Im a 31 year Old Virgin. AMA

you literally posted her nudes on the internet and it spread all over on lookism etc.
No one else had them, she gave you them first, so it is you who spread them to get revenge on her when she dumped and cucked you.

What I wrote about you is entirely true, the mods at lookism took down the nudes since they said she is underaged and that you were spreading pedophilia. All this came from lookism. It is even documented on here looksmax and other places. It is YOU who is lying and think people have forgotten your sins and crimes of pedo and revenge porn. LOL below is complete proof you even admitted you spread her nudes
I never used lookism, you mean looksmax right? You realize other people have posted her pictures since then, and she was 18, matter of fact the pics I posted of her might have been from when she was 19 if I am remembering her birthday correctly, so yes you literally are lying. The mods didn't remove the posts because of her age, they removed the posts because I had dox in the posts, I have never posted dox since, and they were fully aware of her nudes being spread on the site, there's a reason why I was never banned, there's also a reason why I can post the nudes right now if I wanted to and why they're easy to find on the surface web. I'm sure several other users have them aswell.

Literally NOBODY other than people DIRECTLY connected with her spread a false narrative about them being underage nudes, a narrative which fell apart almost immediately and not even she stuck to afterward. So it's very sus that you'd even begin to spread that lie again unless maybe you're connected to her and she's desperate from the non-stop L's she's taken optically from her orbiters going psycho mode and doxxing and harassing known members of the looksmax community that aren't even me LOL.

Everything is true, you are lying and want to send me to hell for exposing your wicked deeds.

Lol you say you are christian, then where is the love, the mercy and forgiveness?

You wishing hell on me shows you
have no love or god in you, someone of Christ would never wish this on others. You aint of Christ you just a degenerate incel.
If you ask forgiveness no matter how demonic or evil and deceptive you have been and are continuing to be, by pushing a false narrative baked entirely lies, and admit to this, then yes of course i'll forgive you, and not only will I forgive you, I will harbor no ill will towards you. However, your behavior shows that the content of your character is inherently wicked and evil, and stems directly from a dark place considering it is entirely baked in lies and deceit.

You see Christianity has a concept called "Perfect Hatred" it's something you can feel for truly for enemies of God and The Truth, and even though I share in the way of God of forgiving those who are truly sorry for their actions, I would have every right to punish you for assisting in spreading lies and deception about me aswell.

Also guess what, I had every right under God to punish Tahlia, a fully grown adult woman for the sins and evil she enacted upon me and is continuing to do by harassing people close to me, it wasn't even close to eye for an eye, and she has continued to make unjust evil actions such as for example attacking women I was in relationships with in real life, some aswell as their families. She is a genuinely demonic entity, and even if she did apologize and meant it, and even if God forgave her for the vile actions she's done, a just punishment on Earth would probably be getting tortured to death very brutally, of course the law would not allow this, and we have to follow the laws of the countries we live in unfortunately.

You see unlike you, I didn't have to pay for it or larp that i'm a virgin. I fully accept that I sinned when I lost my virginity, although apparently, there may actually be somewhat of a loophole there under Christian law, which seems to indicate if a woman or a man leaves the person they are with then every act of sexual immorality that is done by the person who was left, every single one of those sins, is actually the responsibility and fault of the person who left their man/woman. Meaning that everytime I did anything after her with anyone irl or online, is a sin that is tacked onto her.

Not that that is an excuse to be a sexual deviant or promiscuous, but if what I remember from the law is accurate then I pretty much have lived a relatively sinless life since she left me in comparison to most people.

You also have a big degenerate perverted thread on here.
No I don't, even the degenthread is 95% not gore or porn, and even the stuff that is not glorifying it. Problem?

You go to hell you fat ugly manlet fuck.

