If you're ethnic in the West hide your background / origins as long as possible with women

Ppl still can tell that i'm chinese even here because the retarded tonal pattern stays with you even in written english
Who tf gave you permission to associate with Han China? I'm the only Han guy here + real Han wouldn't be caught rotting on incel forums, so it's clear you're just some irrelevant subjugated ethnic minority hence the autistic tones or larping about being Chinese.
perhaps 🤔 I lowkey think Sri Lankan girls look the best in South Asia for some reason, even while being the most shitskin. Something I’ve just observed they have better bones and features and better fat distributions
I kinda agree on bones. Bengalis have good bones but failod hugely by colouring.
I kinda agree on bones. Bengalis have good bones but failod hugely by colouring.
yeah but for Sri linkans they seem to have much brighter and warmer undertones giving a much more glowing look than just shitskin, it’s like gleaming shitskin lmao.
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Ppl still can tell that i'm chinese even here because the retarded tonal pattern stays with you even in written english
Can you give some examples? I feel like I have the same thing. Even though my parent's country speaks English and I have a really strong local Accent, people can tell I'm not from here.
I know Turks and Kurds they tell foids they are Spanish, Italian or Latino. Jfl
  • JFL
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Even amongst other ethnics. Certain ethnics do have a halo within races (e.g. Arabs amongst south Asians) but others have a failo (e.g. Arabs amongst Turks). But generally speaking if you're an ethnic you're a deathnic and you need to keep them double guessing until they ask you directly. White people are averse to asking your ethnic background, but ethnics and non-western people always ask you.

Basically you need avoid talking about your background and build up a rapport until she deals the killing blow (revealing your ethnicity). But you need to build up resistance against it before she asks.

Think of this like a Final Fantasy boss battle. You you get to the final stage but have 300/1000 HP. The boss (a foid) is going to sooner of later ask you your ethnicity. This move will cost you 800 HP. So you need to keep using Drain ability to transfer HP from the boss to you. You can do this by talking to her and dealing more hits building up your HP. When she finally asks you, you will be able to handle the hit if you're above 800 HP. Thankfully it's a one-time move.
  1. Hide your name - use initials or nicknames. Thankfully my real name is ambiguous AF despite sounding ethnic.
  2. Clean shaven / stubble - having a beard is an ethnic trait. This might be looksminnbutbworth it
  3. Use pictures of yourself wearing western clothing and environment - avoid pics at cultural sites or family gatherings.
  4. Do not talk about travel, language or religion.
  5. If you're non-Muslim brag about your drinking habits, pork etc. This will avoid Muslim failo.
  6. Talk about the country you're in a lot. Make it clear you're not a stinky FOB who arrived in the country 10 minutes ago on a banana boat.

They will ask you sooner or later. Because your ethnicity is just staring at them in their face. But because it's not the first thing they'll ask your goal is to avoid the topic as long as possible. If you have stereotypical pheno and look like a pajeet or like Bin Laden it's completely over.
That's some cucked ass shit, bhenchod. :hnghn: Ain't no way I will ever hide my roots from anyone.
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My coworkers never know what I am

Half indian with blue eyes so they usually think Mexican or Arab (better than curry 🤣)
What country are you in?
what kind of shit cope is this, if an ethnic talks about france, speaks french and wears clothing typically worn in France I'm still gonna think he's ethnic not french :feelskek::feelskek:
Dont group us in with u dirty pajeets
JFL Many Iranians are lightskin paki passing whether you like it or not. I actually knew an Iranian who looked full pajeet :lul:

After gulf countries, I would say Iranians are next in line for their curry-passing resemblance.
  • +1
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JFL Many Iranians are lightskin paki passing whether you like it or not. I actually knew an Iranian who looked full pajeet :lul:

After gulf countries, I would say Iranians are next in line for their curry-passing resemblance.
Vijay chokal ingam

Many currys can pass as african
Meh being a UK black is okay. Especially in London. Most won't distinguish between west African and Carribbean. If you're in America you have a halo. Not sure about the rest of the world tho...
the less americanised a country/region is the less halo you have as a black man and the more it starts to become a falio
  • +1
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the average Iranian legit just looks like an Iraqi Arab

Only the Azeri are actually white passing

I do admit the average persian legit looks arab or indian
  • +1
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Only the Azeri are actually white passing

I do admit the average persian legit looks arab or indian
the farther north west the better looking now that you mention it
  • +1
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Only the Azeri are actually white passing

I do admit the average persian legit looks arab or indian

This is Tehran. Wonder what rest of the country especially east is like.

Indian/Paki and Arab passing is the dominant. You do get more Turk looking people and meds but very rare. The guy in glasses in thumb is probably like whitest 1%
This is Tehran. Wonder what rest of the country especially east is like.

