If you won’t take this from me, here’s someone with a Nobel prize



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Mar 9, 2020
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Peat vindicated again
so suddenly it's trust le science when le science says what you want to hear
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I mean yeah climate change definitely exists but it is sensationalised and we are doing a pretty good job at reducing our impact (something the doomer news will never admit or recognise)
I mean yeah climate change definitely exists but it is sensationalised and we are doing a pretty good job at reducing our impact (something the doomer news will never admit or recognise)
It’s not caused by humans.

It’s a natural earth cycle to cool and warm every ~150 years.

Last cooling cycle ended in 1850. Now we are in the heating cycle.

We are not the problem. It’s normal and natural
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Only retards and emotionally unstable women believe in the climate change hoax.

Same cohort that believed in covid-19 vaccines and vehemently supports Ukraine.
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Read it son
I read it. This is those, what, 2% of le science that disagrees with consensus and by pure coincidence their """findings""" coalign with most profitable business on earth? Keep sucking big oil's circumsized cock. They don't give a fuck what happens because when oy hits the vey they will move their jew asses to nuclear bunkers in New Zealand with their families and private armies and repopulate earth after siphon event, while others will die in fight for control of mountain wells

I can already see you half-brained niggers making up yet another genius theories to explain what will happen, this time it will be how water scarcity is artificially caused by gov't all just to spite you, and how scorching sun is all just a Blue Beam hologram and you should stare at it instead sv3rige style. I have hard time to even pity you, I hope all you industrial addict urbanites die painful death that you clearly yearn for
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I read it. This is those, what, 2% of le science that disagrees with consensus and by pure coincidence their """findings""" coalign with most profitable business on earth? Keep sucking big oil's circumsized cock. They don't give a fuck what happens because when oy hits the vey they will move their jew asses to nuclear bunkers in New Zealand with their families and private armies and repopulate earth after siphon event, while others will die in fight for control of mountain wells

I can already see you half-brained niggers making up yet another genius theories to explain what will happen, this time it will be how water scarcity is artificially caused by gov't all just to spite you, and how scorching sun is all just a Blue Beam hologram and you should stare at it instead sv3rige style. I have hard time to even pity you, I hope all you industrial addict urbanites die painful death that you clearly yearn for
I never predicted anything that is gonna happen nor did I claim something ridiculous

Only retards and emotionally unstable women believe in the climate change hoax.

Same cohort that believed in covid-19 vaccines and vehemently supports Ukraine.
The topic of Ukraine is so fkn hilarious

When something 1000x worse happens with the western government backed operations in Syria or Latin America, it’s just fine but something remotely unrelated to them, they think they are superior

Fkn redditors and their scum ideas propagating with TikTok
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It’s not caused by humans.

It’s a natural earth cycle to cool and warm every ~150 years.

Last cooling cycle ended in 1850. Now we are in the heating cycle.

We are not the problem. It’s normal and natural
It literally is though, the greenhouse effect is real and we are contributing to it
It literally is though, the greenhouse effect is real and we are contributing to it
Pollution is different from climate change, yeah we are destroying the environment but that isn’t causing change of earth’s Temperature at such a large scale
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Just imagine all the excess people that will have to die in order to reach net-zero emissions. I hope all the climate crazies have that in mind.
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It is a myth that was and has been that climate change science was ever against big oil

The most prominent creator of climate emergency scenario was the Maurice strong

A conjugate for Rockfeller&CO oil
Who similarly held 23 UN juctions of climate change With Royal Dutch Shells and Kepler

Margaret Klein Salamon, the fund’s executive director, pointed to social movements of the past — suffragists, civil rights and gay rights activists — that achieved success after protesters took nonviolent demonstrations to the streets.

“Action moves public opinion and what the media covers, and moves the realm of what’s politically possible,” Ms. Salamon said. “The normal systems have failed. It’s time for every person to realize that we need to take this on.”

