of the men she's genuinely attracted to just see her as a pump and dump"

Whereas if you manage to find a foid who is 6'2+where you maintain just a 1 inch height advantage over her, she will be so rare that nobody associates her with those tall foids who settle for shorter men, they will look at her and think that nobody except for a man of your height would have a chance with her.
They look at you a 6'4 male with your 6'3 goodlooking girlfriend and think its impossible for any sub 6'4 male to obtain a girlfriend like that, this will leave them in awe of you.
I distinctly remember being at a festival and quite a bit in front of me in the crowd was a goodlooking 6'2 girl and normie 6'3 guy who kept making out while well under the influence and you just got the sense that they were the stars of the show in that crowd, like everyone's eyes were drawn towards them because their heads stuck out above everyone elses.

Now for the other end of the power spectrum
If you get with a 5'3 girl, that is the point where manlets start raging over "fucking tall cunts taking all of the short girls"
The further down you go, the more powerful it looks, I consider 5'2 the tipping point for short girls and anything from there down to 4'11 is the very fun zone
Below 4'11 is too statistically rare with white girls to care about them but in irish/english clubs there are typically one or two girls who will claim 4'11 (even if they're 5'0 they like the halo of saying 4'11)

When I see a group of 5'0 Indian foids it doesn't even dawn on me that their bodies can be appealing because they're failoed so hard by their face
But when you see goodlooking 5'0 white girls their face validates the appeal of the 5'0 body.

When I was at peak roidcel I had some brief walkings down the street with some mini foids
One time I walked through a quiet neighbourhood at 2am with a 5'1 small framed foid and the only guy we encountered on the street happened to be drunk and stopped me to talk to me and asked if I play sports and called me a man mountain in a hyped up tone of voice.
The foid then repeated that to me later while smiling.

Another occasion I walked with a 4'11 tiny framed foid on a busy street for 10 minutes and almost everyone who passed us had a grin on there face and gave me an extended look. I was at the time wearing a bulky sweater which made me look 99th percentile muscle mass while roidcelled.
Considering the 4'11 foid looked tiny by comparison to the 5'7 foid she was with when I met her, I can only imagine what other people were thinking seeing her with a 6'4 roidcel, their mind probably went straight to questioning how my dick was going to fit in her, little did I know it would be the tightest death grip pussy I ever had the pleasure of attempting to enter.

I have yet to experience the power of walking with a very tall foid but I might go to netherlands and seek it out.
Maybe I should try have a 4'11 girlfriend and a 6'3 girlfriend simulataneously and bring them out on diffefrent days
It would be comical bringing them to an ethnic run restaurant on different days.
Imagine the ethnic despair seeing a girl who heightmogs them by a foot one day, then the following day seeing the only girl short enough by comparison to the ethnic to make him feel dimorphic, she is actually 6'4 male only

This thread was brought to you by a reminscing and rambling incel
Agreed. Tall and tall looks best though, even if the woman isn't that good looking. Extremely good looking and short looks really good with a tall guy. I've only seen maybe 5 extremely mogger looking couples in my entire life. They usually keep to themselves and have tight friend groups rather than hitting bar I think.
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If you're a tall male of 6'4+
Walking with an average height foid of 5'4-5'6 does look quite dimorphic but it's not maximum dimorphism
I think walking with a foid between 5'7-5'9 is the least powerful looking since the girl cant be considered small and while she is tall by foid standards it's overshadowed by your height which looks less powerful with a 5'7-5'9 foid than the extreme end options I'll get to

If you walk with a foid who is 5'10 - 6'1 you will be seen as a tall couple and you are around each others gender height equivalent in terms of rarity but these foids aren't seen as a status booster because you will commonly see foids in this height range with shorter men of 5'7 to 5'9 because those men see those women as trophy girlfriends who they try to compensate with.
"Look guys, this tall girl got with me over everyone else now I wont have short kids, she's totally not just with me because all of the men she's genuinely attracted to just see her as a pump and dump"

