I'm Alive



37y, 5'4, 3"x3" D, 6" Wrist Cir, KHHV
Jul 4, 2020
I’m Alive

I guess I have some explaining to do.

So for those who don’t know or joined after, I made a last post to off myself last year. You can read about it here. For those too lazy as shit, TLDR: I committed to offing myself after my cunt of a stepfather passed away from his diabetic complications, but I failed miserably. Details below.

So I heard my mother crying telling my stepfather to wake up in the next room like the white cock hungry whore she was, is, and always will be. I went to their room to check his breathing. Nothing. Next, I checked his pulse. Nothing. He was dead (unofficially, in that moment, at least. Doctors make it official but I mean my stepfather was a dirty fat fuck not even a bolt of lightning would have restarted his heart because of the amount of fat between his heart and his skin). My mother took my stepfather to the hospital (I for sure hell was not going to see him) where I assumed the doctors officially pronounced him dead.

During that time, I was planning out my own end. I took out my stepfather’s gun, loaded it, and turned the safety off to take my own life. It took a few tries, because my hand was shaking so bad from the adrenaline of finally meeting my end and my maker (whom I had a LOT to say to). Eventually, I calmed myself down just enough to put it to my right temple and pull.

The moment I heard the bang, I was finally going to be at peace…

…or so I thought.

All I got was this huge headache on the right side of my face. I couldn’t see anything from my right eye, and the ringing in my ears was so loud I could barely hear myself screaming or thinking.

I didn’t venture to the underworld. I was very much still fucking alive like a little retard I was, is, and always will be.

Did I mention the fucking headache?

I searched for what felt like half an hour trying to find the gun and finish the fucking job I started. Because I shattered the right side of my face, I didn’t have any bone to lean the gun into so I could shoot again. Therefore, I had to switch hands and put the gun on the left side of my face. However, I was shaking so bad from the adrenaline, and I could barely concentrate on what I was doing because of the pain. I accidentally fired off another errant shot, which went straight through the bedroom window and into the night.

All of this commotion, unfortunately, caught the attention of the neighbors. They told me later on that they thought there was a thief stealing shit from the house and a gunfight was going on. They called the cops, who would shortly find a bloody man and carpet laying on the floor trying to take his own life.

I was taken to the hospital, where they cleaned up my mess.

After my surgery, I was taken to a mental hospital, as the doctors evaluated that I needed “help.” Let me tell you right now, going to a hospital because of suicide? You stay in with the others who have mental disorders, schizophrenia, etc. I shared a room with some dude with no teeth who wouldn’t stop staring at me, which was weird yet I didn’t blame him for it. I felt like more of an outcast in a place full of outcasts. I stayed there for a few weeks, until the doctors told me I could go home to live with my mother who would “take care of me” aka barely keep me alive just enough so she doesn’t pay any liabilities for me, but hey, that’s her fault for raising me wrong and making me feel like shit. Now she has to take care of 2 people back to back JFL. At least the disability insurance stipends are nice I guess. I got enough money to buy a new laptop so that was pretty cool.

The brightest side of all of this is that I don’t have to work at that fucking shithole place called Wal-Mart.

Today, I basically look like Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight but with very little actual bone structure (not that I had any to begin with anyway). Imagine if Harvey’s side of his face that was exposed was covered in a sheet of skin. That’s basically the right side of my face right now. The pain has subsided somewhat, and my vision has significantly worsened, and I’m projected to go blind when I get old. Hopefully I’ll be as good as dead before then.

And obviously also Harvey Dent is 6 feet plus tall and a Chad and I’m…an oldcel ricecel manlet KHHV loser with nothing to live for, and now officially prohibited from dying by my own terms.

Fuck this government and this healthcare system.

God I feel so fucking retarded typing this shit out.
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Reactions: ManletJordanBarrett, kebab, RiceCel1234 and 54 others
Just scarmaxx bro
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Reactions: thecel
Holy shit bro fuck I have no words
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Reactions: RiceCel1234, BrahminBoss, Deleted member 19469 and 15 others
post pics bro
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Reactions: BrahminBoss, thecel, hennypapi and 2 others
should’ve used the rope dude
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OP in motion be like
1472922684 43pagespeedcev6RCv2 pQO
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Reactions: asdvek, BrahminBoss, thecel and 6 others
I’m Alive

I guess I have some explaining to do.

So for those who don’t know or joined after, I made a last post to off myself last year. You can read about it here. For those too lazy as shit, TLDR: I committed to offing myself after my cunt of a stepfather passed away from his diabetic complications, but I failed miserably. Details below.

So I heard my mother crying telling my stepfather to wake up in the next room like the white cock hungry whore she was, is, and always will be. I went to their room to check his breathing. Nothing. Next, I checked his pulse. Nothing. He was dead (unofficially, in that moment, at least. Doctors make it official but I mean my stepfather was a dirty fat fuck not even a bolt of lightning would have restarted his heart because of the amount of fat between his heart and his skin). My mother took my stepfather to the hospital (I for sure hell was not going to see him) where I assumed the doctors officially pronounced him dead.