So far, the fund has given away just over $7 million, with the goal of pushing society into emergency mode, she said. Even though the United States is on the cusp of enacting historic climate legislation, the bill allows more oil and gas expansion, which scientists say needs to stop immediately to avert planetary catastrophe.
Strikingly, both organizations are backed by oil-fortune families whose descendants feel a responsibility to reverse the harms done by fossil fuels. Aileen Getty, whose grandfather created Getty Oil, helped found the Climate Emergency Fund and has given it $1 million so far.

The Equation Campaign started in 2020 with a $30 million pledge, to be distributed over 10 years, from two members of the Rockefeller family, Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert and Peter Gill Case. John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil in 1870 and became the country’s first billionaire.
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When asked how he could justify the treachery and deceit with which he pursued the creation of the Standard Oil monopoly, John D. Rockefeller is reputed to have said: "Competition is a sin.
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By the end of World War I, private car ownership was still a relative rarity; only one in ten Americans owned a car. Rail was still the transportation of choice for the vast majority of the public, and city-dwellers in most major cities relied on electric trolley networks to transport them around town. In 1936, General Motors formed a front company, "National City Lines," along with Firestone Tire and Standard Oil of California, to implement a process of "bustitution": scrapping streetcars and tearing up railways to replace them with GM's own buses running on Standard Oil-supplied diesel. The plan was remarkably successful.

As historian and researcher F. William Engdahl notes in "Myths, Lies and Oil Wars":

"By the end of the 1940s, GM had bought and scrapped over one hundred municipal electric transit systems in 45 cities and put gas-burning GM buses on the streets in their place. By 1955 almost 90% of the electric streetcar lines in the United States had been ripped out or otherwise eliminated."

The cartel had been careful to hide their involvement in National City Lines, but it was revealed to the public in 1946 by an enterprising retired naval lieutenant commander, Edwin J. Quinby. He wrote a manifesto exposing what he called "a careful, deliberately planned campaign to swindle you out of your most important and valuable public utilities — your Electric Railway System." He uncovered the oiligarchs' stock ownership of National City Lines and its subsidiaries and detailed how they had, step by step, bought up and destroyed the public transportation lines in Baltimore, Los Angeles, St. Louis and other major urban centres.

Quinby's warning caught the attention of federal prosecutors, and in 1947 National City Lines was indicted for conspiring to form a transportation monopoly and conspiring to monopolize sales of buses and supplies. In 1949, GM, Firestone, Standard Oil of California and their officers and corporate associates were convicted on the second count of conspiracy. The punishment for buying up and dismantling America's public transportation infrastructure? A $5,000 fine. H. C. Grossman, who had been the director of Pacific City Lines when it oversaw the scrapping of LA's $100 million Pacific Electric system, was fined exactly $1.
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The story of the Oil Shock of 1973 as it has been delivered to us by the history books is well known.

Narrator: By the late 1960s, the nation relied on imported oil to keep the economy strong. Then, in the early 1970s, oil-dependent America's nightmares came true: 13 oil-producing countries in the Middle East and South America formed OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. In 1973, OPEC placed an oil embargo on the US and other nations that had supported Israel against the Arab states in the Yom Kippur war. The American economy went into a tailspin as gas shortages gripped the nation.
SOURCE: History of Oil
Few, however, know that the crisis and its ensuing response was in fact prepared months ahead of time at a secret meeting in Sweden in 1973. The meeting was the annual gathering of the Bilderberg Group, a secretive cabal formed by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in 1954.

The Dutch royal family not only gave its royal imprint to Royal Dutch Petroleum, they are still rumoured to be, along with the Rothschilds, one of the largest shareholders in Royal Dutch Shell, from the days when Queen Wilhelmina's Anglo-Dutch Petroleum holdings and other investments made her the world's first female billionaire right through to today. Bernhard's guest list at the Bilderberg Group reflected his position in the oiligarchy; alongside him at the Swedish conference were David Rockefeller of the Standard Oil dynasty and his protégé Henry Kissinger; Baron Edmond de Rothschild; E.G. Collado, the Vice President of Exxon; Sir Denis Greenhill, director of British Petroleum; and Gerrit A. Wagner, president of Bernhard's own Royal Dutch Shell.