Indian/Paki and Arab passing is the dominant. You do get more Turk looking people and meds but very rare. The guy in glasses in thumb is probably like whitest 1%

Thats pretty accurate but have a look at the azeri parts like Tabriz and its completely different
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: SecularIslamist and yeeyeeslayer
This is Tehran. Wonder what rest of the country especially east is like.

Indian/Paki and Arab passing is the dominant. You do get more Turk looking people and meds but very rare. The guy in glasses in thumb is probably like whitest 1%

idk bro Iranians are hit and miss asf,

tho guess that's what you'd expect in a massive country with like 8 different ethnicities,

half of the population ranges from looking Arab, Paki and Indian while the other half can look med/levantine
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: SecularIslamist
idk bro Iranians are hit and miss asf,

tho guess that's what you'd expect in a massive country with like 8 different ethnicities,

half of the population is ranges from looking Arab, Paki and Indian while the other half can look med/levantine
I mean you can probably to a more or less extent extend that to other countries in the middle east. More in the case of gulf countries less in the case of Syria, Turkey.

They are part of my swarthy belt theory for exactly this reason..
  • +1
Reactions: yeeyeeslayer
Even amongst other ethnics. Certain ethnics do have a halo within races (e.g. Arabs amongst south Asians) but others have a failo (e.g. Arabs amongst Turks). But generally speaking if you're an ethnic you're a deathnic and you need to keep them double guessing until they ask you directly. White people are averse to asking your ethnic background, but ethnics and non-western people always ask you.

Basically you need avoid talking about your background and build up a rapport until she deals the killing blow (revealing your ethnicity). But you need to build up resistance against it before she asks.

Think of this like a Final Fantasy boss battle. You you get to the final stage but have 300/1000 HP. The boss (a foid) is going to sooner of later ask you your ethnicity. This move will cost you 800 HP. So you need to keep using Drain ability to transfer HP from the boss to you. You can do this by talking to her and dealing more hits building up your HP. When she finally asks you, you will be able to handle the hit if you're above 800 HP. Thankfully it's a one-time move.
  1. Hide your name - use initials or nicknames. Thankfully my real name is ambiguous AF despite sounding ethnic.
  2. Clean shaven / stubble - having a beard is an ethnic trait. This might be looksminnbutbworth it
  3. Use pictures of yourself wearing western clothing and environment - avoid pics at cultural sites or family gatherings.
  4. Do not talk about travel, language or religion.
  5. If you're non-Muslim brag about your drinking habits, pork etc. This will avoid Muslim failo.
  6. Talk about the country you're in a lot. Make it clear you're not a stinky FOB who arrived in the country 10 minutes ago on a banana boat.

They will ask you sooner or later. Because your ethnicity is just staring at them in their face. But because it's not the first thing they'll ask your goal is to avoid the topic as long as possible. If you have stereotypical pheno and look like a pajeet or like Bin Laden it's completely over.
“having a beard is an ethnic trait” Possibly lowest iq thing i’ve ever read :feelsuhh:
  • +1
Reactions: yeeyeeslayer
“having a beard is an ethnic trait” Possibly lowest iq thing i’ve ever read :feelsuhh:
I think he means is that's its a giga falio as an ethnic (esp if long and unkempt)
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self hating curry that wants a Nafri wife,how can a muslim be so low T is beyond me
Most muslims do not care and despise the west, This guy is a rare case indeed, A self hating low t faggot.
  • +1
  • WTF
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Most muslims do not care and despise the west, This guy is a rare case indeed, A self hating low t faggot.
I hate MENA cucks. I want a curried MENA women. I can't help what I find attractive. The men are scum and disgraces of the earth and need genociding.
  • JFL
Reactions: yeeyeeslayer
I want a curried MENA women. I can't help what I find attractive. The men are scum and disgraces of the earth and need genociding.
exactly how I am for Ashkenazi Jewish foids 😂
  • JFL
  • +1
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I hate MENA cucks. I want a curried MENA women. I can't help what I find attractive. The men are scum and disgraces of the earth and need genociding.
All people are bad and hate you brother, it’s not different in any country or society in earth, it’s all the same, human nature. You don’t have to be a traitor to your people.
You don’t have to keep your beard like that. Most europeans have beards but they don’t look ethnic. An ethnic can still keep a normal beard and not ethnic style beard like most ethnics
I get what you mean but when so many Muslims keep their beard you get associated with them on the basis of it. Especially in a western country where many whites do not or cannot grow beards.
All people are bad and hate you brother, it’s not different in any country or society in earth, it’s all the same, human nature. You don’t have to be a traitor to your people.
I would go for my own race but the best ones are gone and their egos are insanity levels if they pass as an average looking MENA.
I hate MENA cucks. I want a curried MENA women. I can't help what I find attractive. The men are scum and disgraces of the earth and need genociding.
faggot i would put a hole in your brain and fuck it afterwards for saying that(in minecraft)
  • +1
Reactions: yeeyeeslayer
Most muslims do not care and despise the west, This guy is a rare case indeed, A self hating low t faggot.
i dont despise the west,i just think their societies are cucked as hell and they have no morals otherwise most westerncels are super good people,however,im completely anti race mixing,its a subhuman practice
faggot i would put a hole in your brain and fuck it afterwards for saying that(in minecraft)
You know it's true. MENA countries every single one for them, more or less are secularising. South Asia and Indonesia / Malay are the last hope.