Also it is you who need help, you are the laughing stock of the incel section of youtube

I think i'll continue to GigaMog after all the weight I lost and yunno live a happy life with all the people who seek me out and want to be a in a relationship with me and find a loving nice real Christian girl actually and fully admit to any sins I commit and encourage my children who I could have plenty of at the moment, to also live a sinless life, and be honest and truthful. Problem?
I never used lookism, you mean looksmax right? You realize other people have posted her pictures since then, and she was 18, matter of fact the pics I posted of her might have been from when she was 19 if I am remembering her birthday correctly, so yes you literally are lying. The mods didn't remove the posts because of her age, they removed the posts because I had dox in the posts, I have never posted dox since, and they were fully aware of her nudes being spread on the site, there's a reason why I was never banned, there's also a reason why I can post the nudes right now if I wanted to and why they're easy to find on the surface web. I'm sure several other users have them aswell.

Literally NOBODY other than people DIRECTLY connected with her spread a false narrative about them being underage nudes, a narrative which fell apart almost immediately and not even she stuck to afterward. So it's very sus that you'd even begin to spread that lie again unless maybe you're connected to her and she's desperate from the non-stop L's she's taken optically from her orbiters going psycho mode and doxxing and harassing known members of the looksmax community that aren't even me LOL.

If you ask forgiveness no matter how demonic or evil and deceptive you have been and are continuing to be, by pushing a false narrative baked entirely lies, and admit to this, then yes of course i'll forgive you, and not only will I forgive you, I will harbor no ill will towards you. However, your behavior shows that the content of your character is inherently wicked and evil, and stems directly from a dark place considering it is entirely baked in lies and deceit.

You see Christianity has a concept called "Perfect Hatred" it's something you can feel for truly for enemies of God and The Truth, and even though I share in the way of God of forgiving those who are truly sorry for their actions, I would have every right to punish you for assisting in spreading lies and deception about me aswell.

Also guess what, I had every right under God to punish Tahlia, a fully grown adult woman for the sins and evil she enacted upon me and is continuing to do by harassing people close to me, it wasn't even close to eye for an eye, and she has continued to make unjust evil actions such as for example attacking women I was in relationships with in real life, some aswell as their families. She is a genuinely demonic entity, and even if she did apologize and meant it, and even if God forgave her for the vile actions she's done, a just punishment on Earth would probably be getting tortured to death very brutally, of course the law would not allow this, and we have to follow the laws of the countries we live in unfortunately.

You see unlike you, I didn't have to pay for it or larp that i'm a virgin. I fully accept that I sinned when I lost my virginity, although apparently, there may actually be somewhat of a loophole there under Christian law, which seems to indicate if a woman or a man leaves the person they are with then every act of sexual immorality that is done by the person who was left, every single one of those sins, is actually the responsibility and fault of the person who left their man/woman. Meaning that everytime I did anything after her with anyone irl or online, is a sin that is tacked onto her.

Not that that is an excuse to be a sexual deviant or promiscuous, but if what I remember from the law is accurate then I pretty much have lived a relatively sinless life since she left me in comparison to most people.

No I don't, even the degenthread is 95% not gore or porn, and even the stuff that is not glorifying it. Problem?

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I think i'll continue to GigaMog after all the weight I lost and yunno live a happy life with all the people who seek me out and want to be a in a relationship with me and find a loving nice real Christian girl actually and fully admit to any sins I commit and encourage my children who I could have plenty of at the moment, to also live a sinless life, and be honest and truthful. Problem?
You are literally insane, just like most christians twisting the bible to suit your agenda.
You wanting to punish people even after God forgave them and twisting the bible for this shows you are evil as fuck and have tons of hatred and resentment and murder in your heart, all of which are against Christianity and the message of Jesus. You dont have the heart of Jesus, you have the heart of a vindictive, hateful murderer like your father the devil.

I didnt have to pay for it when I was younger as I was goodlooking as well and got girls interested but I said no to sex since
I was religious back then when I was young.
I only paid for it when I got older and put on weight since I didnt look as good anymore, but all I have to do is lose the weight and then I will be good again.

I never lied on you, people on Lookism (and other forums) got the nudes somehow and posted them there,
I remember the mods on Lookism saying that she was underage and they took them down, that is what they said not me. So
I was going off what they said.

Anyways I want nothing to do with you or people like you, dont contact me after this, I am going to ignore you,
just stay away from me.

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