Whereas if you manage to find a foid who is 6'2+where you maintain just a 1 inch height advantage over her, she will be so rare that nobody associates her with those tall foids who settle for shorter men, they will look at her and think that nobody except for a man of your height would have a chance with her.
They look at you a 6'4 male with your 6'3 goodlooking girlfriend and think its impossible for any sub 6'4 male to obtain a girlfriend like that, this will leave them in awe of you.
I distinctly remember being at a festival and quite a bit in front of me in the crowd was a goodlooking 6'2 girl and normie 6'3 guy who kept making out while well under the influence and you just got the sense that they were the stars of the show in that crowd, like everyone's eyes were drawn towards them because their heads stuck out above everyone elses.

Now for the other end of the power spectrum
If you get with a 5'3 girl, that is the point where manlets start raging over "fucking tall cunts taking all of the short girls"
The further down you go, the more powerful it looks, I consider 5'2 the tipping point for short girls and anything from there down to 4'11 is the very fun zone
Below 4'11 is too statistically rare with white girls to care about them but in irish/english clubs there are typically one or two girls who will claim 4'11 (even if they're 5'0 they like the halo of saying 4'11)

When I see a group of 5'0 Indian foids it doesn't even dawn on me that their bodies can be appealing because they're failoed so hard by their face
But when you see goodlooking 5'0 white girls their face validates the appeal of the 5'0 body.

When I was at peak roidcel I had some brief walkings down the street with some mini foids
One time I walked through a quiet neighbourhood at 2am with a 5'1 small framed foid and the only guy we encountered on the street happened to be drunk and stopped me to talk to me and asked if I play sports and called me a man mountain in a hyped up tone of voice.
The foid then repeated that to me later while smiling.

Another occasion I walked with a 4'11 tiny framed foid on a busy street for 10 minutes and almost everyone who passed us had a grin on there face and gave me an extended look. I was at the time wearing a bulky sweater which made me look 99th percentile muscle mass while roidcelled.
Considering the 4'11 foid looked tiny by comparison to the 5'7 foid she was with when I met her, I can only imagine what other people were thinking seeing her with a 6'4 roidcel, their mind probably went straight to questioning how my dick was going to fit in her, little did I know it would be the tightest death grip pussy I ever had the pleasure of attempting to enter.

I have yet to experience the power of walking with a very tall foid but I might go to netherlands and seek it out.
Maybe I should try have a 4'11 girlfriend and a 6'3 girlfriend simulataneously and bring them out on diffefrent days
It would be comical bringing them to an ethnic run restaurant on different days.
Imagine the ethnic despair seeing a girl who heightmogs them by a foot one day, then the following day seeing the only girl short enough by comparison to the ethnic to make him feel dimorphic, she is actually 6'4 male only

This thread was brought to you by a reminscing and rambling incel
greta thread brother I am 6'5 roidcel but only date women above 5'8 personally as it looks like im walking around with a fashion model
  • +1
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Why does this happen? The more tall the girl is the less she care about my height
Probably the same reason short girls want even taller guys than average girls. to balance it out and have good height for offspring
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Nobody cares besides you tho in the real world pal
If you're a tall male of 6'4+
Walking with an average height foid of 5'4-5'6 does look quite dimorphic but it's not maximum dimorphism
I think walking with a foid between 5'7-5'9 is the least powerful looking since the girl cant be considered small and while she is tall by foid standards it's overshadowed by your height which looks less powerful with a 5'7-5'9 foid than the extreme end options I'll get to

If you walk with a foid who is 5'10 - 6'1 you will be seen as a tall couple and you are around each others gender height equivalent in terms of rarity but these foids aren't seen as a status booster because you will commonly see foids in this height range with shorter men of 5'7 to 5'9 because those men see those women as trophy girlfriends who they try to compensate with.
"Look guys, this tall girl got with me over everyone else now I wont have short kids, she's totally not just with me because all of the men she's genuinely attracted to just see her as a pump and dump"