Allah decided MENAs are going to pay for there deviance and traitorous actions. A coalition of islamised south Asian and south east Asians from Afghanistan to India will save Muslims the of the middle east and north Africa.
  • +1
Reactions: Skinnycel_
This is so out of touch lmao
You know it's true. MENA countries every single one for them, more or less are secularising. South Asia and Indonesia / Malay are the last hope.

Allah decided MENAs are going to pay for there deviance and traitorous actions. A coalition of islamised south Asian and south east Asians from Afghanistan to India will save Muslims the of the middle east and north Africa.
yeah i was just joking,every region is getting cucked and more westernized,what makes south asia better in your opinion?i agree indonesia and malaysia are top tier muslims but so are chechens/dagestanis and muslims in that region i just dont see how curries are better muslims than Mena
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  • +1
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yeah i was just joking,every region is getting cucked and more westernized,what makes south asia better in your opinion?i agree indonesia and malaysia are top tier muslims but so are chechens/dagestanis and muslims in that region i just dont see how curries are better muslims than Mena
In south Asia secularisation is happening at a much slower rate and you can see political shifts there who are counteracting the secular forces before they have any impact. Take a look at the politics in Malaysia, Indonesia and Bangladesh where Islamic-orientated parties have influence and laws have been passed (Indonesia banning pre-marital sex). The trajectory is reversing/reversed. Maybe during the Arab spring 10 years ago you could have argued there was a wave of Islamist parties looking to gain influence but they failed miserably and their own people have turned against them. The fact that one of the most conservative countries (Saudi) is undergoing this shift is insane and hosting J.Lo dressed as a whore is evidence.
  • +1
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In south Asia secularisation is happening at a much slower rate and you can see political shifts there who are counteracting the secular forces before they have any impact. Take a look at the politics in Malaysia, Indonesia and Bangladesh where Islamic-orientated parties have influence and laws have been passed (Indonesia banning pre-marital sex). The trajectory is reversing/reversed. Maybe during the Arab spring 10 years ago you could have argued there was a wave of Islamist parties looking to gain influence but they failed miserably and their own people have turned against them. The fact that one of the most conservative countries (Saudi) is undergoing this shift is insane and hosting J.Lo dressed as a whore is evidence.
yeah well tbh the world is too cucked,you either stay poor and irrelevant like dagestan but with mogger faithful society or you modernmaxx and get more cucked,especially if tourism is a big part of your economy like for morocco then its really over because liberalmaxxing is a must

still,i feel like muslim countries moralitymog other countries to the grave for now
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yeah well tbh the world is too cucked,you either stay poor and irrelevant like dagestan but with mogger faithful society or you modernmaxx and get more cucked,especially if tourism is a big part of your economy like for morocco then its really over because liberalmaxxing is a must
Tourism isn't an issue. As long as they stay within confines of tourist areas. There will always be liberal and conservative areas no matter which country you're in. Whether it's Pakistan or Dagestan. But the level of conservatism should be out of sufficiently high level that there is no threat to society as a whole from becoming completely degenerate

still,i feel like muslim countries moralitymog other countries to the grave for now
Yeah I agree. Massively so.
  • +1
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Tourism isn't an issue. As long as they stay within confines of tourist areas. There will always be liberal and conservative areas no matter which country you're in. Whether it's Pakistan or Dagestan. But the level of conservatism should be out of sufficiently high level that there is no threat to society as a whole from becoming completely degenerate

Yeah I agree. Massively so.
thats how i feel about morocco tbh,in my mom's city i still feel like im in my homecountry but when i go to my dad's city aka marrakech,i feel like im in europe again, just surrounded with moroccan archetecture and culture even the language is a mix of every language depending on where the tourists are from,its way too tourismaxxed and western whores walk in there everyday half naked which encourages local women to do the same if they dont want to be utterly invisible to men.

so normal cities that arent huge are still perfect and dont get me started on villages but yeah i hate tourismaxxed cities,too many immigrants and too many cuck tourists
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