At the meeting in Sweden, held five months before the oil crisis began, the oiligarchs and their political and business allies were planning their response to a monetary crisis that threatened the world dominance of the US dollar. Under the Bretton Woods system, negotiated in the final days of World War II, the US dollar would be the backbone of the world monetary system, convertible to gold at $35 per ounce with all other currencies pegged to it. Increasing US expenditures in Vietnam and decreasing exports caused Germany, France, and other nations to start demanding gold for their dollars.

With the Federal Reserve's official gold holdings plunging and unable to stem the tide of demand, Nixon abandoned Bretton Woods in August 1971, threatening the dollar's position as the world reserve currency.

Richard Nixon: Accordingly, I have directed the Secretary of the Treasury to take the action necessary to defend the dollar against the speculators. I have directed Secretary Connally to suspend temporarily the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets except in amounts and conditions determined to be in the interest of monetary stability and in the best interest of the United States.
SOURCE: Nixon Ends Bretton Woods
As leaked documents from the 1973 Bilderberg meeting show, the oiligarchs decided to use their control over the flow of oil to save the American hegemon. Acknowledging that OPEC "could completely disorganize and undermine the world monetary system," the Bilderberg attendees prepared for "an energy crisis or an increase in energy costs," which, they predicted, could mean an oil price between $10 and $12, a staggering 400% increase from the current price of $3.01 per barrel.

Five months later, Bilderberg attendee and Rockefeller protégé Henry Kissinger, acting as Nixon's Secretary of State, engineered the Yom Kippur War and provoked OPEC's response: an oil embargo of the US and other nations that had supported Israel. On October 16, 1973, OPEC raised oil prices by 70%. At their December meeting, the Shah of Iran demanded and received a further price raise to $11.65 a barrel, or 400% of oil's pre-crisis price. When asked by Saudi King Faisal's personal emissary why he had demanded such a bold price increase, he replied: "Tell your King, if he wants the answer to this question, he should go to Washington and ask Henry Kissinger."

In the second move of the operation, Kissinger helped negotiate a deal with Saudi Arabia: In exchange for US arms and military protection, the Saudis would price all their future oil sales in dollars and recycle those dollars through treasury purchases via Wall Street banks. The deal was a bonanza for the oiligarchs; not only did they get to pass the price increases on to the consumers, but they benefited from the huge flows of money into their own banks. The Shah of Iran parked the National Iranian Oil Company's revenues in Rockefeller's own Chase Bank — revenues that reached $14 billion per year in the wake of the oil crisis.

With the creation of this new system, the "petrodollar," the oiligarchs had reached unprecedented levels of control over the economy. Not only that, they had backed the world monetary system with their commodity, oil, and brought potential competition from upstart producer nations under their control all in one step.
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Pollution is different from climate change, yeah we are destroying the environment but that isn’t causing change of earth’s Temperature at such a large scale
it kinda is though (but it's exaggerated)

Denying the industrial revolution has been a contributing factor to rapid warming when we know there is a mechanism of action there is peak retardation
so suddenly it's trust le science when le science says what you want to hear


it's borderline disturbing to listen to absolute nobodies with absolutely no references going on and on about how climate change is bullshit, specially considering their takes on pretty much every other global phenomenon or a social issue are identical and break down to "it's fake" in the end.

such an easy way of separating smart people from the other ones

i guess it's psychological, you have to tell yourself you see something no one else does in absence of real accomplishments
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it kinda is though (but it's exaggerated)

Denying the industrial revolution has been a contributing factor to rapid warming when we know there is a mechanism of action there is peak retardation
The industrial revolution is a dire situation for the sickening of ur environment such as rivers, and various ecological systems including that of humans but does not have a significant impact such that it troubles the climate cycle of the earth
The industrial revolution is a dire situation for the sickening of ur environment such as rivers, and various ecological systems including that of humans but does not have a significant impact such that it troubles the climate cycle of the earth
saying something doesn't make it true

The green house effect exists (fact)
We are demonstratably sending vast amounts of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere (fact)
Average temperatures are increasing at a rate not seen since before this human intervention (fact)

Like what is your argument here, which one of the above is not true

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