If you have never been approached in your life

They aren’t, most people in generel are not subhumans, I guarantee averege person here is just ethnic mtn with shit social skills
Wtf how did you know
Wtf how did you know
Just look in the ratings section jfl, most people n their ain’t subhuman and for the people that don’t post their face I assume their not subhuman because most people in generel aren’t subhuman
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Just look in the ratings section jfl, most people n their ain’t subhuman and for the people that don’t post their face I assume their not subhuman because most people in generel aren’t subhuman
No I mean like that described me bro

I’m an ethnic mtn that can’t talk to girls :hnghn:
  • JFL
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people will make all kinds excuses a d copes to try and make everything make sense to themselves. Idk how this happened or why she is dating him but let's be real. The girls here mogs the guy back to his days as a sperm
OP is dumb if he thinks being good looking is the only way u can get girls.
You barely get approached if you are not a 6’4 htn or chadlite, why would a girl lower her value by approaching you when she has bunch of better looking guys entertaining her in her dms?

You have to stand out by approaching her
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OP is dumb if he thinks being good looking is the only way u can get girls.
You barely get approached if you are not a 6’4 htn or chadlite, why would a girl lower her value by approaching you when she has bunch of better looking guys entertaining her in her dms?

You have to stand out by approaching her
Ya I agree as a guy you have to be the one that approaches, especially as a non chad male you can’t keep sitting around and praying that one day some chick will approach your bitchass
Ya I agree as a guy you have to be the one that approaches, especially as a non chad male you can’t keep sitting around and praying that one day some chick will approach your bitchass
What i am saying. If you get rejected by girls 90% of time u approach, ur just ugly. An average looking guy would atleast get 50%, gl guys atleast 90% girls number by approaching
What i am saying. If you get rejected by girls 90% of time u approach, ur just ugly. An average looking guy would atleast get 50%, gl guys atleast 90% girls number by approaching
No way:lul: not in 2024. No way averege guys gets 50% of the girls he approaches numbers its probably more like 5, while ugly gets like prison time
OP is dumb if he thinks being good looking is the only way u can get girls.
You barely get approached if you are not a 6’4 htn or chadlite, why would a girl lower her value by approaching you when she has bunch of better looking guys entertaining her in her dms?

You have to stand out by approaching her
What i am saying. If you get rejected by girls 90% of time u approach, ur just ugly. An average looking guy would atleast get 50%, gl guys atleast 90% girls number by approaching
I think it depends on what kind of approach. If by approach randomly approaching strangers on the street then the success rate is abysmally low for even chads.
It means that you’re below LTN.

But don’t worry, you’re like 95% of the users on here.

You guys have the realize that average user on here is literally hideous.

Your MTN-HTN ratings from KHHV’s unfortunately don’t mean anything.
You take 20 pictures before posting it and still managed to look barely average in your best most frauded picture.

This al leads to a delusional narcissist who is detached from reality.

Only, but only if you stop coping you can take steps to improve.
Just inject roids and get ripped your ugly face would become a halo then
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I’ve been approached by 2 ltbs in school, does that count jfl
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It means that you’re below LTN.

But don’t worry, you’re like 95% of the users on here.

You guys have the realize that average user on here is literally hideous.

Your MTN-HTN ratings from KHHV’s unfortunately don’t mean anything.
You take 20 pictures before posting it and still managed to look barely average in your best most frauded picture.

This al leads to a delusional narcissist who is detached from reality.

Only, but only if you stop coping you can take steps to improve.
een approached by a zub 5 and a mtb so idk
Not really ive seen many dudes irl like this. HTN tier guys who never got approached. It is very possible with the current zoomer generation. People just arent as outgoing and upfront these days. Why would they bother approach anyone when they can download tinder and meet people through dating apps It's often the socially awkward introverted guys with niche social group who are like this especially if they grow up in conservative environment. It's not as uncommon as many people here seem to think.