Whereas if you manage to find a foid who is 6'2+where you maintain just a 1 inch height advantage over her, she will be so rare that nobody associates her with those tall foids who settle for shorter men, they will look at her and think that nobody except for a man of your height would have a chance with her.
They look at you a 6'4 male with your 6'3 goodlooking girlfriend and think its impossible for any sub 6'4 male to obtain a girlfriend like that, this will leave them in awe of you.
I distinctly remember being at a festival and quite a bit in front of me in the crowd was a goodlooking 6'2 girl and normie 6'3 guy who kept making out while well under the influence and you just got the sense that they were the stars of the show in that crowd, like everyone's eyes were drawn towards them because their heads stuck out above everyone elses.

Now for the other end of the power spectrum
If you get with a 5'3 girl, that is the point where manlets start raging over "fucking tall cunts taking all of the short girls"
The further down you go, the more powerful it looks, I consider 5'2 the tipping point for short girls and anything from there down to 4'11 is the very fun zone
Below 4'11 is too statistically rare with white girls to care about them but in irish/english clubs there are typically one or two girls who will claim 4'11 (even if they're 5'0 they like the halo of saying 4'11)

When I see a group of 5'0 Indian foids it doesn't even dawn on me that their bodies can be appealing because they're failoed so hard by their face
But when you see goodlooking 5'0 white girls their face validates the appeal of the 5'0 body.

When I was at peak roidcel I had some brief walkings down the street with some mini foids
One time I walked through a quiet neighbourhood at 2am with a 5'1 small framed foid and the only guy we encountered on the street happened to be drunk and stopped me to talk to me and asked if I play sports and called me a man mountain in a hyped up tone of voice.
The foid then repeated that to me later while smiling.

Another occasion I walked with a 4'11 tiny framed foid on a busy street for 10 minutes and almost everyone who passed us had a grin on there face and gave me an extended look. I was at the time wearing a bulky sweater which made me look 99th percentile muscle mass while roidcelled.
Considering the 4'11 foid looked tiny by comparison to the 5'7 foid she was with when I met her, I can only imagine what other people were thinking seeing her with a 6'4 roidcel, their mind probably went straight to questioning how my dick was going to fit in her, little did I know it would be the tightest death grip pussy I ever had the pleasure of attempting to enter.

I have yet to experience the power of walking with a very tall foid but I might go to netherlands and seek it out.
Maybe I should try have a 4'11 girlfriend and a 6'3 girlfriend simulataneously and bring them out on diffefrent days
It would be comical bringing them to an ethnic run restaurant on different days.
Imagine the ethnic despair seeing a girl who heightmogs them by a foot one day, then the following day seeing the only girl short enough by comparison to the ethnic to make him feel dimorphic, she is actually 6'4 male only

This thread was brought to you by a reminscing and rambling incel
honestly the mog is real, I remember when i thought i was god, my girl at the time was like like 6'0. I thought we never breaking up, cause gl tryna find someone as tall me.

Couple months later, she leaves me for some 6'7 swedish guy lmao. There's always biggger fish out there, and tall girls do have options.

My plan is play around with shorter girls and if i end up w someone over 5'9, we going to the alter instantly
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I would personally not get with any girl under 5'6, it makes me feel weird knowing there is a huge height gap and pedophilic tbh. Would be interested in some good looking short foids but once I see their proportions or in person, it's a turnoff. Ideal height is like you said 5'7-9 since I'm 6'4-5"
facts particularly the minifoids section. My last gf is 5'8 and im 6'3 and we were a socially respected couple because we matched so well (in her words) but I felt I lacked the mega height mog smv boost I experienced with minifoids in the past. However, the height I prefer in foids is around 5'6, I think it is ideal for my height (approx. 1 head difference).
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facts particularly the minifoids section. My last gf is 5'8 and im 6'3 and we were a socially respected couple because we matched so well (in her words) but I felt I lacked the mega height mog smv boost I experienced with minifoids in the past. However, the height I prefer in foids is around 5'6, I think it is ideal for my height (approx. 1 head difference).
  • So Sad
Reactions: xtremfailer
If you’re seriously 30 yo you should consider offing yourself
Crazy to think my dad was a father of 2 at 30 while this nigga posts low-IQ schizoid ramblings on a incel forum.

