If your not lean your not even trying

dharavi chadlite

dharavi chadlite

Jul 15, 2024
I don’t understand trying to improve your looks while still being above 12 percent body fat. It’s the easiest fucking looksmax to do and all you have to do is not eat like a fat retard and MAYBE workout. I get this is common knowledge but it’s so infuriating watching guys asking what they can do to improve while still being a fat fucking lard
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Im bulking rn tho. With my skinny fat curry genetics i can never get lean without having a substatntial amount of muscle in the first place. I still have hollow cheeks at around 20% bf tho so its not a major killer for me
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Low body fat percentage is king.
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Lean is law
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You need to try to stay lean? :lul:
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So being a skeleton improves your looks ?
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I don’t understand trying to improve your looks while still being above 12 percent body fat. It’s the easiest fucking looksmax to do and all you have to do is not eat like a fat retard and MAYBE workout. I get this is common knowledge but it’s so infuriating watching guys asking what they can do to improve while still being a fat fucking lard
My problem is that when I lose weight, I lose fat, muscle and bone at the same rate, so I become skinnyfat.
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So being a skeleton improves your looks ?
Lean can also mean having good muscle mass with low amounts of subq fat

It's a very easy to understand
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I don’t understand trying to improve your looks while still being above 12 percent body fat. It’s the easiest fucking looksmax to do and all you have to do is not eat like a fat retard and MAYBE workout. I get this is common knowledge but it’s so infuriating watching guys asking what they can do to improve while still being a fat fucking lard
What my body fat baste of my pfp ?
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Lean can also mean having good muscle mass with low amounts of subq fat

It's a very easy to understand
That’s no one here tho
Understand that my Dalit 😛
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I’m not a clav fanboy swear .
Tag some others
@ConfusedBolivian @asdvek @socialcel @Reformed @NorwoodAscender

I'm too lazy there are some others but we talked in DMs not sure if I can day, but one was a SARM goblin, another one was on nootropics and peptides.
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I don’t understand trying to improve your looks while still being above 12 percent body fat. It’s the easiest fucking looksmax to do and all you have to do is not eat like a fat retard and MAYBE workout. I get this is common knowledge but it’s so infuriating watching guys asking what they can do to improve while still being a fat fucking lard
yeah grey cel learning basic af stuff
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this needs to be driven into peoples skulls here, you have no idea how much bodyfat impacts your face. I’m the leanest I’ve ever been currently and the difference is unheard off, PUT DOWN THE FORK, EVERYTHING ELSE COMES AFTER. Planning extensive meticulous ,unorthodox surgery’s with whilst sitting above 15% bodyfat is putting lipstick on a pig. LEAN IS LAW
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it is crazy how hard it is to stay thin. I used to cycle instead of driving with car, smoke cigs and drink coffee but despite that i was overweight.
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what is considered not fat to normal people these days is comical, guys with literal tits coping with healthy bmi whole heartedly believe there features are set in stone. Being a genuine 10-12 bodyfat is and a monster halo
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Being lean is the biggest looksmax out there
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this needs to be driven into peoples skulls here, you have no idea how much bodyfat impacts your face. I’m the leanest I’ve ever been currently and the difference is unheard off, PUT DOWN THE FORK, EVERYTHING ELSE COMES AFTER. Planning extensive meticulous ,unorthodox surgery’s with whilst sitting above 15% bodyfat is putting lipstick on a pig. LEAN IS LAW
I’ve never been 10% and I’m around 17 rn but I’m losing weight. Is the difference really that crazy? Doesn’t seem like it tbh. Why is it? How does having more visible bones make you more attractive in the eyes of people?

(btw im not saying it won’t just asking why)
I’ve never been 10% and I’m around 17 rn but I’m losing weight. Is the difference really that crazy? Doesn’t seem like it tbh. Why is it? How does having more visible bones make you more attractive in the eyes of people?

