Im a leftist commie

You're 10 years late to the party
You must punish Antifa for being the running dogs of capitalism
I'm sure it has nothing to do with IQ and free market. Socialists are so fucking delusional jfl
It doesn't. jfl at your poverty tier iq and critical thinking abilities
No, how is that relevant?
Because you would've understand concept of time in economy, that's one of the things Marx didn't account for in the surplus value.
Your employer had to save money or borrow in order to bet in a investment that might make a profit in the future, and if he fails, he's fucked, he lost all the money. Some enterpreneurs in my family made 0 profit before a couple years.
Meanwhile the employee get's money without investing anything in it, has zero worries if the business is gonna fail or not, he can just find another job.
That's because they had revolutions during feudalism, where Marx critiqued capitalism. The contradictions from capitalism didn't exist in these countries. Socialism/communism comes after capitalism has developed the country. So during these times the debates that the communists had were about letting the capitalists control the country or to take control of it themselves and act as state capitalists.

The main difference between China and other capitalist countries right now is that the proletariat are in control of the country, other countries it's the bourgeoisie that are in control. In Marxist theory this is called the dictatorshiop of the bourgeoisie or dictatorship of the proletariat.

Marx thought that socialism would be more popular in developed countries like England and the USA because the material conditions were perfect to transition to socialism. However Lenin realized thar revolutions are more common in developing countries.

We in first world countries have it good because we exploit the third world countries, this is why a Marxist revolution will never occur in a first world country any time soon. It will have to trickle up through revolutions from the third world.

Also China plans to transition to Socialism some time in the 2040s. China will legit be the best country to live in soon.
Mostly right but it is not because we exploit the third world countries


How can you be black pilled and not make the next leaps

It is too bad what happened to America; now the ruling class just wants eternal wars and open borders and degeneracy
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Because you would've understand concept of time in economy, that's one of the things Marx didn't account for in the surplus value.
Your employer had to save money or borrow in order to bet in a investment that might make a profit in the future, and if he fails, he's fucked, he lost all the money. Some enterpreneurs in my family made 0 profit before a couple years.
Meanwhile the employee get's money without investing anything in it, has zero worries if the business is gonna fail or not, he can just find another job.
Sure that is rather obvious. How is that relevant to anything I've written in this thread?
muh politics
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It doesn't. jfl at your poverty tier iq and critical thinking abilities
It actually does. I sometimes forget that this forum has more than a few ~100 iq and even sub 100 iq members

At that score a lot of people are smarter than you, including from lower scoring populations. Such a one might be excused for never seeing it
Sure that is rather obvious. How is that relevant to anything I've written in this thread?
So the employer deserves his fucking profits, and his employees should be thankful for their fucking jobs. Because if the employer wasn't there, their wage would be 0.
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The West wasn't very free market prior to Reagan. That is the unfortunate truth libertardians don't wanna hear. The West has NOT made its wealth through laissez faire economics.


  • Hmm...
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Yes, hence Make America Great Again

America was at its strongest when protectionism was in force
Not sure whether you're referencing Trump but the GOP isn't making America any more protectionist.
So the employer deserves his fucking profits, and his employees should be thankful for their fucking jobs. Because if the employer wasn't there, their wage would be 0.
Only the workers matter the owner can be removed and nothing of value would be lost. The owner is the one that needs the workers it's not the other way around. That's why general strikes work, if the workers didn't matter strikes would be useless.

Also you have the critical thinking abilities of a dog and there is no point in trying to reason or teach someone as primitive as you.
jfl at commies
Only the workers matter the owner can be removed and nothing of value would be lost. The owner is the one that needs the workers it's not the other way around. That's why general strikes work, if the workers didn't matter strikes would be useless.

Also you have the critical thinking abilities of a dog and there is no point in trying to reason or teach someone as primitive as you.
Workers can't do anything without someone saving resources to get a future profit. Nothing of value would be lost? Even socialist countries have someone in power in order to keep things fuctioning jfl.
It's funny how everything is so simple for commies yet they can't go out and get rich.
>exploit people
>profit bro

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