if your girlfriend has a smartphone or social media, she isn't actually your girlfriend

The only difference is girls actually have some smv on average. Just lol if you think guys wouldnt have done the same
that "only difference" is huge, jfl. that's the point

read that article and you will understand why smartphones affect women's ability to love and not men's
thats fault of the men for being simps. If women behaved like men in this aspect men would behave like women
cope. women know what they are doing. women will use tinder for attention whoring. They will lead a guy on in hopes that he will keep feeding her attention, and the guy is desperate for sex so he keeps trying to get with her.
  • JFL
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cope. women know what they are doing. women will use tinder for attention whoring. They will lead a guy on in hopes that he will keep feeding her attention, and the guy is desperate for sex so he keeps trying to get with her.
so do i jfl
all women are whores
get in a ltr but expect to be cheated on so it hurts less when that happens, because it will.
this world is fucked beyond repair, either play the game by its shitty rules or MGTOWmaxx and focus on yourself
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all women are whores
get in a ltr but expect to be cheated on so it hurts less when that happens, because it will.
this world is fucked beyond repair, either play the game by its shitty rules or MGTOWmaxx and focus on yourself
you're using apex fallacy, vast majority of guys aren't like you
just lol if you think mr 2 psl incel wouldnt do the same if he could, if anything he would probably do it worse to compensate for lost time, Reminds you of anything? (girls who are virgin till like 19 and makes up for lost time)
just lol if you think mr 2 psl incel wouldnt do the same if he could, if anything he would probably do it worse to compensate for lost time, Reminds you of anything? (girls who are virgin till like 19 and makes up for lost time)
jfl you fucking cuck

that's like saying that we shouldn't hate on greedy rich people because "we would do the same if we were in their shoes."
So no ltr, love or anything? Suifuel fucking over
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Imagine you arae having dinner with her. $50 dollar steak because she was really unhappy last week after you had sex for no good reason you can think of. Your treat of course you are the gentlemen. You are trying to tell her about your problem at work. She pulls out her phone and her fingers start tapping as she starts smiling, something she hasn't done for the past month since she attended her first yoga class with the girls. You think about calling her out. But you didn't. "I'm a mature man," you thought. "She deserves some space and I will be a gentlemen about it."
It is true you will get cucked someday. Its not about if it will happen or not, its about WHEN
You would do the same
you would do the same if you were in Elliot Rodger's shoes. Or Ted Bundy's shoes

see, but does that not mean you are not allowed to hate on him?
  • Hmm...
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you would do the same if you were in Elliot Rodger's shoes. Or Ted Bundy's shoes

see, but does that not mean you are not allowed to hate on him?
I wouldnt kill people bcuz i was rejected. Rodger was a rich spoiled sexually frustrated kid
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I wouldnt kill people bcuz i was rejected. Rodger was a rich spoiled sexually frustrated kid
you would if you had the same brain chemistry and experiences he had, so you are wrong buddy boyo.
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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  • JFL
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cope, no need to have chicks bothering me with any texts unless its about hooking up. chicks are boring outside their holes
she's a whore who spends time with you.

having a smartphone and social media allows horny men to constantly offer her penis, and she flirts back because she likes the attention. she knows deep down you don't want that behavior from her, but she does it anyway because she's a whore. in fact, she might even have a backup burner phone purely for her fuck buddies, so she'll "prove" to you, using her real phone, that she is "loyal", even when she's not.
to the copers here, this is actually true, if a girl has an insta and is following/followed by anything more than close friends it's actually ridiculous how many guys she is probably currently having conversations with - some of these might be normal conversations, some of them might be casual flirting, it is what it is and it's up to you whether or not you're comfortable with that (I'm not)

girls who don't use social media exist but are really rare and tend to be really good people as well in my exp
  • JFL
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you're a cuck. defending women's rights when that is the reason society is so shit
Arvid is a leftist, he supports feminism and women's rights! I see nothing wrong with it!!!
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Literally everyone has social media these days u dumbfuck, even giga chads gf
that doesn't disprove the topic though. girls are all whores these days
Delusionmaxxing thread. Having a smartphone in the west is basically a requirement these days. Also nearly everyone has social media. Having a smartphone and social media isnt a falio. You can easily vet their profile to see if they are a whore.
Delusionmaxxing thread. Having a smartphone in the west is basically a requirement these days. Also nearly everyone has social media. Having a smartphone and social media isnt a falio. You can easily vet their profile to see if they are a whore.
yes, because there isn't a single girl who has a social media profile that looks "nice" but is also secretly a whore behind the scenes
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yes, because there isn't a single girl who has a social media profile that looks "nice" but is also secretly a whore behind the scenes

While this is true there is a much higher chance they arent a whore if they dont display themselves like a whore on social media. You can never truly know if a woman is a whore because you can't watch their entire life story. But you can vet them to make an educated guess on if a women is a whore or not. Its usually quite easy to tell if a woman is a whore or not.
While this is true there is a much higher chance they arent a whore if they dont display themselves like a whore on social media. You can never truly know if a woman is a whore because you can't watch their entire life story. But you can vet them to make an educated guess on if a women is a whore or not. Its usually quite easy to tell if a woman is a whore or not.
If she breathe she a thot
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