During that time, I was planning out my own end. I took out my stepfather’s gun, loaded it, and turned the safety off to take my own life. It took a few tries, because my hand was shaking so bad from the adrenaline of finally meeting my end and my maker (whom I had a LOT to say to). Eventually, I calmed myself down just enough to put it to my right temple and pull.

The moment I heard the bang, I was finally going to be at peace…

…or so I thought.

All I got was this huge headache on the right side of my face. I couldn’t see anything from my right eye, and the ringing in my ears was so loud I could barely hear myself screaming or thinking.

I didn’t venture to the underworld. I was very much still fucking alive like a little retard I was, is, and always will be.

Did I mention the fucking headache?

I searched for what felt like half an hour trying to find the gun and finish the fucking job I started. Because I shattered the right side of my face, I didn’t have any bone to lean the gun into so I could shoot again. Therefore, I had to switch hands and put the gun on the left side of my face. However, I was shaking so bad from the adrenaline, and I could barely concentrate on what I was doing because of the pain. I accidentally fired off another errant shot, which went straight through the bedroom window and into the night.

All of this commotion, unfortunately, caught the attention of the neighbors. They told me later on that they thought there was a thief stealing shit from the house and a gunfight was going on. They called the cops, who would shortly find a bloody man and carpet laying on the floor trying to take his own life.

I was taken to the hospital, where they cleaned up my mess.

After my surgery, I was taken to a mental hospital, as the doctors evaluated that I needed “help.” Let me tell you right now, going to a hospital because of suicide? You stay in with the others who have mental disorders, schizophrenia, etc. I shared a room with some dude with no teeth who wouldn’t stop staring at me, which was weird yet I didn’t blame him for it. I felt like more of an outcast in a place full of outcasts. I stayed there for a few weeks, until the doctors told me I could go home to live with my mother who would “take care of me” aka barely keep me alive just enough so she doesn’t pay any liabilities for me, but hey, that’s her fault for raising me wrong and making me feel like shit. Now she has to take care of 2 people back to back JFL. At least the disability insurance stipends are nice I guess. I got enough money to buy a new laptop so that was pretty cool.

The brightest side of all of this is that I don’t have to work at that fucking shithole place called Wal-Mart.

Today, I basically look like Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight but with very little actual bone structure (not that I had any to begin with anyway). Imagine if Harvey’s side of his face that was exposed was covered in a sheet of skin. That’s basically the right side of my face right now. The pain has subsided somewhat, and my vision has significantly worsened, and I’m projected to go blind when I get old. Hopefully I’ll be as good as dead before then.

And obviously also Harvey Dent is 6 feet plus tall and a Chad and I’m…an oldcel ricecel manlet KHHV loser with nothing to live for, and now officially prohibited from dying by my own terms.

Fuck this government and this healthcare system.

God I feel so fucking retarded typing this shit out.
I have no words. I’m glad you are Alive dude
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Reactions: BrahminBoss, Deleted member 19469, thecel and 3 others
@RealLifeJoker thoughts?
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can we rate you bro?
  • JFL
Reactions: BrahminBoss, gamma, hennypapi and 6 others
yeah you don't wanna shoot your chin because theres a chance it can blow your face off and miss your brain
glad your alive though
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Reactions: BrahminBoss, Deleted member 19469, Deleted member 5802 and 1 other person
@Toska this is why this forum is so addicting son
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2403 and Deleted member 13197
@Toska this is why this forum is so addicting son
holy fuck man we were just talking about him and he just comes back JFL this is some of the funniest shit i've seen here
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Reactions: JimmyDreamsOfZygos, Kristin and Jason Voorhees
Imagine falling for this elaborate larp from this elite fantasy story writer, probably some famous author coming to troll
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  • JFL
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Reactions: ManletJordanBarrett, EggKing, BrahminBoss and 21 others
i cried a little to your story before not specifically cuz of u but how looks can affect ur life so much
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  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: BrahminBoss, Deleted member 19469, Toth's thot and 6 others
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Reactions: Deleted member 2403
How can u not even kill yourself properly wtf jfl
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Reactions: Deleted member 11758, Deleted member 5802, gamma and 2 others
Look into Islam
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  • JFL
Reactions: BrahminBoss, Tallooksmaxxer, Deleted member 19469 and 3 others
sounds like tales to me, how can you fail to kys with a gun placed at your temples or even fatally injure yourself
  • +1
Reactions: EggKing, Looks234, Deleted member 5802 and 9 others
holy fuck man we were just talking about him and he just comes back JFL this is some of the funniest shit i've seen here
I'm speechless tbh. God damn deja vu. Supernatural stuff
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13197
Imagine falling for this elaborate larp from this elite fantasy story writer, probably some famous author coming to troll
shit if I was actually a famous author I would just pay for an escort tbh
  • JFL
Reactions: lutte, Deleted member 2403 and Jason Voorhees
sounds like tales to me, how can you fail to kys with a gun placed at your temples or even fatally injure yourself
I angled the gun wrong. I was shaking so bad that I wasn't paying attention to how I was aiming.