(btw im not saying it won’t just asking why)
Bones create angularity, are indicators of health and essentially form your whole face ( chin, zygos, maxilla, mandible ect)

Good bones are rare, especially nowadays, so it’s a huge halo. Unfortunately some people can lean down to 10-12 percent and because of their lack of bones it won’t show in the face. Some people could lean down and even develop things such as Nasolabial folds because there is no bones or fat to keep the area from sagging
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Bones create angularity, are indicators of health and essentially form your whole face ( chin, zygos, maxilla, mandible ect)

Good bones are rare, especially nowadays, so it’s a huge halo. Unfortunately some people can lean down to 10-12 percent and because of their lack of bones it won’t show in the face. Some people could lean down and even develop things such as Nasolabial folds because there is no bones or fat to keep the area from sagging
No I’m saying why does having more visible bones and no fat mean you are more attractive? Like the science or reason behind it or whatever?

And why is the difference so big between being low and high body fat
No I’m saying why does having more visible bones and no fat mean you are more attractive? Like the science or reason behind it or whatever?

And why is the difference so big between being low and high body fat
Nigga did you read anything of what I said. It’s a clear indicator of good health, when you see a fat face 99 percent of the time the person is fat and gross it’s that simple. U don’t need a scientific study to understand this
Nigga did you read anything of what I said. It’s a clear indicator of good health, when you see a fat face 99 percent of the time the person is fat and gross it’s that simple. U don’t need a scientific study to understand this
Nigga no one gives a fuck about health. You think when a girl looks at a guy who is lean she is thinking oh he’s so healthy I want to fuck him? LMAO nigga I’m asking what is it about having bones that makes you more desirable for women? Like why is it more pleasing etc
Nigga no one gives a fuck about health. You think when a girl looks at a guy who is lean she is thinking oh he’s so healthy I want to fuck him? LMAO nigga I’m asking what is it about having bones that makes you more desirable for women? Like why is it more pleasing etc
This niggas so retarded. Women from an evolutionary standpoint want their kids to be healthy so when a guy who looks healthy and is handsome walks by she’s going to see him as a suitable candidate to have her kids. It’s an inherent biological drive that we all have. That’s why signs of health (muscle, bone, healthy eyes and skin) are all factors that go into being attractive

I’ve given you the “science” in all of my responses but your Neanderthal monkey brain is incapable of seeing that unfortunately
I’ve never been 10% and I’m around 17 rn but I’m losing weight. Is the difference really that crazy? Doesn’t seem like it tbh. Why is it? How does having more visible bones make you more attractive in the eyes of people?

(btw im not saying it won’t just asking why)
Low bodyfat is dimorphic and an indicator of health, it used to be the norm for early humans but the wests slop diets make it rare,

early man was lean by default, meaning the tallest, broadest man with the best bone structure, meaning indicators of strong bite force, indicators of high fighting succes (dimorphism) and indicators of large air ways (forward growth, straight teeth, straight nose, facial upswing would reproduce

Modern man is so unhealthy that they don’t even give themselves the chance to showcase their highest genetic potential. I’ve seen lean people that aren’t anywhere near chad from a craniofacial standpoint be fawned over more then fatter guys with objectively better bones and height

For example the Adonis of my area is Jew nosed, with a slightly recessed chin and how gonial angle. His eye area has failos and he’s slightly narrow jawed with an unideal fwhr, but he has hollow cheeks and chiselled features and is fully softmaxxed

If you are considered attractive at your current bodyfat you are shooting tourself in the foot by not being lean, leanmaxxing doesn’t work if your already ugly I’m afraid.
This niggas so retarded. Women from an evolutionary standpoint want their kids to be healthy so when a guy who looks healthy and is handsome walks by she’s going to see him as a suitable candidate to have her kids. It’s an inherent biological drive that we all have. That’s why signs of health (muscle, bone, healthy eyes and skin) are all factors that go into being attractive