The lifemog is real.
  • JFL
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Every time I read your posts I can’t tell whether youre a low inhib Balkan slayer irl or an autist
I think my ex was 5'5 like my Mom
Every time I read your posts I can’t tell whether youre a low inhib Balkan slayer irl or an autist
remove balkan from that sentence and you have the answer
I am a giga autist who has moments of giga low inhibition
It's a deadly combo
  • +1
Reactions: TeenAscender
If you're a tall male of 6'4+
Walking with an average height foid of 5'4-5'6 does look quite dimorphic but it's not maximum dimorphism
I think walking with a foid between 5'7-5'9 is the least powerful looking since the girl cant be considered small and while she is tall by foid standards it's overshadowed by your height which looks less powerful with a 5'7-5'9 foid than the extreme end options I'll get to

If you walk with a foid who is 5'10 - 6'1 you will be seen as a tall couple and you are around each others gender height equivalent in terms of rarity but these foids aren't seen as a status booster because you will commonly see foids in this height range with shorter men of 5'7 to 5'9 because those men see those women as trophy girlfriends who they try to compensate with.
"Look guys, this tall girl got with me over everyone else now I wont have short kids, she's totally not just with me because all of the men she's genuinely attracted to just see her as a pump and dump"

Whereas if you manage to find a foid who is 6'2+where you maintain just a 1 inch height advantage over her, she will be so rare that nobody associates her with those tall foids who settle for shorter men, they will look at her and think that nobody except for a man of your height would have a chance with her.
They look at you a 6'4 male with your 6'3 goodlooking girlfriend and think its impossible for any sub 6'4 male to obtain a girlfriend like that, this will leave them in awe of you.
I distinctly remember being at a festival and quite a bit in front of me in the crowd was a goodlooking 6'2 girl and normie 6'3 guy who kept making out while well under the influence and you just got the sense that they were the stars of the show in that crowd, like everyone's eyes were drawn towards them because their heads stuck out above everyone elses.

Now for the other end of the power spectrum
If you get with a 5'3 girl, that is the point where manlets start raging over "fucking tall cunts taking all of the short girls"
The further down you go, the more powerful it looks, I consider 5'2 the tipping point for short girls and anything from there down to 4'11 is the very fun zone
Below 4'11 is too statistically rare with white girls to care about them but in irish/english clubs there are typically one or two girls who will claim 4'11 (even if they're 5'0 they like the halo of saying 4'11)

When I see a group of 5'0 Indian foids it doesn't even dawn on me that their bodies can be appealing because they're failoed so hard by their face
But when you see goodlooking 5'0 white girls their face validates the appeal of the 5'0 body.

When I was at peak roidcel I had some brief walkings down the street with some mini foids
One time I walked through a quiet neighbourhood at 2am with a 5'1 small framed foid and the only guy we encountered on the street happened to be drunk and stopped me to talk to me and asked if I play sports and called me a man mountain in a hyped up tone of voice.
The foid then repeated that to me later while smiling.

Another occasion I walked with a 4'11 tiny framed foid on a busy street for 10 minutes and almost everyone who passed us had a grin on there face and gave me an extended look. I was at the time wearing a bulky sweater which made me look 99th percentile muscle mass while roidcelled.
Considering the 4'11 foid looked tiny by comparison to the 5'7 foid she was with when I met her, I can only imagine what other people were thinking seeing her with a 6'4 roidcel, their mind probably went straight to questioning how my dick was going to fit in her, little did I know it would be the tightest death grip pussy I ever had the pleasure of attempting to enter.