Also the doctors told me that even if the bullet did go from one side to the other through the temple, it actually would not have killed me. It would've just blinded me instead.

They didn't tell me details on how to actually do it, nor would I say it here if i knew since I don't want this site to get nuked. But I will just say that I highly regret not trying to find more effective ways to off myself.
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Reactions: GetShrekt, mulattomaxxer and Deleted member 6273
Tales at this point tbh
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Reactions: Deleted member 10524
Really didn’t expect to see you alive after that post of yours but I’m glad I did.
  • +1
Reactions: 5'8manlet and SkinjobCatastrophe
You’re a legend at this point, like venom snake surviving a helicopter crash with shrapnel going through his brain and losing his arm and sight out of his right eye. No one can kill you, not even yourself. You are even more powerful than God.
  • JFL
  • Woah
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Reactions: EggKing, Incoming, sub6manletnozygos and 4 others
sounds like larp, can u take a pic of ur temple and blur out the rest?
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Reactions: Deleted member 10524
Really didn’t expect to see you alive after that post of yours but I’m glad I did.
On the contrary I fully expected to be dead last year and I'm really regretting that I screwed up in the first place.

I'm going to attempt a second time after I get the suicide watch people off my back.
You’re a legend at this point, like venom snake surviving a helicopter crash with shrapnel going through his brain and losing his arm and sight out of his right eye. No one can kill you, not even yourself. You are even more powerful than God.
I don't wish to be. I wish I was dead brocel.
  • +1
Reactions: SkinjobCatastrophe
Fuck man thats sad to hear 😢
I don't wish to be. I wish I was dead brocel.
I don't know you or your situation, but if you wish to be dead that's up to you.

I'm just telling you that people here have no empathy and most wouldn't give a shit if you were dead or not. Just a lot of young guys who are sad and angry at the world so they take it to places like this and have a sort of crabs in the bucket mentality.

Hopefully you get you're desired outcome
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Reactions: turkproducer
I don't know you or your situation, but if you wish to be dead that's up to you.

I'm just telling you that people here have no empathy and most wouldn't give a shit if you were dead or not. Just a lot of young guys who are sad and angry at the world so they take it to places like this and have a sort of crabs in the bucket mentality.

Hopefully you get you're desired outcome
Thanks brocel. I mostly expected everyone here to tell me to fuck off and mock me for not being able to do anything right, even offing myself.

But I won't fail the next time. I promise you that.
And u are? If all of this is true then I hope u find yourself a good scary movie role and ascend w/ lots of money, drugs, and brunette bimbos.
Thanks brocel. I mostly expected everyone here to tell me to fuck off and mock me for not being able to do anything right, even offing myself.

But I won't fail the next time. I promise you that.
I want you to fail because truly I don't believe given the information you've said on here that you should kill yourself.

I'm not tryna gatekeep suicide and say that you're not entitled to your feelings of killing yourself, you are entitled to feeling like that. I just don't think you should based on what I've read

If you want to go on with it then I guess me or anyone else's opinion doesn't matter and you should do what's in your best interest
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Reactions: Alexanderr and turkproducer
Pics or didn’t happen
  • +1
Reactions: SkinjobCatastrophe and .👽.
where the pics at
  • +1
Reactions: SkinjobCatastrophe
Shoulda aimed into your mouth
  • JFL
Reactions: buckchadley31
Proof? Any PubMed links?
  • JFL
Reactions: AlwaysHaveQuestions
If real then sad
If fake then damn
I believed u before but ngl sounds like tales.
sounds like tales to me, how can you fail to kys with a gun placed at your temples or even fatally injure yourself
How can u not even kill yourself properly wtf jfl
Search in google images "failed suiced attempt", a lot of people shoot themselves in the face but don't die and have a deformed face after that
Like this girl
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Reactions: Toth's thot and W0KESTMOTHF
Search in google images "failed suiced attempt", a lot of people shoot themselves in the face but don't die and have a deformed face after that
Like this girl

Clowns lmao , just put another bullet in and finish the job then tf
  • +1
Reactions: gamma
Depressing thread. It appears OP hasn't present since Jun 19 2021 so he has probably roped. I honestly think denying people the option to commit suicide is very cruel. While I think most of the time people shouldn't rope, there is a point where its over. I would prefer if people had the option to commit suicide painlessly over prolonging their suffering. Animals get put down to end their suffering, I don't see why humans aren't allowed the same option. It's a touchy topic which is almost impossible to bring up.

37y, 5'4, 3"x3" D, 6" Wrist Cir, KHHV​

I have no words. Hopefully he reincarnated into a different universe. Life is cruel.
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