I agree with most of this. Because I used to get approached and even though I have been approached recently, it's just different now and maybe where I am now, people can not hold conversations and foids' interest is ridiculously fleeting. A girl can approach you as a legit sexual opportunity, but if what zoomer foids do for the most part now is ask for your Insta, that's not what's supposed to happen, it's just sending it into the digital world that's a substitute for real communication and sex.

There's also big differences between places, even within the same country or region. Where I live now, I'm wondering if Tyler Maher himself could walk down the street and the foids still wouldn't look at him, they're legit weird here. I was out of town last weekend and I swear it felt different and so much better, this girl at the hotel and other girls I came across, there was actual conversation flow, like effort being made. I haven't felt that in a long time, but it was my norm at one point, so I can say 100% that things have changed massively on the lowest and simplest levels.
  • +1
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Either that or you are above Chadlite like me, when girls become too scared to approach you.
  • +1
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It used to happen to me.
Cold approached sometimes, if I consider school contexts much more
  • +1
Reactions: Whatever
It used to happen to me.
Cold approached sometimes, if I consider school contexts much more
[IMG alt="Darkeningstar"]https://looksmax.org/data/avatars/m/74/74849.jpg?1724487827[/IMG]


Dark · From Italy
Joined May 27, 2024
Last seen 1 minute ago ·Viewing thread Rate Alexandra Daddario

Either that or you are above Chadlite like me, when girls become too scared to approach you.
So you’re a chad again? From “ugly subhuman creature” to chad?
  • +1
  • JFL
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[IMG alt="Darkeningstar"]https://looksmax.org/data/avatars/m/74/74849.jpg?1724487827[/IMG]


Dark · From Italy
Joined May 27, 2024
Last seen 1 minute ago ·Viewing thread Rate Alexandra Daddario

So you’re a chad again? From “ugly subhuman creature” to chad?
Those are the same.

I am so good-looking that many people consider me a weird-looking creature and vice versa.

Chad and subhuman creature are practically the same.
  • +1
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates
Those are the same.

I am so good-looking that many people consider me a weird-looking creature and vice versa.

Chad and subhuman creature are practically the same.
+you’re low trust looking like me.
  • +1
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What if the only girl that complimented you is a gypsy girl? (Quite hot gypsy girl tho)

I am white, in czech republic
  • Woah
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+you’re low trust looking like me.
I am trustworthy. Calling my looks untrustworthy is Jewish propaganda.

We should rather call ourselves non-cuck looking. Or call high-trust looking men 'cuck looking'
  • Love it
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It means that you’re below LTN.

But don’t worry, you’re like 95% of the users on here.

You guys have the realize that average user on here is literally hideous.

Your MTN-HTN ratings from KHHV’s unfortunately don’t mean anything.
You take 20 pictures before posting it and still managed to look barely average in your best most frauded picture.

This al leads to a delusional narcissist who is detached from reality.

Only, but only if you stop coping you can take steps to improve.
Approached once by a MTB I had a crush on and get compliments on hair, smell and nose but nothing else, currently 16
  • +1
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I am trustworthy. Calling my looks is Jewish propaganda.

We should rather call ourselves non-cuck looking. Or call high-trust looking men 'cuck looking'
I have the same trustworthiness in my looks (not that we look alike) like you and i’m proud of it. Nobody fucks with you and it feels good to intimidate others.

We should be proud of it.
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
What if the only girl that complimented you is a gypsy girl? (Quite hot gypsy girl tho)

I am white, in czech republic
What do you think?
It means that you’re below LTN.

But don’t worry, you’re like 95% of the users on here.

You guys have the realize that average user on here is literally hideous.

Your MTN-HTN ratings from KHHV’s unfortunately don’t mean anything.
You take 20 pictures before posting it and still managed to look barely average in your best most frauded picture.

This al leads to a delusional narcissist who is detached from reality.