I have yet to experience the power of walking with a very tall foid but I might go to netherlands and seek it out.
Maybe I should try have a 4'11 girlfriend and a 6'3 girlfriend simulataneously and bring them out on diffefrent days
It would be comical bringing them to an ethnic run restaurant on different days.
Imagine the ethnic despair seeing a girl who heightmogs them by a foot one day, then the following day seeing the only girl short enough by comparison to the ethnic to make him feel dimorphic, she is actually 6'4 male only

This thread was brought to you by a reminscing and rambling incel
But for a short 5'2 foid even a 5'9 nigga like me is a giant
If you're a tall male of 6'4+
Walking with an average height foid of 5'4-5'6 does look quite dimorphic but it's not maximum dimorphism
I think walking with a foid between 5'7-5'9 is the least powerful looking since the girl cant be considered small and while she is tall by foid standards it's overshadowed by your height which looks less powerful with a 5'7-5'9 foid than the extreme end options I'll get to

If you walk with a foid who is 5'10 - 6'1 you will be seen as a tall couple and you are around each others gender height equivalent in terms of rarity but these foids aren't seen as a status booster because you will commonly see foids in this height range with shorter men of 5'7 to 5'9 because those men see those women as trophy girlfriends who they try to compensate with.
"Look guys, this tall girl got with me over everyone else now I wont have short kids, she's totally not just with me because all of the men she's genuinely attracted to just see her as a pump and dump"

Whereas if you manage to find a foid who is 6'2+where you maintain just a 1 inch height advantage over her, she will be so rare that nobody associates her with those tall foids who settle for shorter men, they will look at her and think that nobody except for a man of your height would have a chance with her.
They look at you a 6'4 male with your 6'3 goodlooking girlfriend and think its impossible for any sub 6'4 male to obtain a girlfriend like that, this will leave them in awe of you.
I distinctly remember being at a festival and quite a bit in front of me in the crowd was a goodlooking 6'2 girl and normie 6'3 guy who kept making out while well under the influence and you just got the sense that they were the stars of the show in that crowd, like everyone's eyes were drawn towards them because their heads stuck out above everyone elses.

Now for the other end of the power spectrum
If you get with a 5'3 girl, that is the point where manlets start raging over "fucking tall cunts taking all of the short girls"
The further down you go, the more powerful it looks, I consider 5'2 the tipping point for short girls and anything from there down to 4'11 is the very fun zone
Below 4'11 is too statistically rare with white girls to care about them but in irish/english clubs there are typically one or two girls who will claim 4'11 (even if they're 5'0 they like the halo of saying 4'11)

When I see a group of 5'0 Indian foids it doesn't even dawn on me that their bodies can be appealing because they're failoed so hard by their face
But when you see goodlooking 5'0 white girls their face validates the appeal of the 5'0 body.

When I was at peak roidcel I had some brief walkings down the street with some mini foids
One time I walked through a quiet neighbourhood at 2am with a 5'1 small framed foid and the only guy we encountered on the street happened to be drunk and stopped me to talk to me and asked if I play sports and called me a man mountain in a hyped up tone of voice.
The foid then repeated that to me later while smiling.

Another occasion I walked with a 4'11 tiny framed foid on a busy street for 10 minutes and almost everyone who passed us had a grin on there face and gave me an extended look. I was at the time wearing a bulky sweater which made me look 99th percentile muscle mass while roidcelled.
Considering the 4'11 foid looked tiny by comparison to the 5'7 foid she was with when I met her, I can only imagine what other people were thinking seeing her with a 6'4 roidcel, their mind probably went straight to questioning how my dick was going to fit in her, little did I know it would be the tightest death grip pussy I ever had the pleasure of attempting to enter.

