If you have lean muscles and six pack, you are already above 80% of men



Life is a beautiful journey, just enjoy the rides.
Mar 28, 2020
After doing core exercises everynight before bed and now I could flex my abs muscles, it makes me feels primally deserved sex like it so ingrained in our limbic primal brain somehow.

Any reason why?

Ok after doing abit researching on the internet it comes down to biology and primal brain.
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  • JFL
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no girl cares about your abs until you take your shirt off and by that point it's a "wow that's nice", but even if you didn't have it, it wouldn't matter. Do you really only do ab exercises? hmm..
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Height first, then abs.
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: JohnDoe and ๕ඞChick3ncu1ry
no girl cares about your abs until you take your shirt off and by that point it's a "wow that's nice", but even if you didn't have it, it wouldn't matter. Do you really only do ab exercises? hmm..
I do cores, lower back and legs workouts everyday because of health conscious but I do trap, neck, lats, upper back, arms, chest every other day too.
I do cores, lower back and legs workouts everyday because of health conscious but I do trap, neck, lats, upper back, arms, chest every other day too.
so basically full body JFL
  • JFL
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havent lifted in nearly a year and shredded af still have my serratus, obliques, abs
Only changs can achieve that without steroids
Halo begins at 6'4 to be brutally honest. If you don't have the height, no abs, big dick, face is gonna save you.
cope bro, regularly see 5'6 and 5'7 manlets with cute girls, face is everything
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  • JFL
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Only changs can achieve that without steroids
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Cope because these type of HTN will be like „No no no I just started hitting the gym for fun haha”

Meanwhile mf been lifting for months
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Reactions: Nick.Harte and Debetro
But tbh OP is kinda right, evne outside of America where 80% of the population isn't obese, i didn't see a single guy today in the city who was gymmaxxed and actually dressed to show his physique. You have to wear tight fitting shirts like that guy in your avi to show lean muscular physique.
  • +1
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cope bro, regularly see 5'6 and 5'7 manlets with cute girls, face is everything
You live in another galaxy then. Here you will rarely see that.Maybe once every 1/2 months you will see a manlet with cute, let alone a hot foid.
You live in another galaxy then. Here you will rarely see that.Maybe once every 1/2 months you will see a manlet with cute, let alone a hot foid.
i see it nearly every single tiem i go outside so no it's not rare at all. once every 1/2 months? just fucking lol
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Reactions: saggyballsackcel and Nick.Harte
After doing core exercises everynight before bed and now I could flex my abs muscles, it makes me feels primally deserved sex like it so ingrained in our limbic primal brain somehow.

Any reason why?

Ok after doing abit researching on the internet it comes down to biology and primal brain.
ur body is overrated, unless u wanna slay on the beach no girl will notice if u have bicep veins, defined abs etc, ofc u cant be a fat fuck but being lean or muscular isnt much relevant to girls
  • JFL
Reactions: ๕ඞChick3ncu1ry
ur body is overrated, unless u wanna slay on the beach no girl will notice if u have bicep veins, defined abs etc, ofc u cant be a fat fuck but being lean or muscular isnt much relevant to girls

Which 3rd world shithole are you living in?
muscles wont make much of a difference, not saying that its ok to a lazy fuck ofc, but no gym for ur face:lul:

STFU you stupid dumbfuck with that ratio
u have the same ratio as me u retarded fuck, u lost the argument bruh, cant debate without getting angry?:lul:
same ratio my ass

I don't even wanna argue with you that's why I rampage on you from the start
Just remember that we are competing with our generation. I am leaner than a typical middle-aged man, but I don't want middle-aged women.
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Core focused exercises are a waste of time tbh. Doing OHPs, heavy squats and deadlifts are enough.
After doing core exercises everynight before bed and now I could flex my abs muscles, it makes me feels primally deserved sex like it so ingrained in our limbic primal brain somehow.

Any reason why?

Ok after doing abit researching on the internet it comes down to biology and primal brain.
I’m skinny fat w chest hair and my ethnic pheno SMV is dog sht and I still pull foids tall ramus matters way more muh six pack, though there is no reason we should all work towards getting abs def a SMV boost. Abs are the most important muscle besides neck and masseter for attraction from foids.
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