Only, but only if you stop coping you can take steps to improve.
last time i got approached was by a petite ginger mid mtb that was autistic like me, im so fucking pissed I rinsed the chance to be with her
  • +1
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I have the same trustworthiness in my looks (not that we look alike) like you and i’m proud of it. Nobody fucks with you and it feels good to intimidate others.

We should be proud of it.
Its disgusting that people assume bad things of me though, just because i look a certain way.

Makes me hate socialization and prefer lone wolf sigma grind
  • +1
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If you've never been approached you are either ugly as hell, or look super aggressive/threatening, and not even men want to approach you
I live in a busy city and a long time ago I went through a phase where I was going to starbucks every day alone and would sit down at a table solo with my drink and phone. On average, I'd probably get 1 woman per week sit at my table and strike up conversation with me and this would normally lead to getting a number. I would never initiate the conversation myself.

Prior to me getting surgeries that would never happen btw.
  • +1
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Best thread in org history

Im a irl ltn who has been approached irl, im known as the uglyiest guy in my part of town and i still legit mog 95% of the rate me section here.

I see legit ltn and giga truecels get called mtn/htn on this site.
Last edited:
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: watah, Copeful and moreroidsmoredates
100% true but users will cope
im ltn and manlet as well but I’ve been approached by mtbs and even htbs a few times
users here are just bottom of the barrel truecels
  • +1
Reactions: nofap, moreroidsmoredates and watah
If this is true then why do u think 40% haven’t reported having sex in a year? If they got approached I’m sure they’ll be desperate enough to date/fuck her
The dopamine of just ONE htb in my lifetime approaching me would be something else
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haven’t been approached but get compliments on my looks soemtikes. people assume i get bitches and they say i look like it.

but then again i don’t go out or even have any friends. I always go out with a hoodie
  • JFL
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Also what counts as “being approached”
like some girl randomly asking you for directions? or what? You are telling me you get approached irl just walking to class? Cuz I have NEVER seen a foid approach a guy and i’m always autistically looking at everyone else.
Yes. School shooter halo
Even then some ltb asked me for directions randomly the other day while i was sitting in a buulding.

IK it doesn’t mean shit but at least i know that i’m not creepy looking to foids!
  • +1
Reactions: Nick.Harte
Not really ive seen many dudes irl like this. HTN tier guys who never got approached. It is very possible with the current zoomer generation. People just arent as outgoing and upfront these days. Why would they bother approach anyone when they can download tinder and meet people through dating apps It's often the socially awkward introverted guys with niche social group who are like this especially if they grow up in conservative environment. It's not as uncommon as many people here seem to think.
Exactly JFL.
I see in my class and walking around i autistically look at everyone.
No one is getting approached lmao. Most college kids just hang out together.

NOWWWW in noght settings thisbis totally different. I remember i had caught multiple foidd starting at me while i was randomly walking the last time i left my apartment out of my hoodie (i had a hickey from sex so that might have done something)
Been approached over a dozen times and I’m 17 +mtn and I know other mtns that have never been approached just be lucky pill is underrated
Don’t think this is true.

People here do overrate sometimes but I don’t think most are hideous
  • Hmm...
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Don’t think this is true.

People here do overrate sometimes but I don’t think most are hideous
You have to realize that people fraud their pictures before posting it. They look much much worse in real life.
  • +1
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You have to realize that people fraud their pictures before posting it. They look much much worse in real life.
I know. Even taking that into account, most aren’t hideous.

I do agree that many of the incel users here have issues with their looks and people are not honest enough. I have LARPed as a gigarecessed truecel and users were telling me I have a good base. I have sent frauded pics of myself to users and been rated 5 PSL as well when that is beyond my full potential even with surgeries.

It kinda defeats the purpose of this site. We are here to identify our issues and take action to fix them. Not farm validation.
  • +1
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this egregious cope has already been dismantled
You have to realize that people fraud their pictures before posting it. They look much much worse in real life.
There is an extent to which you can fraud. A truecel is likely to have substantial structural issues that can’t be frauded very easily.
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