I have yet to experience the power of walking with a very tall foid but I might go to netherlands and seek it out.
Maybe I should try have a 4'11 girlfriend and a 6'3 girlfriend simulataneously and bring them out on diffefrent days
It would be comical bringing them to an ethnic run restaurant on different days.
Imagine the ethnic despair seeing a girl who heightmogs them by a foot one day, then the following day seeing the only girl short enough by comparison to the ethnic to make him feel dimorphic, she is actually 6'4 male only

This thread was brought to you by a reminscing and rambling incel
how would you know bro
If you're a tall male of 6'4+
Walking with an average height foid of 5'4-5'6 does look quite dimorphic but it's not maximum dimorphism
I think walking with a foid between 5'7-5'9 is the least powerful looking since the girl cant be considered small and while she is tall by foid standards it's overshadowed by your height which looks less powerful with a 5'7-5'9 foid than the extreme end options I'll get to

If you walk with a foid who is 5'10 - 6'1 you will be seen as a tall couple and you are around each others gender height equivalent in terms of rarity but these foids aren't seen as a status booster because you will commonly see foids in this height range with shorter men of 5'7 to 5'9 because those men see those women as trophy girlfriends who they try to compensate with.
"Look guys, this tall girl got with me over everyone else now I wont have short kids, she's totally not just with me because all of the men she's genuinely attracted to just see her as a pump and dump"

Whereas if you manage to find a foid who is 6'2+where you maintain just a 1 inch height advantage over her, she will be so rare that nobody associates her with those tall foids who settle for shorter men, they will look at her and think that nobody except for a man of your height would have a chance with her.
They look at you a 6'4 male with your 6'3 goodlooking girlfriend and think its impossible for any sub 6'4 male to obtain a girlfriend like that, this will leave them in awe of you.
I distinctly remember being at a festival and quite a bit in front of me in the crowd was a goodlooking 6'2 girl and normie 6'3 guy who kept making out while well under the influence and you just got the sense that they were the stars of the show in that crowd, like everyone's eyes were drawn towards them because their heads stuck out above everyone elses.

Now for the other end of the power spectrum
If you get with a 5'3 girl, that is the point where manlets start raging over "fucking tall cunts taking all of the short girls"
The further down you go, the more powerful it looks, I consider 5'2 the tipping point for short girls and anything from there down to 4'11 is the very fun zone
Below 4'11 is too statistically rare with white girls to care about them but in irish/english clubs there are typically one or two girls who will claim 4'11 (even if they're 5'0 they like the halo of saying 4'11)

When I see a group of 5'0 Indian foids it doesn't even dawn on me that their bodies can be appealing because they're failoed so hard by their face
But when you see goodlooking 5'0 white girls their face validates the appeal of the 5'0 body.

When I was at peak roidcel I had some brief walkings down the street with some mini foids
One time I walked through a quiet neighbourhood at 2am with a 5'1 small framed foid and the only guy we encountered on the street happened to be drunk and stopped me to talk to me and asked if I play sports and called me a man mountain in a hyped up tone of voice.
The foid then repeated that to me later while smiling.

Another occasion I walked with a 4'11 tiny framed foid on a busy street for 10 minutes and almost everyone who passed us had a grin on there face and gave me an extended look. I was at the time wearing a bulky sweater which made me look 99th percentile muscle mass while roidcelled.
Considering the 4'11 foid looked tiny by comparison to the 5'7 foid she was with when I met her, I can only imagine what other people were thinking seeing her with a 6'4 roidcel, their mind probably went straight to questioning how my dick was going to fit in her, little did I know it would be the tightest death grip pussy I ever had the pleasure of attempting to enter.

I have yet to experience the power of walking with a very tall foid but I might go to netherlands and seek it out.
Maybe I should try have a 4'11 girlfriend and a 6'3 girlfriend simulataneously and bring them out on diffefrent days
It would be comical bringing them to an ethnic run restaurant on different days.
Imagine the ethnic despair seeing a girl who heightmogs them by a foot one day, then the following day seeing the only girl short enough by comparison to the ethnic to make him feel dimorphic, she is actually 6'4 male only

This thread was brought to you by a reminscing and rambling incel
My cousin is 6’2 and im 6’2

Will this be a failo? Im gonna meet her soon
My cousin is 6’2 and im 6’2

Will this be a failo? Im gonna meet her soon
Why tf would you even worry about that? You're clearly into the incest shit and projecting onto me.

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