I’ve given you the “science” in all of my responses but your Neanderthal monkey brain is incapable of seeing that unfortunately
I’m not talking about from a health perspective you retard I mean from an aesthetics perspective why is it. Don’t bring health into it. You can’t understand one simple question lol
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I’m not talking about from a health perspective you retard I mean from an aesthetics perspective why is it. Don’t bring health into it. You can’t understand one simple question lol
I litterally bar for bar told you angularity in my first response. And then explained why angularity is attractive your just incapable of being able to extrapolate information and connect the dots. It litterally just comes down to the fact fat faces are gross and lean faces are nice. Re read this atleast 3 times and see if you can understand
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Nigga no one gives a fuck about health. You think when a girl looks at a guy who is lean she is thinking oh he’s so healthy I want to fuck him? LMAO nigga I’m asking what is it about having bones that makes you more desirable for women? Like why is it more pleasing etc
simmer down young gun, your probably no older then 14, you fail to understand how attraction works, when you look at an attractive woman do you think in your head “wow her hips are so wide, she could deliver my child with ease” and “oh golly oh gee here boobas are huge, those kid feed our offspring for days” no, you just precum your spongebob boxers and peddle your tricycle home, lean men are healthy men, healthy men can hunt and provide, lean also shows bone structure both in the face and body frame, if you have good bones, covering them is bad do you understand
simmer down young gun, your probably no older then 14, you fail to understand how attraction works, when you look at an attractive woman do you think in your head “wow her hips are so wide, she could deliver my child with ease” and “oh golly oh gee here boobas are huge, those kid feed our offspring for days” no, you just precum your spongebob boxers and peddle your tricycle home, lean men are healthy men, healthy men can hunt and provide, lean also shows bone structure both in the face and body frame, if you have good bones, covering them is bad do you understand
why is bone structure important tho. Like in terms of aesthetics. Like why can’t I be 20% body fat and be aesthetic, never mind if there are no bones showing
I litterally bar for bar told you angularity in my first response. And then explained why angularity is attractive your just incapable of being able to extrapolate information and connect the dots. It litterally just comes down to the fact fat faces are gross and lean faces are nice. Re read this atleast 3 times and see if you can understand
I think he’s like 8 years of age, how are you on this forum and can’t fathom why lean= attractive and that attraction is instinctual
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I litterally bar for bar told you angularity in my first response. And then explained why angularity is attractive your just incapable of being able to extrapolate information and connect the dots. It litterally just comes down to the fact fat faces are gross and lean faces are nice. Re read this atleast 3 times and see if you can understand
Autism unfortunately
why is bone structure important tho. Like in terms of aesthetics. Like why can’t I be 20% body fat and be aesthetic, never mind if there are no bones showing
I told you why bone structure is important did you not read
I think he’s like 8 years of age, how are you on this forum and can’t fathom why lean= attractive and that attraction is instinctual
Because I’ve never been lean before you fucking idiot why would I know in my own experience whether it’s attractive or not?
I think he’s like 8 years of age, how are you on this forum and can’t fathom why lean= attractive and that attraction is instinctual
he’s asking for an intellectual response to a pretty fuckin basic question that anyone could answer if they just stepped outside
I told you why bone structure is important did you not read
You just tautologically told me why it’s necessary, you didn’t fucking explain anything. You just said having bones makes you more attractive lmao I want to know the reason behind it though
he’s asking for an intellectual response to a pretty fuckin basic question that anyone could answer if they just stepped outside
It’s not basic. Look around you. If it was basic everyone would be lean, or trying to, but they don’t. You even said that yourself. JFL at this retard thinking everything is black and white
why is bone structure important tho. Like in terms of aesthetics. Like why can’t I be 20% body fat and be aesthetic, never mind if there are no bones showing
If you don’t have good fat distribution then at 20% you are more likely to have a rounded face, maybe a double chin etc. Being lean makes your bones pop out more which gives you a more masculine look and angularity. Fat just covers everything, I can’t even name a single person who looks good at a high body fat percentage
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Autism unfortunately
It’s not basic. Look around you. If it was basic everyone would be lean, or trying to, but they don’t. You even said that yourself. JFL at this retard thinking everything is black and white
here we go again. You’re proving my point. What’s the first thing people do when they try to improve their life and looks? Lose fucking weight. The entire world is able to understand that besides you. You do realize most people don’t give a fuck about being attractive to the extent we do right?

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