im 5'8



Mar 21, 2019
went to the doctor and measured at 5'8, said i have significant scoliosis, my back is literally a jig saw puzzle, rotated 2 different ways and curved to shit
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My back is rotated in 3 different ways.I swam for 9 years."Just train,bro.It'll fix Itself" is a meme
My back is rotated in 3 different ways.I swam for 9 years."Just train,bro.It'll fix Itself" is a meme
i am going to physical therapy for it using scroth method, ive read it is one of the only method that reduces curves
i am going to physical therapy for it using scroth method, ive read it is one of the only method that reduces curves
Idk man.I'm probably going to have to go some day or I'm gonna end up in a wheelchair.

Atleast ur curve aint as bad as mine. I had mine fixed when I was 14 and now this is the body im stuck with for the rest of my life


any girl that have sex with me will get ptsd . Its over
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View attachment 50579
Atleast ur curve aint as bad as mine. I had mine fixed when I was 14 and now this is the body im stuck with for the rest of my life

View attachment 50580
any girl that have sex with me will get ptsd . Its over

they spinal fused u at 14???????????????????????????????? permanently reducing ur height??? ppl that get scoliosis surgery are supposed to gain height wtf
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they spinal fused u at 14???????????????????????????????? permanently reducing ur height??? ppl that get scoliosis surgery are supposed to gain height wtf
My curve was at 70 degrees so they could argue it was necessary but I still should’ve gotten growing rod surgery or best would have been tethering. That one decision that we just made casually locked me into a life of inceldom.

It. Is. Over.
My curve was at 70 degrees so they could argue it was necessary but I still should’ve gotten growing rod surgery or best would have been tethering. That one decision that we just made casually locked me into a life of inceldom.

It. Is. Over.

u should sue
Consider sex change
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u should sue
If they can somehow lengthen my spine I will spare them
wtf that looks painful as shit

yooo didn't you once claim 19" bideltoid? Those are like 17 max.

Can't blame you though, you poor soul
Yeah it was, here it is now after hardware removed

Obviously the curve is less but the spine had its growth stunted. I believe that if I can get it lengthened I can live a normal life.
If they can somehow lengthen my spine I will spare them

Yeah it was, here it is now after hardware removed View attachment 50599
Obviously the curve is less but the spine had its growth stunted. I believe that if I can get it lengthened I can live a normal life.

why do u still have any curves, lol why didnt they straighten it out more?
why do u still have any curves, lol why didnt they straighten it out more?
Most scoliosis surgeries dont fully straighten the spine although I wish they did.

Anyways, recovery was a bitch and the end result was rods that caused neuroligcal problems (constantly anxious, hair falling out, increased acne) and needed to be removed anyway. Now the rods are out and I have to do physical therapy to prevent my back from curving. And my spine has it's growth stunted. Fucking great. If I had teathering:

1. The recovery would be 10x easier

2. The hardware is 3x smaller and causes no pain.

3. I would still be able to bend my spine

4. My spine would still grow, infact I'd be taller than I would otherwise because scoliosis spines are about an inch longer than usual.

5. I would have more hair on my head and less acne

But the surgery isn't done in our state so insurance doesn't cover it, meaning the surgery would have costed around 260k to pay for, not including the price to fly and stay in new york to have it done. The spinal fusion ended up costing 4.5k.

But apparently "healthcare isn't a human right". "You got your healthcare bro and it was good and cheap stop complaining" "dude I would have to pay more taxes" "America has, like, the best doctors! We got the best (((doctors))) don't we folks!"

When I rope it's because of this surgery
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That feel when your spine is trying to transform into rope
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i been a gamer for a long time ...luckily i never developed a hunch back but what i can tell u is sitting properly is key & sadly i just started last week.. make sure ur always in a 90 degree. put the chair in untill desk is pressing on ur chest. Slouching just a lil can fuck with ur upper chest / spine .
Most scoliosis surgeries dont fully straighten the spine although I wish they did.

Anyways, recovery was a bitch and the end result was rods that caused neuroligcal problems (constantly anxious, hair falling out, increased acne) and needed to be removed anyway. Now the rods are out and I have to do physical therapy to prevent my back from curving. And my spine has it's growth stunted. Fucking great. If I had teathering:

1. The recovery would be 10x easier

2. The hardware is 3x smaller and causes no pain.

3. I would still be able to bend my spine

4. My spine would still grow, infact I'd be taller than I would otherwise because scoliosis spines are about an inch longer than usual.

5. I would have more hair on my head and less acne

But the surgery isn't done in our state so insurance doesn't cover it, meaning the surgery would have costed around 260k to pay for, not including the price to fly and stay in new york to have it done. The spinal fusion ended up costing 4.5k.

But apparently "healthcare isn't a human right". "You got your healthcare bro and it was good and cheap stop complaining" "dude I would have to pay more taxes" "America has, like, the best doctors! We got the best (((doctors))) don't we folks!"

When I rope it's because of this surgery

tethering at 14 should of been mandatory.
tethering at 14 should of been mandatory.
Either that or growing rods. I actually have it good compared to this one kid who had MORE of his spine fused than mine (His was down to his pelvis, mine spared the two bottom lumbar and 2 top ones below the neck) . He was fucking 11 when he had his fused. Every day he looks sad and he's also loosing his hair like me, it must be common in spinal fusion surgery patients. He's only 15 too. But his arms hang basically at his knees and everyone notices. That's going to be me when I'm done growing. He also has autism or something... I told him I'm going to find us a surgery to lengthen our spines atleast 2 inches but it's not looking good. Maybe down the line. I haven't seriously discussed it with my surgeonh yet because I'm scared of his answer... Probably going to be a chuckle and then a no.
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My back is fucked i got sciatica and shit i got dead spots on my hands without feeling and everything
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When I saw your face I thought you were at least 190 cm tall
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went to the doctor and measured at 5'8, said i have significant scoliosis, my back is literally a jig saw puzzle, rotated 2 different ways and curved to shit
Lmao I had a friend come up to me and say hes finally "average" height (5'8). Couldnt break it to him
Lmao I had a friend come up to me and say hes finally "average" height (5'8). Couldnt break it to him
he is retarded, ppl are only this short if they are stunted or have back deformities.. it isnt normal
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he is retarded, ppl are only this short if they are stunted or have back deformities.. it isnt normal
Hes asian though lol
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How was your back fucked up?
he is retarded, ppl are only this short if they are stunted or have back deformities.. it isnt normal
Low IQ, claiming people which are 5’8 having either stunted growth or back deformities. JFL :feelskek:
I’m 5:9 too

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my true height mogs u tho :y'all:, and location wise its over 4 u

also jfl @ whiteknighthing for stunted manlets then throwing around 5'11 like its tall :lul::lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
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Lmao I had a friend come up to me and say hes finally "average" height (5'8). Couldnt break it to him
“he is retarded, ppl are only this short if they are stunted or have back deformities.. it isnt normal”

“My true heightmogs u tho”

Retard, rope right fucking now. No one will notice your absence. :feelskek:
“he is retarded, ppl are only this short if they are stunted or have back deformities.. it isnt normal”

“My true heightmogs u tho”

Retard, rope right fucking now. No one will notice your absence. :feelskek:

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Height - 5’11 (Hopefully atleast 6’1 by the start of 2020) || Location - The Netherlands
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I'm 5'8" as well. It's suifuel.
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Height - 5’11 (Hopefully atleast 6’1 by the start of 2020) || Location - The Netherlands
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