If you don't groom or take care of hygiene, you can go up several points

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Reactions: Deleted member 611
Maybe now it does Idk

U know who this looks like?
  • +1
Reactions: Autist and Deleted member 611
My dick stinks how to fix?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 611
Idk what that would mean lol
You just put the baby picture in your profile pic and then put "Skullcel crew". Idk man. It's just for fun
Seriously, just from taking care of yourself alone, you can go from being repulsive to being a normalfag (unless you have a severe deformity). Just from taking care of hygiene, shaving, taking care of skin, and grooming, you can enter the low tier normalfag realm looks-wise. Sure, it won't turn you into a slayer, but you will likely stop being repulsive. You're not even at your full potential.

I started taking care of myself and that alone brought me up a couple PSL points at least.
Really low iQ title
TBH this thread was made for the outright autists who rot and let themselves go to shit without showering for weeks, and then complaining about nobody wanting to fuck them. This thread wasn't made for users who actually take care of themselves.

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